
Sunday, August 29, 2010

GZ Mosque Developer El-Gamal Is Tax Deadbeat - Owes $224K on Mosque Site

The New York Post has some of the goods on Sharif El-Gamal, who owes an entire year's back payments on his intended Ground Zero mosque site (via Weazel Zippers).

Interestingly, that means that Gamal is in violation of his lease with Con Ed for the building next door, which is also part of the proposed mega-mosque site.
The mosque developers are tax deadbeats.

Sharif El-Gamal, the leading organizer behind the mosque and community center near Ground Zero, owes $224,270.77 in back property tax on the site, city records show.

El-Gamal's company, 45 Park Place Partners, failed to pay its half-yearly bills in January and July, according to the city Finance Department.

The delinquency is a possible violation of El-Gamal's lease with Con Edison, which owns half of the proposed building site on Park Place. El-Gamal owns the other half but must pay taxes on the entire parcel.

The lease agreement, obtained by The Post, specifies that El-Gamal's company pay taxes on the property and submit receipts to Con Ed.

The utility said it would have to review any possible lease violations.
El-Gamal's spokesperson insisted to The Post that the taxes had been paid . . . .

 Uh huh.

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