
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Solidarity with the two CJA climate spokespersons on trial

Tomorrow the verdict will be announced in the trial against the two
spokespersons Stine Gry Jonassen and Tannie Nyboe, who were
for the "Reclaim Power – Push for Climate Justice"- action last year
on the 16th
of December in Copenhagen. They are accused of inciting violence,
and serious disturbance of public order – despite the fact that no
one is
accused of these deeds.

I you believe that civil disobedient actions are needed in our
struggle for
climate justice, please show your solidarity by signing the petition<mhtml:{7D3AAEC4-7794-48C7-BB61-EDB263311745}mid://00001530/!x-usc:>
 or participate in the photo-action on<mhtml:{7D3AAEC4-7794-48C7-BB61-EDB263311745}mid://00001530/!x-usc:>
*Solidarity with the two climate spokespersons Stine Gry and Tannie

On Thursday the 25. of November at 9.00 in Copenhagen City Court the
will be announced in the trial against the two spokespersons Stine Gry
Jonassen and Tannie Nyboe from the global network "Climate Justice

You are invited to show your solidarity on Thursday at 09.00 in
front of the
Copenhagen City Court, Nytorv. There will be music, food and
solidarity in
the air. After the verdict you can come by the warm and cosy Café Under
Construction in Folkets Hus, Stengade 50. People not in Copenhagen
can get
updates during the day on<mhtml:{7D3AAEC4-7794-48C7-BB61-EDB263311745}mid://00001474/!x-usc:>

*Why Stine and Tannie?*
CJA organised several non-violent civil disobedience protests during the
climate summit in Copenhagen last year, including the "Reclaim Power
- Push
for Climate Justice" on16th of December. Stine Gry and Tannie were the
public faces of the movement. Now they stand accused of being
organisers and
instigators of violence and vandalism.

Several hundred people were arrested in relation to the action, but
none of
these have since been accused of anything illegal – only the

It is evident that Stine Gry and Tannie Nyboe were charged because they
acted as the public faces of CJA. To accuse the spokespersons is a
disturbing way of trying to silence the voices, which have a critical
opinion towards the international climate negotiations. It is a way of
frightening people from using their right to protest and organise

*About Reclaim Power*
The purpose of the "Reclaim Power" demonstration was to have a public
assembly. Here protesters from the outside and accredited
participators from
the Bella Center, were to create a platform for the people and
groups mostly
affected by the climate change. Therefore the same people who were
not heard
in the official negotiations.

Reclaim Power was a non-violent demonstration and the purpose was
never to
achieve confrontation with the police. CJA has spoken openly about this
during the whole process, both in the media and in dialogue-meetings
the police.

I also Shouted PUSH campagne:<mhtml:{7D3AAEC4-7794-48C7-BB61-EDB263311745}mid://00001474/!x-usc:>

CJA webpage:<mhtml:{7D3AAEC4-7794-48C7-BB61-EDB263311745}mid://00001474/!x-usc:>

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