Republicans and rightwing radio giving continual World Wrestling Federation body slams to the unemployed, the uninsured, women, children, the elderly, and people losing their homes to foreclosure...they even tried to defund NPR! And they control the mainstream media, but they keep calling it "liberal":
House Republicans successfully blocked the extension of unemployment benefits for millions of Americans yesterday.
Jobless benefits will run out for 2 million people during the holiday season unless they are renewed by a Congress that's focusing more attention on a quarrel over preserving tax cuts for people making more than $200,000 a year.
Interview with woman losing her unemployment benefits over the holidays:
House Republicans try to defund NPR.
Republicans first act: forget about jobs and foreclosures, check out Obama's birth certificate!!!
Texas State Rep. Introduces Birther Bill Because ‘People Don’t Know Whether [Obama] Was Born In Kenya’
Washington's blog only site I can find that points out that virtually all Republicans tried to legalize mortgage fraud:
Republicans try to retroactively and unconstitutionally legalize banksters' mortgage fraud, but fail.
The mainstream media that we're supposed to think is "liberal" does NOT point out (like Washington's Blog does) that virtually all Republicans voted to override Obama's veto and legalize the mortgage fraud, with this widespread "In a largely token vote" article
In a largely token vote........"
Boehner: Repeal Health Care -
Senate Republicans Vote Unanimously Against Bill To Help Guarantee Fair Pay For Women
Grayson: GOP Tax Plan Gives Rich Enough Money To Buy 800 Cigars A Year, Light Them With $100 Bills
Rep. Schock’s Response To Poll Showing 64 Percent Want End To Tax Cuts For Wealthy: Americans ‘Reject’ That
New Report Reveals Health Insurance Industry Pumped $86 Million Into The U.S. Chamber To Kill Reform
Former CIA Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud
Jesse Richard of TVNewsLies: Are the 9/11 conspirators right?
Yes, that is THE Jesse Richard whose video (below) I've posted over a dozen times called: "America's Worst Enemy: The Mainstream Media" -
Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!
U.S. Military Knows Israel (and people in the U.S. govt) did 9/11:
Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist - Trailer
Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist - (Entire Documentary)
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