
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Your Worst Suspicions . . . The Truth is Worse Than That!

Hop on over to Another Black Conservative to get the latest on how the press managed to report fabricate abuse heaped on black Congressmen by supposedly racist Tea Party protesters despite hundreds of hours of videotape evidence to the contrary.

A quick recap from Clifton:
We have Congressional Black Caucus members walking through a mob of protesters when they could have easily and safely taken the underground tunnels. Two of the Congressional Black Caucus members had video cameras in hand but no recording of the alleged racial slurs. Next we have a McClatchy reporter interviewing CBC members and publishing a story about the alleged incident in record speed. In addition the McClatchy reporter breaks the time space continuum and references sources from two articles that had yet to be published.
It's not every reporter who can write news stories about news events that haven't even happened yet.

That's almost better than writing news stories about news events that never happened, which any fool can do.

But not as good as reporting news events that were supposed to happen, but for some reason didn't work out as planned.

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