
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Sept 8, 2010

The biggest scam perpetrated on the American people is that the mainstream media is "liberal". Why do you think billionaires invest so much money in buying up all the media? The "news" is a commercial advertisement for them.

FOX "news" calls for repeal of the 20th Century: the big picture when you put it all together, is that FOX "news" is pushing to repeal all of these things: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, 17th Amendment, 16th Amendment, Americans with Disabilities Act, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, Nuclear arms control, Abortion rights, Labor unions, Department of Education, Unemployment insurance, Environmental Protection Agency, Progressive taxation. GEE! Sounds like FOX "news" doesn't speak for YOU, they speak for: corporations, the military industrial complex, and the wealthy elites!!!

Glen Beck/Jim Jones' televangelist restoring America rally with geese flyover directed by God had 87,000 to a MILLION idiots at it:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Geese Witherspoon
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

Papantonio and Schultz: Tea Partiers Love Hate Talkers

Ed Schultz: Hate Merchants Ready to Assume Power

Guess what? FOX "news" isn't the only one who speaks for corporations, the military industrial complex, and the wealthy elites, ALL mainstream media does: CNN's hoax on America. REAL VIDEO PROOF!! NO BS!!!

You want a "conspiracy"??? ALL the major news channels have the same exact stories every single night and ignore all the same stories every single night. And they will ALL ignore the WeAreChange NYC 9/11 rally on 9/9, explained lower in this post, even though it will be as big or bigger than any Glenn Beck or Tea Party rally and has ALL credible speakers:

Noam Chomsky: the media isn't liberal, it's a speaks for: the military, corporations, and the wealthy elites:

Billionaire Koch family behind many rightwing "grassroots" projects:

Charles And David Koch Exposed For Insidious Role In Crafting The Modern Right

David H. Koch Charles are lifelong libertarians and have quietly given more than a hundred million dollars to right-wing causes.

Why do Americans only talk about rightwing talking points in the so-called "liberal media"? Everything from stoking up hatred towards Muslims, blacks, hispanics, women, Mosques, the unemployed, intellectuals, colleges and universities, welfare recipients...and ginning up support for tax cuts for the rich, raising the Social Secutiry retirement age, continuing the wars, continuing paying $2.5 BILLION a week taxpayer money for the wars. Who is on the so-called "liberal media"? Dick and Liz Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and rightwing, GOP pundits. Here's why: rightwing billionaires have financed FOX "news", rightwing think tanks such as CATO Institute, pundits such as Rush Limbaugh, and have taken over what was the "liberal media"...all the while having their guys still call it the "liberal media" (see the Koch family story above, too):

The Republican Noise Machine

David Brock, the reformed conservative noise-maker, on how the Right has sabotaged journalism, democracy, and truth.

As a young journalist in the 1990s, David Brock was a key cog the Republican noise machine. Writing for the American Spectator, a conservative magazine funded by billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, Brock gained fame for his attack pieces on Anita Hill and President Bill Clinton. Then, in 2002, Brock came clean. In his memoir, Blinded by the Right, Brock admitted that his work was based on lies and distortion, and part of a coordinated smear campaign funded by wealthy right wing groups to discredit Clinton and confuse the public.

Since then, Brock has continued to expose the conservative media onslaught. In his newest book, The Republican Noise Machine, Brock documents how right-wing groups pressure the media and spread misinformation to the public. It's easy to see how this is done.

Fringe conspiracies and stories will be kept alive by outlets like Rush Limbaugh, the Washington Times, and the Drudge Report, until they finally break into the mainstream media.

Media groups like Brent Bozell's Media Research Center have spent 30 years convincing the public that the media is, in fact, liberal. As Brock says, it's all a sham: "I have seen, and I know firsthand, indeed from my own pen, how the organized Right has sabotaged not only journalism but also democracy and truth."

The Republican Noise Machine

David Brock's

Keiser Report: 9/11 'Insiders' Escaping Extradition!

WeAreChange rally in NYC on 9/9:

(will get ZERO coverage from the controlled mainstream media, even though it will be as big or bigger than Glenn Beck or TeaBagger rally...PROOF that the mainstream media is controlled...I'M PREDICTING IT WON'T BE COVERED AHEAD OF TIME! ISN'T THAT PROOF ENOUGH FOR YOU THAT THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS CONTROLLED???)

WeAreChange will be holding a series of events in NYC this week, highlighting the post 9/11 world. The events will be a weekend long conference and fundraiser for 9/11 First Responders, encompassing workshops, vigils, speeches, presentations, music, art gallery & street actions. We have a detailed and packed schedule starting this Thursday, September 9th 2010 and ending Sunday, September 12th 2010. If you are unable to attend the event, no need to cry! We will have a “pay per view” live stream hosted by Live on Location.

Everything you need to know about the events in NYC

Thursday 9/9 We Are Change NYC event about 9/11.

The fact that all experts believe the "official" 9/11 story has no evidence backing it, and that all the evidence proves it is false, further proves the mainstream media is corrupted. More than half the American people do not believe the "official" 9/11 story told to us immediately on TV by media and politicians only. No experts. All experts after all the examination was in, do NOT believe the impossible fairy tale that 19 hijackers, some still alive, outfoxed the U.S. government, hijacked planes with boxcutters, and flew them into buildings which could not fall into pulverized dust if they were hit by planes. Mohammed Atta's VISA, which was on him in a jet that hit the building, was in pristine condition at the scene. The fires supposedly melted the steel in the Twin Towers, but not Mohammed Atta's VISA. His jet hit the building and his VISA flew out onto the ground unscathed. If you believe that, you're an idiot and probably went to Glenn Beck's religious rally. ALL mainstream media, on the "left" and "right", avoid a story where over half the American people don't believe the "official" 9/11 story and ALL experts do not believe it and in fact have scientific proof disproving it. There is not a shred of evidence backing the "official" story only told to us by the media and politicians, no experts. They had the story for you immediately on your TV's, although it was impossible to know immediately, just like a movie. More and more people every day know the truth, no one goes the other way and believes the "official" story. It only goes one way, because ALL the proof when you look at the evidence and disregard the media and politicians shows overwhelmingly one answer: the "official" story cannot be true and we were purposely lied to by the mainstream media and politicians. Doesn't that sound familiar? You never believe the media and politicians, so why would you believe them on THIS one? That part only makes sense, too.

WTC-7, left out of the 9/11 Commission Report, was a 47 story building that fell in 6 seconds demolition style and was NOT hit by a plane. Did you know that? Why did it fall like this? Do you think it "just fell"? WTF? You're not that stupid, are you? Look at this and wait for the 2nd video, it's new video just released that you will think it's so obvious it was controlled demolition, you'll be out of your mind. Come on!!! This building didn't just fall like that without controlled demolition...COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -

9/11: All In One Chunk

9/11 Blueprint For Truth

9/11 Mysteries (movie)

9/11 Press For Truth (movie)

FOX news 4 part investigative series into Israeli spy rings in the U.S., scrubbed from their site, but available on youtube

47 story WTC-7 building a block away from the Twin Towers fell in 6 seconds...NOT hit by a plane

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11, "our purpose was to document the event"

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo

Weapons of Mass Deception: how the media was in bed with the military to falsely lead us into the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars

Taxi to the Dark Side

torturing Democracy

The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

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