
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dussera in Maharashtra and Navarathri in Tamil Nadu celebration

Dussera in Maharashtra

In Maharashtra, Dussera also means the return of Pandavas, heroes of the epic Mahabharata, from their hidden haunt in the forest. Therefore, leaves of the Apta tree are exchanged to symbolize the distribution of gold – meaning prosperity. it is also said that brave warriors, like Shivaji, the founder of the Maratha empire, used to begin their march outside their kingdom with a bid to conquer other lands on the day of Dussera.

In Tamil Nadu Navarathri is celebrated nine days. Kolu (dolls are arranged in steps) is the family festival and friends and relatives visits each others home and exchange sweets and gifts. Women dressed in silk saris and wear their best jewels in those days and worship God Lakshmi.

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