
Monday, May 31, 2010

Alhamdulillah Domain Baru

Allhamdulillah dapet rejeki yang lumayan, sehingga saya bisa beli domain dan hosting sendiri, mau mencoba belajar CMS laen, tepatnya CMS yang saya gunakan di blog baru saya adalah CMS dari Wordpress yang sedikit saya edit untuk kepentingan keamanan.

Domain baru saya yaitu : htpp:// , hanya blog biasa yang isinya mungkin cukup komplex, apapun yang ingin saya muat akan saya tulis disitu, tapi untuk saya khususnya berbahasa inggris, ya ingin lebih mendunia aja.. :D

Bagi temen2 yang melihat blog ini jarang update, mohon maaf, ini dikarenakan saya sedang melakukan optimalisasi pada blog baru saya :D .

Untuk pertamanya saya membeli domain plus hosting web yang berlokasi di USA, tetapi karena hostingan tersebut sering error, yaitu seringnya ns dari hosting tersebut nglock IP saya, maka saya pindah ke hostingan yang baru, tepatnya memiliki lokasi di malaysia (musuh bebuyutan) :D .

Terima kasih kepada temen saya, om bobyputra yang bersedia menyumbangkan hostingan bagi , dengan space yg cukup menggiurkan, yaitu full unlimited, jadi saya tidak perlu sibuk2 mencari server untuk upload file2 yang ada di postingan saya.. :D

baiklah, untuk pembuktian silahkan temen2 langsung berkunjung ke blog baru saya yak.. di , dan mohon komennya, demi proses perbaikan dimasa depan :D .

akhir kata, happy blogging with me :D

Big Dan's Big News May 31, 2010

FOLLOW THIS ISRAELI STORY CLOSELY, AND YOU WILL THEN BELIEVE ME ABOUT HOW ISRAEL LIES...WATCH THE LIES AS THIS PLAYS OUT...WATCH HOW THE PRO-ISRAELI U.S. "NEWS" COVERS THIS...will the United States of Israel do anything about this??? Obama gave Israel a good issuing a statement of "mild concern".

Israel Defense Forces video of Flotilla attack, ship boarding, wounded activists

Israel Attacks Palestinian Aid Flotilla

Stop U.S. Support of Israeli Terrorism

Look at THIS bullshit: "Israel claimed it was defending itself, with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) saying the soldiers' lives were in danger after they were attacked with "severe physical violence, including live fire, weapons, knives and clubs." Soooooooo...........Israeli commandos forcefully board a ship of peaceful activists, and these activists attacked them??? Bullshit!!! Now do you see all the LIES in the news about Israel??? Keep this in mind going forward when you read anything about Israel in the "news".


Israeli SPOKESLIAR says the activists had sharp metal objects!!!!! Now, are you going to believe Israel's "human shields" bullshit next time they kill civilians, now that you know they are LYING here??? Here's how you know this is a LIE: they couldn't have know the activists had "sharp metal objects" BEFORE they attacked them!!! So they attacked them...and THEN checked that they had "sharp metal objects"? And so what if they did? "Sharp metal objects" against the Israeli army? Maybe they were their kitchen knives or nothing even existed. I'm SURE (sarcastic) that a boat full of activists who told the world ahead of time what they were doing, had "evil plans" to attack the Israeli army with "sharp metal objects". I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH BULLSHIT IN MY LIFE!!!!! TO HAVE THE BALLS TO EVEN SAY THIS IS BREATHTAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want to see Academy Award winning BULLSHIT?????????


* NEW: UN Security Council will hold talks at 1 p.m. ET Monday on the incident
* NEW: Israeli PM Netanyahu cancels scheduled meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama
* Israel: "During the incident the soldier's lives were in danger"
* Aid convoy was taking supplies to Gaza in defiance of Israel's three-year blockade

(CNN) -- The international community on Monday condemned an Israeli naval commando raid on a flotilla carrying aid for Palestinians in Gaza, leaving 9 people dead.

9 dead as Israeli forces storm Gaza aid convoy

Civilians Under Attack by Israel


Long Live Palestine!

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Tips to control anger

Tips to control anger
Life is short and we must utilize it for higher purposes. We should not allow our mind to acquire the habit of being angry over trifling things. We need to introspect by looking within ourselves now and then. If you are creating dissension and tension during the first half of the day, believe me the rest of the day will be spent just worrying about the repercussion. It will not end there, the next day you will struggle to remedy the situation. Just think about the time and energy you have wasted.

Let us conserve our energy for attaining self-realization by practicing endurance, patience, forgiveness and generosity of mind as far as possible. You may ask a question as to how is it possible not to show anger when it is rational and reasonable or on provocation? The answer lies in your own self-realization that the evil doer and provocateur is a sick person. If a doctor is caring for a sick patient how he will deal with that person if the patient is throwing things around. Then it is natural that the doctor will try to save himself from injury. But the doctor will never start throwing things back in anger towards the patient. You must behave like the doctor as he will wait for an opportunity to help the patient. It is a piece of advice that we should have that type of attitude in dealing with all those who seek to harm us. You cannot win over anger by anger.

Girls Butterfly bedding

Hi friends, after a day’s hard work everybody needs a comfortable sleep during night. It will help you to work efficiently the next day. For convenient and comfortable sleep you need to have good bedding comforts. It is advisable to change the bedding for every five years. Before purchasing bedding equipments to your home decide the color and print that suits your room and taste. Bedding set includes bed skirt, flat sheet, standard pillowcase and twin fitted sheet. There are many varieties of bedding available and they will add elegance to your room. If you want to purchase a bedding for your beloved girl baby, butterfly bedding is the best choice. This wonderful butterfly bedding will definitely bring joy and happiness to your daughter. There are different types of butterfly bedding available like Cartoonist butterflies and the other one is looks like real butterflies. So if you want to purchase bedding for your small girl, make your little girl to choose her bedding design.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


The observance of Memorial Day is a time for all of us to remember that "Freedom Isn't Free".  We should take the time to honor those who served and sacrificed for our country and recall that, even though the sentiment should be felt year-round, Memorial Day was set aside for this special attention.

While biking this past month, Helpful Buckeye came upon two different species of birds, both of which are only seasonal visitors to the Flagstaff area.  They have a bit of similarity in their appearance.  Any of our readers who enjoy bird identification are welcome to send in their guesses as to what these birds are.  Apologies to our readers east of the Mississippi River because you aren't likely to see these at home...but, perhaps on one of your visits to the West.  Send your guesses to:

Last week's poll questions revealed that 3/4 of respondents who had been bitten by a dog required a visit for medical care AND that only about 1/3 of our readers had a dog or cat that hated the trip to the veterinarian.  Several of you e-mailed that you really liked the photo of the dog that refused to enter the exam room.  Be sure to respond to this week's poll questions in the column to the left. 


1) The Discovery Channel had a program this past week that included a segment on veterinary toxicologists and their contributions to our society.  Take a few minutes and view the'll come away with a broader range of awareness and respect for the training these veterinarians have achieved:  and click on the "Broadcast Documentary (4 minutes 32 seconds)".

2) With Great Danes set to take center stage in the release of "Marmaduke," the American Kennel Club® and the Great Dane Club of America would like to remind moviegoers about the importance of making wise, educated decisions when it comes to adding a dog to the home...and not to become starstruck by the appeal of the Great Danes in the movie.  The Great Dane Club of America reminds you that: "Everything is bigger when you own a Great Dane. They eat a lot of food and take up a lot of space in your home and car. We recommend that families meet several full grown adult Great Danes to make sure they understand how large this breed really is."

The rest of the press release, along with a lot more interesting information about Great Danes, is at:

3)  The AKC has also started to allow some mingling between pure breed dogs and mutts at some of their dog shows.  Mixed breed dogs won't be able to compete in the show ring of the "beauty" competitions but they will be competing in the skill contests.  Read the rest of the story at: 


By the time most of you are able to read this issue of Questions On Dogs and Cats, you will have already had your Memorial Day picnics and parties. That's OK because this advice applies not only to Memorial Day picnics but also to any get-together for the rest of the summer that might include your dogs. This information comes from the ASPCA:

As the country dons its shorts and sunhats this Memorial Day weekend, nothing says “unofficial” start of summer like a good old-fashioned barbecue or outdoor picnic. But what’s festive for us can be downright dangerous for our furry friends.

Even if your pooch is a pro picnicker, the ASPCA recommends keeping it indoors as much as possible during backyard parties. From toxic food and beverages to raucous guests, a barbecue is a minefield of potential pet problems.

“Even the most timid dog can leap a six-foot fence if he’s spooked by loud noises,” says Dr. Pamela Reid, Vice President of the ASPCA Animal Behavior Center. If your dog shows signs of distress from boisterous revelers, Dr. Reid suggests giving it a Kong toy stuffed with peanut butter. “The persistent licking should calm his nerves,” she says.

Here’s some more expert advice to keep your pet safe and sound this Memorial Day:

  • Since alcohol is potentially poisonous to pets, place all wine, beer and spirits well out of paws’ reach.
  • Stick with your pet’s normal diet—any change, even for a day, can result in an upset stomach. Certain foods like onions, avocado, chocolate, grapes and raisins are especially toxic to pets.
  • Avoid lathering your pet with any insect repellent or sunscreen not intended for the four-legged kind. Ingestion can result in drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and lethargy.
  • Keep your pet away from matches, citronella candles and lighter fluid, which if eaten can irritate the stomach, lungs and central nervous system.
  • Don’t leave pets unsupervised around a pool or lake—not all dogs are expert swimmers! Also, pools aren’t large water bowls—they contain chlorine and other toxic chemicals that can cause stomach upset.
As always, if you suspect your pet has ingested something poisonous from the picnic table, please contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) at (888) 426-4435.


It's bad news for the snarling, angry dog on the corner, but good news for the mailman he terrorizes. Scientists have discovered that bold, aggressive dogs live much shorter lives than shy, obedient pooches, the New York Times reports.

Vincent Careau, of the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec, Canada, and his colleagues came to that conclusion by comparing numerous dog breeds based on their personalities. For example, poodles are ranked as 29 percent more docile than boxers, and Careau's team found that poodles are four times more likely than boxers to live past age 10.

Beyond simply looking at aggressiveness, the researchers also found that the most obedient breeds, such as German shepherds, poodles, and bichon frises, live considerably longer than hard-to-train dogs such as beagles and pomeranians, according to New Scientist. Careau used personality data based on a 1995 psychology study that ranked dog personalities, the New York Times reports, and also compared dogs of similar size.

Call it karma, or a mere accident of selective breeding, but for dogs, it seems, it pays to be good.

This news item was also reported at: 

Helpful Buckeye will be the first to say that this is an interesting conclusion; however, personal experience has shown that it's difficult to compare breeds of dogs that are of different size or to neglect certain breed predispositions for certain diseases, such as the high incidence of cancer in Boxers.


The Busy Buddy Tug-a-Jug has been receiving a lot of attention lately. Watch this video of various dogs enjoying the Tug-a-Jug:

As you can see, the Tug-a-Jug can be used to dispense treats or small pieces of dog food as rewards for training exercises. You can order these at:


1) OK, all of you dog owners out there in cyberland...when you come home, how does your dog greet you?  See if the folks in this video have the same experience as you: 

2) Cats, rats and other predators produce a chemical signal that terrifies mice, according to new research.  Specific proteins found in cat saliva act on cells in a special sensory organ in the mouse, called the vomeronasal organ. The research team describe in the journal Cell how the proteins trigger a fearful reaction in the mice. This shows that mice, and possibly other mammals, have evolved receptors that are able to pick up chemical signals from other species.  More details available at: 

3) If it can be said that mice have a "nose" for cats, then Owen, a Labrador Retriever, definitely has a "nose" for the vapor-wake of explosives.  Read this interesting account of a new group of dogs that have been bred and trained to detect the scent plume of air that comes wafting off a person, such as a suicide bomber, wearing an explosive device: 

4) Summer weather seems to bring with it an increase of certain activities.  One of those is charitable events such as "surfing dogs"....

A recent benefit held for the San Diego Police Canine Unit attracted 65 dogs on surfboards.  Check out the story and watch the surfboard antics of some of the dogs at:  

5) Someone has put together a video with various tidbits of "life advice" featuring animals.  Enjoy: 


The LA Lakers ended the season of the Phoenix Suns last night and will now move on to face the Boston Celtics in the NBA finals.  This should be a fun series to watch...not just for all the great players involved, but also because of the history of these two franchises playing each other in previous finals.

The LA Dodgers have made it back from last place in the NL West division to only 1 game out of first place.  Not bad for a team with a pitching staff that is not top notch and several of our starters on the disabled list.  Now that we are able to compete for the top spot, the rest of the season should be fun to watch!


Now that our spring winds have started to taper off, Helpful Buckeye has been able to ride outdoors a lot more. 

A couple of quotes from Will Rogers caught my eye this week.  First, for Charlene and Ken: "When the Oakies left Oklahoma and moved to California, it raised the I.Q. of both states."

and, secondly, as a reflection on the economy of the past 2 years: "The time to save is now. When a dog gets a bone, he doesn't go out and make a down payment on a bigger bone. He buries the one he's got."

~~The goal of this blog is to provide general information and advice to help you be a better pet owner and to have a more rewarding relationship with your pet. This blog does not intend to replace the professional one-on-one care your pet receives from a practicing veterinarian. When in doubt about your pet's health, always visit a veterinarian.~~


Big Dan's Big News May 30, 2010




But SCHMEERIOUSLY folks, here's the LIVE webcam of the runaway oil spill ruining the United States of America, thanks to the Bush administration subversion of the federal agencies in charge of oversight and Obama then not immediately fixing it. No stories in the corporate owned (90% owned by conservatives) mainstream media, "The liberals were right", "The tree huggers were right", "The Republican subversion of government oversight cause this"...NOPE!!! Not even Obama said, "The liberals were right"!!! Because Obama isn't a liberal!!! He's not a socialist, he's not a communist, he's a corporatist just like George W. Bush. The Democrats aren't liberal, and the Republicans aren't conservative. Sarah Palin said, "We're all Arizonans now", about the unconstitutional racial profiling law in Arizona. Is anyone saying, more importantly, "WE'RE ALL TREE HUGGERS NOW"???

Watch live streaming video from wkrg_oil_spill at

The Gulf is dying due to the use of dispersants!

Better stock up on tuna, shrimp and oysters. Deep freeze them so your grandchildren can learn what they were! - BB2

News networks say access to oil spill ’slowly being strangled off’

U.S. Plans ‘for Worst’ in Gulf, Seeing Risk in Leak Strategy

BP oil spill: the ecological impact...Chevron arrests activists..."TOP KILL" fails...NASA releases oil spill video...people FAIL in oil spill, sickness running through cleanup crew...BP's chemical dispersants making living things sick or killing them...spill "worst in U.S. history and still going...PROSECUTE BP heads???...BP's role in 1989 Exxon-Valdez oil spill...


Banks still the powerhouse in DC

Bilderberg 2010 - a bunch of the richest, most influential people with like interests getting together with media heads attending it but not reporting on it? Naaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!

Notice we never call out Israel on anything, like nukes, abusing children, harvesting organs, 9/11...or anything? Is it because there's so many pro-Israel shills in our U.S. government like Joe Lieberman?

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine! - The Stimulator - SubMediaTV

Clips from END:CIV -

Calling All Angels

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ask Knee-Jerk Environmentalists Why BP Is Drilling at 5,000 Feet

Charles Krauthammer has asked a question that's not being discussed, but should be:

Why are we drilling in 5,000 feet of water in the first place?

I've been thinking about that one myself, considering that, for decades, Alaska has been begging for a go-ahead to place small high-tech wells on perfectly dry land in ANWR. Ask the liberal's pariah, Sarah Palin, whose state has made as much as $10 billion in a single year in revenues from royalty payments made to the state by oil companies like BP. Alaska's residents don't pay state taxes; instead, they receive about $1,200 a year from their state government in revenues made from oil. Alaskans want to drill, and the technology to drill on dry land has been around for a long time.

It goes without saying that stopping an oil leak on dry land, like anything else, is enormously easier than stopping one 5,000 feet under the Gulf. And Alaska has plenty of natural gas that it would like to pipe to the lower 48 states.

Said Krauthammer:
As production from the shallower Gulf of Mexico wells declines, we go deep (1,000 feet and more) and ultra deep (5,000 feet and more), in part because environmentalists have succeeded in rendering the Pacific and nearly all the Atlantic coast off-limits to oil production. (President Obama's tentative, selective opening of some Atlantic and offshore Alaska sites is now dead.)

And of course, in the safest of all places, on land, we've had a 30-year ban on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

So we go deep, ultradeep — to such a technological frontier that no precedent exists for the April 20 blowout in the Gulf of Mexico.

There will always be catastrophic oil spills. You make them as rare as humanly possible, but where would you rather have one: in the Gulf of Mexico, upon which thousands depend for their livelihood, or in the Arctic, where there are practically no people?

Our natural environment is not protected by knee-jerk responses to environmental fads but by good judgment. The response to the Gulf of Mexico disaster is not to stopping drilling for oil--thereby abandoning any control over protection of the environment and leaving it to other countries--but to drill in the right places, where we can exercise maximum precautions and are in the best position to deal with accidents.

Big Dan's Big News March 28, 2010

BP's "top kill" method of stopping the oil spill does NOT seem to be working...

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico may have apocalyptic consequences, a report by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources said.

Oil spill threatens 'total destruction'

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill trajectory ensemble forecast from different numerical models

(excellent comments below from BDBB commenters.....I sort of mushed them together and put them here. You know my blog policy: I STEAL everything and give NO CREDIT!!! TOUGH SHIT!!! I will give "attribution", if someone threatens me...and I take it somewhat seriously........)

New hole found in the riser tube. It seems the riser tube is becoming perforated like Swiss cheese. Is the inside wall wearing away to tissue paper thickness ? This is the first kink in the riser tube just above the BOP. How long will it be that the riser tube totally disintegrates and a full force/full pressure blowout of methane gas and heavy crude oil goes gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. If this happens - then we will see an ecological catastrophe beyond all comprehensions.

The hole farthest to the right, with the darkest material coming out, was barely noticeable when the first started showing this image. Now it matches the other holes in material coming out.

And that begs the question - what is coming out? Why is every stream a different color? WTF?

And why are they no longer showing video of the end of the tube where the inserted the new tube to collect the oil?

New under water plume found to the west - miles wide, but no measurements yet - too big to survey. This is addition to the 3,000 foot thick, 6 mile wide and 22 mile long plume of oil and dispersants discovered yesterday to the east of the leak.

La. scientist locates another vast oil plume in the gulf

Right now, at the live feed, that new hole appears to be leaking the most. In fact all of the leaks appear larger than the ones in the photo at Anony's link!

How much more can that pipe take before it blow completely?

After staring at the video for awhile I count 7 holes in the pipe. 2 are in the background, one behind the plume on the right and one behind the plume second from the right.

And I still want to know what is going on at the end of the pipe - that is all they showed us for the last week, now nothing.
Why did they not show us then the leak they are showing now?

Still hiding something???

La. scientist locates another vast oil plume in the gulf

The prices here in Sacramento have dropped $0.24 in the last couple of days. The cheapest stations were at $2.99 for regular last weekend, now at $2.75. Some stations had been as high as $3.19 for regular.

More evidence that oil prices are rigged (note how they are not going up on a major holiday - for the first time, ever):

LIVE spillcam:

Watch live streaming video from wkrg_oil_spill at

It was like something blew up (approx. 9AM) or exploded this morning at the BOP at the BP gusher. See the video,.. at 2:59 on the video count up meter the action starts. Very little in the MSM about this event:

Americans are sick of multi-national corporations trashing OUR environment:

The Fireboat Three Forty Three Arrives in New York Harbor

Confederacy News:

ASS gets ASS tattooed on his ASS...or, "a little to the right"...he's from Kentucky...:

How about this idea: the guy should've put the tattoo so his asshole was Sarah Palin's mouth, and then film himself taking a nice loooooong CRAP, put it on youtube, and people will think it's Sarah Palin giving a speech!!!!!

GOP and the Tea Party's Policies Would Send Us Back a Half of a Century


CNN Apologizes After Airing Song With 'Nigga'

Small Faces - Whatcha Gonna Do About It?

Small Faces Biography:

Friday, May 28, 2010

Big Dan's Big News May 28, 2010, Mr. Peanut is disgusted..........

Mr. Peanut, who born in Northeast Pa., is barfing in his grave, seeing all of this corruption unravelling here:

A state panel charged with investigating the kids-for-cash case spared no one in a scathing report issued Thursday, laying blame for the scandal on criminal judges, passive prosecutors, inattentive pubic defenders and Luzerne County's long history of "conflict and corruption."

Pa. State Panel: "Total Collapse" of the system during "Kids for Cash" judges scandal.

Our present DA Jackie Musto Carroll (below left) and our present juvenile judge David Lupas (below right) were both DA's during the many years of the "Kids for Cash" scandal. They were named by the state panel as "passive prosecutors"....."prosecutors who stood by and abdicated their responsibility"....."whose silence, distraction or timid acquiescence allegedly abetted the scheme" while they were DA's during the many years of the "Kids for Cash" scandal.



Read the report

Read the recommendations

Read the news release

Kids' lives ruined by corrupt judges and other players who put them away for minor or non-existent "offenses" for their $$$ profit:

Krystal Pope spent three months at a wilderness camp for possessing drug paraphernalia after appearing before then-Judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr.

Juveniles, families struggle to make sense of scandal

Privatizing Justice: Judges Jail Kids for Profit

NEPA "Kids for Cash" judges scandal:

30th person charged in the ongoing federal probe into NEPA, it's not Mr. Peanut!!! Now we know why guys like Tom Greco and Mericle were so successful in this area!!! Aren't they "too big to fail"???

Tom Greco poses with Mr. Peanut can Greco slipping $5,000.00 in Mr. Peanut's pocket...

#30 - Greco plea tied to closed bar

The Beatles - I've Got a Feeling

John Brennan: What's Wrong with Jihad?

Just as I thought I'd better take a break from fulminating about the heartbreaking plan for a Ground Zero mega-mosque, I discovered that the Obama's top counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, just defended jihad as a "legitimate tenet of Islam." This begs the question: Is Brennan advising Obama, or is Obama advising Brennan? Of course, the obvious answer is that this stuff rolls downhill, and no doubt has been splashing around the governmental corridors of New York City since Obama was elected. Read about it if you can stand to. I think the jihadists already know.

Cartoonist Stilton Jarlsberg had this response:


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Big Dan's Big News May 27, 2010

The flaws in conservatism...we're seeing it right now with the BP oil spill, Marcellus Shale drilling, the Massey WV mine disaster, and the financial disaster...

Public/private distinction for civil rights enforcement ignores the omnipotent power of private corporations. Anti-government 'Tea Party' rhetoric misses real threat to liberty posed by unchecked corporate wealth and power...

Rand Paul Exposes Libertarian Blind Spots (by Ernest Canning via The Brad Blog)

Sen. Sanders: Deregulation Lead to Financial Crisis and BP Oil Disaster

Even though Sarah Palin was up in Alaska during the Exxon-Valdez oil spill, she still said "DRILL, BABY, DRILL" during the presidential campaign with McCain. Now she's saying she'll "pray" for the people on the Gulf of Mexico!!! Sarah: take your Oil God and shove it!!!

30 years ago, the exact same thing happened THEN...that's happening NOW....we haven't done ONE THING in 30 YEARS!!!!!!!

Do ya miss him yet??? It was 8 years of the Bush administrations' policies of neutering federal agencies like the EPA, FDA, MMS, and dept of interior and installing industry cronies to head them that directly led to the BP oil spill. When the Bush administration wasn't busy scaring the SHIT out of you with TERROR TERROR TERROR, he was sabotaging federal oversight agencies.

Miss Me Yet???????????

TIME: Who's to blame for the BP oil spill???

See the LIVE stream of what's going on underwater at the BP oil spill:

Watch live streaming video from wkrg_oil_spill at

Skytruth's John Amos on Estimating the Size of the BP's Oil Slick

Finance bill doesn't prevent "structural blackmail", Kucinich won't vote for it:

Keiser Report № 46: Social Fury builds up!

Youtube's Thunderf00t: Dangerous Demagogue Disregards Harm to People

Confederacy News:

Arizona Cracking Down On Teacher Accents

The Beatles - Get Back (live)

The Beatles - Help (John forgets the lines)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NYC Community Board Okays Ground Zero Mosque Plans

"I don't want a mosque on the grave of my son and on the grave of everybody else who was murdered on that day," Rosemary Cain said. Rosemary's son George was a 35-year old NYC firefighter.

My deepest condolences, Rosemary. I grieve for you. American grieves for you.

But Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, his Muslim backers in the U.S. and in Muslim nations, think they know better.

And now NYC's Community Board No. 1 agrees that they do.

The board have put their stamp of approval (29 to 1, with 10 abstaining) on the Ground Zero mosque, which somehow is supposed to show "resident support" of the project, despite an overflow crowd of hurt and angry people who came to their meeting last night to oppose the mosque.
It's all supposedly about tolerance, but no tolerance for the beliefs of Rosemary and the other mourners of 9/11, whose bodies were never recovered from Ground Zero.

In her own country.

"I'm asking you to let this be a place of understanding where we can learn about each other," supporter Asim Rehman said.

Thanks a lot, Asim. Just what we need. Another forced "opportunity" to learn about Muslims, while the very act of building this mosque at Ground Zero demonstrates perfectly that you have no interest whatever in the feelings of non-Muslims, or even of Muslims who recognize with their hearts the injury caused by this proposed mosque.

Islamic "tolerance" in action.

Message received.

Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer said in a statement that by supporting the multi-faith community and cultural center, the board "sent a clear message that our city is one that promotes diversity and tolerance."

Leftie liberal approval noted.


Video from the meeting (Hat tip, Michelle Malkin). This is what the Board approved:


From a report by Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch via Atlas Shrugs:
Immediately after the vote the press was given a written statement from Stringer congratulating the Board for voting as they did, which indicates that he knew all along the way the vote was going to go.

But that doesn't mean that the 9/11 Mosque is a fait accompli. Oh, no. The people in that room tonight who knew that they were being lied to and sold a bill of goods are not going to take this lying down. This is why it is all the more crucial for you, if you possibly can, to attend our June 6 rally at noon at Zucotti Park in lower Manhattan. This is our last chance to make our voices heard. And we will be heard.
Londoners were able to stop their mega-mosque, and NYC can do it too.

Related posts:

    Big Dan's Big News May 26, 2010...the RECKLESS LANDOWNERS

    President Bush addresses the Marcellus Shale "RECKLESS LANDOWNERS"............

    If your land is polluted due to the predatory Marcellus Drilling companies, you were "taken advantage of" by the big, bad corporations. If you lost your home to a predatory lender, you are a "RECKLESS HOMEOWNER" taking advantage of the poor lenders!!!

    Remember when millions of Americans started losing their homes to foreclosure and Bush called the homeowners "Reckless Homeowners" taking advantage of lenders? When in reality it was lenders selling mortgages to people they knew couldn't pay them, and then the lenders packaged these loans into AAA rated investment funds and then bet against them to fail and made even MORE money??? Well, now there are cries of the Marcellus Shale drilling companies taking advantage of landowners and polluting their land and everyone's calling for a moratorium on Marcellus Shale drilling. Should we call these people 'RECKLESS LANDOWNERS' who took advantage of Marcellus Shale drilling companies??? I don't recall the SAME people calling for a moratorium on millions of Americans losing their homes to foreclosure due to predatory corporations. Funny, huh? I bet the "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS" had a MUCH greater % of minorities (subprime mortgages) than the "RECKLESS LANDOWNERS". Is that the reason for the difference that the "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS" were demonized, and the "RECKLESS LANDOWNERS" are "VICTIMS"? Another coincidence! I'm "playing the race card"!

    The media treated the "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS" and the "RECKLESS LANDOWNERS" as different as black and white, night and day. On the LEFT: "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS" protesting. On the RIGHT: "RECKLESS LANDOWNERS" protesting:


    BDBB FLASHBACK: Friday, December 7, 2007 - Bush Lays Into "Reckless Homeowners" Who Took Advantage of Lenders & Investors

    BDBB FLASHBACK: Monday, December 31, 2007 - Bush Addresses "Reckless Homeowners"...again...

    BDBB FLASHBACK: Monday, December 31, 2007 - Wait A Minute! I Thought Bush Said Americans Losing Their Homes To Foreclosure Were "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS"!!!!!!!

    BDBB FLASHBACK: Low Road to High Finance: McClatchy Expose Reveals How Goldman Sachs Sold Off Billions in Mortgage Securities After Anticipating Housing Collapse

    A five-month investigation by McClatchy Newspapers has revealed that Goldman Sachs made secret bets against the housing market while simultaneously selling off billions in soon-to-be worthless securities. In 2006 and 2007, the bank reportedly peddled more than $40 billion in securities backed by at least 200,000 risky home mortgages, but never told the buyers it was secretly betting that a sharp drop in US housing prices would send the value of those securities plummeting. We speak to McClatchy reporter Greg Gordon.

    Bush called the homeowners who are losing their homes: "Reckless Homeowners", remember? Well read this: whistleblowers at the lenders said they were appealing to their superiors to reject the shaky loans! So it wasn't the "reckless homeowners OR the government, it was the LENDERS!!! Then, the lenders knowingly packaged the risky mortgages they never should have given to people who shouldn't have qualified, into AAA rated bonds (they HID them) and sold them throughout the world...THEN BET that they would tank and made even MORE money THAT way, too!!! Why aren't these people in jail??? They caused the financial crisis!!!

    AMY GOODMAN: Let’s turn to the issue of how Goldman Sachs stopped scrutinizing the loans it bought. This is a clip of a video report by Greg Gordon featuring two risk analysts contracted by Goldman.

    GREG GORDON: Goldman and other Wall Street firms contracted with risk analysts, including Californians Irma Aninger and Melissa Toy, to review thousands of subprime mortgage files. Aninger said she was stunned as she saw from loan applications how much credit standards had deteriorated from 2004 through 2006.

    IRMA ANINGER: A gardener making $10,000 a month, a checker at Wal-Mart making $5,000 a month. What else was there? Oh, they were ridiculous.

    GREG GORDON: Aninger and Toy said they appealed to their superiors to reject shaky loans in which lenders had required no verification. (BD: I thought Bush, Republicans, and rightwingers said the lenders had their arms twisted by the government and the "reckless homeowners"!!!!!!)

    MELISSA TOY: At times, I didn’t understand why we were even working, because they were overriding our decisions. Or if we question anything, if we tried to decline a loan, they were going beyond us and approving them.

    IRMA ANINGER: The whole thing didn’t make any sense to me. That’s why I said earlier I didn’t even know why I was there, because the stuff was going to get pushed through anyway.

    GREG GORDON: Yet, of all the Wall Street firms, Goldman was the only one that seemed to anticipate trouble ahead and safely exited the subprime market.

    Goldman Sachs now taking away peoples' homes. The Beckers fight Wall St. bailed-out giant Goldman Sachs. They were fighting Goldman CEO Hank Paulson, who ironically became Bush's Treasury Secretary and started the taxpayer bailouts, of which Goldman Sachs made out like bandits.

    RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS: THE BECKERS!!! Bush, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh and rightwinger media called people like the Beckers, "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS".

    Goldman spent years buying hundreds of thousands of subprime mortgages, many of them from some of the more unsavory lenders in the business, and packaging them into high-yield bonds. Now that the bottom has fallen out of that market, Goldman finds itself in a different role: as the big banker that takes homes away from folks such as the Beckers.

    McClatchy: Goldman takes on new role: taking away people's homes

    McClatchy: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash


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