
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Climate Change: Michael Mann Global Warming Lecture Snowed Out

In the Mann-Caused Global Warming Department, "IRONY ABOUNDS." Thanks to Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit:
A reader emails: “Today, Michael Mann was scheduled to give a colloquium on climate change at the University of Pennsylvania, where I am a graduate student. As you may know, Philadelphia has been hit by multiple snowstorms in the past week. Today, for what I am told is the first time since the mid-1990s, the university suspended normal operations due to snow, and his colloquium on climate change has been postponed.”
The screen shot below is from the Web site of the University of Pennsylvania. "It's hard to find anything in the history books of these types of storms back-to-back," said National Weather Service meteorologist Stephen Konarik."

"Essential personnel" of course, means the snow-removal crew.

Heh, heh, heh.

Maybe the Gore Effect is contagious.

Or maybe Somebody Up There has a sense of humor.

Related: What You Did Was Such a Crime

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