
Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep - Every Night

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep - Every Night,:How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep - Every Night

Sleep problems are among the most widespread and devastating issues afflicting Americans.  Some 75 million people have trouble sleeping in this country.

It’s rarely in the news; however, its effects cast a pall on many lives, and the individual costs and economic impact are huge.

Numerous research studies have shown that insufficient sleep contributes to a decreased ability to focus and concentrate, lower productivity, a weakened immune system, as well difficulty managing anger.

There is no single cause of sleeping problems.  The condition has been linked to a variety of potential triggers including stress, insufficient exercise, and poor diet.

But, if you happen to be one of those people that has trouble getting a good night’s sleep--you’re probably less interested in why it’s happening that in simply finding a way to start sleeping properly again.

Researchers have long known of various natural ingredients that people have historically used to help improve their sleep.  However, as with many natural approaches, people have been on their own to figure out what works and how to get it.

Now however, a Cambridge, Mass company called Peak Life has introduced Somnapure, a new, non-habit forming sleep aid that contains an optimum mix of natural ingredients.  These include proven elements many people are already familiar with, such as melatonin and valerian extract.  It also includes ingredients that are not as familiar, but which also have scientifically proven benefits for helping people fall asleep and stay asleep.  These include L-theanine, lemon balm, hops extract, chamomile flower, and passion flower.

Each ingredient and its proportional dosage was carefully targeted to provide a product that helps both the body and the brain to quickly relax and fall asleep, and then maintain a deep, high-quality sleep throughout the night.

But, what’s most impressive, according to researchers at the company is how you feel when waking up after using the product.  Users report feeling completed refreshed, with no groggy residue.

If sleep problems are casting a pall over your life, and you’re looking for a smart way to get your sleep time back--this may just be worth a try.

And, for new customers, Somnapure is currently giving away a free 14 day trial. (You just pay shipping).

Many people have resigned themselves to living with the negative consequences of a lack of sleep and they have forgotten how wonderful life can feel when the body is fully rested.  That’s why a product like this has the power to literally change lives, and their free sample makes it remarkably easy to give it a try

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