
Sunday, May 31, 2009


In last week's issue of Questions On Dogs and Cats, we made mention of Memorial Day being in honor of all those who have died in military service to their country. Since Helpful Buckeye is on the road for a few weeks and won't be able to use up-to-date topics that our readers have enjoyed seeing, I thought you might appreciate a whole issue devoted to cemeteries and memorials for pets.

Now, stop right there, those of you who are thinking, "Here we go with another sequel to Pet Sematary." The best-seller novel by Stephen King and the subsequent movie definitely gave people "the willies" about cemeteries and dead pets.

However, there are more than 600 pet cemeteries in the USA and they are being used at an increasing rate by pet owners who want some type of memorial to their beloved deceased pet. For the purpose of telling a story about pet cemeteries in general, Helpful Buckeye will relate the history of what has been called "one of the best final resting places for a pet," the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery, in Hartsdale, NY. Most of the following material was taken from the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery's web site, although I have re-arranged it so that it can be read like a short story. It won't be any longer than one of our regular weekly issues, so sit back with a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the "Story of Hartsdale Pet Cemetery."


The ritualized burial of animals has been practiced in virtually every part of the world at some point in time. In many societies, it was (and still is) a means of honoring animals who endeared themselves to their human families. Such burials stand as enduring expressions of one's emotional affinity with nonhuman beings, and on a more expansive level, one's sense of spiritual kinship with the natural world at large. Funerary rites for animals celebrate the most enduring of human beliefs-that we share the "next life" with other creatures-just as we do this one. Of all the ancient societies to conduct funerals for animals, Egypt is the best known, thanks to the many elaborately mummified dogs, cats, monkeys and birds that have been recovered by archaeologists in recent times. As early as 1000 B.C., substantial parcels of land along the Nile were set aside expressly for the burial of animals, though it was equally acceptable to inter pets in tombs of their owners. Then, as now, wealthy pet owners spared no expense for their animals' funerals. When a royal guard dog named Abutiu ("With Pointed Ears") died in 2180 B.C., the grieving pharaoh ordered a sarcophagus made for the dog, and that "very much fine cloth, incense and scented oil" be used in the mummification process. It was decreed that Abutiu be interred in his own underground tomb, specially constructed by the royal stone masons, "so that he might become one of the Blessed."Among the most famous ancient dog lovers is Alexander the Great (336 B.C. - 323 B.C.), who owned a large Mastiff-like hound named Peritas. Upon her death, the conqueror led a formal funeral procession to the grave, erected a large stone monument on the site and ordered nearby residents to celebrate her memory in annual festivities. A city by the name still exists in this location.

After centuries of affiliation with the pagan gods of Egypt, Rome and Greece, many animals were subject to persecution in the new Christian era, starting around 700 A.D. Medieval dogs and cats often were accused of being the consorts of witches, or even worse, were Satan incarnate. There was little tolerance for people who cuddled or talked to animals, and even less for the notion of burying pets with the same pomp and ceremony accorded humans. Still, there were a courageous few who argued that animals were entitled to post mortem honors. As one French cleric arranged a formal Christian funeral for his little dog, news of the plan leaked to his supervising bishop, who demanded that he appear before a tribunal to answer charges of heresy. Amazingly, the priest pleaded his innocence and not only succeeded in getting all charges dropped, but humiliated his accuser as well. "You will understand, my Lord, that I was able to put this dog, who was worth much more than a good number of Christians, in a discreet position," he said to the council. "The dog gave me many instances of wisdom in life, and above all in its death! It even wished to leave me its will, at the head of which is the name of the bishop of this diocese, to whom it bequeaths 150 crowns, which I have here for you now.""His attachment was without selfishness, his playfulness without malice, his fidelity without deceit,” reads the epitaph of Dash the spaniel, the first and perhaps best-loved dog of Princess Victoria, who as Queen (1837-1901) campaigned aggressively for the establishment of a new humane ethic in English society. Over the course of her long life, vast grounds surrounding Windsor Castle became the final resting place for several beloved horses, one tiny finch, and many dogs, their likenesses immortalized in life-size bronze statues marking the graves.

But in the latter half of the nineteenth century, landless pet owners living in densely populated cities were confronted with two nightmarish options when an animal died: throwing it out with the trash or placing the body in a weighted sack and flinging it into a nearby river (in 1899 alone, three thousand such pets were pulled from the Seine by Paris sanitation crews). A few went so far as to sneak into human cemeteries to bury pets in plots reserved for themselves. One such clandestine funeral took place in 1898 in Columbus, Ohio for a dog named Diana, who laid out in a little white coffin decorated with silver trimmings. "We took carriages at night [to the cemetery], and at the grave recounted the fidelity and true nobility of our canine friend," recalled Mrs. A.J. Chevalier, Diana's owner, who orchestrated the illegal interment with the help of discreet friends. Little wonder then that the establishment of the first public pet cemeteries on the advent of the twentieth century was welcome news to thousands of animal lovers. Founded in 1899 by feminist Marguerite Durand, the dog cemetery at Asnieres lies on a forested river islet near Paris that was already a playground of the middle and professional working class, thereby smoothing its conversion into a charming garden-style resting place for animals. And, of course, there is the Hartsdale Canine Cemetery, the oldest and largest of its kind in America. With its beautifully manicured grounds and array of creatively crafted grave markers, Hartsdale is among the "crown jewels" of historic pet cemeteries.

Last rites for Victorian pets could be as formal as any concocted for humans. In 1899 a funeral was conducted at the Hartsdale Canine Cemetery for Major, a highly-trained spaniel said to "sing in three languages," according to his owner. After a period of lying in state wearing a solid gold collar, Major's satin-lined casket, complete with a crystal window in the lid, was draped in flowers and escorted to the cemetery. As a small crowd of friends sang a doxology, he was lowered into the grave. Some deceased pets were photographed on lace-covered pillows, posed as though they were in blissful slumber (it was customary to photograph deceased children in the same manner), and many owners kept locks of their animal's hair in gold lockets or specially designed rings. One English woman who interred her Pomeranian in a double-locked casket in Hyde Park retained and wore the keys on the chain for the duration of her own life.Bible verses, excerpts from Shakespearean plays, poetry by Lord Byron or a simple statement of the owner's own creation were popular epitaphs. "Not one of them is forgotten before God," many stones in Hyde Park solemnly declare. "Drowned in Old Windsor Looch," "Poisoned," "run over" and "pined for his mistress" were heart-wrenching commentaries on tragic ends. Many inscriptions are timeless commentaries on the constancy of animals as compared with people, such as the one found on an elaborate pedestal erected over the grave of a French dog around 1890, which reads "to the memory of my dear Emma--faithful and sole companion of my otherwise rootless and desolate life." On the threshold of the twenty-first century, there are now more than five hundred pet cemeteries in the United States alone. The traditional wooden casket and simple stone marker are still popular (although one Utah-based company now offers "Egyptian-style" mummification for both animals and people). That so many people choose to commemorate the lives of their pets is good news, for it signals a renewed sense of kinship with the natural world, largely inspired by the companion animals who aid and comfort us within the increasingly impersonal confines of our modern society."Who can say that this does not betoken the growth and spread of the humanitarian spirit, [especially] in times that try men's souls," remarked a spokesperson for the Massachusetts SPCA in 1900, upon noting the public's growing interest in funerals for pets. Indeed, that so many people choose to honor the lives of their animals in places like Hartsdale points to a revolution taking place in our concept of ourselves--that we are part of the larger world of animals, not above or separate from it--one pet and person at a time.Want to know more about pet cemeteries??? Written by Mary Thurston

Mary Thurston is a Texas based anthropologist who specializes in the shared history of people and pets. Her book, "The Lost History of the Canine Race: Our Fifteen-Thousand-Year Love Affair with Dogs," was published by Andrews and McMeel in the Fall of 1996. Call your local bookstore, or order directly from Andrews and McMeel (1-800-826-4216). You can contact Mary Thurston directly at

The bond between humans and pets has always been strong. For many of us, our pet is considered a member of the family. When that pet passes away we feel a profound sense of grief. To help alleviate this grief many people seek a meaningful way to memorialize their beloved pet.

In 1896, a prominent New York City veterinarian, Dr. Samuel Johnson, offered his apple orchard in then-rural Hartsdale, New York, to serve as a burial plot for a bereaved friend's dog. That single compassionate act served as the cornerstone for what was to become America's first and most prestigious pet cemetery. Today, over a century later, this beautiful hillside location is the final resting place for nearly 70,000 pets continuing a long history of caring and excellence that is the hallmark of this serene and lovely pet burial ground. Features of Hartsdale include:

  • The oldest operating pet cemetery in the world

  • Home of the famous War Dog Memorial, the first memorial to pay tribute to the canines that served in our military (erected in 1923)

  • Deed restricted land

  • Irrevocable Perpetual Care and Tax Endowment Trust Funds

  • Historic, beautiful, clean and safe

  • Ranked as a Top Ten Cemetery in the World

  • Included in the Westchester County Office of tourism

  • Conveniently located just 30 minutes north of mid-town Manhattan

  • Family owned and operated for over thirty years

  • Compassionate and professional staff

  • Serving all religious denominations

  • A wide range of services and products are offered to meet all budgets

It so happened that Dr. Johnson had arranged for himself a style of life common to many people today - he worked in New York City where he maintained a flourishing practice, and he had a retreat in the country in the middle of an apple orchard in the hamlet of Hartsdale, in the town of Greenburgh, Westchester County, New York.

Besides his private practice, Dr. Johnson was Professor of Veterinary Surgery at New York University, and served as the first official veterinarian of the State of New York. He was also a pioneer in the field of animal welfare and was instrumental in founding the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Despite the doctor's highly successful career, today he is most remembered for something he had never really planned; the first - and finest - pet cemetery in the United States.

One day in 1896, a distressed client of Dr. Johnson's paid a call to his office with an urgent problem. Her dog had just died and she wanted to give it a proper burial; but there was no way for this to be accomplished legally in the city of New York. The woman had contemplated trying to find a vacant piece of ground in which to bury the dog, but this would have involved a great deal of subterfuge even if it had not been against health department laws. And besides, the land would most surely have been built on sooner or later, for the concrete and steel metropolis was burgeoning in all directions. After considering the problem, the compassionate doctor came up with a solution. If the woman wanted to make the trip up to Hartsdale, he would be pleased to allow her to bury the animal in his apple orchard. The distraught woman gratefully accepted, and made the sad journey to the little hamlet in Westchester. While the woman's name has been lost in the mists of time, and there are no records of the burial and no stone marks its location, we can be certain that her pet is still safe somewhere in the Peaceable Kingdom.

This burial was not intended to be the beginning of a pet cemetery, but a short time later Dr. Johnson innocently gave impetus to the idea. One day, while having lunch with a reporter friend, the doctor casually told the story of the woman's plight and the dog's burial. Within a few days, much to Dr. Johnson's surprise, the story appeared in print. And to his further surprise, he soon found himself being contacted by many people who were looking for a place to bury their beloved pets. It was almost as if he had found a cure for a dreaded disease; this was something people deeply wanted and needed - and greeted with great relief. Before long, Dr. Johnson had set aside a three-acre section of the apple orchard and it began to take the look of a cemetery, dotted with markers and flower arrangements identifying the graves of pets. By 1905, Dr. Johnson’s orchard had gained enough recognition to be written about in The New York Times. On September 3 of that year a feature story appeared in the paper under the headline “A Canine Cemetery of Three Acres in Which Scores of Pets Are Interred – Hundred of Dollars Spent on Graves and Graves by Their Sorrowing Owners.”

This article spoke of dogs being “laid away with deepest regret and strong affection.’ It also reported that, while the cemetery had started with the burial of dogs, and indeed had – and still has – the word “canine" as part of its name, it was actually open to cats and other animals.
On May 14, 1914, Dr. Johnson – to the great relief of those who had pets at Hartsdale – incorporated the Hartsdale Canine Cemetery. Until that time there were no guarantees that the cemetery would remain in existence, and whatever attention the graves got depended upon each individual owner. Incorporation meant that burial deeds were issued and perpetual care and the services of a full-time caretaker were provided. It meant that the land would be protected forever as a resting place for the nearly one thousand pets already there, and for the thousands that would join them in the future.

Today, over a century later, this beautiful hillside location, known as The Peaceable Kingdom, is the final resting place for nearly 70,000 pets including dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and even a lion cub. And although some of the world’s most renowned people - from Diana Ross and Mariah Carey to the late Robert Merrill and Kate Smith - have their pets buried at the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery - pet lovers from every station of life have had pets buried and cremated here, too. The common thread is that all were special and loved. Generations of pet owners have embraced these pet animals and made them part of their families.


Wandering through the cemetery is taking a journey through one hundred years of history. The monuments and stones vary in size and shape from the humble to the grand, the messages from one word to many in languages familiar and foreign but there is a universality that echoes throughout the ages. As we turn a path, climb a hill, or stand by the cemetery's clear running brook, we discover reflections of history and changing attitudes, affirmations of religious belief and statements of underlying love.

The Oldest Monument--The cemetery's oldest monument bears the date September 16, 1899. This headstone, placed here just three years after Dr. Johnson's apple orchard began its transformation, is to "Dotty, Beloved Pet of E.M. Dodge, who Died in Her Fourteenth Year."
The Walsh Mausoleum--Elaborate funerals and costly monuments have always been rare at Hartsdale. An exception is a monument built a few years before World War I by Mrs. M.F. Walsh, the wife of a wealthy New Yorker.
Interesting tidbits about this monument:

  • Cost $25,000 to build. If it were built today it would cost at least four times the original figure

  • Weighs fifty tons

  • The largest monument ever created at Hartsdale Pet Cemetery

  • Believed to be the first ever above-ground pet mausoleum

The inscription reads:
"My Dear Little True-Love Hearts, Who Would Lick the Hand That Had No Food To Offer."

Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial--Motivated by the heroic efforts of those who assisted in the search for survivors of the disastrous 1995 federal office building bombing in Oklahoma City, the directors and staff of the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery & Crematory installed a memorial marker located near the famous War Dog Memorial, lauding the canines and their trainers who participated in the rescue mission. New York City Police Officer Michael Berg and his German shepherd, Kane, were on hand to receive a plaque honoring their service during this tragedy. Both were involved in the rescue mission. The marker was dedicated on May 28, 1995 in conjunction with the cemetery's annual War Dog Memorial Celebration to honor all pets who have been of service to all humanity.

The monument reads as follows:


In their own ways many of Hartsdale's pets also "spoke". With skill and determination they entertained in theaters, on television and in motion pictures, and several earned recognition as champions. Hartsdale also has many heroes and heroines, as well as pets who performed extraordinary feats to help mankind.

"SIRIUS" The only canine to lose his life in the search-and-rescue efforts following the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Terrorist attacks. Sirius, who was attached to the Port Authority Police Department, was interred here in conjunction with the 2002 War Dog Memorial Celebration.

"ROBBY" The inspiration for the first War Dog Retirement Law was laid to rest here following the 2001 Wag Dog Memorial Celebration. Robby symbolized those dogs who served this nation honorably only to be euthanized and disposed of by the military. The new law makes it possible for former handlers to adopt their former service canines and bring them into civilian life.

SERVICE & WAR DOGS There are many heroes and heroines resting at Hartsdale, and while most of them rarely made headlines their feats of courage command highest recognition and honor. These are the pets who, by instinct, through loyalty and, sometimes training, were prepared to make any sacrifice on our behalf.Dogs Of War--Someone once wrote that dogs have been used in the field of battle "almost since the beginning of wars, which date is only a few days later than the beginning of time".
Assyrian temple carvings depict great dogs straining at their leads during battle; ferocious dogs were at the siege of Corinth. During the Middle Ages, dogs dressed in coats of mail fought alongside men and by World War I, France was using dogs in action on a more sophisticated scale than ever before, training them to search for wounded men. Other nations followed France's lead. The British used dogs as messengers; the Italians, to deliver food to mountainous regions; and, by 1915, the Germans six thousand war dogs had rescued more than four thousand wounded men. From 1914 to 1918 more than seven thousand dogs were killed in action.
The United States began training dogs for combat shortly after Pearl Harbor. A civilian volunteer group called Dogs for Defense set up a reception and training center in Fort Royal, Virginia. This group was later to be come officially recognized by the military when it was incorporated into the Quartermaster Corps as the unofficially named "K-9 Corps." At the height of World War II more than ten thousand dogs from the United States, plus thousands of Red Cross dogs from many nations were in action and the history of courageous service and unstinting valor by dogs in battle continued through the war in Vietnam.

Before being sent overseas, dogs were stationed in army camps where they received an intensive twelve-week training period, usually as sentry and patrol "soldiers." Out of the thousands who were "signed up" for duty, seven breeds were found to be most suitable - Belgian shepherds, German shepherds, collies, Airedales, Dobermans, giant schnauzers and Rottweilers.
While the noblest instincts are expressed at Hartsdale through the love, respect and devotion we have for our pets, another side of our nature is also represented in The Peaceable Kingdom. We are reminded of it through the majestic War Dog Memorial and by inscriptions on headstones that mention battle in alien lands.

Many dogs who served our country are represented here at The Peaceable Kingdom. A special ceremony is conducted at the foot of the War Dog Memorial every Memorial Day weekend to pay tribute not only to military dogs, but to all pets of service including dogs who assisted in the in the rescue mission in conjunction with the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building in 1994 as well as guide dogs and police dogs.

"Koehler" Among the dogs of war at Hartsdale is "Koehler" who was donated to the Red Cross at the beginning of World War I by the German family whose name he bore. Koehler served fearlessly in the front lines; his tail was shot off in battle, and he received a decoration for bravery. The plucky dog was returned to the Koehler family at the end of the war, but circumstances did not allow him to settle into his former life.
The change came about because Arthur D. Gerard, an officer of the United States occupation forces, was billeted in the Koehler home in Coblenz. As the scars of war lessened, the German family and American became friends and when Gerard's tour of duty came to an end, an extraordinary thing happened: the Koehlers, as a token of their esteem, presented Gerard with one of their dearest possessions-Koehler.
It could not have been easy for the family to part with their dog, but their love helped make the separation possible. They knew Koehler would have a better life in America; there would be no shortage of food, and he wouldn't have to put up with the hardships the destruction of war had dealt his homeland. And, of course, Koehler would be with someone that he and they cared for a great deal. So it must have been with a mixture of sadness and relief that they said goodbye to their pet and their friend as the two left for a place thousands of miles across the sea.
As many immigrants before had found, the journey to the New World was not an easy one for Koehler. Because of the vagaries of military rules and regulations, Gerard had to smuggle Koehler aboard a troopship in a cramped barrack's bag, and he had to keep Koehler confined and out of sight during the transatlantic crossing. Upon the ship's arrival in New York, Koehler had to face a tedious and frightening journey through customs before he was finally on the soil of his new land.
On these shores, Koehler had one more hurdle to clear before he could settle down. Arthur Gerard was single and had no proper home for the dog. Mrs. George Homer Martin of Tarrytown, New York, Gerard's favorite niece, came to the rescue. She happily accepted Koehler from her uncle and took him home to live amid well-earned tranquility and love for the rest of his life. The Martins remember those years more than half a century ago, and to this day they speak of the enrichment Koehler brought to them.When Koehler died at the age of twelve, Mr. and Mrs. Martin chose a place for him at Hartsdale that reminded them of the Koehler's original home, and they still visit him on the hillside under the majestic tree where he is buried.

"Joachim" Joachim, the most recent arrival at Hartsdale from the wars, was only seven weeks old when he was found in his war-torn country by an American lawyer who was serving in the Vietnam War. From the start the homeless puppy won the heart of the American.
Joachim's background was much different from Koehler's and Chips'. He hadn't come from a peaceful home and he hadn't been through formal training for war, but war was all he knew and he sensed what had to be done. A great lover of beer, he loved to toss down a few with the boys, but his head was always clear. One evening, despite the fact that he had been hitting the brew for hours, he sounded an alert moments before a sniper attack, and his quick act ion was credited with saving many lives.
When Joachim's owner was made a battalion commander they moved to another location with a refrigerator full of meat and one hundred pounds of high protein dog food.
After the war, Joachim and the commander prepared to go home to the States, but like Koehler years earlier, Joachim would have to sweat it out. When he arrived in this country, it was discovered that Joachim had an infectious disease and for awhile it was doubtful that he would be allowed in. However, the examining veterinarian relented after hearing about his heroism and after twenty seven hours in the air and those nerve-racking moments on the ground, Joachim reached his new home in Scarsdale, New York.
Life was a joy to Joachim in Westchester and he reverted to the puppy days that had been denied him. Away from the bombs and bloodshed of war, he was content to find his excitement in chewing on chairs and carpets.
Joachim showed his desire for peace when he tried to avoid a fight with a neighbor's dog who threatened him. Wishing not to fight, he turned toward home with a parting bark but never reached his destination. A speeding car ran him down.
Gentle, brave Joachim had survived the rigors of war, but man and machine claimed anyway.

A final headstone at the pet cemetery reads: "Sport: Born a dog, died a gentleman."

Helpful Buckeye expects that all of our readers share that final sentiment about their pets.

If you want to read more about the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery, their web site is:

Helpful Buckeye would like to hear comments from any of you, especially those who might have buried your pet in a pet cemetery. You can send an e-mail to: or post a comment at the end of this issue.

Lastly, Questions On Dogs and Cats received the following comment after last week's issue on Heat Exhaustion and Traveling With Your Pets: Holly, from Pennsylvania, wrote...
"I wouldn't start my week without coming here first! You make my blog time worthwhile because I learn so very much. Thanks Doc...I know how much effort and time you put into making certain we are worthy of our pets."

Thank you, Holly, for the kind words!


Mohammed Azharuddin who played 99 Test matches for India and who won the 100th Test afresh of his career and of course first in politics. With a resounding debut victory in Moradabad on a congress ticket, where the party had failed to win the seat for more than two decades. If on cricket field he performed with bat, in politics too he should be aiming to achieve with Development work for the Nation which will stand him in good stead. He is also planning to stay 5 to 6 days a month in Moradabad and Delhi to ensure development work takes place. Actually he feels very satisfied on his victory, and it was party high commands decision to ask him to contest elections. He is of the opinion that he cannot enter Parliament wearing T. Shirt and Jeans, even as an aide pointed out that every time Azhar went to campaign there were youngsters calling his collar to be raised. He has his priorities worked out sports can wait. He finally concludes on the sorry state of affairs in U.P., with grinding poverty. Now time has come to focus on development. He finally agrees that the road ahead is tough, but he prepares to raise his voice for social concerns, local issues with full responsibility

Friday, May 29, 2009



In Tamil Nadu, North Arcot District, 6 kms away from Vellore at Sripuram Golden Temple( Goddess Mahalakshmi) is situated. The temple is maintained by Sri Narayani Peedam. The Golden Temple called “Sripuram” was constructed around Rs.600 crores. This is the only temple covered fully with gold. This Mahalakshmi Temple made of more than a ton of pure gold will glitter and gleam under the Sun. This golden temple located on 55,000 sq. ft. of land on a 100 acre salubrious stretch in Malaikodi. 400 gold and coppersmiths from the Tirupathi Devasthanam have worked for six years to craft the golden temple. This temple is a very beautiful temple. The Golden Temple’s Trustee Mr.P.Murali said that the temple has more gold than the Golden Temple of Amristar. Sri Narayani Peetam headed by a 31 year old godman who calls himself Narayani Amma. Messages from Gita, Bible, Quran have been laid out along the path to the temple. Care parking facility is available at the rate of Rs.20/- per vehicle.

The temple is opened on all 365 days.

Timing : 8 A.M. to 8 P.M

Kanchipuram - Temples

Kanchipuram is famous for temples and silk sarees. Kanchipuram is a holy town and is popular for many temples. The temples are built between 3rd to 17th centuries A.D. by the rulers of various dynasties, elevating the architecture more. In the temples the architectural pattern is typial south Indian and feature high roofs surmounting the sanctum and gopurams. The following are famous temples in Kanchipuram.
Kamakshi Amman Temple:
This is one of the most beautiful temples in South India. An exquisite golden Gopuram in the centre of this temple is very beautiful. –God-Kamakshi.
Kailasanathar Temple
This temple was built in 8th century by Rajasimha and his son Mahendra. It is one of the oldest temples. It is constructed using sandstone and the fresco-style paintings embellish the inner walls of the shrines. God- Siva.
Vaikundaperumal Temple
This temple was bult in 7th Century by the Pallava King Nandhivarman Pallavamalla. A number of inscriptions depicting the battles between the Pallavas and Chalukyas are here. God- Vishnu.
Kanchipuram is well connected by Bus and Train. Have a visit to these temples.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


In 1986, the Madras museum theatre was opened. During the end of 19th century, the museum theatre was constructed by British in Indo-saracen style. The Madras museum theatre is housed within the museum complex. The other distinguished structures within the Madras museum are Old Public Library (Connemara Library), and the famous National Art Gallery. Thousands of plays has staged in this theatre. Chennai’s Museum Theatre seems to be wonderful after centuries of performances. The Museum theatre has services the strong-minded theatre scene in Madras by the way of hosting plenty of actors, from simple persons with superb talents, from performers with a point to prove to clowns just for joke. Madras museum theatre is a worth place to visit and it is located at Egmore, Chennai.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Happy Memorial Day to all of our readers! This is the holiday set aside for us to honor all those who have died in military service to our country. Honor them in whatever manner seems appropriate to you, but be sure to do so.

Of course, Memorial Day weekend is also the unofficial beginning of our summer here in the USA, and summer brings its own considerations for our pets. Helpful Buckeye will address Heat Exhaustion and Your Pets, as well as Traveling With Your Pets a little later in this issue.

An interesting e-mail showed up this week from Connie, in Salt Lake City. Connie wrote " let you know that after following this blog for several months, I feel like I've been able to spend a day with my veterinarian each time I read a new issue. I've imagined that a day with my vet would allow us to cover a lot of topics, from my dog's problems to what's going on with pets in general." Connie has allowed her e-mail to be published...thanks, Connie, for your kind words! Helpful Buckeye may need to consider changing the name of this blog site from Questions On Dogs and Cats to "A Day With Your Veterinarian." As usual, any comments are welcome at:

Not very many of you responded to the poll question last week about which breed of cat you would choose for a pet. Either we don't have very many readers considering acquiring a cat or everybody with a cat already is happy with their status quo. Be sure to answer the polling question this week in the column to the left.

Desperado and Helpful Buckeye are hitting the trail this week for parts East, South, and unknown. There will still be a new weekly issue of Questions On Dogs and Cats published late each Sunday evening, although the format will be a little different due to writing them earlier than normal. We will still be accessing e-mail while away, so be sure to maintain contact if you feel the urge.

Today, 24 May, a famous song-writer/singer is celebrating his 68th birthday. Listen to Olivia Newton-John's popular version of one of his songs, If Not For You, from the early 1970s: Even though this is really a love song, Helpful Buckeye will take a little literary license and say that, "if not for you" (all of our readers), this blog would not have enjoyed the success it has through our first year. Thanks a bunch!!!


The American Veterinary Medical Association has released a new pet food product recall message: This recall concerns select varieties of NUTRO® NATURAL CHOICE® COMPLETE CARE® Dry Cat Foods and NUTRO® MAX® Cat Dry Foods with "Best If Used By Dates" between May 12, 2010 and August 22, 2010. If you think one of these might be a product you have been giving to your cat, be sure to read the details of the news release.


Unfortunately, hot weather can present some problems for your pets that you need to be aware of...ahead of time. Most mammals can keep their body temperature pretty well under control until confronted with extremes in their surrounding temperature. The main way of eliminating excess heat is by way of thousands of sweat glands distributed all over the body. When these sweat glands are called upon to perform, they produce small quantities of water on the skin, which then evaporate. During this evaporation process, small quantities of heat from the body are carried away by the disappearing water, resulting in a stable body temperature. Rates of evaporation will be directly proportional to the surrounding low humidity, evaporation occurs quicker; in high humidity, evaporation takes longer (which then slows down the natural cooling process). However, dogs have been short-changed in the sweat gland department...their sweat glands are only found on their nose and in the pads of their feet. Dogs can compensate, up to a point, for this shortage in sweat glands by panting. Panting involves the repetitive passage of air back-and-forth over the tongue, which also helps to eliminate some excess body heat. An important consideration right here would the short-faced dogs (known as brachycephalics), such as Pugs, Bulldogs, Boxers, etc...the much shortened muzzle provides a lot less area for respiratory evaporation to occur.
Now that we are getting into our summer activities, we frequently include our dogs in our plans...picnics in the park (throw on an extra hot dog for the Helpful Buckeye!), hiking, traveling, and just plain taking it easy in the back yard. As the temperature and the humidity increase, your dog will be come less efficient at cooling itself when engaged in activity or spending prolonged periods in the sun. It doesn't take very long in the sun or very much activity to start elevating a dog's body temperature, which is normally about 101 degrees F. As the body temperature starts to climb, your dog will show:

  • labored breathing,

  • probably more vigorous panting,

  • extreme drying of the tongue,

  • walking erratically,

  • and a desire to lay flat-down.

When the body temperature reaches 105 degrees, your dog will most likely collapse and might lose consciousness. Survival at this point becomes questionable and, by the time the body temperature gets to 108-110 degrees, massive organ failure takes place and survival is even less likely. Your dog is now experiencing heat exhaustion...what do you do?

OK, it's time to take one step back from this scenario and talk briefly about one of the variables in the equation of keeping your pet healthy. As the keeper and care-giver of your pet, you are the one who sees your pet in all of its moods, ups and downs, and behavior patterns. In other words, you know how your pet appears when it is "acting normal," right? Veterinarians and physicians spent their early years in school learning what "normal" looked really helps when trying to identify an "abnormal" situation. Remember this piece of will hear it again and again from Helpful Buckeye...Become familiar with your pet!

You now are confronted with what appears to be a dog that is vigorously panting, its tongue is very dry, breathing patterns are labored, and it doesn't want to move. You know this isn't normal, right? Considering what has been going on preceding this, your conclusion can now be...probable heat exhaustion. Your first step is to immediately cease whatever activity has been going on; move the dog to a cooler, shady location, encourage the dog to drink some water. Cooling your dog's whole body with cool water (pour it on, from a hose, or submersion into a pool) will increase the removal of body heat as the water evaporates. Also, putting your dog in front of a blowing fan will aid in this evaporation. This may be all it takes to return your dog to "normal." In more severe cases, you might need to apply ice packs to the head and neck region to achieve a response. Since all of this occurs in a very short period of time (usually just minutes), you need to try all of these suggestions right NOT waste this valuable time by trying to get your dog to your veterinarian. Once these measures have quieted the dog, it is breathing more regularly, and acting more normally, then a visit to your veterinarian is advisable. Then, it can be determined if any organ damage has occurred and treatment can be initiated.

By now, I'm sure your big question is this: "How can I prevent this from happening?" Well, the good news is that the prevention is probably a lot easier than the treatment!

  • Avoid any running or excessive exercise on hot, humid days.

  • When your dog is outside, be sure it has plenty of water and easily accessible shade.

  • If your dog is not short-haired, keep the hair well-brushed to avoid matting.

  • Especially be careful with the short-faced breeds.

  • Don't EVER leave your pet in a closed vehicle...extreme temperatures are reached in minutes, even with the windows cracked open.

A product that we first described last year has proven to be very helpful in dealing with over-heating in your pets. The Cool 'N Dry Pet Shammy works like this: When applied wet to your pet's body, it helps to remove built-up body heat by the evaporation principle mentioned above. It can also be used to dry your pet nicely after a both. To learn more about this product, go to: Helpful Buckeye even carries one of these damp Cool 'N Drys on all bike rides to help with sweat. Look at these photos of some dogs being cooled with the "Shammy" and perhaps you'll feel the benefit of getting one for your dog:

If any of you have a story of heat exhaustion and one of your pets to share with us, please send an e-mail or comment describing the incident. Actual accounts of problems can be very instructive for everyone. As Helpful Buckeye reminded everyone last summer, the only "hot" dogs we want to hear about are these:


Some of you might be planning a summer trip that will include one or all of your pets. If so, you will have many considerations facing you, including the mode of transportation. Believe it or not, there is now an air transportation company that carries ONLY pets, NOT people! Pet Airways offers this promise:

We promise to transport your pet with lots of love, care, safety, and comfort in the main cabin.
Pet Airways is the first airline exclusively dedicated to pets - no humans please - and we take the job of providing a comfortable experience for pets very seriously. We'll do everything in our power to make sure your pets get the best care during their journey because we're committed to taking care of our pet "pawsengers" as if they were our own.

Read more about this unique service at their web site: There are several sites for further information on their home page and I found it interesting even though I have no need for the service at this time.

Most of the regular-scheduled commercial airline companies still offer pet transportation as well. Your best bet for information on that would be to contact the company directly, as well as your veterinarian so that you will be certain of necessary precautions well ahead of time.

Traveling with a pet can, and should be, a positive experience for the whole family. Who can forget the Griswold family, in National Lampoon's Vacation, as they vacationed across America. At a rest stop, Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) ties the family dog, Dinky, to the rear bumper of the car...forgets that he has done so, drives away, and you can guess the rest. At this point, you should take a moment to reflect and watch the animated video of the theme song, Holiday Road, from the movie, as sung by Lindsay Buckingham:

If your pets will be traveling with you, check out pet-friendly lodging, RV parks, campgrounds, national parks, and outdoor restaurants at the following web sites:

These web sites have numerous categories of interest to choose from as you plan your stops along the road.

Don't forget to pack enough water for your pet and a drinking bowl. Travel induced panting, excitement, and anxiety can lead to evaporation of body fluid and then to dehydration. You might want to consider packing a few of the Cool 'N Dry Shammy products, from: , to help with the cooling-off process on those hot afternoons heading into the sun. The humans on-board will also really appreciate the cooling effect of the Sammy Cool 'N Dry Towel, available at the same web site.

Remember to have with you all of your pet's proof of vaccinations and any pertinent medical history, especially if an ongoing treatment is involved. And, as Clark Griswold found out, be very careful at rest stops and any areas that might be unfamiliar to your pet...always have them on a leash (but not tied to the bumper!)...a pet running loose in an unfamiliar area is likely to become a lost pet!

Wherever you are traveling this summer with your pet, it can be a positive experience for all involved, but especially if you've done your homework ahead of time. Helpful Buckeye wishes you safe travels, with or without your pet, this summer. If any of you are traveling with your pet, share with us the story of your travels...I'm sure all our readers would enjoy hearing about your travel experiences. To help you get into a travel mood, enjoy this video of the Nat King Cole version of Get Your Kicks (On Rt. 66): ...the pictures of the old buildings along old Rt. 66 are pretty interesting!


1) A few weeks ago, Questions On Dogs and Cats discussed the problem of thunderstorms and your pets. As it turns out, even police dogs can be affected by thunderstorms. Read this interesting account of a police dog that went "missing" during a recent thunderstorm in Chicago:

2) For a little light entertainment this holiday weekend, enjoy these pets as they are caught in some funny poses:

3) Most of our regular readers will recall the news stories on the "ugliest dog in the world" contests that are held each summer. Here is an interview with one of the winner's owners: Almost all of these recent winners have been Chinese any of you see a Chinese Crested in your future?

4) OK, the birthday guy is Robert Zimmerman...better known as Bob Dylan. Like him or not, he has written a slew of songs and your favorite singer has most likely sung a few of them.


The Los Angeles Dodgers continue to have the best record in baseball. Our first inter-league series was this weekend against the LA Angels, who have always acted like the "poor sisters" of Los Angeles. They have beaten us more than we have beaten them...and, this series was no different. The Angels took 2 of the 3 games, courtesy of our bullpen weakness.

The Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers visited President Obama at the White House this week...Helpful Buckeye would like for this to be a more regular occasion!


Elsa Maxwell (1883-1963) U.S. writer and hostess said this, "Someone said that life is a party. You join in after it's started and leave before it's finished." If reading Questions On Dogs and Cats is your idea of having fun, then you are welcome to join in and leave at your desire...all we ask is that you do show up each week!

~~The goal of this blog is to provide general information and advice to help you be a better pet owner and to have a more rewarding relationship with your pet. This blog does not intend to replace the professional one-on-one care your pet receives from a practicing veterinarian. When in doubt about your pet's health, always visit a veterinarian.~~


The much expected film “ENDHIRAN” starred Superstar Rajinikanth and Aishwarya Rai – Directed by Shankar is going on well. Director Shankar already filmed a song worth Rs.2 crores. Sources said that now he is investing Rs.30 crores on a single song if it takes its shape, this song may get into Guinness Book. SUN pictures are the producers for the film, the movie’s budget may be around 160 crores according to sources. Director Shankar’s dream project is “ENDHIRAN”. This movie is almost 50-60 percent complete according to the tasate and imagination of Director Shankar.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Chennai is attracting lot of tourists. People in Chennai are very friendly(except the autorikshaw men). Here you can have lot of varieties of foods. Marina Beach in Chennai is the second longest beach in the World. During summer, you can see the huge crowds in Marina Beach. Fort St. George- is a famous landmark of Chennai. Some temples in Chennai attracts tourist are: Kapaleeshwar Temple-Lord Shiva, Parthasarathy Temply-Lord Vishnu, Asthalakshmi Temple-Lord Lakshmi, Vadapalani Murugan Temple – Lord Murugan. Guindy National Park, Snake Park, Vandaloor Zoo are attracting animal lovers. During Pongal festival celebrated in January attracts lot of people to watch the programmes. During December – Isai Vizha is celebrated. So, if you have time during the period November to February try to come to Chennai and have a pleasant holiday trip.



To beat the summer, everybody would like to go to Ooty. Especially during flower show, it is pleasant to visit Ooty. This year 113th flower show begins on May 23rd at the Botanical garden, Ooty in Tamil Nadu. It attracts large number of flower lovers and tourists from all over the world. Roses, daisies, lilies and orchids of various varieties around one million flowers are on display in Ooty. The three day flower show begins today (23rd May) attracts more than 5,00,000 tourists. A 50 feet huge car, a model train decorated with flowers and a 60 feet long aeroplane decorated with 8000 roses are the major attractions of the Flower show. The varieties of flowers are in full bloom in the good weather attracting the tourists to escape from the hot summer. Everybody who visits the flower show definitely enjoy the pretty flower show.

Funny transportation

Shriya Saran in New Photos Shoot : 2009 Photos

Shriya Saran
Shriya Saran Photoshoot Pictures
Shriya Saran Photoshoot Pictures
Shriya Saran Photoshoot Pictures
Shriya Saran Photoshoot Pictures
Shriya Saran Photoshoot Pictures
Shriya Saran Photoshoot Pictures
Shriya Saran Photoshoot Pictures
Shriya Saran Photoshoot Pictures
Shriya Saran Photoshoot Pictures

Shriya Very Latest Stills

Get Rich Tricks: Tips on How to Save Money

This is a short list of ways you can save money and begin to acquire wealth. It's really not about how much money you make, it's about how much you save.

1) Sock some money away. Okay this one seems obvious, and it is. But if it is so obvious, why do most people ignore it? 

Well, the truth is that life is expensive and problems or emergency situations arise that drain our bank accounts. 

It doesn't matter how little you decide to put away for the future. For young people, the biggest factor on your side is time. 

Small amounts of money add up over time, and if you factor in compound interest, the twenty bucks a paycheck you put away can turn into a nice chunk of money. 

A smart and easy thing to do, if you have direct deposit through your work, is to have some money automatically diverted from your paycheck into a savings account. 

2) Pay off your credit card debt. The interest rate on credit cards can be up to 22%. That means if you carry $100.00 on a bill over into the next month, you will now owe the credit card company $122.00. In that situation, you would have lost yourself $22.00. 

No matter how much those credit card commercials claim they can improve your life and make it more enjoyable, the credit card company is not your friend. They want your money. So pay down your debt as soon as you can and before you put money in savings. 

If you are paying 15 percent interest on a bill to a credit card company and at the same time are only earning a 3 percent return on money in your savings account, it makes sense to pay off your debt first. The amount you owe will easily eclipse what you are earning. 

If whatever interest you earn is less than the 15 percent I use as an example, then whatever you are earning is not really earnings. Your net profit will still be negative. Get rid of credit card debt so you can start really saving money. 

3) Use your credit card wisely. A credit card is essentially a card that allows you to take a loan out of a fixed amount of money, your credit limit. Credit cards are also a good way to build up your credit. If you have a record of paying off your credit card bill in full and on time every month, then your credit score should get better. 

Another advantage of paying off the bill in full and on time is that you will be able to avoid paying any interest on the money you borrowed. If you pay attention and are careful with how you use your credit card, then it can be a good tool to help improve your credit. 

Try putting one purchase a month on a credit card and paying the bill on time consistently. Some credit card companies even offer incentive programs like airline miles or cash back on certain purchases. 

The credit card I use credits me a certain percent of all the money I spend at certain gas stations each month. Getting money back is even better than saving money.

4) Okay, here's another obvious one. Control your spending. Live below your means. Do not spend more than you make. Smaller expenses like going out to eat or to the movies can add up quickly when put on a credit card. 

Try making your own coffee in the morning instead of going to Starbucks to get your buzz. Or make your own coffee several days a week and reward yourself with that Latte on Friday. Maybe carpool to work a couple days a week to save money on gas.

I am not claiming that eliminating these minor costs will make you rich, but it is important to understand how all the smaller expenses add up. And they do add up. It is important to think about what you do with your money and make choices on how you spend it. 

People often feel burdened by their lack of money and feel that they spend it before they have it. Most of us spend everything we have. Just when we've managed to save a little bit of money, we want to buy new clothes, or take a trip somewhere. 

It is not easy to save money, but is well worth it. Thinking about where your money is going and making a few minor adjustments can help you save.

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