
Monday, April 12, 2010

Religion of Peacer's Plans for Times Square and Grand Central Stations Revealed

You may remember the "Beauty Parlor Bomber," Najibullah Zazi, who was building bombs using hydrogen peroxide in a Denver, Colorado, suburb to use in New York City. Now details of his plan have been revealed.

When he was discovered by the FBI and NYPD, Zazi confessed that he and two of his Flushing High School buddies, Adis Medunjanin and Zarein Ahmedzay, went to Pakistan in August 2008 to join the the Taliban and fight against U.S. forces in Afghaistan. Once in Pakistan, the trio were soon off to Waziristan for training in how to make bombs and strap them on.

Object: to kill as many people as possible at the Times Square station and the Grand Central Terminal during rush hour. From the NY Daily News:
They would board trains on the 1, 2, 3 and 6 lines at rush hour and planned to position themselves in the middle of the packed trains to ensure the maximum carnage when they blew themselves up, sources said.

During Zazi's brief visit to Queens from his home in Denver last September, he rode the subway multiple times to the Grand Central and Wall St. stations, scouting where to best spread death and mayhem, the sources said.
Last month, two women killed 40 people and wounded many more when they blew themselves up on Moscow subways. Here's a photo of some New York City subway security after those attacks:

Meanwhile, another bomb plotter connected with Zazi has been picked up in Pakistan. He'll be in this country soon to face trial in Brooklyn Federal Court.

Zazi, who is scheduled to be sentenced on June 25, has been moved to a secret location. His high school buddies, Medunjanin and Ahmedzay, have pleaded not guilty.

Hat tip: Jihad Watch

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