
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Recipe Olan

Recipe Olan

To Pressure Cook
1 kg white bopla
1/2 kg green Pumpkin
50 gms chowli beans (optional)
3 green chillies
Salt to taste

Peel and cut white bopla and green pumpkin to big pieces. Cut chowli to 4 cm pieces. Wash vegetables and pressure cook along with salt and chillies till done. Add Coconut oil and bring to a boil. Serve hot.

Kerala Samayal

Palakkad is the district in Kerala, bordering Tamil Nadu. Many Tamilians have settled here, their life styles reflecting a blend of Tamilian and Keralite culture.Palakkad cuisine being purely vegetarian, enlists a wide variety of roots and vegetables in its cooking. Certain roots like Koorkai and Cherukazhangu, generally available only in shops selling south Indian vegetables are used.

The vegetable dishes are quiet easy to prepare, most of them steam cooked or stir fried in very little oil, while very few spices are used, resulting in the vegetables retaining their original favor and remaining highly nutritious. The costal influence of Kerala is evident in the way grated coconut is utilized in most dishes and pure coconut oil employed as the medium of cooking.

Entertaining the best possible way

Earning money to lead a normal healthy life must be a common practice amongst every person. After getting that hard earned money one would tend to relax once in a while. For entertaining these days here we find lot of information on that. Ringling Brothers Circus Tickets is one of the favorite events most people want to see. For buying the tickets it is easy way to visit this site in order to get at discount rates. All these events are so popular and the counter gates tickets usually exhaust so quickly. This site when approached, the person there will guide and help the customer the type of ticket to reserve based on cost economy. The following mode of payment is accepted. Visa, Master card, American express and so on. After assurance of accommodation only the cards are debited.

The next one is Barbra Streisand tickets are very popular and in this site they furnish the complete schedule of concert tour details and place where the programmes are conducted. Depending upon the demand the tickets are booked for the customer the price of which will be less or some time more than the face value.

David Copperfield Tickets are enjoyed by all and before buying the tickets we should know some details of David Copperfield. Here is a man a versatile personality for his magical qualities. At the very young age of 12 years he started doing this profession he used to stage the shows and the audiences are spell bound on his conjuring tricks. His shows are taking part from September to October.

Surya's next film with A.R.Murugadoss

Great News to Surya fans. Director A.R.Murugadoss and Surya are going to work together again. After Ghajini’s success in Tamil as well as Hindi, everyone is expecting what is his next project. A.R.Murugadoss said that it will take some more time for his next Hindi movie, he decided to do a Tamil film.

Sources said that when Director Murugadoss contacted Suriya, he immediately accepted the offer to act in his movie and this film will be created in three languages , Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. They are searching for a new face for this film.

Recipe Khamang Kakdi

3 small cucumbers, peeled, chopped very finely
3 curry leaves
1 tsp. oil
1 cup grated fresh coconut
3 green chillies, minced
½ cup peanuts, roasted crushed
½ tsp. mustard seeds
2 cups curd
1 tbsp. coriander leaves, chopped
salt and sugar to taste
Drain out all water or juice from cucumber. Mix with chillies, peanuts, coriander leaves, coconut and curd. Mix well. Heat oil add mustard seeds and curry leaves. As they pop pour over the mixture. Add salt and sugar just before serving.

Musical extravaganza

Everybody in the World likes music. Some people like Instrumental music, Western music, melodies, etc. This is an art and it is purely a God’s Gift. Playing musical instruments needs training. If you are a new instrument player and want to buy a new musical instrument, before buying it you should know what are points to be checked. In this site they guide you properly and give you tips.

The oldest musical instrument is Trumpet and it is made from the brass and they are used in the classical music and also in jazz. Horn is another instrument which is second highest sounding musical instrument in the brass family. French horns are very popular and best brand gives you best results.

Johnan Christoph Dener invented Clarinet during 18th Century. This instrument is from the woodwind family. More than 12 types of clarinets are available, Bb is the popular model. In this site you will know the parts of Clarinet, main brands of clarinet and the make are available.

Electric Keyboards are reasonably priced and they are very easy to operate and you can take it wherever you go. Nowadays children are always playing keyboards with ease.

The musical instrument drum sets are from percussion family and it is loved by youngsters. In the modern days drums are used in many songs. If you are interested in buying Drum Sets, in this site you will find all information about Drums such as configuration, parts, major manufactures etc.

Saxophones are very popular music and it is used in the military band and big music band parties. The person who plays Saxophone is called Saxophonist. If you are beginner or student or a professional all the information about Saxophone are available in this site. This is the best site give you all information about musical instruments.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Big Dan's Big News Sep 30, 2009


"Politically Motivated Hype" - At least the 3rd coordinated blitz by government/media for an Iran War by the United States of Israel

Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter joins us to discuss what he calls “politically motivated hype” over Iran’s nuclear program. The Obama administration has warned of sanctions unless Iran allows inspections of a newly disclosed nuclear site. Iran insists the site has been used for peaceful purposes. The row comes just after Iran’s test-firing of medium- and long-range missiles and before Iranian officials are due to hold talks with the US and five other nations in Geneva.

SCOTT RITTER: Israel launched a massive air exercise last year, in which it demonstrated the ability to fly hundreds of aircraft, you know, the distance necessary to strike targets in Iran. The United States is carrying out exercises with Israel as we speak. You know, the bottom line is it’s the United States and Israel which are the more aggressive of the players here. Iran is not an aggressor. Iran has not attacked anybody. Iran is simply trying to do that which it is legally allowed to do: produce enriched uranium for the purposes of nuclear power. It’s Israel, which, by the way, is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, claims it will never be a signatory and has a massive nuclear weapons capability—it’s Israel and the United States which are creating a crisis out of nothing.

Fmr. UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter Warns Against “Politically Motivated Hype” on Iran Nuke Glenn Greenwald on Iran: rhetoric vs. actions - ISRAEL and the U.S. actually has been invading countries, Iran hasn't!...senators Kyl, Bond, McCain, & Obama hit the TV circuit promoting an Iran War...

The story line that dominated media coverage of the second Iranian uranium enrichment facility last week was the official assertion that U.S. intelligence had caught Iran trying to conceal a "secret" nuclear facility.

But an analysis of the transcript of that briefing by senior administration officials that was the sole basis for the news stories and other evidence reveals damaging admissions, conflicts with the facts and unanswered questions that undermine its credibility.

POLITICS: U.S. Story on Iran Nuke Facility Doesn't Add Up

Iran's Nuclear Program: Iran truthful, in treaty compliance; US/Israel lying, in treaty violation

Does this Iran War rhetoric sound familiar? Remember the SAME FALSE RHETORIC for Iraq?

Weapons of Mass Deception - how the government worked with the media to push a war based on lies

The "Dancing Israelis" demand that we attack another Arab country on their behalf and have more American soldiers die for them and put us deeper in war debt...

For almost two years, hundreds of young Israelis falsely claiming to be art students haunted federal offices -- in particular, the DEA. No one knows why -- and no one seems to want to find out.

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Senators introduce bill to repeal telecom wiretapping immunity

Longtime counterterrorism agent Phil Giraldi comments on FBI vet John Cole's recent confirmation of Bush official targeted in 'decade-long' espionage probe

CIA Vet: FBI Whistleblower Edmonds 'Very Credible'

Longtime counterintel official acknowledges evidence behind key aspect of allegations against Marc Grossman made by former FBI translator turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. Bureau vet says investigation was 'buried and covered up,' calls for new investigation, 'accountability'...

Former FBI Agent Confirms: Bush State Official Was Target of 'Decade-Long' Espionage Probe

VIDEO: Schakowsky Publicly Denies Affair With Turkish Agent as 'Total Fantasy,' 'Totally Made Up'. FBI whistleblower Edmonds stands by allegations, challenges IL Dem Congresswoman to 'bring a libel suit against me'...

Senior official in Bush domestic propaganda program remains Obama’s Pentagon spokesman

Steven Colbert - Cheating Death

The Colbert Report
Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Cheating Death - Snus & Placebo Effect

Colbert Report Full Episodes
Political Humor
Michael Moore

Steven Colbert - SpiderPope

The Colbert Report
Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c

Colbert Report Full Episodes
Political Humor
Michael Moore

Small Faces - Tin Soldier, Happy Days/Toytown

Happy Days Toy Town

Deepavali Celebration

In India, Deepavali is celebrated in a grand manner. All are happy during Deepavali season. People get bonus from their employees. For Deepavali all purchase new clothes, and children buy crackers. Women prepare lot of sweets and savories in their homes. On Deepavali day, they woke up early in the morning and take Ganga Snanam (holy dip) and wear new dress and pray to God and eat with their family and friends. They always exchange gifts and sweets with each other.

The four day festival includes the new year of the business community. Gifts and an sweets are exchanged and families get together to celebrate the festival with fire works, rangloli floor patterns. Every year new films released on Deepavali day and it is a great joy for movie goers. This year Surya's Aadhavan and Vijay's Vettaikaran are the Big movies releasing on Deepavali Day.

Mahalakshmi Temple, Mumbai Tourist attraction

Mahalakshmi Temple, Mumbai: This temple is situated about a kilometer from the Mahalakshmi Railway Station. The temple was built during the period 1761 – 1771. It is a simple structure having images of Mahalakshmi, Mahakali and Mahasaraswati. These images are the same as those salvaged from the sea. The main entrance door was constructed in 1938.

At the top is a drum chamber where twice a day the drums are beaten. Inside the doorway on the left is a four and half meter high deepmala (lamp pillar) and on the right a 4 meter high deepmala. The shrine facing the East measures 6,096 meters x 4.572 meters. The floor is paved with marble stone. The temple spire is 15.240 meters high from the ground. The Image of Mahalakshmi is in the center and those of Mahakali and Mahasaraswati are to her right and left. A large number of devotees come on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

Web Hosting made easy

Hi friends web hosting sites are on the increase as it is necessary to own the same even for small organizations. Based on individual requirements of data the site can be acquired. One such service is dedicated server web hosting which is so accommodative and helpful to the customers and they are in the field for almost 15 years and got very much of approval since 2003. This company will always install hardware of dell with Intel processor and Cisco systems routers and switches.

Providing such high quality technology equipments in order to satisfy the customers with the best possible service. The speed zone technology will out class all other sites since the technology provides the concerned web site information so quickly and precisely. This is an employee managed company where the employees are having four years of experience in web hosting. So let us not waste time searching for any other site as we have the best suited one.

Big Dan's Big News Sep 29, 2009

(Update: Guess what? They pulled this American Police Force website after I posted this! When you hit the big blue "American Police Force" below, it's gone, Captain!!! It was here on Google: American Police Force Organization - Official Website
American Police Force is dedicated to maintaining our well deserved professional reputation as a results oriented full-service private investigative and ... - Cached - Similar)

Why would they feel the NEED to identify themselves as "American"??? (see: FREEDOM Works)

Update again: it's back up!

If it's got a name, and it's not "the police"'s a corporation! Get it? Blackwater isn't "the army"'s BLACKWATER! Get it??? It's not public, it's CORPORATE ("private")!!! Do you say: "let's call the police" or do you say: "Let's call APF American Police Force" when you need the police? Christ!!! The FASCISTS are winning!!! Next up: American Fire Protection!!! Pay your premium or they won't put out your fire!!! They'll put out rich peoples' homes if they're on fire!!! Will you wake up before America is toast???

WHO IS - American Police Force (APF) ???????

The jail in Hardin has been empty for about two years, but on September 4th officials with the Two Rivers Authority, the economic development agency that paid for the facility, signed a contract with a private police firm called American Police Force to fill the jail.

As Ralph Nader says: they win the war of words if you use "privatize" instead of "corporatize". Is this the beginning of CORPORATIZING the police force? Taking it out of the public domain? Is America becoming FASCIST?

Ralph Nader: Purloining the People's Property

What Is American Police Force?

CA co. preps to take over MT jail

Reports: Mysterious, unregistered security firm policing Montana town

Privatize The Police Department!!!!!!!!!!

This video was a JOKE...and now it's really happening! See the above! Wake up, people! Or keep listening to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, who could've actually MADE this video below FOR REAL!!! Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are rich fucks speaking for other rich fucks who would actually love it if this happened, and you could listen to them as your house is burning down and have them tell you it's "OK" to corporatize (privatize) the entire public domain!!! Please don't be too dumb to see what people like that are really for and who they speak for!!!

If you're a U.S. citizen peacefully protesting in the U.S. and it's NOT a contrived corporate sponsored staged "protest" against health care, make sure you bring ear plugs, a gas mask, and body armor! But don't bring a gun or they'll taze your ass and throw you in jail!

For first time ever, U.S. government uses sound cannons on it's citizens.

As leaders of the world’s richest nations gathered in Pittsburgh for the G-20 summit this past Thursday and Friday, thousands took to the streets in protest amidst a heavy police crackdown. Heavily armed riot police were out in force and used tear gas, stun grenades, smoke canisters and sound cannons, which direct extremely loud shrill sounds. It was believed to be the first time sound cannons have been publicly used in the United States. More than 175 people were arrested over two days.

Nearly 200 Arrested as Police Unleash Tear Gas, Sound Cannons at G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh

GRITtv: Bill Quigley: Right To Dissent Suspended in Pittsburgh (bd: because it wasn't a corporate-sponsored anti-health-care reform staged protest? The constitutional right to dissent was SUSPENDED! Do you hear that, Teabaggers? Glenn Beck? Libertarians?)

GRITtv with Laura Flanders brings participatory democracy onto your computer screen and into your living room, bridging the gap between audience and advocates. Watch any show, at any time:

The U.S. Creeps Closer To A Police State

Longtime counterintel official acknowledges evidence behind key aspect of allegations against Marc Grossman made by former FBI translator turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. Agency vet says investigation was 'buried and covered up,' calls for new investigation, 'accountability'...

Former FBI Agent Confirms: Bush State Official Was Target of 'Decade-Long' Espionage Probe.

Jeremy Scahill on defunding ACORN and the mysterious electocution deaths in Iraq.

How could any sane person put even the wildest allegations against ACORN up against the systematic misconduct and criminality of massive corporations?

Jeremy Scahill: Is the Hypocritical War Against ACORN Unconstitutional?

Where is the Defund Blackwater Act?

Read my lips: the "defund ACORN" bill is a Corporate Death penalty for ALL entities that defraud the government, not just ACORN. And we ALL can agree on this! Right? Great!!! Or is it different, now that it's for ALL entities that ripoff the government...not just ACORN?

Pressure Builds On Pentagon to Investigate Electrocution Death in Iraq

Another Mysterious Electrocution Death in Iraq

1976 & 1960's Small Faces with Steve Marriot, & 1985 Marriot - Whatcha Gonna Do About It?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Jyothika and Diya inaugurated Children Place

Famous film actress Jyothika and Diya (daughter of Jyothika) inaugurated the Vannila Children Place. This is a showroom situated at Nungambakkam, Ispani Centre. The inauguration was held on 26th September at 6 p.m. In this showroom, you will find all the items that is essential for children like children bed, furnishing, toys, furniture, etc.

The Nungambakkam Vannila Children Place is their second show room. The first one was inaugurated in 2007 and it was well received by the customers, they have opened their second show room. The atmosphere is very nice, where parents can meet other parents of their age group and discuss and enjoy their time.

Recipe Seviyan

Recipe Seviyan

2 cups vermicelli
½ cup khoya
1 tsp cardmom- nutmeg powder
¼ cup raisins, soaked in water
5 cups milk
¼ cup almond powder
1 ½ cups sugar
2 tbsp. ghee

Heat ghee in a pan. Add vermicelli and stir fry till golden. Add drained raisins. Reserve. Heat milk and dissolve khoya in it. Add almond powder and blend to a thick creamy liquid. Add sugar and cardamom-nutmeg powder. Mix in the vermicelli and add more milk if needed to achieve required consistency. Serve hot or chilled.

Satellite wonder

Satellite TV is unavoidable in most of the houses by able to view so many channels by the common man living in any part of the world may get to know the global vision of things that are happening around. Direct TV Packages is one of such Satellite TV networks and are offering attractive packages. They provide more channels at affordable rates. They are classified such as premier with 265 channels up to 5 months free of cost only thing you have to opt for NFL Sunday Ticket for five months. The quality wise pictures, sound and clarity, well one cannot argue but only enjoy. Like this there are also plus HDDVR, plus DVR, family entertainment and so on are also accessible.

Direct TV Offers lot of packages like movie, sports, DVR, entertainment programes and so on at reasonable price. This entertainment channel reaches too many places like apartments, commercial complex, hotels, airports and even hospitals. The Direct TV offer with digital video recording and the family type channels are very well sought. Whenever Direct TV is ordered, it is fixed within a day at free of cost.

If you are interested in booking Direct TV Deals this is the best time because they are giving you the Year’s best offer now. If you book it immediately you will save $ 450 and also $21 savings for every month up to one year and HBO, SHOWTIME and STARZ five month’s subscription free, etc. Act fast and call them today and enjoy.

Big Dan's Big News Sep 28, 2009

It's becoming clear: James "the pimp" O'Keefe has a rich rightwing sugardaddy that finances his "sting" operations against liberal groups, which are nothing more than financed anti-liberal infomercials!

"James O'Keefe, the activist filmmaker who achieved sudden fame for a series of undercover videos recording ACORN workers, has repeatedly said that he is "absolutely independent" and received no outside funding to make his films."

But the Voice has learned that O'Keefe, in fact, has had heavyweight conservative backers who funded the young filmmaker as recently as a few months before his ACORN films were made.

Village Voice: Conservative Facebook Investor Funded Anti-ACORN Videographer

O'Keefe "not sure" if he broke the law with his ACORN "sting". Translation: he's in DEEP SHIT:

In Failed Bid To Salvage Filmmaker's Credibility, Fox's Wallace Attacks Media Matters

Among recipients of government money already convicted of serious misconduct, ACORN (had it been so convicted) wouldn't make it onto the list of the top 100.

click on above picture to enlarge in new window

Federal Contractor Misconduct Database

ACORN and the top recipients of government contracts among companies guilty of serious misconduct.

Public Option Now Petition

Conservatives and libertarians, mostly, have been advancing the theory lately that the individual mandate, in which the government would compel everyone to buy insurance or pay a penalty, is unconstitutional.

NYTimes: A Constitutional Debate Over a Health Care Mandate

Betsy McCaughey, Big Tobacco, and the campaign to destroy health care reform

Horribly Injured Americans Against Obamacare

Your electronic vote in the 2010 election has just been bought

The HBO movie: "Hacking Democracy"

The Oklahoma City bombing revisited:

NYTimes - Attorney: OKC Bombing Tapes Appear Edited

Oklahoma City Bomb Report

Oklahoma City Bombing and suicided Sgt. Terry Yeakey

A Guilty Agent: The Shadowy Role of Timothy McVeigh

Parallels to the 9/11/01 Attack


Small Faces Documentary

Sunday, September 27, 2009


MEOW, MEOW!!! Helpful Buckeye received a lot of e-mails about last week's discussion of the senses of a cat. Those from cat owners pretty much said the same thing: "Keep the cat articles coming!" The e-mails from dog owners weren't as negative as you might expect. Nope, they all reported that they enjoyed reading about the different capabilities of cats, as provided by their senses. With the good reception for this type of article, Helpful Buckeye will be following it up with a similar treatment of the senses of dogs.

Helpful Buckeye also heard from several readers who promised to do more their quest to lose the estimated 350 calories per day as reported in a recent study. Just think, if you fidget for 10 straight days, that would total 3500 calories...which equals 1 pound! I don't know which is an easier way to lose weight, the fidgeting or having one of your main chewing molars removed like I had to back in early August. I lost 14 lb. from that episode and have only gained back 9 of those. Even with the discomfort I had, I think I'll take that over the fidgeting!

Last week's poll about the desirability of tasting some of the "Cat Poop Coffee" revealed that most of our readers either don't like coffee period or you are afraid to try something new. Only 1 of 12 responses was affirmative. Be sure to answer this week's poll question in the column to the left.


1) The American Kennel Club Humane Fund announced today the winners of the seventh AKC Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE), which commemorates five loyal, hard-working dogs that have made significant contributions to their communities in each of the following five categories: Law Enforcement, Search and Rescue, Therapy, Service and Exemplary Companion Dog. Go to: for a description of each dog and what they did to deserve the award. These are pretty impressive!

2) The ASPCA is encouraging all pet owners to actively support the current bill before Congress that would allow income tax deductions for pet health care. They even provide a sample form for you to use when contacting your Representative. If you feel this is a good idea, check out the site:


You’ve just come home from work and you normally expect your dog to run to the door, greeting you with excitement. Instead, you find him cowering in the background, his head tilted to one side. Upon further inspection, you feel, then see, a sausage-like swelling on his ear flap. You and your dog have just entered the “Twilight Zone” of an ear hematoma.


The pinna, which is the visible portion of the ear that projects from the head, is composed of a flared layer of cartilage sandwiched between layers of skin. There are also numerous small blood vessels located between this cartilage and each layer of skin. For various reasons, which will be discussed shortly, your dog or cat can damage these blood vessels, which results in a leakage of blood into the tiny space between the cartilage and the skin. As the amount of free blood increases, a lump starts to form and can actually become almost as big as the pinna itself.

This swelling is known as an aural or auricular (pertaining to the ear) hematoma, or more simply, an ear hematoma. The hematoma refers to a collection of free blood where it would not normally be found.

Of all the domestic animals, ear hematomas are mostly seen in dogs, cats, and pigs. They can affect any breed or sex of dogs or cats, at any age, and at any time of the year. However, they are more commonly seen in dogs than in cats, with the floppy-eared breeds such as Hounds, Setters, Spaniels, Retrievers, and Dalmatians being more highly represented.


Once the blood vessel has been ruptured, this process can happen very quickly. The swelling may complete itself within minutes to a few hours. Once the swelling has become visible, your pet will be experiencing a fair amount of pain. They become visibly uncomfortable, perhaps shaking their head and whimpering from the pain. When you touch the swollen part of the ear, it may feel like a water balloon.

Ear hematomas are usually fairly easy to recognize, due to the swollen and perhaps misshapen appearance of the ear flap. You will most likely also notice your dog shaking its head, scratching at the ear, or holding the head down to one side. Ear hematomas are one of the more common ear problems seen by veterinarians.


OK, what could be some of the reasons for these blood vessels on the ear flap to become damaged and rupture? The actual, underlying cause of ear hematomas is not well-defined at this time. However, there are various factors which definitely do contribute to the disease process leading to this accumulation of blood in the ear flap.

The most common contributing factor appears to be some type of chronic ear infection. This would include infections involving parasites (ear mites), bacteria, and yeasts. The nature of a chronic ear infection is that there is a lot of inflammation in the ear canal as a result of the infection, plus all the buildup of wax, debris, and dead skin cells. Dogs and cats with this type of irritation in their ear canals only know of a couple of things to do-- violently shake their ears and scratch at their ears as if there is no tomorrow. The shaking and scratching produce the forces necessary to rupture some blood vessels in the ear flap and bingo, you have a hematoma!

The second leading cause of ear hematomas is trauma to the ear flap. This can happen as a result of fighting or running through heavy brush, such as a hunting dog might be doing. Either of these activities can produce the same kind of damage as would shaking and scratching their ears.

Less likely causes, but ones that still need to be considered, would be serious skin allergies, allergic reactions, foreign bodies in the external ear canal, auto-immune disorders, and possibly genetic defects involving the ear structure.


There are several different treatment options for ear hematomas. The treatment will depend to a large extent on how quickly the hematoma is identified and treated. Other considerations would be the size of the swelling and the personal preferences of the veterinarian doing the treatment. As stated before, these are commonly seen by veterinarians and your veterinarian will have a certain comfort level for what has worked in the past.

For hematomas that are not especially large and are treated soon after discovery, there is a school of thought for a conservative approach. This involves draining the fluid using a syringe and needle, then injecting a cortisone-type product into the vacated space. Of course, consideration must still be given to any underlying infection or other problem in the ear canal. If the anti-inflammatory properties of the cortisone don’t lead to healing, then surgery would be necessary to allow for better drainage of the blood.

If surgery is necessary, an incision is made in the skin on the underside of the ear flap, the bloody fluid is drained, any clotted blood is removed, and compression-type sutures are placed in the ear flap in order to stop further buildup of blood under the skin. Sometimes, compression bandages are applied after the drainage and sometimes not, again depending on your veterinarian’s comfort level with the results. As before, simultaneous treatment of any underlying infections in the ear canal is a necessity. Even so, this is still not a rapid resolution to the problem. The drainage has to keep ahead of any more buildup of blood and the skin incision has to heal without any infection getting started.

Some pet owners, when confronted with one of these ear hematomas, will inquire about the feasibility of just “doing nothing” about it. On the one extreme, the hematoma will continue to enlarge until it simply ruptures through the skin, drains, and then becomes badly infected. More likely, if left alone, an ear hematoma will usually resolve itself. The fluid will eventually be reabsorbed back into the body and the ear flap will again be flat. The problem with this option is that a lot of scarring is associated with this reabsorption process, blood clots form, and the ear flap will become thickened and crinkly. This scarring leads to the “cauliflower” ear appearance that is not very cosmetically appealing. The most common reason for using this approach is when the dog or cat is an anesthetic risk and the concern of cosmetic appeal becomes secondary.


Prevention primarily consists of preventing any trauma to your pet’s ear flaps. Prompt treatment of all ear infections is the best way to eliminate the head shaking and ear scratching. If allergies are suspected, your pet needs proper diagnosis and treatment for those allergies.


As a continuation of last week's column about "Having Trouble Affording Veterinary Care," here is the rest of the article from The Humane Society of the United States:

Given the current state of the economy, many pet caregivers are in need of basic necessities such as pet food. If you find yourself in this position, be sure to contact your local humane societies as some organizations have started their own pet food bank program. In addition, you can visit to view a state-by-state listing of food banks that are offering pet food for the pets of the homeless and disadvantaged.

The following is a list of organizations that provide financial assistance to pet owners in need. Please keep in mind that each organization is independent and has their own set of rules and guidelines. Therefore you will have to investigate each one separately to determine if you qualify for assistance:

Please remember that, depending on the severity of your pet's illness or injury, you might still lose your pet even after great expense. Discuss the prognosis and treatment options thoroughly with your veterinarian, including whether surgery or treatment would just cause your animal discomfort without preserving a life of good quality. Also remember that a little preventive care can go a long way. Having your pet spayed or neutered, keeping her shots up to date, and keeping your pet safely confined can prevent serious and costly health problems. If you have trouble affording the cost to spay or neuter your pet, contact your local animal shelter. They might operate a clinic or know of a local clinic that offers subsidized services. Unfortunately, due to our limited resources as a nonprofit animal protection organization, The HSUS does not provide direct financial assistance to pet owners for veterinary or other expenses. If you know of any veterinary assistance programs or services that we have not included here, please let us know by calling 202-452-1100.

Specific Breed Assistance Programs

The American Veterinary Medical Association also has offered a guide for different types of financial assistance in these circumstances:

Some pet owners are seeking temporary assistance to keep their companions through the economic downturn, and veterinary practices can refer them to a patchwork of programs that help with big veterinary bills or routine animal care. The recession has increased demand and diminished resources for these programs, some of which operate through veterinary associations and colleges, but the programs still offer potential relief for pet owners who have lost a job or a home. For the rest of the guide, go to:


OK, this product needs a video to help you understand what is being accomplished. It is called "The Paw Plunger" and it is being marketed for just this reason: "No matter what the season, filthy paws can be a hassle for every pet owner, whether we're dealing with mud, snow, grass, or whatever your furry friend can muster up in the great outdoors (and with dogs, the possibilities are endless)." Go to: and click on the Promo for the video.


1) Helpful Buckeye knows that many of you groom your own pets, with some of you having better results than others. Well, you will enjoy hearing some top professional groomers as they share some of their horror stories of grooming gone "bad":

2) As a follow-up to their poll for a favorite cartoon canine, the AKC is now offering this poll question: "Who is your favorite dog from TV?" Go to: and cast your vote.

3) Here's a question with a bunch of answers: Which are the smartest dog breeds? The AKC has sponsored a dog training guru to answer this question. Read his list of the Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds at: and see if you agree on any of them.

4) Each year about this time, we seem to get a new candidate for the "Ugliest Dog of the Year" award. Now, it's Rascal and you guessed it right! He is at least part Chinese Crested:

5) A recent study of pet shelters and rescue groups suggests that black dogs and cats are being adopted in far fewer numbers than are pets of other colors. Some of the reasons for this are interesting:

6) A woman in Pennsylvania recently found a stray or abandoned cat that had been almost entirely wrapped in duct tape. Yes, you read that correctly! Read the rest of the story and decide for yourself what punishment you would suggest for the perpetrator:

7) Not to be outdone for cruelty, 2 people in New York dragged a Cocker Spaniel for a mile behind their car before letting it go. Several good samaritans looked after the dog and the rest of the story is worth reading:


Helpful Buckeye saw the first 3 tarantulas of the Fall this week while bike riding. This is the season when the males are actively looking for females.

The first flock of Canada geese were spied this week as well, as they made their Fall return to our 7000 ft. elevation.

This quote from Galileo, Italian astronomer, reflects the omnipotence of the sun as we move from Summer into Fall: "The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do."

~~The goal of this blog is to provide general information and advice to help you be a better pet owner and to have a more rewarding relationship with your pet. This blog does not intend to replace the professional one-on-one care your pet receives from a practicing veterinarian. When in doubt about your pet's health, always visit a veterinarian.~~

Surya's Aadhavan / Vijay's Vettaikaran releasing on Deepavali Day

Surya’s Aadhavan and Vijay’s Vettaikaran are going to be released on 17th November (Deepavali day). Surya’s film is produced by Udhayanidhi Stalin and Kalaignar T.V. has got the distribution rights. On the other hand Vijay’s movie is produced by A.V.M. has recently been bought by SUN T.V. This is a good news to Vijay’s fans. SUN T.V.’s advertisements and promotion activities are very brilliant and it will give more importance to the movie.

Let us wait and see what Kalaignar T.V. is going to do in the advertising media for their Aadhavan. Everybody is waiting for the Deepavali release films and their race. Who will succeed in the race ?

Durga Pooja Festival

The Durga Pooja / Navarathiri festival begins. On 18th September 2009 is the Mahalaya Amavasai Day and Hindus perform Pooja. On the next day of Mahalaya Amavasai is the first day of Navarathiri festival. During these nine days Kolu is arranged in homes. Every day in the evening people prepare Sundal and Sweet and they worship God and they distribute to their friends.

In Bengal Durga Puja is celebrated in grand manner. They decorate their home and pray God Mahisasura Martini. In Bengal they celebrate for six days. The story behind this festival is God Durga killed demon Mahisasuran.

Variety ways of shopping

Many people are fond of gardening and to maintain the garden we need few types of equipment for this purpose. Almost all plants require varied weather conditions with different temperatures, water, type of soil, etc.

If you want to have the garden in a right way, you have to choose what type of plants to grow like Annuals which make plant grows and produces seeds and dies within one year. Biennials (plants give seeds in the second year). Some of the common equipments are Garden hoses, string trimmers, lawn movers, leaf blowers and Tillers.

If you need kitchen tools for your day to day work, you will find all necessary utensils here and you can find the varieties of Grills and its uses and price and which one suits you well. In this site, there are number of outdoor furniture available which are so elegant. When you plan for a outing and the number of persons are around 6 you can choose Amazon Teak 7 piece deep seating set which is so attracting. If you are interest to buy furniture for small gathering to relaxing four persons is called Terrace Bay 5 piece Dining set where you will get 4 chairs with strong aluminum frames with so silky soft cushions.

The next useful thing is a hammock which is a bed like which has a net that is tied between two poles in order to swinging. This is generally taken out doors. The swinging is so comfortable with cool breeze around is to be brought to enjoy.

Big Dan's Big News Sep 27, 2009

The G20 protest videos you will see on this page are in AMERICA, not IRAN...keep this in mind as you go through this blog!

Police brutality and baiting: Small girl bicyclist at G20 is clearly following officer orders and is moving, but she gets frustrated as they keep pushing her down...and several "big, tough" officers hit her in the head and arrest her! It looks like they drag her and almost break her arm! There is NO discussion in the media or by politicians, on "Why the different government reaction to the Teabaggers vs. the G20 protesters?", the Teabaggers get to bring automatic assault rifles and nothing happens to them! One big difference I can point out, is that a major "news" network, FOX "news", promoted the Teabaggers and several corporations and astroturf groups like Dick Armey's "Freedom Works" sponsored, bused them, gave them signs and instructions. Where is the outrage from the right, Glenn Beck, and the Teabaggers against this government fascism and brutality against people peacefully protesting at the G20 in Pittsburgh? I guess they're really not against government fascism it after all!!! They're only against health care reform!!!

Scahill: 'Where is the Defund Blackwater Act?'
'Spineless' Congress stands up to activists, not criminal corporations. MSNBC/Maddow on the conservative witch hunt against ACORN, the Truth & Lies.

Republican Gomorrah - GritTV - GoLeftTV - Democracy NOW!

MSNBC/Maddow - New details emerge about the slain census worker in Kentucky:

No WONDER they're not behind a desk like a real news channel! "Soft PORN" FOX "news" - Show those LEGS! FOX "news" Babes!

Let's go to the Pentagon... 'n try 'n find an Ae-Ro-Plane!!!!!!!!!


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