
Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Third World war Begins in 2010

South Korea President Lee Myung-bak will name Kim Tae-young's almsman on Friday.
Tuesday's battery larboard two South Korean civilians and two marines dead, and beatific bounded tensions are soaring.
South Korea has added troop numbers on Yeonpyeong and added adjacent islands, and appear added accurate rules of assurance for approaching incidents.
Korean war

The South Korean Mr Kim had been apprenticed to footfall down by legislators from both administering and activity parties over his administration of the shelling.
In his abandonment statement, the abbot said he took abounding responsibility.
The government as well said it was alteration its rules of assurance to acquiesce it to acknowledge added angrily to agnate incidents. The old rules accept been criticized as too passive.
The chiffonier had assertively that beneath the old rules of assurance there was too abundant accent on preventing a aggressive adventure ascent into something worse.
In future, the South would apparatus altered levels of response, depending on whether the North attacked aggressive or noncombatant targets, a presidential agent said.
A chief government official told the BBC that Seoul capital to be added adjustable in adjustment to accumulate the North Koreans academic as to their response.
The South Korean broadcaster, KBS, said the new rules alleged for the South to blaze aback "with shots two to three times added able than the adversary artillery".
South Korea and North Korea

North Korea meanwhile threatened added aggressive activity if the South connected on its "path of aggressive provocation", the official KCNA account bureau reported.
Pyongyang has abhorrent Seoul for this week's adventure on Yeonpyeong, insisting it did not blaze first. The South was captivation aggressive contest in the breadth at the time and alternate blaze if the North's shells began to land.

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