
Monday, June 7, 2010

Gulf Misery: One Hand Washes the Other, or Else?

Thought I'd pass along this insight from There's my Two Cents:
So, seeing as it’s been clear all along to the White House that we had an ecological disaster on our hands: why did the President not act in a timely fashion to try to keep the oil off of the beaches in the five Gulf of Mexico states?
State               Governor              Party          Election Year?    Note 
Alabama          Bob Riley            Republican           Yes               Open race
Florida             Charlie Crist        Independent         Yes              Former GOP
Louisiana         Bobby Jindal       Republican            No               GOP leader 
Mississippi       Haley Barbour     Republican            No               RGA head
Texas                Rick Perry          Republican           Yes               Re-election
Gee, I don’t have the slightest idea.

Obama's political bummer machine undoubtedly is in high gear working out ways to spin this Gulf disaster to their advantage, and much of their hoped-for gain will involve the so-called "green" shakedowns they've been planning since before Fannie Mae got involved in the carbon-credit racket. Environmentalists will play ball with this administration for whatever they can get, I'm thinking, but they have stopped swooning over Obama: for many, his obvious lack of any investment of the heart tells the tale.

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