
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Healthcare Breakdown: Deliberate Malice or Clueless Bungling?

Is the current administration deliberately destroying our healthcare system or are the folks in charge clueless bunglers? Considering the lead-shield transparency of the current administration, it stands to reason that the American public will turn to gossip for a bit of insight. And who better to whisper in our ears than The Prowler, writing for The American Spectator?

According to The Prowler, when the White House got wind that AT&T, Caterpillar, John Deere, Verizon and other corporations were charging their books hundreds of millions of dollars (a billion dollars in the case of AT&T) in expenses caused by passage of ObamaCare, Rahm Emanuel and Valerie Jarrett hit the phones "and attacked them for doing so." One Washington office head said that the White House calls were accusatory and "downright rude." A White House staffer gave this view: "These are Republican CEOs who are trying to embarrass the President and Democrats in general. . . . It's BS."
The companies are taking the charges because in 2013 they will lose a tax deduction on tax-free government subsidies they have had when they give retirees a Medicare Part D prescription-drug reimbursement. Many of these companies have more than 100,000 retirees each. AT&T may have more than three-quarters of a million retirees to cover. 
"Most of these people [in the Administration] have never had a real job in their lives. They don't understand a thing about business, and that includes the President," says a senior lobbyist for one of the companies that announced the charge. "My CEO sat with the President over lunch with two other CEOs, and each of them tried to explain to the President what this bill would do to our companies and the economy in general. First the President didn't understand what they were talking about. Then he basically told my boss he was lying. Frankly my boss was embarrassed for him; he clearly had not been briefed and didn't know what was in the bill." [emphasis mine]
Next, Henry Waxman and Bart Stupak decided to haul some of these "Republican CEOs" into Congressional hearings to investigate their "claims" that the new law "could adversely affect their company's ability to provide health insurance to their employees." Not "would affect," mind you, "could affect." As though the effect is some remote possibility.
Neither Waxman or Stupak -- who betrayed the pro-life community by negotiating for more than a week with the White House to ensure his vote on the health care bill -- had anything more than a cursory understanding of how the many sections of the bill would impact business or even individual citizens before they voted on the bill, says House Energy Democrat staff. "We had memos on these issues, but none of our people, we think, looked at them," says  a staffer. "When they saw the stories last week about the charges some of the companies were taking, they were genuinely surprised and assumed that the companies were just doing this to embarrass them.  They really believed this bill would immediately lower costs. They just didn't understand what they were voting on." [emphasis mine]
The American people have been trying to explain this bill to Congress for more than a year, and the Democrats still don't have any idea what kind of hell they've delivered to us. Of course, that's the generous view.

For this, most Americans bear shame. We have allowed Henry Waxman of California to exercise the power of Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. And we have allowed Bart Stupak of Michigan to be Chairman of the Oversight and Investigations panel.

We'd better pay a lot more attention to whom we give power over our laws lives, while we still have the chance.
Related posts:

Big Dan's Big News March 31, 2010


Sarah Palin "helps" John McCain's senatorial campaign in Arizona: "Zipples" ain't helpin'!!!!!!!!!

Lady and the Gramps - No matter what Sarah Palin says about John McCain, she can't help but make him look bad.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Lady and the Gramps
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Reform

When will it occur to you, that most of this stuff is NOT in the "liberal media"???

Post-Palin Alaska has largest debt burden in US

As U.S. GDP declines during GOP regimes, it does so because 'wealth' is literally transferred upward to a 'ruling elite' class, a laundered pay-off to the 'base'. At present, just one percent of the nation's total population owns, by some estimates, more wealth than is owned by about 95 percent of the rest of the population. *

Why GOP Policies Are a Cruel Fraud


Chertoff Joins Defense Firm that Defrauded U.S.

American College Debt

All Americans have a right to a college a state school...or a county school...if you can even afford that...

Many progressives are angry at President Barack Obama’s concessions to corporate interests -- and even to Republicans -- on healthcare reform, essentially embracing Mitt Romney’s industry-friendly plan for Massachusetts and throwing away the sliver of a public option that the House had approved.

But, as Jeff Cohen notes in this guest essay, progressives won an important consolation prize when Congress tacked on to the healthcare "reconciliation" bill a direct student loan program, which cut bank subsidies out of the process:

Soon, private profiteers (and subsidies to them) will be sidelined, and the government will save taxpayers billions by providing service directly to Americans in need.

Does anyone else find it odd, that right after Obama passed the student loan bill, there was a student loan data theft???

Company and federal officials said they believed last week's theft of identity data on 3.3 million people with student loans was the largest-ever breach of such information and could affect as many as 5% of all federal student-loan borrowers.

Who is David Brian Stone, leader of the Hutaree militia?

Department of Homeland Security raids Militas:

What a shocker (NOT): this militia had a secret FBI agent in it:

Undercover agent helped in probe of Hutaree

Hutaree Michigan Militia leader was a Ron Paul fanatic who believed the Antichrist was on the way

Mission: Accomplished! Rightwing Republican operatives take down ACORN with false edited hoax videos that the media ate up and didn't retract. ACORN is a community activist group of mostly poor minorities that was the target of conservative smears because they don't vote Republican and they registered a million voters last election. Republican Jesus would be proud!

O'Keefe, Breitbart 'Sad, Pathetic, Assholes' for Targeting ACORN Say 'Yes Men': RAW STORY

NYT corrects ACORN story, but damage is done

Now that the community organizing group ACORN has declared that it is disbanding, many observers say the media should bear the blame for publicizing the phony tapes that started the group's downfall. Blogger Brad Friedman says that while the New York TImes has admitted some errors in its reporting, that doesn't go far enough.

Laura Flanders on GritTV: NYT's Belated ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax Correction 'Way, Way, WAY Too Late'. Delay suggests 'prejudice, bias' by 'paper of record' in favor of Rightwingers...


You Don’t Mess With The LBMA - Assassination Attempt On Silver Market Manipulation Whistleblower?

JPMorgan 'chase' story in UK

Estimating that an essentially bankrupt company like AIG could have shaved 40 percent off what it owed big banks like Societe Generale and Goldman Sachs (an Audit funder), Bloomberg says the New York Fed’s decision to make its buddies whole (its then-chairman was a former Goldman chairman who would soon start re-loading up on its stock) cost taxpayers more than $13 billion.

Bloomberg on AIG as Banks’ Backdoor Bailout

New York Fed’s Secret Choice to Pay for Swaps Hits Taxpayers

Goldman’s Backdoor Bailout. A call for transparency in the taxpayer rescue of Wall Street

It's admitted to the CFTC: London gold market is a Ponzi scheme

What secrets are hidden in the Federal Reserve's trillion-dollar shadow? Economic recovery depends on confidence, and confidence requires knowledge. But Senators like Chris Dodd and Judd Gregg don't want us to have that knowledge. They don't even want it themselves.

Dodd's Financial "Reform" Bill Is Nothing but a Placebo for a Very Sick Economy

Bill Murphy of GATA Reveals Whistle-Blower in Gold Price Suppression

Bill Murphy, Chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee delivers his testimony about a whistle-blower in the gold price suppression scheme to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission on 3/25/10.

Bill Murphy of GATA Speaks to CFTC

Carl Romanelli of the Green Party informational press release:

NEPA Press Release:

Greens change date of regular meeting, announce regional meeting April 10, 2010

The Green Party of Luzerne County has announced that its regular monthly meeting for April will be scheduled for April 10, at 11:00 AM, at Barnes and Noble, South Main St., Wilkes-Barre; due to the Easter holiday weekend. The meetings of the party are normally held the first Saturday of each month.
The April meeting will also be a regional meeting for Northeastern PA Green chapters, in order to plan activities for the upcoming Earth Day celebration. Greens from Luzerne, Wyoming, Wayne, Susquehanna, and Lackawanna counties are expected to participate. Details of events for Earth Day will be publicized after the meeting, though this year’s focus is on Marcellus Shale issues in Pennsylvania.
Additionally, Green Party Nomination Papers will be available for signing and circulating. The Pennsylvania Green Party has nominated Pittsburgh area resident and physician assistant, Mel Packer for US Senate in 2010. Jay Sweeney of Wyoming County will be on hand at the meeting. Sweeney is seeking the office of State Representative in the 111th District.

The Green Party is an independent political party dedicated to principles of ecology, justice, peace, and diversity. The Luzerne County party has been in existence since 2000 and has met monthly ever since. Meetings are free of charge and the public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Ed Asner for 9/11 Truth

15 MILLION hits on youtube:

Bombs, explosions, secondary explosions, explosive many more times do we need to hear these words being said by 9/11 witnesses before we start asking questions about what really happened on that awful day?

All of the individual news reports in this video can be found on YouTube and other video sites. This video shows that many actual 9/11 witnesses heard and saw explosions going off inside the towers, long before they actually fell. These witnesses include police, firemen and reporters.

And what is even more shocking is the fact that all of this has been largely ignored by the mainstream media after the day itself.

For those debunkers who wish to keep saying that the explosions were caused by gas lines, please save your breath. All of the three buildings that were blown up on 9/11 were all Class-A buildings. This means that gas lines were not permitted because the buildings had to comply with the safety regulations set out for Class-A buildings. So there were no gas lines!

We really need to wake up to the facts and ask questions. If we don't, what does that say about us?

Sorry about the sync loss with the audio. All of these news clips are available elsewhere on YouTube as well as in the archives of the main news media sites.

Steven Colbert: Forgive and Forget:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Forgive and Forget
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Reform

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Big Dan's Big News March 30, 2010

Health Care Slime Machine - John Oliver, Wyatt Cenac and Aasif Mandvi report on the violence following the passage of the health care bill. The "TWO-STATE SOLUTION":

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Health Care Slime Machine
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Reform

Sarah Palin puts gun crosshairs on our congressman Chris Carney, among others:

Richard Connor: He rode in from secessionist state of Texas to buy the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader to make it "Fair and Balanced"!

Keeping in line with rightwing/Republican/conservative veiled threats, Richard Connor's editorial is entitled:

Ah, for the days when pistols settled politics Richard L. Connor Opinion

Another gun-reference "coincidence"! This is exactly why I cancelled the Times Leader and subscribe to the Citizen's Voice.

Since Connor started running the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, they've syndicated columns by rightwing nutcakes Ann Coulter, Mona Charen, and George Will. TL broke the story of Republican Don Sherwood choking his mistress, then endorsed Don Sherwood over Chris Carney after Conor took well as endorsing nutcake Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum. Then when the TL staff voted to endorse Obama over McCain/Palin, Connor was nice enough to force them to re-vote after giving them a "Gipper" speech. The staff still voted for Obama. THAT is what rightwingers call "democracy": when the owner of the paper calls a re-vote on Obama and tries to persuade the staff to change their minds!

Fake liberal Steve Corbett of local talk radio station WILK ignores the Sarah Palin crosshairs of Chris Carney AND Richard Conor's gun reference in his editorial "Ah, for the days when pistols settled politics Richard L. Connor Opinion". He never met a Republican he didn't like, and uses his show to attack only Democrats. And he voted for Sarah "Crosshairs" Palin, and is supposedly anti-gun...but ignores these two current stories. NOW...if Joe Biden says "FUCK", that's a different story! Corbett will devote an entire week to that...or if Obama says "SWEETIE" to someone. That's important, not Sarah Palin thinly veiling an incitement to violence by putting Chris Carney in crosshairs of a gun! Corbett is anti-violence, too...under certain circumstances. It's going to ring pretty hollow the next time he says he's a big anti-gun liberal, isn't it? Just more FAKERY. Corbett: I think Biden said "FUCK" again, better get right on it. Corbett seems to be more interested in a candidate having a vagina or not, rather than a candidate being liberal or not. When Hillary was beaten, he switched to Sarah Palin. Palin is the farthest thing from liberal to come along in a while, being an evangelical, a secessionist, and wildly pro-gun among other things know...putting Democrats in gun crosshairs. And get rid of the outdated Hillary promo, it's over with and annoying. And little kids saying "you better listen", I'm sure there's little kids listening to a talk show on the radio. Liberals don't keep reminding you they're liberal, they let their actions speak for themselves and let others call them liberal based on those actions. The same goes for people who go around always broadcasting that they are "patriots" and wearing red, white, and blue and waving flags all the time and having their screeners tell you to say "you're a great American" before you say something to them and putting the word "freedom" in the name of your shill organization. If Steve Corbett is a liberal, I have a bridge to sell'll be available soon, it's on 8th Street in Wyoming. They're almost finished knocking it down. The only show worth listening to on WILK's strictly rightwing lineup including Rush Limbaugh, is the Nancy & Kevin Show. Turn the channel off after that, or turn the radio off.

Republicans holding up RECORD number of Obama appointees for MONTHS!

The RNC was revealed by The Daily Caller to have incurred thousands of dollars in expenses at a bondage-themed nightclub that features topless lesbian dancers, as well as other lavish escapades in its trip southern California last month.

And that's not the end of the Republican Party's troubles.

GOP Fires Staffer Over $1,946 Topless Club Visit

"Quigley...DIE..." - Scientists Successfully Teach Gorilla It Will Die Someday

Tulane University researchers say Quigley is now able to experience the crippling fear of impending death previously only accessible to humans.

How Many Blacks Consider Themselves Part of the Tea Party?

Wax Lips, always a good read, presents an interesting analysis of the membership of the Tea Party, guaranteed to send shivers up the spines of Democrat politicians in Congress (if they had spines).

Recently, Althouse published some results of a Quinnipiac poll revealing the demographics of the Tea Party movement, as follows:
74 percent are Republicans or independent voters leaning Republican;
16 percent are Democrats or independent voters leaning Democratic;
5 percent are solidly independent;
45 percent are men;
55 percent are women;
88 percent are white;
77 percent voted for Sen. John McCain in 2008;
15 percent voted for President Barack Obama.
Wax Lips has a politically astute aunt who commented on this poll thusly:
The report which accompanies the poll tells us that, “at this stage” the Tea Party movement is a “minority group” consisting “mainly” of white Republicans; a minority group, we are told, roughly the size of the African-American electorate. This fact, presented in a seemingly dismissive manner, is staggering. The African-American electorate is a highly sought after voting block which was, by all accounts, responsible for assuring Obama’s 2008 victory. That the Tea Party movement is a voting block of equal size deserves serious attention.

I am likewise amazed that the Assistant Director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute so completely misses the significance of the demographics. Describing a movement in opposition to the current (Democratic) leadership in Washington as “mostly made up of people who consider themselves Republican” completely misses (deliberately hides?) the significance of the fact that one out of every five Tea Party participants is a Democrat.

Likewise, a movement which is “mainly white”, in a country where 77% of the population is, in fact, white, is hardly newsworthy. What *is* newsworthy, is that 6% of the participants in the Tea Party movement are black. Think about that. Blacks comprise a mere 1% of the Republican Party. One might expect, then, a movement made up “mainly” of Republicans to be, at best, 1% black. Yet, a full 6% of the Tea Party movement is black. That’s quite a difference.

In fact, looking at it from a different angle, blacks make up 12% of the total US population. It would be unrealistic to expect a full 12% of the Tea Party movement to be black, given that election results indicate nearly 95% of all black voters voted for Obama. This would lead us to expect 11.4% of the US population (that is, 95% of the black population) to be pro-Obama blacks, and a mere 0.6% of the total population to be blacks critical of the president and his policies. Yet, the number of black participants in the Tea Party movement, at 6%, turns out to be significantly larger than that. Larger, in fact, by a factor of 10. That is an amazing statistic, especially in light of the continuous efforts to describe the Tea Party movement as racist.
Excellent observations, Auntie. Let's see if I got this straight. Obama is losing support among blacks, a surprising number of whom are part of the Tea Party.

After reading Auntie's analysis, I went back to the Quinnipiac poll and checked out the results. My reading of the results under the category of "Race" is that 11% of people who consider themselves part of the Tea Party" are non-hispanic Blacks. That's a mighty close reflection of the percentage of Blacks in the total US population (12%). (Auntie, if I've gotten this wrong, please correct me!)

If either the 6% or 11% figure is anywhere near accurate, it's easy to see why the Democrats would go out of their way to portray the Tea Party movement as a collection of dangerous racist Whites perfectly capable of spitting on Black leaders. Democrats must be worryingly aware that the survival of their supremacy depends on discouraging as many Black people as possible from claiming their Conservative roots, and their smears on the Tea Party are also calculated to increase the pressure on Black Conservatives to keep their mouths shut. That won't be too easy. One problem with this charade is that it's been tried so often that nearly everyone in the country caught on to it long ago.

My prediction: It won't work nearly as well as the Democrats hope. Desperate measures seldom do, especially hollow ones. And what could be more hollow than protestations by Democrat Congressional fat cats that they care about the welfare of ordinary Americans struggling to hold things together in a failing economy?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Big Dan's Big News March 29, 2010

Special Commentary by Big Dan: "I have a 2nd house my father gave me that my daughter's living in. She and her boyfriend had nothing but problems from the neighbors there, they think they run the entire block. They called the cops twice on my daughter for having music too loud (it wasn't) and parking in front of their house, and they park in front of our house way more. I've had the house on the market now for a few months, we're selling it. Well guess what???????? 10 Mexicans who came in ONE old car and didn't speak good English were looking at it yesterday! I said to the realtor: 'GET 'EM IN THERE! TELL THEM 5 TO A BEDROOM OR I'LL BUY A TRAILER FOR 'EM AND PUT IT IN THE BACK!!! TELL THEM TO MAKE ME AN OFFER, IF THEY THINK THE PRICE IS TOO HIGH!!! JUST GET 'EM IN THERE, BECAUSE THIS WOULD BE A DREAM COME TRUE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!' Boy, would that be sweeeeeeeeeet revenge, because I think the neighbors are racist, too! 'Did you ever notice that once in a while you come across someone you shouldn't have fucked with? Well, that's me' (Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino)'"

From FOX News:

Documents: Bush's Grandfather Directed Bank Tied to Man Who Funded Hitler

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Siege Heil: The Bush-Rove-Schwarzenegger Nazi Nexus and the Destabilization of California

Major-General Smedley Darlington Butler, a 33-year veteran of the Marine Corps who was twice decorated with the Medal of Honor, blew the whistle on the fascist plot to oust FDR. He also confessed to having been a “high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.”

The War on Terrorism is a Racket!

Just in time for the campaign season, the right-wing Clarion Fund, which shipped out 28 million DVDs to swing state voters in 2008 warning of the threat of radical Islam, has announced it's working on a new film, this one on "the Iranian Nuclear threat."

Gladio: A Conspiracy So Large, It’s Time You Learned About It (Take That Cass Sunstein!)

Welcome to Glenn Beck's World: What If the Tea Partiers Ruled the Country? Imagine a land where white, patriarchal, religiously zealous, Tea Party-type patriots rule. It's called Utah, and what happens here should terrify you.

Christopher Hitchens discusses the sex abuse scandals in the Catholic Church and U.S foreign policy with Bill Maher.

Stealth Vouchers (charter schools):

When President Obama’s Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, was the head of Chicago’s Public Schools, his office kept a list of powerful, well-connected people who asked for help getting certain children into the city’s best public schools. The list—long kept confidential—was disclosed this week by the Chicago Tribune. We speak with the Chicago Tribune reporter who broke the story and with two Chicago organizers about Duncan and his aggressive plan to expand charter schools.

A Look at Arne Duncan’s VIP List of Requests at Chicago Schools and the Effects of his Expansion of Charter Schools in Chicago

Why are health insurance companies IMMEDIATELY looking for ways NOT to cover sick children???

NYTimes: Just days after President Obama signed the new health care law, insurance companies are already arguing that, at least for now, they do not have to provide one of the benefits that the president calls a centerpiece of the law: coverage for certain children with pre-existing conditions.

NYTimes: Health care bill loophole will allow health insurance companies to NOT cover sick children.

Chomsky: Obama is ‘delivering, but for financial institutions’. GOP’s goal is to 'prevent governability,' renowned scholar tells Raw Story

You won't EVER see real liberal Noam Chomsky in the corporate owned media they want us to think is liberal, or any real liberals for that matter. Then they'll falsely define who is liberal for you, like the Democrats. The Democrats are the new Republicans, and the Republicans are batshit crazy, and the real liberals are ignored in the corporate owned this:

Who really owns American? (George Carlin)

More ObamaCare Fallout: It Gets Worse and Worse

Nancy Pelosi wanted us to wait until the ObamaCare bill was passed before we found out what was in it. Well, we're finding out.

Cases in point:

No Sheeples Here reported, "I spent the wee hours of last night trying to console my best friend." No Sheeples' friend has a son with Type I diabetes who requires dialysis as a result of his condition. In comes ObamaCare, out go much needed treatments for people requiring dialysis. (The geniuses in Congress also managed to forget about children with pre-existing conditions.) No Sheeples wrote, "My friend of thirty-two years is a strong woman who has great faith in God’s mercy, but last night she was inconsolable."

No wonder. As Carol of Carol's Closet points out,
"[I]f you or a loved one is dependent on dialysis to live, you can kiss it off.  What?  You'll die without dialysis?  Well, under ObamaCare, that's just too bad. 

The Bride of Rove has the whole sorry story.
The condensed version of Bride of Rove's explanation (but read the whole thing) is that today, many dialysis patients can live normal enough lives to hold down jobs. After January 1, 2011, a mere eight months from now, ObamaCare will deprive those people of much of their treatment, leaving them with only minimal care designed to keep them barely alive. It should not be necessary to point out that most "barely alive" patients do not stay "barely alive" for long.

That's why No Sheeples' friend is inconsolable. If you read the accounts of No Sheeples Here and Bride of Rove, you will be inconsolable too, unless, of course, you are one of the elected members of Congress who voted to pass ObamaCare despite the pleading of the American people. In that case, you will be standing on your feet applauding and cheering.

Over at Potluck, Obi's Sister reports that she has already seen a copay on a medication jump by 300%, with many more price hikes to come. That's a little something more for Democrat politicians to cheer about.

Bride of Rove, whose husband depends on dialysis, had some words of warning for the people of America:
This, my friends, is YOU in five years. . . . [W]hen money is tight or priorities are different, they drop you into the abyss.
Keep on laughing Democrats. Let everybody see who you really are.

Related posts:

Sunday, March 28, 2010


If you've ever experienced an encounter such as this between dogs, you know that barking and growling can be manifested in many ways...and mean many things. More on "Barking and Growling" in at least 3 sections of this week's issue of Questions On Dogs and Cats....

Most of our readers know that there is special day coming up this week, April Fools' Day, and nobody wants to be considered an April Fool by being the unsuspecting butt of a joke or trick.
Astrid F., from the web site, All About Dogs and Cats, at:, has sent Helpful Buckeye a selection of photos depicting a possible example of an April Fools' Day joke. You decide whether these are a joke or not. Helpful Buckeye thinks this series of photos is just another example of the strange and sometimes wonderful relationships that develop between animals (including humans)....
As Astrid points out: "Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest. It's about those who came and never left your side ....."

Helpful Buckeye reminds our readers to answer this week's poll questions in the column to the left.


1) The American Veterinary Medical Association has published this news release about spot-on flea and tick products from the Environmental Protection Agency: "Adverse reactions can occur with any product but, according to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), most adverse effects associated with the use of spot-on flea and tick products are mild and may include skin irritation and an upset stomach. The EPA and AVMA advise pet owners to talk to your veterinarian about responsible and effective use of flea and tick products, always carefully follow label directions, and monitor your pets for any signs of a bad reaction after application, particularly when using these products for the first time. Never use products labeled for dogs on cats. Keep the product package after use in case side effects occur. You will want to have the instructions available, as well as contact information for the manufacturer."

For the rest of the news release, including what to do to report a problem with one of these products, go to:

2) In what might turn out to be a harbinger of a trend across the country, this story from a suburb of Phoenix, AZ addresses an aspect of barking dogs that has people on both sides of the question upset. From the Arizona Republic: "Chandler (AZ) was poised to become the first city in the nation to discourage dog barking in a public dog park with high-frequency-sound devices that only canines can hear.
Now, humans are growling about the method. The Arizona Humane Society and dog owners and trainers across the Valley say they wonder if this is the best way to take the bark out of dogs in public places."

To read the rest of this story, go to:


Helpful Buckeye has discussed pet obesity in 2 previous issues of Questions On Dogs and Cats, at: and

Now, Paw Nation has presented a report that asks and answers the question, "Are treats Making Your Pet Fat?" Read this report and decide if any of this information might apply to the treats you give to your pets: We love giving our pets treats, whether to reward good behavior, keep them occupied or because we simply can't resist their plaintive stares or begging. But all those jerky treats, dental chews and milk bones are making our domestic animals fat. "If I could only point to one factor causing the modern-day pet obesity epidemic, it would have to be treats," says veterinarian Ernie Ward, founder of the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention and author of “Chow Hounds: Why Our Dogs Are Getting Fatter-A Vet’s Plan to Save Their Lives.” Vets and animal-nutrition experts point the finger at fattening pet snacks: Packed with sugar and carbohydrates, even the tiniest packaged cheese or bacon snack becomes what Ward calls "calorie grenades." "It's that seemingly innocent extra 50 calories a day in the form of a chew or cookie that adds up to a pound or two each year. By the time a dog or cat reaches mid-life, it's overweight and health risks begin to skyrocket," Ward says. Obesity is being blamed for health problems such as diabetes, joint pain and breathing problems in pets. That doesn't mean the snacks have to stop, but experts say treats should make up no more than 10 percent of your pet's daily calories. That's not much, considering a 10-pound cat needs less than 300 calories daily and a 40-pound dog should only get about 1,000 calories. Making things trickier, manufacturers don't list calorie contents on their packages, and they don't have to. Some of the worst offenders tend to be the newer "dental chews" for dogs, Ward says. One Purina BusyBone Dental Bone (Large) has a whopping 600 calories, while a Pedigree JumBone (small) has 297 calories, nearly an entire day's calories for a small dog. Other popular treats and their calorie counts, according to Ward’s research:
  • Pup-Peroni: 24 calories
  • Purina Beggin’ Strips: 30 calories
  • Milk-Bone Biscuit (Medium): 40 calories
  • Purina Chew-eez Beefhide Chew Strips: 60 calories
  • Pedigree DentaBone (Medium): 188 calories

Experts recommend replacing processed treats with crunchy veggies such as baby carrots (only two or three calories per carrot), cucumbers (one calorie per half-inch slice) and celery (around six calories per stalk). For owners desiring a commercial dog treat, Ward likes Liver Biscotti, which deliver less than one calorie per piece. No single treat is the culprit, however. The biggest problem is quantity, says animal nutritionist Susan Lauten, Ph.D., owner of Pet Nutrition Consulting in Knoxville. "A family of four could be each giving the dog three treats a day and they don't know what the other person is doing," she says. She recommends that you measure out the amount of food that the dog or cat is going to receive per day, put it all in a freezer bag and only give treats out of that bag. As for cats, the risk of packing on pounds is so high that Ward recommends avoiding treats altogether. If you must, give a pinch (3/4-inch flake) of salmon or tuna.

This whole report is presented at:


1) Now, for the second mention of barking dogs. From the folks at Paw Nation, we can learn what you might do with a dog that won't stop barking:

Meet Mary Burch, American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Director and Paw Nation's new expert columnist addressing your questions on animal behavior. Dr. Burch has over 25 years of experience working with dogs and she is one of less than 50 Certified Applied Animal Behaviorists based in the United States. She is the author of ten books including the new official book on the AKC Canine Good Citizen Program, “Citizen Canine: 10 Essential Skills Every Well-Mannered Dog Should Know.”
Dear Dr. Burch, Our dog Quigley is a very yappy Shetland sheepdog who barks at everything -- air, cars, leaves, vacuum cleaners, brooms, snow, people, other dogs, etc. He is the sweetest, most lovable dog ever, but the noise is driving us crazy. What do you recommend to tame his incessant barking? Dr. Burch Says: As a Shetland sheepdog, Quigley's actually got a long heritage of barking. Shelties originally were used by farmers to herd livestock. Because Shelties are smaller dogs, they often use their voices to get the livestock moving, so your problem isn't unusual.There are a number of reasons dogs bark. The most common include:
  • Alerting behavior, such as when a stranger is at the front door.
  • To show excitement, like you would see during an active play session.
  • To communicate with you when he wants something, as in, "Let's go outside!"
  • To communicate with other dogs when he wants to say hello or something else.
  • Separation behavior, such as when dogs bark, bark, bark when their owners are gone.

Some herding breeds, like the Shetland sheepdog, will also bark when something is moving. This can be caused by excitement or a desire to herd the object.

You've mentioned several situations that sound like moving objects are an issue, including cars, falling leaves, vacuum cleaners, brooms, snow, and other dogs. Here are two tricks to try to handle movement driven barking:

1. Teach your dog to bark on cue. When the dog is barking, be ready with some treats. When the dog is quiet, say, "quiet," and give the dog a treat. Whatever you do, don't give the dog the food reward when it is barking.
2. Teach your dog how to do a reliable sit-and-stay. You can put the dog on the other side of the room when you start to sweep. If the dog is quiet, go to the dog, say, "Good boy, quiet," and give him a treat. In the beginning of training, there should be some distance between him and the broom, but eventually, he will be able to be closer. We call this a "sit and watch" procedure.These tips and others are described in more detail in our book "Citizen Canine: Ten Essential Skills Every Well-Mannered Dog Should Know."

The whole interview can be read at:

From The New Yorker:

2) The AVMA has provided this alert from the Food & Drug Administration about possible problems arising from the use of online pet pharmacies: "The Food and Drug Administration has released a brochure to provide guidance to pet owners regarding online pet pharmacies.
The brochure warns pet owners that some Internet pharmacies are not reputable. The brochure also offers advice on how to determine whether an Internet pharmacy is operating legitimately."

More of this helpful information can be accessed at the FDA site at:


1) I guess it was an idea whose time has arrived. After being pioneered in Japan, these are now available in the USA in some areas. I won't spoil the surprise for about this new product and be sure to watch the included video. If you then still have questions about it, join the club. Go to:

Be sure to answer the poll question about this one....

2) Now that spring is making an appearance in most of the USA, your dogs will most likely be getting outdoors a little more...and getting themselves a little dirty and stinky. Learn about some new scents that are available to help your "stinky" pooch recover its appeal at:

Then, go to the Nootie web site for ordering information: The cucumber melon sounds interesting, doesn't it?

If any of you do try this product, please send a comment to Helpful Buckeye to voice your opinion or e-mail:

3) Postmaster General John E. Potter today unveiled the Animal Rescue: Adopt a Shelter Pet commemorative postage stamps and announced the Stamps to the Rescue promotional campaign. Each year the USPS features stamps for a different cause in its Social Awareness program. The last cause featuring dog and cat stamps was the Spay & Neuter campaign in 2002. Read more about this program at:

Here are the stamp selections:


1) For a lighter side story, the Paw Nation staff has conducted a short "on the street" interview with some dog owners about how they named their pooches. Enjoy:

Helpful Buckeye is sure that many of our readers have interesting stories about how they named their dogs and/or cats. Please share your stories with us, either by e-mail or by clicking on "Comment" at the end of this issue.

2) Dan Vergano, a writer for USA Today, wrote this recent review in the USA Today:

Dogs Likely of Middle Eastern Origin

Fido has an Arabian pedigree, a new examination of canine genes suggests. The analysis reverses previous gene studies suggesting an East Asian wolf origin for the earliest domesticated dogs. In the Nature journal study reported Wednesday, researchers examined gene segments from 912 dogs and genes of 225 gray wolves-the species from which dogs evolved in prehistory-from 11 regions and finds specific populations of Middle and Near eastern gray wolves to be most similar to domestic dogs. Most likely, wolves have periodically interbred with domestic dogs, gene patterns suggest. Last year, a Journal of Archaeological Science report described dog bones found at a 31,700-year-old site in Belgium, an age for dog origins the Nature study finds "consistent" with its results.

3) For our readers who are also fans of English literature, a dog collar that was worn by one of Charles Dickens' dogs was put on the auction block recently. To find out how much it went for, go to:

4) For the last section on barking and growling dogs, here is some help in interpreting what a growl might actually mean.
To humans, a growl is a growl. But to dogs, all growls are not created equal, it seems. Those growling sounds contain a wealth of important information to other canines, according to new research described in Discovery News.

Read the rest of this behavioral study for some pointers:


The Ohio State Buckeyes were bounced from the NCAA basketball tournament by Tennessee over the weekend. It was pretty obvious that we were outcoached by Tennessee in the second half of the game.

Major League Baseball begins the season in a week, so all will be right in the sports world. Stay tuned for how the LA Dodgers are playing....


It has been rewarding putting together this issue of Questions On Dogs and Cats. Since our temporary detour to re-runs of a few select issues, Helpful Buckeye has been looking forward to producing new and fresh issues. I appreciate the patience of all our readers as I was working through the loss of my mother in Pennsylvania, as well as the personal communications many of you have sent to me. Thanks for that....

I'll close with the quote used earlier in this issue: "Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest. It's about those who came and never left your side ...."

~~The goal of this blog is to provide general information and advice to help you be a better pet owner and to have a more rewarding relationship with your pet. This blog does not intend to replace the professional one-on-one care your pet receives from a practicing veterinarian. When in doubt about your pet's health, always visit a veterinarian.~~

Big Dan's Big News March 27, 2010

Health Care Reform is Big F-ing Deal!

Will the Right Turn (More) Violent? Post-health care reform will the Right's gloves really come off? And has the GOP made a horrible political miscalculation?...

The Democrats are the new Republicans, and the Republicans are batshit crazy...and the left is totally ignored!

Obama health insurance requirement taken from GOP

GOP assails health coverage requirement … even though they invented it

Health reform and you: A new guide - Who pays? Who benefits? And what about those in between?

In health bill, Obama attacks wealth inequality. Gap between economic well-being of the sick, healthy has been growing

Jesus Camp: The American Taliban (French Documentary)


MMFA President Burns: "Glenn Beck Is The Single Most Dangerous Person In This Country"

Welcome to Glennbeckistan - Where the Tea Party Rules and Tea-hadis Roam

Below: Where the American Taliban gets their one-sided "news", and when they're polled it shows they're not reality-based...but who cares about reality and facts??? (see the "Jesus Camp" video above)

A Harris poll released on March 24 found that a majority of Republican respondents believe that President Obama "is a socialist," "wants to take away Americans' right to own guns," "is a Muslim," "wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one world government," and "has done many things that are unconstitutional." The findings follow a year of such smears and attacks on Obama by conservatives. Fully 24% of Republicans believe that "he may be the Anti-Christ" and 22% believe "he wants the terrorists to win."

No surprise that Harris poll finds Republicans believe GOP smears of Obama

The Harris Poll - "Wingnuts" and President Obama: A socialist? A Muslim? Anti-American? The Anti-Christ? Large minorities of Americans hold some remarkable opinions

Quarter of Republicans Think Obama May Be the Anti-Christ

"Conservative Woodstock?" Fox News' all-day promotion of anti-Reid tea party rally

Editor’s Note: Oklahoma-based journalist Richard Fricker was with his wife on a spring-break vacation to Washington when he came face to face with the Tea Party furor.

In this first-person account, Fricker describes how a cell-phone comment apparently upset the protesters, who chased him and called him (cover your ears!) a “professor”:

When I visited the Capitol grounds on March 21, the day the House of Representatives passed healthcare reform, I was aware that some protesters there had been directing violence, threats and insults against members of Congress, but I was surprised when I ended up on the receiving end of some abuse myself.

"You need to riot": Right-wing uses violent rhetoric

David Bender and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., discuss some of the biggest news stories of the past week that the mainstream media either didn't cover in depth, or just didn't cover at all.

Helen Thomas talks about how the White House Press Corps rolled over and played dead during the Bush years and was gung-ho for war, and how Obama lost credibility when he dodged her question about Israel having nukes:

Netanyahu Humiliates Obama with another E. Jerusalem Housing Expansion; Israeli Troops allegedly used live Ammo; UK expels Mossad Chief

Israel rules, Washington follows

Maidhc Ó Cathail – Who's to blame for the Iraq war?

Dogs attack police cruiser:


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