
Saturday, April 17, 2010

What The Man Really Said About Income Taxes, Thank You Very Much

Word is circulating that President Obama only promised to limit income taxes, leaving other taxes as fair game. Incredibly, many people are trying to believe this, and, even worse, trying to convince others that it is true.

Brief history lesson, via theblogprof:

Update: LL over at Virtual Mirage pointed out:
A report from the House Ways & Means Committee's GOP members notes that, since January 2009, Congress and the president have enacted $670 billion in tax increases. That's $2,100 for each person in America. At least 14 of those tax hikes, the report says, break Obama's pledge not to raise taxes on those earning less than $250,000. Roughly $316 billion of the tax hikes — 14 increases in all — hit middle-class families, the report says.
$2,100 tax increase per person in America. 

Another "promise kept"? Or another reason to laugh in your face?
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