
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Climate Justice Action: Gearing up for Cancun

The 16th Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, or better known as COP16, will be held in Cancun Mexico
next week. From November 29th to December 10th international leaders
will make another attempt to form a binding legal agreement that can
work towards solving the climate crisis.

However, after the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference or COP15 many
climate justice communities have lost all trust in such negotiating
processes. What did we see at last year's COP15? Just three days into
the conference, a leaked document ("The Danish Text") that set
predetermined agreements allowing rich countries to pollute more. Real
climate crisis solutions represented by grassroots activists,
organizations and NGO representatives were locked out of the Bella
Center. The introduction of new anti-democratic laws limiting free
speech, actions, mobilizations, and any real development of effective
climate justice. A crack down on legal and democratic rights through
major human rights violations implemented by an overly violent and
aggressive police presence in Copenhagen- something that is becoming far
too familiar for the people fighting the false solutions to the climate
crisis. And finally in the early hours of the last morning of the
Copenhagen conference the global leaders came together and created "The
Copenhagen Accord," a document that abandoned lowering target carbon
emissions and thus openly accepted the deep and utter failure of the
entire conference.

What did the global climate activist community learn from this
experience? The conference failed, the governments failed, and the
leaders are unwilling to act. The real solutions and real changes can
only happen through the people and from the ground up! We have not been
silenced- we have only grown stronger. The global climate justice
movement is gearing up and we are ready to move forward with more force
once again:

*1,000 Cancuns:*

In response to the COP16, La Via Campesina invites people's movements
around the world to mobilize in order to create 1,000 Cancuns: 'We call
on social movements, popular organizations and all people of the world
to organize thousands of protests and actions to reject the false and
market solutions.' For more information see:

* *

*Klimaforum10 in Cancun:*

Klimaforum Mexico will be hosting grassroots movements and civil society
during the COP16. They will be providing "space for all people, where
they can gather, debate on constructive solutions, propose and find
consensus towards coordinated international action in the face of the
climate crisis. Where governments fail, the people shall prevail."
Please check

*CJA 1,000 Cancuns and COP 16 Report Backs:***
CJA will be in touch with grassroots climate justice comrades on the
ground in Cancun and with those who are planning an action for 1,000
Cancuns. We plan to report on the climate justice struggles and
successes during the conference and other mobilizations happening at the
same time. This information will be updated and posted on the CJA
website regularly. The success of these updated reports relies on our
international solidarity. Will you be in Cancun or would you like to
help with writing report backs? If yes, please take time to write us an
email at
<> so we can get accurate report
backs from you. **

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