
Friday, August 13, 2010

Big Dan's Big News August 13, 2010

Yesterday, I told you about the drug companies rolling out the fall FAKE pandemic. Now here's the controlled media backing them up as usual, you will now be blitzed by the "news" about a new superbug which you must get a vaccine for or take a pill for...LET THE "SUPERBUG" MEDIA BLITZ BEGIN!!! OH MY GOD! WE JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT IT YESTERDAY, AND TODAY IT'S ALREADY SPREAD TO THE U.S.!!!

Cut/paste from yesterday:

Drug companies release this year's FAKE pandemic for the fall of 2010....

The Next Fake Pandemic PR Campaign Has Just Been Launched

We've only got ourselves to blame for the indestructible Indian superbug

The REAL news (why isn't this on TV???):

Story #1: Corporations Spending Millions Lobbying for 'Food Safety'

corporations spending millions lobbying for 'food safety'

The Fake Food Safety bills: Feeding America poison one law at a time

Story #2: The Google-Verizon Deal - The End of the Net As We Know It

google-verizon deal: the end of the net as we know it: verizoogle unveils private net neutrality deal

the internet is dead! long live internet2!

Story #3: The 'Take This Job & Shove It' Meme - Brought to You By Corporate Media

Above: Mr. & Mrs. "Joe the Plumber"

'take this job & shove it' meme - brought to you by corporate media

Labor Department said: Employment shrank more than expected in July. 131,000 Jobs Lost

Republicans’ Corporate Backscratching Earns Them Huge Boost In Wall Street Donations

New Normal? Obama failed to stop torture, worst Bush-era policies - report

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