
Friday, January 15, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Jan 15, 2010

Stewart: New FOX "news" star Detective Clarise Starling (Sarah Palin) interviewed by Hannibal Lecter (Glenn Beck):

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Crazy Like a Contributor

Daily Show
Full Episodes

Political Humor
Health Care Crisis

Colbert: You have NO HONOR...if you walk away from your mortgage because you owe way more on your house than it's worth due to plummeting home values...according to the banksters who caused it and their "expert" media mouthpieces!!!

The Colbert Report
Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Honor Bound

Colbert Report Full Episodes
Political Humor

The Real News: Goldman Sachs & the Financial Crisis

click on picture and bookmark Sibel Edmond's "Boiling Frogs" website

Yemen and the Kissinger-Brzezinski Eurasian Plan: Spectre of Serial War

Yemen, Energy Crisis, and the Nigerian Crotch Bomber: The Privatization of Security and the Militarization of Society-Part I

Yemen, Energy Crisis, & the Nigerian Crotch Bomber: The Privatization of Security & the Militarization of Society-Part II

Yemen, Energy Crisis, & the Nigerian Crotch Bomber: The Privatization of Security & the Militarization of Society- Part III

Schakowsky Prepares Legislation to Ban Blackwater. Schakowsky says Blackwater has “severely damaged the credibility and security of our military and harmed our relationship with other governments”

The Real News: Brzezinski on the Afghan War & the "Grand Chessboard"

Who is profiting already, from the Haiti earthquake??? Naomi Klein Issues Haiti Disaster Capitalism Alert: Stop Them Before They Shock Again. Heritage Foundation already says on their website: "Crisis in Haiti provides opportunities to the U.S."

Haiti Earthquake coverage:

Meet Harold Ford, Jr.: Ann Coulter's Favorite Democrat.

Arguing politics? Arm yourself with knowledge of the tactics of arguing: A List Of Fallacious Arguments

Australia: a nation of SHARK-PUNCHERS:

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