
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Big Dan's Big News Sep 5, 2009

RFK, Jr. - Remembering Uncle Ted

Officials: Cheney Criminal Probe Mandated by Law. Rep. Nadler on Fox, Sen. Whitehouse on MSNBC agree, no legal choice but to investigate torture allegations, wherever they may lead...

ACLU: Ashcroft Can Be Held Accountable For Post-9/11 Wrongful Detention, Court Rules

Major ruling against Ashcroft highlights evils of preventive detention

MSNBC, the only channel covering the 85% of Americans that want at least the public option - Richard Trumka: The Senate Can Pass Health Care Reform, They Just Choose Not To

Taking Back the Health Care Debate: By Nancy Welch

MSNBC: Rachel Maddow doing actual investigative journalism again! WorldNetDaily exposed by Rachel Maddow. Also, Massachusetts, yes, where GAY MARRIAGE is legal, has the LOWEST DIVORCE RATE IN THE COUNTRY!!! Plus: "fiscal conservative Jindal spending money like crazy!!!

Jindal's helicopter church-hopping cost taxpayers $180,000

Visitor logs show Bush meetings with super-lobbyist, religious right

Debunking the "Money on the Sidelines" Myth

Can the U.S. Dollar Rally while Stocks go Down? U.S. Dollar Fueling Stock Market Rally: Examining the Dow World Index and Dow Index in Relation to the U.S. Dollar. U.S. Dollar down 35 Percent since 2001.

On the Edge, with Max Keiser: Corporations run the United States

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