
Friday, April 30, 2010

Today's Required Reading: Making a Run for the Border!

Lefties call it a list of demands. Conservatives are much more polite.

Do read it:

Virtual Mirage: Making a Run for the Border!

Update 5/1/10, 11:00 a.m.

Another, sobering view:

American Thinker: Report from Cochise County, AZ.

Update 5/1/10, 1:15 p.m.

One video is worth 1000 words:

Snaggletoothie of the Loyal Opposition: Democrats Care Nothing for the Safety of Arizona Citizens Caught in a Tsumami of Violence: They Just Want to Wring an Electoral Advantage Out of It.


Don't You Dare Ask For My ID, But You Are Welcome to My Body Parts

Of all the creepy, nightmare, sci-fi scenarios that liberal lunacy is assaulting us with, I think New York's assumption that American citizens don't even own our own bodies is the topper.

Here in New York, we are so thoroughly considered the property of the state that, when we die, our lawmakers plan on having the state move in and harvest our organs, no questions asked. Die in New York State, and your heart, lungs, eyes, and liver go to the highest bidder, the state, nobody's saying.

What could go wrong? Especially in the age of death panels, world demand for transplant organs and the enormous profits to be made by selling organs, not to mention the inevitable desire to get an organ while it's nice and fresh, maybe from a body that's still warm (not quite dead, perhaps). Who's watching, anyway? After all, it can't happen here.

Oh, I'm telling you, my dear, that it can't happen here.

Don't be nervous about going into a hospital for that risky surgery. If you are viewed as as prospective donor, you don't need to worry about how hard a medical team will work to save you if they (or the government) perceive a greater benefit to harvesting the organs. Nah. They'll return you with all your parts. You can always trust the state.

But don't you find it just a tad interesting that a group of New York's lowly state assemblymen and assemblywomen are so confident of the state's ownership of us that they have no problem blithely informing us that they (reluctantly) will approve of individuals owning their own body parts (for now), only if individuals petition the state, in writing, for ownership of their own body parts. That's for those of us who are in a good situation to write, of course. In enlightened, ultra-charitable New York State, there are no poor, disabled, illiterate, or sick people (or even non-English speakers) who could be taken advantage of -- or, let us say --who could "fall through the cracks." No. Uh, uh. Not here. It can't happen here (here, maybe).

I mean, some politician wouldn't dream of confiscating your organs for one of his family members. Nah. Well, maybe the guy who dreamed up New York's latest "New York wants your heart" legislation because he had a hard time finding new kidneys for his daughter and didn't want to wait for "an act of God" to provide her with organ donors.

Under current New York State law, if I want to donate my organs and tissues to someone after I die, all I have to do is check a box on my drivers license renewal form (or license application), and my license will be mailed to me clearly emblazoned with the words "ORGAN DONOR." All legal and set to go.

But that's not good enough. Or convenient enough.

I keep saying it, and I'll say it again:  The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Cross posted at Potluck.

Big Dan's Big News April 30, 2010

TV's Newt Gingrich: DRILL, BABY, DRILL !!!!!!!

Gingrich’s ‘Drill Here, Drill Now’ campaign continues as oil rig disaster grows.

2008 Republican National Convention - Michael Steele, Rudy Giuliani, and Sarah Palin: DRILL, BABY, DRILL !!!!!!!

Rush Limbaugh, who speaks for Big Oil, blames Big Oil's enemies for the oil spill.

FLASHBACK: Stick Your Damn Hand In It: 20th Birthday of the Exxon Valdez Lie

The REAL News: Ending Structural Blackmail?

Financial Reform: None of the measures being considered will end "too big to fail". There are several ways to hold "rainmakers" accountable; unlikely in current bills. Need to make parasitical forms of investment illegal, need public control of finance sector. Banks use the Federal Reserve to hold the economy hostage.

6,000 U.S. Veterans committed suicide last year:

Republican: Microchip Illegals Like Dogs:

We're Killing Women & Children On Obama's Watch! Phil Donahue

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Big Dan's Big News April 29, 2010

Special Rant by Big Dan that has nothing to do with what's in the "news": "You might think I'm kidding around about this, but I'm totally serious: NO MORE COMPUTERS CALLING PEOPLES' HOUSES!!! There needs to be a law that only HUMAN BEINGS can call peoples' phones. Corporations and politicians who have endless money, can set up computers to call your phones with calls: bill collectors (especially medical bills), scam artists, political ads, politicians who aren't even on the phone themselves have a recording of themselves on a computer. THIS IS HARASSMENT, AND I WANT A LAW: NO MORE COMPUTERS CALLING PEOPLES' PHONES!!! NO MORE RECORDED VOICES CALLING PEOPLES' HOMES!!! I'm serious! They can set up a computer to call your phone every 20 minutes. If a bill collector calls my home and it's a HUMAN BEING, then FINE! They MUST have a human being calling your home. They want to waste YOUR time and not THEIR time or pay a human being to do it. I'm sure 99.9% of the American people want this to be a law...and the 0.1% are the corporations and politicians harassing us!!! I should have a right NOT to have some corporation or politician set up a computer to call my phone!!! And I don't mean a 'no call list', I mean a NO COMPUTERS EVER CALLING MY PHONES LIST!!! There is a difference. I must stress, if they are listening: I DO NOT CALL BACK COMPUTERS! I DO NOT GET THE PHONE IF IT'S A COMPUTER OR A RECORDED VOICE! Do they know this? Do they care? No, they don't's harassment because they've programmed a computer to do it! And they save money by harassing you like this, because they don't have to pay a human being to call you. I'm going to get rid of my phone, if they don't come up with a law to stop this. It's the same thing as junk mail, and should be illegal."

Constitutional Law expert and George Washington U. Law professor Jonathan Turley: there are two grounds for challenging Arizona's Illegal Immigration Law -

BD: The most ridiculous thing about the Arizona Illegal Immigrant Law is by far people saying that the federal government isn't doing anything about it, so they had to "rush" in a law...WHAT ABOUT THE 8 YEARS OF BUSH/CHENEY??? THEY didn't do anything and there was no "rush"!!!!!!

Rep. Duncan Hunter Wants To Repeal 14th Amendment, Deport American-Born Children

REPORT: Following Passage Of Arizona Law, At Least Seven States Contemplate Anti-Immigrant Legislation

Arizona sheriff will NOT enforce racist, unconstitutional law:

More Republican dirty tricks: GOP busted for voter fraud. Yep! Not ACORN...THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!

Officials in California have launched a voter fraud investigation after dozens of people in Orange County said they had been tricked into registering as Republicans by campaigners who said they were petitioning for marijuana decriminalization and other causes.

Behind the Arizona Immigration Law: GOP Game to Swipe the November Election

Tricked by Pot to Vote Republican?

Sarah Palin & Sean Hannity - Fake Outrage

Republican Party is really FOR "Big Government" -

Keiser Report №38: Markets! Finance... Goldman Sachs! Plus: Webster Tarpley on what effect Greece's problems will have on the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Corbett Report (no, not WILK FOX "news" Jr.'s FAKE liberal Steve Corbett!!!): the manufactured Greek financial crisis and the manufactured Arizona Illegal Immigrant law; both were manufactured for ulterior motives, right on queue...PLUS, new study "Fair Use" benefits the economy but study isn't being covered by the corporate media:

Story#1: The European Economic Crisis Is Not Complicated

You might assume that the reason for the implosion in the Eurozone is a mystery. But it's not:

No Wonder the Eurozone is Imploding

econocrash: fortune, fail & the fed + geopolitiks update

Story#2: AZ Immigrant Law Energizes Hispanics, Dems

right on schedule: arizona immigrant law energizes hispanics, dems

congress using immigration to push national biometric id card

You think it's "crazy" that the Arizona law will be an excuse to "chip" people? Well, look at this:

GOP congressional candidate: We should put microchips in undocumented immigrants, like we do with dogs.

Story#3: Fair Use Contributes Trillions to US Economy

study: fair use contributes trillions to US economy

"Fair Use" study PDF.

Ewan Dobson - Through the Roof - Solo Guitar (there are NO other instruments...except for the guitar he's playing)

Great Korean bass player...he just likes to wear dresses!!!

"It Felt Like They Were Coming Out Trying to Instigate" (VIDEO)

From Founding Bloggers:

Full riot gear. I mean, really. . . .


San Francisco's Attempts to "Punish" Arizona Might Backfire

Because San Francisco's political leaders view federal immigration law as "discriminatory," they have decided to punish the state of Arizona for its failure to succeed in providing "sanctuary" to the millions crossing its borders from Mexico, including warring drug thugs who have taken over entire neighborhoods and turned Arizona into a world kidnapping capital.

Fox News is reporting that Mayor Gavin Newsom has already banned city workers from all non-essential travel to Arizona, and San Francisco's Board of Supervisors are planning to boycott Arizona economically. Others want to cancel collegiate and professional sports events, like the Superbowl.

One question remains: Will San Francisco be willing to pay the price for its self-appointed claim on moral superiority? In one case, according to city spokeman, Tony Winnicker, if San Francisco cancels its business with an Arizona company that helps them run the city's Jobs Now program, "we could be looking at a situation where 2,500 San Franciscans would lose their jobs."

What? San Francisco workers could lose jobs in their attempt to kill the jobs of people in Arizona?

And what would happen if Arizona retaliated? As one San Francisco restauranteur confessed:
Would Arizona and other states that are more conservative than San Francisco retaliate, and stop sending conventions to San Francisco? Certainly, in a recession, we don't want any retaliation. 
What's the matter,  San Francisco? You can dish it out, but you just can't take it?

Update: And then there's this, which I just found over at Shout First, Ask Questions Later:
But if CA decides to go through with it, then perhaps Arizona can express its outrage at California impinging upon Arizona's right to self-governance by dialing back the taps to the energy and water supplies southern California depends on.
Update: Professor Jacobson is finding the whole boycott thing confusing.

Cross-posted at Potluck.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

3D ultrasound- an interesting perspective:

These 3 dimensional ultrasound images show various pathologies of the urinary bladder, providing a whole new "dimension" to sonographic imaging.

3- D ultrasound image of ureterocele:
The Rt. ureterocele is seen as a small sac bulging in from the posterior wall of the bladder.

3-D ultrasound image of bladder diverticulum:
A small right sided vesical diverticulum. (UB= urinary bladder)

Vesical calculus:
This 3-D ultrasound image of a vesical calculus shows that 3-D imaging must be used in conjunction with 2-D B-mode imaging to identify pathology. This bladder calculus is difficult to distinguish from (see topmost image) ureterocele purely on 3-D ultrasound. Perhaps a cross sectional image would show the internal structure better. (All images courtesy of Ravi Kadasne, MD, UAE).
For more images of urinary bladder diseases/ conditions see:

Other interesting applications of 3-D ultrasound imaging:

Benign prostatic hypertrophy- showing the enlarged median lobe

A musculoskeletal 3- D ultrasound image- Baker cyst in Right popliteal fossa:

Just Spent $600? Must Tell IRS. It's a New "Health Care" Rule

From the Cato Institute:
Most people know about the individual mandate in the new health care bill, but the bill contained another mandate that could be far more costly.

A few wording changes to the tax code’s section 6041 regarding 1099 reporting were slipped into the 2000-page health legislation. The changes will force millions of businesses to issue hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of additional IRS Form 1099s every year. It appears to be a costly, anti-business nightmare.


Basically, businesses will have to issue 1099s whenever they do more than $600 of business with another entity in a year. For the $14 trillion U.S. economy, that’s a hell of a lot of 1099s. When a business buys a $1,000 used car, it will have to gather information on the seller and mail 1099s to the seller and the IRS. When a small shop owner pays her rent, she will have to send a 1099 to the landlord and IRS. Recipients of the vast flood of these forms will have to match them with existing accounting records. There will be huge numbers of errors and mismatches, which will probably generate many costly battles with the IRS. [emphasis mine]

Tax CPA Chris Hesse of LeMaster Daniels tells me:
Under the health legislation, the IRS could be receiving billions of more documents. Under current law, businesses send Forms 1099 for payments of rent, interest, dividends, and non-employee services when such payments are to entities other than corporations. Under the new law, businesses will be required to send a 1099 to other businesses for virtually all purchases. And for the first time, 1099s are to be sent to corporations. This is a huge new imposition on American business, costing the private economy much more than any additional tax that the IRS might collect as a result.
There appears to have been little discussion before this damaging mandate was slipped into the health bill and rammed through Congress, but a few business groups did raise concerns. Here’s what the Air Conditioner Contractors of America said:
The House bill would extend the Form 1099 filing requirement to ALL vendors (including corporate) to which they pay more than $600 annually for services or property. Consider all the payments a small business makes in the course of business, paying for things such as computers, software, office supplies, and fuel to services, including janitorial services, coffee services, and package delivery services.
In order to file all these 1099s, you’ll need to collect the necessary information from all your service providers. In order to comply with the law, you would have to get a Taxpayer Information Number or TIN from the business. If the vendor does not supply you with a TIN, you are obligated to withhold on your payments.
The author of this Cato post, Chris Edwards, goes on to ask: "For what purpose? So the spendthrift Congress can shake a few extra bucks out of private industry?"

I think not.

Rules like this put so much booking pressure on Mom and Pop businesses that they'll be making even less income. Believe it or not, entrepreneurs do not go into business for love of paperwork, or even to give the IRS a chance to breathe down their necks quarterly--tempting as that might sound--but to perform the services to society that they are actually good at, have trained for, and like to do, like selling clothing, hardware, or toys; designing houses or technologies; raising roses, tomatoes, or dairy cows; or repairing cars or furnaces. Mountains of government-required paperwork severely cut into the time small business people can spend doing what they went into business to do in the first place, and leaves precious little time left for planning ways to improve the business for growth--or even to hire that unemployed person that Congress wants us to think they care about.

Taking Congress's actions at face value, there are few other conclusions to draw than that Congress wants to put small businesses out of business.

Too bad for Congress. They're going to miss small businesses when they're gone.


Big Dan's Big News April 28, 2010

DRILL, BABY, DRILL - at the Republican National Convention

...hey...don't they know we have VIDEOS?????????

Here's what happens when you "DRILL, BABY, DRILL" -Good Luck & Best Wishes, Gulf of Mexico!!! We should put some oil rigs off the coast of: South Carolina & Florida, DRILL BABY DRILL!!!

The Young Turks - multi-millionaire Rush Limbaugh & rightwing media side with the BANKSTERS!!! Now you know who Rush Limbaugh works for!!! The rightwing BULLSHIT statement: "Banks were FORCED to give home loans to the poor"

TYT Army - The Young Turks success on YouTube

TYT's Cenk Uygar in the forefront.

Cenk Uygur on the success of The Young Turks: America's longest-running online political talk show announces first sponsorship deal

TYT YouTubeTYT Website

Guardian Article on TYT Army (Which Senator Blacklisted TYT?)

Showdown on Wall Street

More on Wall St. - Keiser Report with very special Hollywood guest

One more time...sorry - The Greatest Video of All Time: TeaBagger Meltdown

I'm considering becoming a TeaBagger after seeing this guy...he shows us the calm, thoughtful demeanor of the TeaBaggers! ...and he makes some great points, like when he says we should shut down the VA and when he wants to impale the cameraman with the American flag and throw him in the river! I love this guy!!!

Palestinian village inspires popular movement

Live From Daryl's House 9/15/09 - Darryl Hall (of Hall & Oates) doing Todd Rundgren's "Can We Still Be Friends" with Todd

Antoine Dufour - Lost in Your Eyes

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Will the Real Cap'n Trade Please Stand Up?

Introducing our panelists, only some of whom claim to be the real Cap'n Trade:
--The Chicago Climate Exchange, which figured out a way to make $10 trillion a year making people pay for trading air in the financial markets;

--Barack Hussein Obama, director of the Joyce Foundation, which funded the Chicago Climate Exchange with seed money to get started;

--Goldman Sachs, owner of 10% of the Chicago Climate Exchange;

--Generation Investment Management, 5th largest shareholder of the Chicago Climate Exchange;

--Al Gore, who, together with three Goldman Sachs guys, founded Generation Investment Management;

--Carlton Bartels, deceased, former CEO of, who invented a system to trade residential carbon credits;

--Fannie Mae, who bought Bartels' system to trade residential carbon credits;

--Franklin Raines, CEO of Fannie Mae at the time of that purchase.
Thanks to Glenn Beck for using his research resources to connect the above dots. From Glenn Beck:  Why Goldman Is Willing to Take the Heat:
Remember when Fannie purchased risky mortgages from banks, bundled them together and sold to investors as mortgage-backed securities? And then the housing market was absolutely destroyed? Well, former Fannie VP Scott Lesmes was responsible for that bundling.

Well, here's the good news: Not only will this new carbon trading "system" try the exact same bundling method (except with air); they are using the exact same guy: Scott Lesmes.

But, please, don't worry. The only ones involved in this are the corrupt Franklin Raines, Mr. redistribution of wealth Barack Obama, and all the people who the House and Senate are currently saying are the bad guys. Other than that, this should work out great.

It's almost like Goldman is willing to take a little heat now, in order to get a little piece of the $10 trillion green pie later. I challenge the media: Will anyone pick this story up? Will anyone question this and the timing of it all?

All of a sudden illegal immigration has leap-frogged global warming? Is it because Goldman has to take hits to get the global government structure done? And then they get the payoff? 
To tell the truth, this makes one wonder what's really going on in those Congressional investigations of Goldman Sachs, doesn't it?

Cross posted at Potluck.
Related posts:

Big Dan's Big News April 27, 2010

Arizona's Great Hispanic Voter Brown-Out: the REAL reason behind the Arizona racial profiling law!

THE STORY THE CORPORATE-OWNED MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS MISSING (on purpose) - The Republican Arizona governor Jan Brewer's REAL agenda is to INTIMIDATE, BLOCK, & HARASS LEGAL HISPANIC VOTERS...What moved GOP Governor Jan Brewer to sign the Soviet-style show-me-your-papers law is the exploding number of legal Hispanics, US citizens all, who are daring to vote -- and daring to vote Democratic by more than two-to-one. Unless this demographic locomotive is halted, Arizona Republicans know their party will soon be electoral toast. In 2004, Arizona governor Jan Brewer, then Secretary of State, had organized a racially loaded purge of the voter rolls that would have made Katherine Harris blush. Beginning after the 2004 election, under Brewer's command, no less than 100,000 voters, overwhelmingly Hispanics, were blocked from registering to vote. In 2005, the first year of the Great Brown-Out, one in three Phoenix residents found their registration applications rejected.

Behind the Arizona Immigration Law: GOP Game to Swipe the November Election

The timing of the Arizona racial profiling bill is impeccable! Just in time for 2010 elections, as usual! Here's some GOP voter purge flashbacks before the 2008 elections:

2007: History of Republican Voter Purging - A Legal Way for Republicans to Swing Elections?

2008: Top court blocks Republican attempt to purge voter registrations

2008: Judge: GOP's voter purge a 'violation of federal law'

2008: Don’t worry about Mickey Mouse or ACORN stealing the election. According to an investigative report out today in Rolling Stone magazine, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Greg Palast, after a year-long investigation, reveal a systematic program of "GOP vote tampering" on a massive scale.

GRITtv: Rinku Sen: Arizona's Immigration Debacle

A Colorado Democrat says Arizona is on its way to becoming a “police state” and its new immigration law is “reminiscent” of Nazi Germany.

The Daily Show's Illegal Immigration Correspondent shows you how Arizona cops will spot illegal aliens:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Law & Border
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Refried Bean-related terrorism, or is this the way Taco Bell delivers their "Bean Swastika" special???

Arizona vandals smear swastika made of refried beans into Capitol doors

The greatest video of all time, I'm posting this again - TEABAGGER MELTDOWN:

IGNORED - Corporate owned media owned by 90% conservatives they want us to think is liberal, downplays or doesn't cover huge Earth Day protest:

Yes, the biggest single climate rally in U.S. history is dismissed by comparison with the hypothetical cumulative turnout of dozens of future rallies on immigration. Who says the media isn’t fair? Apparently preserving the health and well-being of countless future generations isn’t “hot-button” enough for the media to be interested [kind of an ironic phrase, considering the rally was for action of global warming].

Over 100,000 rally for climate and clean energy action. Washington Post downplays this amazing show of support

Rendell calls out the media for their out of balance coverage of the TeaBaggers (see above non-coverage of the huge Earth Day protest):

President of the Confederacy:

The Revolution Will Be Commercialized - Sarah Palin is already president of right-wing America—and it’s a position with a very big salary.

Todd Rundgren - Can We Still Be Friends (LIVE, 1982 - OGWT)

This is why I LOVE Todd Rundgren, what a great guy, no one would do this at a concert -

Monday, April 26, 2010

Recipe Vegetable Kurma

Vegetable Kurma

onion 1 big
garlic 4
carrots 2,
1 potato
cauliflower few pieces
beans 50 grms
cloves 4
ginger piece small
elaichi 3
cinnamon ½ tsp
Cashew nuts 20
khus khus 2 tbs / coconut -1
Method :
First wash the onions and cut them into small pieces. Then take a Vanali (Kadai) with little ghee and add cinnamon, cloves, elaichi and cashews fry them till golden then add sombu and finally add ginger, garlic paste and keep it to cool for some time. Then grind the coconut and khus khus and keep it aside. Take all the vegetables cut into small pieces and boil it when all the vegetables cooked nicely add it to the onions and mix it. Add salt in the ground mixture. Now after everything is mixed well add water if it is very thick.

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Big Dan's Big News April 26, 2010 - Swing To The Right

Lou "Houdini" Barletta gets a FREE PASS from WILK on the Arizona racial profiling issue.

HELLO, YOU THERE LOU? Hazleton's Lou "Houdini" Barletta pulls disappearing act, anyone have a Lou Barletta sighting since this Arizona thing? Lou is strangely silent on the Arizona unconstitutional racial profiling law...WHERE ARE YOU, LOU? You were on Entercom's WILK FOX "news" Jr. almost daily until this happened!!! Lou is busy right now...can't get a hold of him! Lou: why aren't you calling into WILK anymore? Steve Corbett: why aren't you having Lou Barletta on RIGHT NOW, asking him about the Arizona racial profiling and how it relates to what he did in Hazleton? He was on your show all the time! And if he doesn't call, you can say how he's disrespecting you and NEPA voters by not calling in, like you do to the Democrats! Lou Barletta gets a FREE PASS from his buddy Steve Corbett and WILK on this issue. Sssshhhhh.....don't anybody point out Lou "Houdini" Barletta's disappearing act!

And NEPA's WILK FOX "news" Jr. proves me right again: they replaced a host (Kevin Lynn) who would be AGAINST racial profiling, with a host who is FOR racial profiling: "Webster". Complete with the same old rightwing arguments: WELL, the illegal aliens are all from ONE group of people (Hispanics), it's costing taxpayers money (not concerned about military spending), they had to do something because the federal government  isn't doing anything (8 years of Bush/Cheney, Arizona did nothing; 1 year of Obama, suddenly it's an emergency! Also, ram through an unconstitutional law because the federal government isn't doing anything? How about ramming through a CONSTITUTIONAL law?)...following this logic, we should do the same thing to Arabs because all "the terrorists" are from ONE group of people!!! So, WILK replaced their only voice one notch to the left of center, Kevin Lynn, who just won an award and was on most of the promos, with a washed up Rock Jock who's for racial profiling. It didn't take long to identify where "Webster" is coming from, he's only there 3 weeks! Expect more of the same. You should have on Hazleton's Lou Barletta and yuck it up with him about racial profiling. clap.....clap.....clap.....clap.....clap.....

In honor of WILK's "Swing To The Right": Todd Rundgren's Utopia 1982, complete with mocking Reagan-esque conservative suits; album cover mocking the SOUTH burning Beatles albums:

Swing to the right
Try to face the fact that I ain't that young no more
Hair's short again and a suit is in,
Better brush up on how to tie a Windsor knot
Swing to the right
Credit's hard to find and a dollar doesn't go so far
What's more important when the count comes in
A sell-out who's alive or a corpse that can't be bought?

Stop the hand of time, Think I see a sign
Tables turning 'round, Hear a different sound
Stop the hands of time, Looking out for mine

Swing to the right
Don't want to hear what the povertous expect from me
Let 'em eat cake if they feel that way
I gotta work why should I have to pay for that?
And I don't want to be left holding the bag for them
'Scuze me for living but I have to say,
I've got some worries of my own, like staying fat

AZ Truck driver forced to show birth certificate claims racial-profiling

Wall Street Journal: Law Profs On Arizona Immigration Bill: It’s Unconstitutional

Judge Napolitano: Arizona law signed by Republican Governor will bankrupt the Republican Party:

The law makes it a crime to walk the streets without clutching your passport, green card, visa, or state I.D. It not only empowers but absolutely requires cops to demand paperwork if they so much as suspect a person of being undocumented. A citizen can, in fact, sue any police officer they see not harassing suspected immigrants. The bill would also make it a class one misdemeanor for anyone to “pick up passengers for work” if their vehicle blocks traffic. And it makes a second violation of any aspect of the law a felony.

Boycott the Arizona Diamondbacks

McCain On Arizona Law He Calls ‘A Good Tool’: I Don’t Know ‘Whether All Of It Is Legal Or Not’

Will the police ask Geraldo Rivera for his "papers"???

Zionist and PNAC signer Bill Kristol is FOR the Arizona racial he can next lobby for racial profiling of Arabs:

Kristol Supports Arizona Immigration Law: ‘I Don’t Think It Violates Anyone’s Civil Rights’

And Bill Kristol has ALWAYS been in my famous rightwing hall of shame, in case anyone hasn't noticed:

The Invite

Bank Lobbyists Huddle For Another Secret Meeting With GOP Senators

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Coordinating Wall Street’s Stealth Lobbying Campaign To Kill Reform

US Politicians For Sale?

Since President Obama's inauguration, right-wing website Newsmax has repeatedly used inflammatory anti-Obama rhetoric and stoked readers' fears of hyperinflation and economic collapse to drive sales of the financial-services products it offers, including newsletters and investment programs. Fox News analyst Dick Morris and Steve Forbes have played key roles in promoting Newsmax's financial products and economic rhetoric.

In this report:

* Newsmax uses anti-Obama rhetoric and stokes fear of hyperinflation to drive sales of the financial-services products it offers.
* Newsmax promotions entice participants to spend $1,295 or more on investment schemes that promise a "Potential Reward" of thousands in return.
* Newsmax's investment schemes center on stock tips from Newsmax's "chief financial adviser," or advice on entering foreign currency trading markets.
* Morris was paid to tout one Newsmax promotion to his mailing list, and Newsmax rented Morris' mailing list to promote another scheme.
* Morris and Forbes have appeared in the videos and webcasts Newsmax uses to promote the website's financial products

Hyperinflation for sale: Newsmax and Dick Morris cash in on anti-Obama rhetoric

Military spending AGAIN increased...while everything else is slashed:

Senate Budget Committee Proposes Slashing State And Foreign Aid Budgets While Increasing Pentagon Funding

TeaBaggers: if you're for bringing down the national debt and NOT for slashing the #1 spending debt, military spending, then you really don't care about the debt:

TeaBagger Meltdown:

Religious Faith Killing Babies

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

CALEA and the Stellar Wind

Sunday, April 25, 2010


OK, our regular readers must be wondering just how much more mileage Helpful Buckeye can get out of this "Dog Park" topic.  Well, it only makes sense that if you and/or your dog experience a problem as a result of visiting a dog park, it might be wise to keep that from happening in the first place...right?  With that in mind, Helpful Buckeye will discuss some "Common Sense Measures...." a little later in this issue of Questions On Dogs and Cats.  Hopefully, these "Common Sense Measures" will keep your Saturdays, Sundays, or whatever day you choose to spend at the dog park much safer and enjoyable.  In the words of Spanky and Our Gang, from 1967, may you and your dog be able to say (or sing): 

Most of our readers read the "Current News" item BEFORE answering the first poll question last week.  Yes, 19 of 23 responses were correct...Missouri has more puppy mills than any other state.  Oklahoma used to have that status, but not any more.  Secondly, only about 1/3 of respondents indicated a pet owner/human problem associated with a dog park...6 of 20.  Be sure to answer this week's poll questions in the column to the left.

Any comments or questions should be sent to: or posted at the "Comment" icon at the end of this issue.


1) The American Veterinary Medical Association has just released this advisory bulletin concerning a potential poison for pet owners to be aware of:

Phosphine Product Precautions

In April 2010, the Michigan Department of Community Health notified the AVMA of two situations where veterinary personnel were affected during the treatment of dogs that had ingested zinc phosphide rodenticide pellets; it is suspected that human exposure resulted from the release of phosphine gas into the examination rooms when the dogs were induced to vomit.

Zinc phosphide is a common component of rodenticides for home and commercial use, and aluminum phosphide is commonly used in agriculture as an insecticide for the fumigation of grains and animal feed. Both products liberate phosphine gas, which is highly toxic to animals and people.

Dogs and cats can be exposed to the toxic effects of zinc phosphide when they eat rodent bait containing the product. Trade names of zinc phosphide-containing rodenticides include Arrex, Denkarin Grains, Gopha-Rid, Phosvin, Pollux, Ridall, Ratol, Rodenticide AG, Zinc-Tox and ZP.

Clinical signs of phosphine poisoning in animals can occur within minutes to hours of ingestion of a toxic dose, and include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting (which may be bloody), abdominal pain, diarrhea, lethargy, incoordination, convulsions, paralysis, coma and death. Once clinical signs are observed, the prognosis is guarded at best.

Symptoms of phosphine intoxication in people include headaches, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. More severe symptoms, including gastrointestinal and respiratory distress, convulsions and death, can occur with severe phosphine poisoning. Veterinarians, veterinary staff and animal owners who handle animals with phosphine poisoning can also be affected and sickened by phosphine gas.

Guidelines for Pet Owners:

• If your pet has eaten (or you suspect it has eaten) a rodenticide or pesticide of any type, immediately contact your veterinarian or an animal poison control center. Provide them with as much information as possible about the product.

o ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center: 1-888-426-4435 (a consultation fee may apply)

• If you are instructed to make the dog vomit, take it outdoors to vomit – preferably on a grassy area or near a drain. Stay upwind of the dog and avoid kneeling or lowering yourself to its level (phosphine gas is heavier than air and will be in higher concentrations closer to the ground). Once it has vomited, move all people and the dog away from the area and flush the area with copious amounts of water.

• If your dog has been poisoned by a phosphine product and it vomits indoors, evacuate the area and call 911. If you or anyone else in the immediate area are experiencing headache, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, chest pain, dizziness, or staggering, seek immediate medical attention.

• Always store and use rodent baits and other potentially toxic products out of reach of children and pets.


Common Sense protect your dogs, yourself and others

• Consult your veterinarian about the best preventive program for your dog(s), including vaccinations, heartworm prevention and parasite prevention (deworming and regular stool checks). One further reminder from the AVMA about interactions involving your puppy:

• Do not let your puppy come into contact with other dogs' stool.

• Make sure you keep your dog's vaccinations up to date so it is fully protected from disease. Consult your veterinarian about the best vaccination schedule for your dog.

• If your dog has a disease or it is receiving steroids or other medications that suppress its immune system and decrease its resistance to infection, you should not take it to dog gatherings without first consulting your veterinarian.

• If your dog is ill, do not take it to a dog gathering.

• Do not pet or handle a dog that appears unhealthy. If contact with an ill dog cannot be avoided, wash your hands thoroughly and change clothes (or cover your clothes) before handling your own dog or another apparently healthy dog.

• Clean up after you own dog(s) and place stool in appropriate containers.

• Follow the rules and guidelines associated with the event or area.

• Teach your dog good leash manners and obedience. If your dog does not behave well around other dogs or people, you should not take it to dog gatherings.

• Remain in sight of your dog and be aware of its behavior while at a dog gathering. Remember, your dog and its behavior are your responsibility in these situations. If your dog shows signs of aggression, fear or illness, remove your dog from the situation and consider leaving the site altogether.

• Avoid contact with dogs that appear aggressive and report their presence and behavior to the proper authorities.

• Before your children accompany you and your pet(s) to a dog gathering, make sure they are aware of safety around dogs. While present at the dog gathering, monitor your children closely to make sure they are safe and protected from harm (e.g., injury, bites, etc.).

• Do not allow your dog to have contact with any wildlife. This includes rabbits, squirrels and other wildlife that may be present in areas frequented by dogs.

• If you observe wildlife or other animals acting in an abnormal way, do not approach the animal, do not allow your dog to come in contact with the animal, and call the appropriate authorities.

• Do not swim in water frequented by dogs (e.g., in dog parks, etc.)

• Avoid letting dogs drink standing water or water that is obviously not fresh. If possible, bring water for yourself and your dog to the dog gathering.

• Take appropriate measures to reduce your risk of tick and mosquito bites, including the following:

o Wear light-colored clothing.

o Wear long sleeves and pants (where practical) and tuck the pant leg hems into socks to prevent ticks from crawling up your legs from the ground.

o Use insect repellent.

o When practical, avoid being outside during times of high insect activity.

• Check your dog for ticks after any outside dog gatherings and remove the tick(s) as soon as possible. Prompt removal of ticks is very important because it lessens the chance of disease transmission from the tick to your pet.

o Remove ticks by carefully using tweezers to firmly grip the tick as close to the pet's skin as possible and gently and steadily pulling the tick free without twisting it or crushing the tick during removal.

o Do not attempt to smother the tick with alcohol or petroleum jelly, or apply a hot match to it, as this may cause the tick to regurgitate saliva into the wound and increase the risk of disease if the tick is infected.

o Crushing, twisting or jerking the tick out of the skin while its head is still buried could result in leaving the tick's mouth parts in your pet's skin; this can cause a reaction and may become infected.

o After removing the tick, crush it in a napkin or tissue to avoid contact with tick fluids that can carry disease.

Allowing your dog to interact with other dogs can provide good opportunities for exercise and socialization that can help your dog's mental and physical well-being. However, these situations are also associated with some risk to dogs and their owners. By using good common sense, you can minimize the risks while still providing for your dog's well-being and your enjoyment.

A note about puppy socialization and the risk of disease

The socialization period for puppies, which takes place from 6-14 weeks of age, is critical for a dog's behavioral development. During this time positive experiences with other dogs, people, noises and activities can reduce the likelihood of fearful behaviors, such as aggression and phobias, later in the dog's life. Puppies that are not properly socialized are more likely to develop behavioral problems that can make them unsuitable pets and increase the chances their owners will relinquish them to shelters.

This socialization period overlaps a period of vulnerability to disease, including canine parvovirus and canine distemper virus infection. Puppies need socialization with other dogs, but those dogs must be well vaccinated and healthy.  To fully protect your puppy from canine parvovirus, the last dose of the parvovirus vaccine must be at 14-16 weeks of age, regardless of the number of doses given at an earlier age. Until your puppy is fully protected, avoid taking it to dog parks or other areas where it has uncontrolled exposure to dogs with questionable or unknown vaccination histories.

Having a puppy 6-14 weeks of age in socialization classes can offer excellent opportunities to properly socialize puppies but there is a disease risk. To reduce the risk, puppies in the classes should be of similar age and vaccination history and should be examined and found to be healthy by a veterinarian prior to starting classes. Proper sanitation (including immediate cleanup of 'accidents') during the classes helps provide additional protection from infection. The puppies' first vaccine should be administered at least 7 days prior to the first class. Puppies with signs of illness (diarrhea, coughing, fever, etc.) should not attend puppy socialization classes until they have recovered from their illness.

If you allow your puppy to interact with dogs belonging to family or friends, make sure the dogs have been appropriately vaccinated and are adequately socialized to avoid bad experiences that could have negative long-term consequences to your puppy's behavior. Similarly, if you own an older dog and plan to introduce a puppy into your house, make sure the older dog is adequately vaccinated.

It is important to understand that it is not until 7-10 days after the last vaccination at 14-16 weeks of age that the risk of infection is very low and you can increase the puppy's introduction and socialization with all dogs.

The AVMA would like to thank the Council on Public Health and Regulatory Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Robert Belden, Dr. Ron Schultz, the American College of Veterinary Behavior, and the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior for their roles in developing this document.


In conjunction with the above "Common Sense Measures," the ASPCA adds these reminders as a way of improving your and your dog's interactions with the public:

Urban Dog Etiquette
How to properly promenade your pooch in public

City-dwelling dogkeepers are faced with greater challenges than their suburban and rural counterparts. Without a large, fenced yard for exercise, the city dweller must take to the streets three or more times a day with Fido or Fifi in tow. Crowded sidewalks replete with joggers, construction scaffolding and double-wide strollers turn each outing into an obstacle course. The following tips will make walks safer and more enjoyable for you, your dog and your neighbors.

It's the Law

Most cities and counties have some form of leash, license and pick-up-after-your-dog laws. These ordinances are designed to protect both the dog and the community at large. When leashed, a dog is safe from traffic and unable to follow his instincts to chase children, investigate garbage cans or dig up landscaping. Whether a dog is friendly or aggressive, a leash keeps him in check and allows the public to pass undisturbed. Some communities have leash-length restrictions. Whether it's the law or not, keep leashes to six feet or less on public sidewalks. Retractable leashes should not be used in areas frequented by joggers, skaters or cyclists; the thin line blends into the background and,all too often, athlete and dog collide.

Licensing a dog enables an animal control agency to return a lost pet to his rightful owner. Also, licensing fees often support local animal control efforts. In addition, the number of licenses issued gives government officials an idea of how many dogs are in the community, statistics that are very helpful when planning dog runs, shelter expansions and the like.

Pooper-scooper laws are essential for both the health and beautification of the community. Canine diseases and parasites are often shed in feces, which puts other dogs and children at risk. And no one enjoys maneuvering through unsightly piles of dog waste when out for a stroll. Pick up feces using a plastic bag, and knot the top to control odor and flies before disposing of it in a waste receptacle. Train your dog to urinate in gutters or on nonliving vertical surfaces, such as lampposts or hydrants. Avoid trees and flowerbeds.

Etiquette Lessons and Safety Tips

The well-trained city dog needs to respond to a minimum of four basic commands: “Sit-Stay,” “Heel,” “Leave it” and “Come.” When you’re waiting at a traffic light, a dog in a sit-stay is out of harm’s way. And while walking nicely on a loose leash is enough for most forays, there are times when your dog will need to be at heel position, which keeps her under control at your side.

The command “Leave it” is employed when it is necessary for Fido to avert his gaze. Whether he’s being tantalized by chicken bones or a jogger, getting your dog to break eye contact with “forbidden fruit” before he acts enables you to draw his attention to safer rewards and pursuits. Or, should the dog slip his collar or break his leash, a recall command (“Come”) could save his life. Most, if not all, of these commands are taught in basic obedience/manners class. Contact your local shelter for a referral to a class near you.

Remember that dogs can be frightened by sudden loud noises, such as running children, motorcycles, skateboarders and in-line skaters, to name a few. Be aware that such situations may demand quick and complete control on your part to prevent your dog from lunging or biting.

Before leaving home to run errands with your dog by your side, take a moment to consider which places permit dogs and which do not. For your pet’s safety, leave him at home when he is not allowed to go into an establishment with you. A dog left tied to a post or parking meter is an easy target for teasing or theft.

Remember the Good Neighbor Policy

Keep in mind that not everyone loves dogs, so it’s up to the urban dogkeeper to present a dog who is well-socialized and under control. When riding in an elevator, sit your dog in a far corner to avoid door-dashing each time the elevator makes a stop. Do not allow Fido to jump up on other riders, even when the greeting is friendly. Hurry through lobbies or take freight elevators and back exits if the building rules mandate it. Never allow your dog to soil in front of the building’s entrance. If you have a young pup or dog-in-training who can’t control himself, be sure to carry paper towels and odor neutralizer.

Many dogs enjoy the company of other canines, but always ask before allowing your animal to launch himself at another dog—for both their sakes. The same is true regarding children. First ask the child or her parent, “May my dog say hello to you?” before allowing physical contact. The greeting should not include jumping, bouncing off or grabbing at the child—even if it is done in the spirit of friendliness. If your dog is physically challenging, consider using a head halter for better control.

When we choose to keep dogs in crowded urban areas, we take on additional responsibilities. Unfortunately, when little consideration is shown for the neighbors, more doors close to dogkeepers. On the other hand, with a little training and thoughtfulness, more businesses and public areas will begin to put out the welcome mat for both you and your dog.


1) Dr. Mary Burch, behavior specialist for the American Kennel Club, has just published an interesting and relevant book titled, CITIZEN CANINE - THE ESSENTIAL SKILLS EVERY WELL-MANNERED DOG SHOULD KNOW, which is available at:

2) A second book about your relationship with your dog, Dogology: What Your Relationship with Your Dog Reveals about You, is available at:

3) A new product from PawsOFF Bed Covers sounds like it has a lot of potential for dog and cat owners who have been fighting the battle to keep your bed coverings presentable.  Go to their web site, watch and listen: 


1)  Anyone with a giant breed of dog should be aware of the increased incidence of bone tumors, such as osteosarcoma, in those breeds.  This is a report of a St. Bernard that was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and went through a special type of radiation treatment.  Not only did the dog survive the cancer, it also did not have to have the affected leg amputated.  As the story unfolds, this type of treatment may also help young children who develop osteosarcoma: 

2) A couple of weeks ago, Helpful Buckeye presented an article about different types of burial or memorial procedures pet owners have done for their pets.  Here's a story that takes the loss of a pet to a whole new level:

Take a look at one facility that provides this service: you can see, this is not inexpensive.

3) Even though most dog owners really do love their pets, every once in a while, you can be annoyed by something your dog does.  Enjoy these short video interviews with dog owners about their dogs: 

4) Helpful Buckeye came across this story about the Dog Scouts of America and it brought back some long ago memories of my experiences in the Boy Scouts...right down to the "merit" badges.  Check out this organization at:

Instead of the sash that we wore displaying our merit badges, these dogs proudly wear a wraparound vest or neckerchief to show off their badges:

For a list of all the Dog Scout troops in the USA, go to: 

5) I've saved the best for last this week.  Enjoy this story and video of heroism by Buddy, a German Shepherd, in Alaska, as he sought help for a fire in part of his family's home: 

Buddy is a smart dog!


The LA Dodgers continue to play like a very average team.  If they persist in giving away leads late in the game, it will be a long season....

The San Antonio Spurs are off to a good start in their playoff series against Dallas...winning 3 of the first 4 games.


....came across this anonymous quote this week: "Good friends are like stars--you don't always see them, but you know they are there." 

Of course, there is also this consideration about some people.  From a bumper sticker I saw this week:

Thanks again for sticking with us here at Questions On Dogs and sure to tell a friend or two about the blog.  Enjoy your week!

~~The goal of this blog is to provide general information and advice to help you be a better pet owner and to have a more rewarding relationship with your pet. This blog does not intend to replace the professional one-on-one care your pet receives from a practicing veterinarian. When in doubt about your pet's health, always visit a veterinarian.~~

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