
Thursday, March 10, 2011

NPR Offers to Shield Muslim Brotherhood Front Group from Gov't Audit

NPR's Senior Director of Institutional Giving, Betsy Liley, assured reporters posing as representatives of a Muslim Brotherhood front group that NPR would shield them from a U.S. government by hiding its identity. ("No paperwork in any official place.")

Here's the audiotape:

Not only is the offer on audiotape, Betsy Liley PUT IT IN WRITING! (Click on image to enlarge.)

Interestingly, Barack Hussein Obama, intends to give NPR a raise in this year's budget as the rest of us pull our belts a notch tighter, even after NPR's head fundraiser, Ron Schiller, opined that NPR doesn't need taxpayer funding and would be better off in the long run without it. From The Daily Caller via Yahoo:
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney defended Wednesday President Barack Obama’s request for $451 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which provides taxpayer funds to National Public Radio (NPR), PBS and a slew of other media organizations.
Update: Following the release of this tape, NPR has placed Betsy Liley on administrative leave.

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