
Friday, February 5, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Feb 5, 2010

The TRUTH about Bank of America's "acquisition" of Merrill Lynch

The original LIES were: BOA was "forced" to buy ML by the government, and "forced" to take bailout money. I immediately suspected those were lies.

New York state sues Bank of America, executives, alleging fraud in Merrill takeover

Ex-BofA chief Lewis charged with fraud

"Shocking ... Unbelievable": Wall Street to Pay Record $145B in Bonuses, WSJ Says

The Next Leg Of The Housing Crisis In Five Simple Charts

Exclusive: How corporations secretly move millions to fund political ads

Fears of 'Lehman-style' tsunami as crisis hits Spain and Portugal

FBI arrests head of SK Foods in massive fraud case

Al Franken lays into David Axelrod over health care bill

Someone finally got DATA of what the Republicans and their voters stand for, believe, want, etc... You know how? Someone asked them! But you won't believe the answers:

Less than half of Republicans think Obama is an American

Daily Kos/Research 2000 Poll

Cops murder "nigger" with TASER; the last count I had of police murdering people with TASERS was over 300, I wonder what it's up to now? Does anyone care about this but me? Where are all the conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, and TeaBaggers on this? The families always win MILLIONS, and rightly so. But do you know who pays those MILLIONS for police murdering people with TASERS? YOU do! Where do you think the money comes from?

Tim Wise: On White Privilege (Clip)

The RACIST/white power element of O'Keefe & Breitbart:

James O'Keefe's race problem. A photo of the righty stuntman at a white-nationalist confab illustrates a career marked by racial resentment

O’Keefe Contradicts Breitbart, A Source Details O’Keefe’s Role In White Supremacist Confab

The Disturbing Racism of James O'Keefe & the Hilarious Twitter Tantrum of Andrew Breitbart. ...And a few of my own recent media appearances to discuss the ongoing crash and burn of rightwing hit-squad 'journalism'...

Before Caper, O'Keefe And Co. Crashed At House Of Activist 'Mentor'


FBI assassinates imam?

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