
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Noise for Squatters in Stopera - video + call out

Call out is not actual
Call out, now: Occupy Stopera!

Come to Stopera

Today the riot police are conducting what we call an eviction wave. This is the first eviction wave under the new law that declared squatting illegal and every squatter a criminal. This is the city council giving their silent approval to neverending emptiness, speculation and demolitions.

The reasons for squatting are many and varied, but one thing is certain: an attack against one squat is an attack against every squat.

This is a call out to show our anger and to protest against the evictions of today and all days!

Come to Stopera, the city hall! Their policies take our houses, so we go and occupy theirs!

The city hall is the headquarters of the disgusting IAmsterdam politics, it is where all colour and all life is drained out of this city, it is the graveyard of the Amsterdam that once was. The city council and the new mayor Mr. Emptiness, who want to see Amsterdam clean and sterile and only open for people with their pockets full of money, need to see the consequences of their decisions.

We call for everyone to show our collective strength and solidarity. Let our voices be heard in a space that normally only echoes with the empty voices of the city council.

So come to Stopera! Bring your friends, banners, noise, what have you!

Occupy and resist! Kraken gaat door!

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