
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Talk on Ayodhya: Its the talk about new India and talk about Young Inida

My dear visitors.. This is the time for India to move on.. Many of young people of India does not know what is Ayodhya and its parties involved in the case but the judgment is really for youths and young India who want to take the nation in growth direction.. why so?? Yes the verdict of Ayodhya would have created many issues all over but it says split the land by all parties is great move to avoid all kind of issues all over the nation.

Who is Nirmohi Akhara?
 They are the Hindu parties who is saying that the Ram jenma boomi is belong to them who is also think adversely with respect to Vishva Hindu Parisath.

Who is Sunni Wafk Board?
The Muslim counsil for Ayodhya land who claims the land belong to them.

 It is now decided by the court to split all parties into 3. One for Musilm and 2 for two Hindu parties.. People may have different opinion about the verdict but I feel that its great for indians to go ahead for developing both Hindu and Muslim temples in that area.

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