
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Will New Yorkers Put a Conservative in Hillary's Old Senate Seat?

That's what New York needs, that's what the country needs, and that's what we might get if enough fed-up New Yorkers show up to vote.

Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand is New York's junior senator not because she was elected, but because she was appointed to fill Hillary Clinton's barely warm seat. And who was she appointed by? David Patterson, the lieutenant governor who stepped into Governor Eliot Spitzer's shoes when Spitzer resigned after getting caught paying an estimated $80,000 for prostitution services while he was New York's attorney general and governor.

One of the first things that Gillibrand did after having been handed a Senate seat was to drop the NRA support that had helped her win a seat in the House in conservative-leaning upstate New York--and then run straight into Chuck Schumer's gun control camp.

Her strong pro-abortion stance proved to be much more durable; shamefully, she voted against restricting the use of U.S. taxpayer funds to ensure that they are not used coercively to force women in China to endure forced abortions and sterilizations.

Then she went on to vote yes on hundreds of billions of dollars of spending for so-called "stimulus," "recovery," and "revitalization" that drove the state and country into a spiral of ever-deepening debt.
Now Gillibrand faces an election for the six-year senatorial seat that was handed to her by her Democrat cronies. Her opponent, Joseph DioGuardi, is a proven fiscal Conservative and former Congressman who has been working to bring fiscal reform to the budget process since 1985.

Leave it to Dick Morris and Eileen McGann to point out that, unlike for DioGuardi's resume, the “delete” button" on Gillibrand's computer must have worn thin as she has erased large segments of her past."

For example, for years (until a New York Times article outed her behavior), Gillibrand earned her keep by using her legal skills to help the CEO of tobacco giant Philip Morris cover up "evidence that he knew of tobacco's addictive properties and that it caused cancer."

Another "disappeared" item on her resume was the real nature of her job when she was serving as council to HUD under Andrew Cuomo, the Dem's current pick for NY governor.  That job was to promote subprime mortgages to people who couldn't afford them. Later, when the financial meltdown started, she and her husband made a bundle in the stock market by shorting stocks in firms that were hit hard by subprime mortgage defaults.

Gilliland's opponant, Joe DioGuardi, is her polar opposite. When he says, "I cannot sit on the sidelines now that our economy is in shambles," there is substance behind his words. DioGuardi is a CPA who, in 1990, when he was a junior member of Congress, introduced a bill to "help bring sanity to the budget process in Washington, DC."  As he says:

Two years later, I wrote a book to warn the American people about the gross lack of fiscal responsibility, financial accountability, and transparency on Capitol Hill, even predicting the inevitable insolvency of America. Today it is absolutely clear that my grave concerns can no longer be ignored, as millions of Americans lose their jobs and their homes. I want to finish the job that I began in 1985 to insure that the United States is once again acting in a fiscally responsible way to protect our economic and national security.

Finally, after decades of fiscal abuse, the political climate is right for DioGuardi's sensible reforms.

New Yorkers, take note!

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