
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ultrasound scan of rupture of uterus:

Rupture of the uterus during delivery is a known complication of pregnancy. The commonest cause is vaginal delivery after a caesarean section. Other causes include, previous surgery for tumors like fibroids and also prior classical caesareans, where the incision was placed in the upper uterus. Labor inducing medications can also cause rupture. I present ultrasound images of uterine rupture with severe hemorrhage on my ultrasound gallery at:
On ultrasound scan, the typical findings are breach of the uterine wall, with a hypoechoic collection of blood outside the uterus. Follow up scans revealed diminishing of the size of the collection. One of the images of this case is shown here. Images courtesy of Dr. Durr-e-Sabih, Pakistan.

Monday, December 4, 2006

3-D ultrasound of animal fetuses:

Ever wondered how the fetus of an elephant, a dog or a dolphin appears on ultrasound?
Then try this link: Animal ultrasound
You dont need a diploma in radiology to identify the animal fetus :-)

Friday, December 1, 2006

The latest buzz on Teleradiology:

A recent survey by researchers in Yale University in New Haven, CT suggests that American physicians would prefer to have domestic radiology services, than having teleradiologists, based overseas, report the scans or X-rays of their patients. This survey reflects strong opposition, among a section of clinicians and radiologists, to the globalization of radiology services. While US based radiologists have a reason to feel threatened by their counterparts in Asia, because of loss of their share of the pie, clinicians are concerned about the quality of teleradiology services. More on this at the link:
Survey finds domestic teleradiology preferred by referrers
This represents insecurity and anxiety as the “dirty word” ie: “outsourcing” enters the US medical arena. But if banks, financial institutions and big businesses can do having their work outsourced to India, how long will it be before the American medics follow?
Dr. Joe Antony, MD.
Do visit:
free to view ultrasound image gallery>>
I also have a medical imaging blog at:

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