
Sunday, August 30, 2009


After all your efforts at house training your pets, it can be disheartening to start seeing puddles of urine around the house. There are a lot of reasons for why this happens and the solutions to this problem are invariably directly related to those reasons. Caroline, in Oregon, sent in this question to Helpful Buckeye after reading about urinary incontinence 2 weeks ago in SPAYING AND NEUTERING, PART 3, in Questions On Dogs and Cats: "I have an older female dog that has been spayed and she has been leaving wet spots where she sleeps. I have been told this is from being spayed. Several years ago, I also had an older female dog that squatted frequently and left puddles of urine all over the house. Are these the same thing?" That's a great question, Caroline, and it will make up the DISEASE portion of this week's blog issue.

Helpful Buckeye expects that most dog and cat owners have dealt with pet urinary problems if they've had a pet long enough. Many of you have probably even been frustrated enough, when cleaning up the puddles of urine, to hum this tune to yourself: ...with apologies to Christie and their big hit from 1970.

The results of last week's poll question about the possibility of an income tax deduction for pet health care were pretty much evenly spread out over the range of choices....which isn't so strange when you consider how difficult it is to get anyone to agree on health care OR taxes! Be sure to answer this week's poll question in the column to the left.


1) Now that college campuses are starting to fill up again with students, the SPCA International is reminding those students that college and pets don't mix very well. To properly care for a pet requires a certain amount of free time and a ready supply of money...both of which are usually in short supply for most college students. If you know a college student who is considering doing this, you might want to mention this article to them:

2) The topic that is getting most of the press coverage in the USA has to be the state of our current health care system, does it need reform, and, if so, what type of reform. Take a few minutes to read this recent column from the Wall Street Journal, written by a British physician, who makes several good tongue-in-cheek points by comparing health care for dogs with health care for humans:

3) Yesterday was the birthday observation of Henry Bergh, born August 29, 1811. "Who was Henry Bergh?," you ask. Henry Bergh was a philanthropist in New York City and he founded the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in known as the ASPCA. Bergh also served as Abraham Lincoln's ambassador to Russia. The Henry Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital is now a part of the ASPCA's New York City headquarters:


Caroline's question about "Puddles of Urine" will require us to define 3 words in order to facilitate this discussion. Those words are micturition, incontinence, and polyuria.

  • Micturition: the act of passing urine.

  • Incontinence: unable to control natural discharges of urine or feces.

  • Polyuria: the passing of an excessive quantity of urine.

Caroline's current dog is apparently having bouts of urinary incontinence, which is recognized as being a form of abnormal micturition. Her previous dog was having a problem with polyuria, which is also a form of abnormal micturition. Do you have that straight, now? A few more details should make this easier to understand.

Urinary disorders can be classified as medical or behavioral in origin. At times, there may be a little haziness to the boundary between medical and behavioral because they can both have an effect on each other. Behavioral urinary disorders will be left aside right now for discussion at a later date. The most common medical urinary problems will make up the bulk of this discussion.

Urinary incontinence is the failure of voluntary control of micturition, with the constant or intermittent unconscious passage of urine. The most common cause of this type of incontinence is the decrease or absence of the sex hormones, estrogens for the female and testosterone for the male. These hormones will decrease normally as dogs age but the largest group of dogs with this problem are spayed females. Estrogen and testosterone help to control the sphincter muscle at the base of the urinary bladder, so, no hormones...sometimes no control.

Incontinent dogs may leave a pool of urine where they have been lying or they may dribble urine while walking. The hair around the vulva or the penile sheath (in the male dog) may be constantly wet with these dogs and the skin in those areas can be severely irritated from urine scalding. Hormone replacement therapy was used for years with fairly good success, but those medications have been gradually removed from the market. The medicine that is most often used for urinary incontinence control now is Proin, which your veterinarian would prescribe for your dog. Scalded areas of skin will need to be treated topically with anti-inflammatory ointments that also contain antibiotics.

The important thing to remember about this form of urinary incontinence is not to get angry with your dog...they probably can't help what's going on and they are undoubtedly as upset you are.

Polyuria, passing an excessive amount of urine, is quantified as passing more than 20 milliliters per pound of body weight of urine per day. To do the math, a 50-lb. dog would need to pass more than 1000 milliliters of urine per day to qualify as showing polyuria...which is 1 liter...which is a little more than 1 quart. Polyuria is frequently accompanied by polydipsia, which is an increased thirst, as the body tries to compensate for the loss of water in the urine.

Polyuria and polydipsia are signs of many disease processes in the dog, some more serious than others. The more common of these diseases are chronic kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, pyometra, and Cushing's Disease (overactive adrenal glands). There are also numerous medications that can lead to polyuria, such as diuretics (Lasix), anticonvulsants (for epilepsy), cortisone-type drugs (prednisone), salt, and fluid therapy. Since there are so many potential causes of polyuria and polydipsia, the underlying cause must be determined before appropriate treatment can be initiated.

Without knowing more details about Caroline's previous dog and its puddles of urine, Helpful Buckeye has to assume that any one of these diseases could have led to the polyuria. However, chronic kidney failure is usually considered to be the most common of these disorders in the older dog.

Helpful Buckeye will address these urinary disorders that usually involve polyuria or abnormal micturition, including those peculiar to cats, in future issues of Questions On Dogs and Cats. Frequent squatting to urinate should not be confused with polyuria, because that usually does not involve producing more than the normal amount of is usually associated with other types of urinary disorders, such as urinary bladder infections or urinary bladder stones.

Any questions or comments, please send an e-mail to: or click on the word "Comment" at the end of each blog issue.


1) For those of you who live in or near earthquake-prone areas, these new "suits" for your dogs and cats may be of interest:

2) The new P@W Bag allows you to safely carry your laptop AND your small pet at the same time:


1) "Busy Pets Are Happy Pets" says the ASPCA in one of their press releases this week. “With nothing to do, dogs and cats are forced to find ways to entertain themselves,” explains Kristen Collins. “Their activities of choice often include behaviors we find problematic, like excessive barking or meowing, gnawing on shoes, raiding the garbage, eating houseplants and scratching furniture.” For the rest of this interesting report, go to:

This cartoon from the New Yorker shows how to NOT approach this situation:

2) If you are looking for a worthy organization for your charitable donations, you might want to consider Dogs For The Deaf. They are located in Oregon and for the last 30+ years, they have rescued and placed more than 3000 dogs in homes. Read more about their mission at:

3) Computer gurus say that your desktop photo says a lot about you. If that's true, then all of you dog lovers might want to consider taking a look at this web site that offers a lot of really neat dog photos for downloading to be used as your computer desktop: Don't be afraid to look around this web site...they have at least 3 pages of different breeds of dogs in interesting poses.

4) Just when you thought that poodle groomers had all the work they needed, along comes Creative Poodle Grooming. Take a closer look at 12 of their creations and, if you've been reading Questions On Dogs and Cats for a while, you should be able to guess which one Helpful Buckeye likes the best: Send your guess to:

5) If you've ever thought of having your pet immortalized in a custom painting, this might be the web site for you:

6) Researchers at the National Human Genome Institute have made a discovery about dog hair that they feel might hold some answers for treating human diseases. Read more about this very interesting possibility at:

7) A special award for being the "Dummy of the Year" should be given to the pilot of this airplane. Watch the video and see if you don't agree:


The LA Dodgers took 2 of 3 from the Rockies, who were breathing down our necks, and just finished taking 2 of 3 from Cincinnati. We'll go back to LA tomorrow with a more comfortable cushion in the standings.

The Steelers continue to look good in their pre-season games.


As Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918), French writer, said: "Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." He was well ahead of Bobby McFerrin's sentiment in song: "Don't worry, Be happy!"

For those readers who did not get a chance to read the comments from last week's issue of Questions On Dogs and Cats, here is what Holly had to say: "Thanks Doc! Always interesting to come here and get the 411 to reduce the 911! Have a great week. Rory & Fiona say, " 'Aroo!' " Holly is a frequent commenter and sometimes contributor to this blog and Helpful Buckeye really appreciates her participation, especially when she turns an interesting phrase that works in some telephone lingo! Thanks a bunch, Holly!

~~The goal of this blog is to provide general information and advice to help you be a better pet owner and to have a more rewarding relationship with your pet. This blog does not intend to replace the professional one-on-one care your pet receives from a practicing veterinarian. When in doubt about your pet's health, always visit a veterinarian.~~

Big Dan's Big News Aug 30, 2009

Sick For Profit - "I Need A Bigger Mansion, No Doctor For YOU!!!"

Newsweek: The Five Biggest Lies in the Health Care Debate

Study Says World's Stocks Controlled by Select Few

You know how I keep giving you daily proof that the media isn't liberal? Here's your daily proof:

"Liberal" Washington Post shilling for Dick Cheney...again... Let me put it to you clearly: if you think the media is "liberal", you either haven't researched it, or you are an idiot who listens to Rush Limbaugh. If you do NOT think you're an idiot, please explain the daily proof I give you, that the media is NOT liberal. Who OWNS the Washington Post? Who OWNS ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN? Who OWNS Clear Channel? The OWNERS definitely aren't a "bunch of liberal"! If so, NAME THEM!!! Defending someone for clearly breaking the law and torturing, is NOT LIBERAL! But don't forget, Rush Limbaugh plays his "good cop/bad cop" part on behalf of the wealthy owners, and his job is to repeat over and over for them, "liberal media". What a scam! Starting Monday, this week on Rush Limbaugh: Rush does NOT talk about how the Washington Post continually defends Dick Cheney!!! .......explain this one:

"If anyone ever tells you that they don't understand what is meant by "stenography journalism" -- or ever insists that America is plagued by a Liberal Media -- you can show them this article from today's Washington Post and, by itself, it should clear up everything. The article's headline is "How a Detainee Became An Asset -- Sept. 11 Plotter Cooperated After Waterboarding" -- though an equally appropriate headline would be: "The Joys and Virtues of Torture -- how Dick Cheney Kept Us Safe."

Glenn Greenwald: The Washington Post's Cheney-ite defense of torture

EXTRA! Read all about it in the Washington Post: Torture worked; Cheney and torture practitioners vindicated; morale at CIA harmed. It seems coverage of the Bush administration’s “war on terror” has been put back on track by the editors of the Washington Post and their “sources,” who appear determined to highlight the supposed successes of waterboarding and other forms of torture.

Got Cheney's Attention

"Liberal Media" hires Bush's daughter on NBC; now they have almost the entire Bush & Cheney families on the "liberal media": Lynne Cheney, Dick Cheney, and Jenna Bush. Why aren't they hiring all the other Bush & Cheney kin??? Now, according to "conservatives", your personal affiliation affects your reporting. I suppose this is different!!! Because she's a Republican!!! Your personal affiliation will not affect your reporting...if you're a Republican!!! Next up: Meghann McCain joins "liberal" ABC as an unbiased reporter.....

Interview with David Neiwert author of "The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right". The differences between leftwing rhetoric vs. rightwing rhetoric. The "hate speech" is unique to "the right". Those are the FACTS, and "the right" media figures don't like this subject.

Vijay new role for his Vijay Makkal Iyakkam

Recently, the actor proved the huge support of his fans that gathered for his Vijay Makkal Iyakkam's function held at Puduchery. Vijay went to Puduchery by driving his own BMW and when nearing the meeting spot he came in a open jeep. He waved his hands to the crowd who were so enthusiastic to see him.

The Anna Thidal was full of his fans and from the open Jeep he actually like a spring jumped to the Dias. At the time,the crowd also went uncontrollable and the police had some tough moments. Vijay requested the cops not to beat his fans. Vijay replied to some questions by some youngsters regarding his films and persona life. In the Meeting he told his Iyakkam will work for the poor people in giving education and help the ladies by providing sewing machines.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

World's Tallest Hotel / Buri Al Arab Hotel, Dubai

World's Tallest Hotel / Buri Al Arab Hotel, Dubai

Buri Al Arab Hotel in Dubai is World’s Tallest Hotel. This is a seven star hotel and its height is 1,050 feet. This hotel is constructed in the man-made island and it is situated 280 meters from the sea shore.

The guests are met by the staff of the hotel at the airport and transported to the hotel by Rolls Royce or by helicopter. For check-in, the guests are directly sent to their suite. You can watch the superb designer sofa which is in red colour on the ornamental marble floor in the ground floor. In escalator you can go to the main lobby watching large aquariums and cascading water falls.

In the Hotel meetings are conducted. According to your need they have different size rooms in each floor. 200 people can accommodate in the ball room. Here you can see the luxury shops.

Big Dan's Big News Aug 29, 2009

Thugs of Fortune: A singular absurdity of the 21st century is that the nation that spends more on defense than the rest of the world combined needs to hire mercenaries to fight wars against enemies who have no defense budget at all.

Purposely buried in history: FAKE conservatives or the FAKE liberal media won't remind you about this:

Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about the Military-Industrial Complex with his departure in 1961

Here's a lot of information for you to chew on, I did the work for you:

Pentagon Pundits - Blinded By The Right

"Weapons of Mass Deception" - how the Military Industrial Complex works with corporate-owned TV:

Cheney's torture claims debunked; will the media say so?

Leon Panetta should resign, and give a real reason: for obstructing justice

Ralph Nader: Between the Rhetoric and the Reality

More people see power shut off as bills go unpaid

"In the Tank Forever": U.S. Consumers, Retailers in a "Death Spiral," Davidowitz Says

Racketeering 101: Bailed Out Banks Threaten Systemic Collapse If Fed Discloses Information

U.S. is 15 years behind South Korea in Internet speed

Missionary Accomplished...

Job as hatchetman is complete - After devastating the area, NEPA religious wrecking ball steps more churches or Catholic schools to shut down, mobsters to dedicate buildings to, teachers' unions to bust, and no elections going on to shill for Republicans...

KOOKY Bishop steps down.

It's the Bishop!!!!!!!!!!!

NEPA Corruption Probe Page

Streakers' Love Story

Bad Commercials

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tomato Pachadi preparation

3 tomatoes, chopped
1/2 cup coconut scrapings
2 tsp. coriander leaves
2 cups yoghurt
1 cucumber, peeled chopped fine
2 green chillies, chopped
6 curry leaves
1/2 tsp. mustard seeds
1 tsp. oil
salt and sugar to taste

Grind coconut and mix with tomatoes, cucumber, chillies salt and sugar. Add yoghurt and mix well.Heat oil. Add mustard and curry leaves. When they pop, pour oil over pachadi. Add coriander leaves. Serve cold.

Big Dan's Big News Aug 28, 2009

Who's putting serial health care misinformers like Betsy McCaughey on the "fake liberal" TV news shows? She just resigned as a paid director of Cantel Medical Supplies company, right after Jon Stewart exposed what a LIAR SHILL she is!!! Betsy McCaughey "...the day after sparring with Jon Stewart — is 'resigning to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest during the national debate over healthcare reform.'" Avoiding any appearance of a conflict of interest??? It wasn't an appearance of a conflict of interest, it WAS a conflict of interest, on purpose by a medical company!!! How many times do they think we will believe that these people "just happen to" work for medical companies!!! Exposed by Jon Stewart, the ONLY person who didn't give her an unchallenged forum for her infomercial!!! But the BIGGER question is: WHO'S PUTTING THESE PEOPLE ON TV???

Does she need public dental care? The VERY RICH and RICHLY PAID by medical companies, Betsy "TV Shill" McCaughey, who doesn't need health care, but is doing her best to stop health care reform. Is it time to "eat the rich" yet? Think about this: she's on TV all the time, but they never told us she's a director of a medial supplies company AND THEN the same TV that parades her around doesn't tell us she was forced to resign because of the Jon Stewart interview!!! It's always been rich vs. poor.

Serial health care misinformer Betsy McCaughey continues to be paraded on the "liberal media", you know, the "liberal media" that's owned by 5 corporations that aren't liberal. How long are you going to fall for the sham "liberal media"? The "liberal media" speaks for the wealthy few, corporations, the military industrial complex, and politicians from both parties that speak for them. Check out the Betsy McCaughey health care serial media misinformer page. The video below, shows you what happens when corporate-paid shill liars get questioned by legit people, and aren't simply allowed a forum to spout lies unchallenged by anyone like a megaphone for the corporations that are paying them. That's why they want us to think the corporate TV media is liberal, so we don't ask questions like: "WHO IS BETSY MCCAUGHEY???" The real question is, "Who is putting these people on TV???" THEY are the real villains; the shills in front of the camera are a dime-a-dozen, the TV OWNERS will simply replace her now that she's been exposed:

When we Europeans – the British included – contemplate the battles President Obama must fight to reform the US health system, our first response tends to be disbelief.......

Teabaggers wouldn't DARE protest anything Obama's doing that's unconstitutional, if it's a continuation of something the Bush administration started - like domestic spying or torture or intrusion of privacy into your laptops...

‘Tenther’ Activists Add The Federal Highway System To List Of Programs To Kill

"The Corporation" movie below: once you start it, you can mouse over it to toggle through the 23 short separate sections with the giant left/right arrows on the side. You can enlarge it and watch it full screen.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Placental calcification

Calcification of placenta is a sign of normal degenerative changes taking place in the placenta. This usually happens in the 3rd trimester and is usually of little or no clinical significance. However, if seen earlier (2nd trimster) it might signify placental aging and abnormal degenerative changes. In the ultrasound video attached, there is extensive calcium deposition of the placenta on the maternal surface, (or basal part). Such calcific changes of the placenta do not indicate any placental pathology. See: sonography of placenta for more images and cases.

Big Dan's Big News Aug 27, 2009

Veteran Senator Edward Kennedy (1932 - 2009): Remebered on Democracy Now 8/26/09

Rush Limbaugh eulogizes Ted Kennedy, by congratulating himself on predicting the name of the health care bill would invoke Ted Kennedy's name...if Ted died:

McCarthy: We do NOT have Best Health Care Man Challenges Microphone Turned Off! Was this on TV? Of course not! They only show the anti-health care protesters on the "liberal media"! The daily proof that the media isn't liberal: it's owned by 5 corporations that aren't liberal. In the last video, REAL Americans fight back at a Town Hall meeting confrontation which I'm sure didn't make the corporate-owned "liberal media": Randall Terry is escorted out of a Town Hall meeting for disrputing it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Big Dan's Big News Aug 26, 2009

Who's paying to kill health care reform? Click on picture to enlarge.

Sen Coburn Tells Women Crying Over Health Care "Govt Is Not The Answer"

Health insurance premiums have increased 119% over the last decade

Health reform built on private insurance isn’t working and can’t work; it costs too much and delivers too little. At present, bureaucracy consumes 31 percent of each healthcare dollar. The Connector - the new state agency created to broker coverage under the reform law - is adding another 4.5 percent to the already sky-high overhead charged by private insurers. Administrative costs at Blue Cross are nearly five times higher than Medicare’s and 11 times those in Canada’s single payer system. Single payer reform could save $7.7 billion annually on paperwork and insurance profits in Massachusetts, enough to cover all of the uninsured and to upgrade coverage for the rest of us.

Of course, single payer reform is anathema to the health insurance industry. But breaking their stranglehold on our health system and our politicians is the only way for health reform to get beyond square one………….

From "Death Panels" to "Death Books", what's next from the Republican Noise Machine?

...breaking...we have our answer already, of what's after "Death Books": ZOMBIES!!!"Pallin' around with terrorists->Birthers->Death Panels->Death Books->ZOMBIES!!!!!!!! (...then ALIENS???)

Mass. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy dies at age 77

Robert F Kennedy explains vaccines and the autism coverup

Deadly Immunity - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. investigates the government cover-up of a mercury/autism scandal

Lessons in Leadership: Why Obama Needs to Brush Up on His FDR

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today welcomed a court ruling that the Federal Reserve must reveal the names of banks that have received more than $2.2 trillion in secret loans.

Published: 12/12/01 FOX News. Part 1 of a 4 part series: Part 2- Part 3 - Part 4. These items have since been removed from the FOX News web site:

Now Fox News has learned some U.S. investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S., who may have known things they didn't tell us before September 11. Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron has details in the first of a four-part series.

Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.? Part 1


Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Jane's Addiction

SIBEL EDMONDS' DEPOSITION: VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT RELEASED. Long-gagged FBI whistleblower's full under-oath testimony from Ohio election case, details Congressional blackmail, bribery, espionage, infiltration, more...

Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Where is Donald Rumsfeld?

Pentagon Pundits - Blinded By The Right

Kseniya Simonova - Sand Animation (Україна має талант / Ukraine's Got Talent)

Sand Animation

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Big Dan's Big News Aug 25, 2009

Universal Health Care Message to Americans From Canadian Doctors & Health Care Experts

Joe Lieberman is so concerned about health care reform...but let's not do it!!!

Can we sue media (like Rush Limbaugh or even ABC), astroturfers like Freedom Works, or even politicians that are lying, misleading, or suppressing information to the public about health care, which can be directly attributed to stopping health coverage for this successful lawsuit against tobacco companies, who were sued for basically the same thing: lying, misinformation, suppression of information directly leading to the deaths of people???

Jury: Philip Morris USA should pay $13.8M in punitive damages to lung cancer victim's daughter

Chuck Todd: Meet Jeremy Scahill!!!

Bush critics: still evil, crazy extremists

More news that's not in the "news" you're supposed to think is "liberal"...

Long-gagged FBI whistleblower's full under-oath testimony from Ohio election case, details Congressional blackmail, bribery, espionage, infiltration, more...

Palestinians seek organ theft probe

Israelis Restrict Palestinians' Water Supply

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Is anyone more than a little curious about where the so-called “populist revolt” against the Obama administration’s health care proposals is coming from and who is paying for it? You know, the revolt where people scream and disrupt town hall meetings, brandish guns outside in the street, and label a public option that would help some of the 47 million without health insurance get treatment as “socialist”?

My question is where were these brave patriots hiding when the Bush administration launched massive undeclared wars against Iraq and Afghanistan? Where were they when the military/CIA torture and rendition scandals erupted? Where were they when the Bush and later the Obama administrations gave away several trillion dollars in government bailouts, guarantees, and commitments to the financiers who engineered the biggest heist of the people’s money in history?

The health care revolt stinks of hypocrisy, manipulation, and behind-the-scenes collusion between right-wing political groups and their financial backers. I haven’t yet figured out the paper trail, but I bet the financial sources are the same as, or very close to, the financial oligarchs who just finished ripping off our republic on such an unprecedented scale.

I think that many, if not most, of these protesters are cowards who only step forth when someone big, important, and powerful is signaling it’s okay and paying for it.

In fact I think the health care revolt is a staged distraction to divert attention away from the fact that the recession isn’t really ending, that jobs continue to disappear even as the stock market firms up, that worker purchasing power continues to drop, and that the plight of the poor, elderly, disenfranchised, and out of work gets worse every day.

Wanna bet? - Richard C. Cook

Global Warming problem

Global Warming is the biggest problem and everybody should know what the effects of global warming are and how we can reduce it. If we grow more trees, this will help us reduce the global warming.

Isha Foundation organized a Scheme called Pasumai Karangal and they have donated 25 thousand saplings. The first sapling was planted by Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister Mr.M.K.Stalin. The chief guest for this event was Founder of Isha Sad Guru Jagi Vasudev.

Actress Shriya flagged off the Green Marathon at Tirupur Town Hall. On this occasion, Shriya said that not to use plastic bags and grow more trees around your house. Actor Prakash Raj also appealed that growing more number of trees will increase the groundwater and we can get more rains.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Big Dan's Big News Aug 24, 2009

Idaho tea party activist/GOP leader arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.

...pulled a handgun on a resident whose home he told police he was photographing as part of a foreclosure investigation.....probably not in the "news"......or do they call it the "liberal media"??? If the mainstream media is "liberal", what's all this stuff I'm posting all the time? It doesn't look like what we're told is the "liberal media". Peculiar, huh? Our weakness is our strength.

More news that's not in the news...corrupt elections officials never make the news, they wouldn't want everyone to question America's "elections"...Former Democratic NM Secretary of State Indicted on 50 Counts

Meet Energy Citizens - the latest corporate shill astroturf group brought to you by the same astroturfer "coalition" as the anti-health care "citizens/protesters"! A leaked memo reveals the American Petroleum Institute is asking oil companies to recruit employees, retirees and contractors to take part in rallies against climate change legislation. Everything is fine in Freedonia!!! (videos: Ring of Fire on Energy Citizens, this week in cartoons, Democracy NOW! coverage of leaked Energy Citizens memo)

Govt-Funded Reporter Urged Lynching of Black Congresswoman

(WIRED) Lawyer: FBI Paid Right-Wing Blogger Charged With Threats (Hal Turner)

Hal Turner: brought to you by the FBI:

Using kids for political purposes, these kids don't even know who Obama is, just throw a shirt on them and parade them around!

If a bombing occurs in Sweden, you'll know why...

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Now that the American public has been inundated with information on Swine Flu and indoctrinated as to its potential severity, we find out that Swine Flu is really just like the common flu we've known for years. Most communities, schools, and health departments are not even going to be doing any tests for Swine Flu, figuring that it doesn't make sense to waste resources to find out what it is, if the treatment is the same as for the traditional flu.

Virologists and epidemiologists have been and will continue to be vigilant for influenza viruses that cross species barriers (Avian Flu, Swine Flu) since they are more likely to cause problems of major proportions. With that thought in mind, dog owners might now be confronted with a relatively new influenza virus that represents a very rare event in adaptive evolution: the entire sequence of genetic information of the equine influenza virus was transferred to dogs and the virus adapted to the canine species to emerge as a new canine-specific virus (photo from Ken, in Flagstaff):

Helpful Buckeye will not attempt to turn all of our readers into virologists (I'm not one either) with this column of Questions On Dogs and Cats; however, it is important that all dog owners be informed as to the development of this new disease and what the current recommendations are. Stay tuned later in this issue for this discussion! Meanwhile, be sure to study this model of the basic Influenza virus:

Our polling question for last week provided some uplifting information. Most of you, as it turns out, have been able to successfully give medicine to your a rate of 75%! That's pretty good when you consider how tough some dogs can be when you try to open their mouths. Be sure to answer the polling question this week in the column to the left.


1) How many of you, while filling out your income tax returns, have mused about the possibility of deducting your costs of pet health care? Well, if a Congressman from Michigan has his way, that possibility might become a reality. Read about his proposal here:

2) Many cities have tried different approaches to the pet population problem of unwanted litters. Ft. Worth, TX, has instituted a fairly high fee for the registration of intact (not neutered or spayed) pets and it will be interesting to see if this might be a solution:

3) A man in Virginia is attempting to have a court decide if a dog has only the monetary value of its purchase or a greater value, based on emotional attachment. This decision could have some interesting ramifications:

4) In preparation for their upcoming pure breed event this Fall, the world's largest showcase of cats and dogs, the Cat Fanciers' Association and the American Kennel Club hope to inspire a little healthy competition by asking you to declare your canine or feline allegiance. You can register your vote here:


Helpful Buckeye has briefly touched on the subject of Canine (Dog) Influenza in past issues of Questions On Dogs and Cats, at: and

The number of confirmed cases of this flu-like disease has been increasing and it has now been reported in more than half of the 48 contiguous states. In much the same way that humans are being made more aware of the new types of influenza infections, the American Veterinary Medical Association just released this update:

Canine Influenza--August 21, 2009

Causative Agent

Canine Influenza represents a very rare event in adaptive evolution; the entire genome of the equine influenza virus was transferred to dogs, and the virus adapted to the canine species to emerge as a new canine-specific virus. Although the virus spreads readily from dog to dog, there is no evidence to support that it can be transmitted from dogs to humans.

Natural Distribution

The first recognized outbreak of canine influenza is believed to have occurred in racing greyhounds in January 2004 at a track in Florida. From June to August of 2004, outbreaks of respiratory disease were reported at 14 tracks in 6 states (Florida, Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, and Kansas). Between January and May of 2005, outbreaks occurred at 20 tracks in 11 states (Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Arizona, West Virginia, Kansas, Iowa, Colorado, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts). Florida, Colorado, and the New York City region have become endemic for CI (the virus is considered to be established in those areas), and Pittsburgh (PA) and Lexington (KY) may also be emerging as endemic areas. Sporadic seropositive dogs have been found in many other states throughout the nation. As of October 2, 2008, 1,079 cases of canine influenza were confirmed by the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Health Diagnostic Center. At least one case of canine influenza was confirmed in 28 of the 48 contiguous states; no cases were confirmed in Alaska or Hawaii. Because this is a new influenza virus in dogs, they are not expected to have any immunity to canine influenza when first exposed to the virus. If the virus enters a kennel or other closed group of dogs, a high percentage of the dogs will probably become infected, and most of these dogs will show signs of sickness.


Canine influenza is spread via air-borne respiratory secretions and contaminated inanimate objects and people moving between infected and uninfected dogs. The incubation period is usually two to five days. Infected dogs shed virus for seven to 10 days after clinical signs first appear. Because this is a newly emerging pathogen, all dogs, regardless of breed or age, are susceptible to infection and have no naturally acquired or vaccine-induced immunity. Approximately 20-25% of infected dogs are expected to show no signs of illness, but can still shed the virus and disseminate the disease. Although most dogs will have a milder form of canine influenza and recover, some may develop severe pneumonia.

Clinical Signs

Virtually all dogs that are exposed become infected with the virus, but approximately 80% of these will develop clinical signs of disease. The approximately 20% of infected dogs that do not exhibit clinical signs of disease can still shed the virus and can spread the infection.
Canine influenza virus causes clinical disease that mimics kennel cough. Clinical disease may be mild or severe.

The majority of infected dogs (80%) exhibit the mild form. In the mild form, the most common clinical sign is a cough that persists for 10 to 21 days despite treatment with antibiotics and cough suppressants. Most dogs have a soft, moist cough, whereas others have a dry cough that is similar to that seen with kennel cough. Many dogs will have a purulent (pus) nasal discharge and a low-grade fever. The nasal discharge is usually caused by secondary bacterial infections.
Some dogs are more severely affected with clinical signs of pneumonia, such as a high-grade fever (104°F to 106°F) and increased respiratory rate and effort.


To date, there is no reliable rapid test for diagnosis of acute canine influenza virus infection. The most reliable and sensitive method for confirmation of infection is serologic testing. Antibodies to canine influenza virus may be detected in the blood as early as seven days after onset of clinical signs.


As for all viral diseases, treatment is largely supportive. Good care and nutrition may assist dogs in mounting an effective immune response. In the milder form of the disease, a thick green nasal discharge most likely represents a secondary bacterial infection that usually resolves quickly after treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Pneumonia in more severely affected dogs responds best to a combination of broad-spectrum bactericidal antibiotics (to combat secondary bacterial infections) and maintenance of hydration via intravenous administration of fluids.
Currently available antiviral drugs are approved for use in humans only and little is known about their use, effectiveness, and safety in dogs.

Morbidity and Mortality

The morbidity rate (the number of exposed animals that develop disease) associated with canine influenza is estimated at 80%. Deaths occur mainly in dogs with the severe form of disease; the mortality rate is thought to be 1-5% or slightly higher. Higher case fatality rates have been reported in small groups of greyhounds that developed hemorrhagic pneumonia during outbreaks.

Prevention and Control

In veterinary hospitals, boarding and shelter facilities, the canine influenza virus appears to be easily killed by disinfectants commonly used in these facilities, including bleach. Protocols should be established for thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting cages, bowls and other surfaces between uses. Employees should wash their hands with soap and water:

  • before and after handling each dog

  • after coming into contact with dogs' saliva, urine, feces, or blood

  • after cleaning cages

  • upon arriving at and before leaving the facility.

Isolation protocols should be rigorously applied for dogs showing clinical signs of respiratory disease. Clothing, equipment, surfaces and hands should be cleaned and disinfected after exposure to dogs showing signs of respiratory disease. Dog owners whose dogs are coughing or exhibiting other signs of respiratory disease should not participate in activities or bring their dogs to facilities where other dogs can be exposed to the virus.

In May 2009, the USDA approved the licensure of the first influenza vaccine for dogs developed by Intervet/Schering Plough Animal Health Corporation. The canine influenza vaccine contains inactivated whole virus.

The vaccine is intended as an aid in the control of disease associated with Canine Influenza virus infection. Although the vaccine may not prevent infection altogether, trials have shown that the vaccination may significantly reduce the severity and duration of clinical illness, including the incidence and severity of damage to the lungs. In addition, the vaccine reduces the amount of virus shed and shortens the shedding interval; therefore, vaccinated dogs that become infected develop less severe illness and are less likely to spread the virus to other dogs. These benefits are similar to those provided by influenza vaccines used in other species, including humans.

The canine influenza vaccine is a non-core (not yearly) vaccine, and is not recommended for every dog. In general, the vaccine is intended for the protection of dogs at risk for exposure to the virus, which include those that either participate in activities with many other dogs or are housed in communal facilities, particularly where the virus is prevalent. Dogs that may benefit from canine influenza vaccination include those that receive the kennel cough vaccine, because the risk groups are similar. Dog owners should consult with their veterinarian to determine whether their dog's lifestyle includes risks for exposure to the virus, and if the vaccine is appropriate for their dog.

Helpful Buckeye would like to point out these additional facts about Canine Influenza:

  • Unlike human influenza, this infection is not a seasonal infection. It can occur year round.

  • Fortunately, most dogs will recover within 2 weeks without any further health complications.

  • There is no evidence for any breed or age susceptibility for developing pneumonia during this infection.

  • Dogs that mainly stay at home and walk around the neighborhood are at low risk. Dogs in shelters, boarding and training facilities, day care centers, dog shows, veterinary clinics, pet stores, and grooming facilities are at the highest risk for exposure to the virus.

  • In addition to Canine Influenza not infecting humans, there is no documentation that cats have been infected either.


For those of you searching for just the right type of cover for a piece of furniture that will protect it as well, check out this product:


1) In what may be an indication of an upcoming featured service for your pets, read this interview with a small animal massage therapist:

2) Some of you must have experienced a "Candid" camera moment with your cat or dog. See what other pet owners have witnessed:

3) There is still enough summer weather remaining to enjoy these "Summer Hot Dogs":

4) Continuing with that thought, here are "10 Signs It's The Dog Days Of Summer":

5) Since we're being a little corny this week, there's no reason to stop now! Enjoy these cat-dog hybrids that are someone's fantasy (cursor down the page to see all 13 of them):

6) If you think you know your dog breeds, here is a fun quiz for you (sponsored by the AKC):

7) Here's an interesting story about Lacey, a retired police dog, and her adoptive owners in Vermont. From the USA Today:


The LA Dodgers continued to have problems beating the St. Louis Cardinals...if we have to face these guys in the playoffs, we will be in trouble.


Desperado and Helpful Buckeye saw the movie, Julie & Julia, this week and really enjoyed it! The discussions about food were mouth-watering and the creation of Julie's blog was interesting. We highly recommend it!

In the words of Count Basie, the esteemed jazz band leader, "I'm saying: to be continued, until we meet again. Meanwhile, keep on listening and tapping your feet."
~~The goal of this blog is to provide general information and advice to help you be a better pet owner and to have a more rewarding relationship with your pet. This blog does not intend to replace the professional one-on-one care your pet receives from a practicing veterinarian. When in doubt about your pet's health, always visit a veterinarian.~~


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