
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Nor'Easter Weather Report: White on White

Forecasters said the snowstorm pounding Washington, DC, "could be the biggest for the nation's capital in modern history." As Washington tries to keep up with a storm predicted to drop 2 1/2 feet of snow, the U.S. Weather Service is reminding folks that Washington "has gotten more than a foot of snow only 13 times since 1870."

The storm comes with the predictable results of poor visibility, slick highways, and heavy, wet snow: hundreds of traffic accidents, abandoned vehicles, empty store shelves, downed power lines, falling trees, and collapsing roofs. DC, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and parts of New Jersey are being blanketed by the white stuff. In Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 60,000 people are without power.

AJ at The Strata-Sphere reporting in:
We have been shoveling snow for two days now to keep ahead of this. Never seen anything like it in the DC area, and I have lived here almost 50 years.
The image above is from Centreville, Virginia. The image on the right (courtesy lifeontheedges) shows road conditions this morning from Laurel to Greenwood, Delaware. It's stay-off-the-road time, folks.

Here in central New York State, I recently heard a local "expert" confidently broadcasting the notion that unusually big snowstorms are the result of global warming. I have this to say about that:
The biggest snowfall for the Washington-Baltimore area is believed to have been in 1772, before official records were kept, when as much as 3 feet fell, which George Washington and Thomas Jefferson penned in their diaries.
I guess the Founders could have avoided record-setting blizzards if they only could have been driving "low-carbon-footprint" electric cars instead of carriages drawn by carbon-munching horses.

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