
Friday, October 29, 2010

Aaaarghhhhh!!! the Big Blond PVV Zombie Walk - Sa.afternoon - Oct. 30th, 12 AM

Dear friends of the Amsterdam Rebel Clowns,
C(l)o(w)nfusion all over the place next Saturday, Oct 30th: a manifestation of EDL (European Defence League) racists will gather in the middle of nowhere (Westelijk Havengebied, Generatorstraat), Ajax football fans and other people will give them a warm welcome, people will protest against xenophobia near the Dokwerker (Jonas Daniël Meijerplein) and groups of Antifascists will try to keep the city as clean as possible...
In this chaos we'll need rules! For the very first and probably last time in rebel clown history we asked, no we begged for official papers....
We got them!!! Now we'll don't have a zombie walk; it will be a very official march of the Zombies!!!
The Big Blond Partij Voor de Vrijhaat Zombie March
Zombies of all colours (including Blue Zombies) will march from the meetingpoint Kattenlaan (near Vondelpark) to the Dokwerker where we'll all die and resurrect and will return to fill the streets again with  Aaaarghhhhh!!!!
Reasons to Aaaarghhhhh!!! : xenophobia legally promoted by that Blond Leader, his EDL fans and an emergency regulation trying to kill all spontaneous protests in the whole city.
We'll leave the Kattenlaan around 13.30 - but first you should come to OT301 (Overtoom 301) 12.00 Door is open 11.30. Don't come late!!! You've to change into a great zombie!!!
In OT301 we'll also have a zombie briefing before leaving to the Kattenlaan.
Take with you:
- your dustiest, old clothes and anything else you need to become a blond PVV zombie
- if you have or want to buy: a blond wig (we love especially blond 'Johnny' or 'Elvis' wigs from partyshops)
- for a bloody picture: take a white shirt with you
- if needed: bread for lunch or chocolate or whatever
- half liter of water bottle
- a valid ID if you don't want to take risks (maybe the police is that stupid to even check the ID's of the living deaths)
We'll take care of facial paint and blood and have some other zombie items which could be used. You could leave 'normal' clothes and personal belongings in our space in OT301 safely. We'll return around 16.00 / 17.00.
Forward this mail to your friends and tell them to leave their graves 1 bloody day in October!!!
Don't be late: 12.00 (door open 11.30)
See you Scary Saturday!!! 
the Amsterdam Rebel Clowns
----- Original Message -----
From: Rebelact
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 2:35 PM
Subject: Aaaarghhhhh!!! the Big Blond PVV Zombie Walk - Sa.afternoon - Oct. 30th, 12 AM

The extreme right situation for Big Blond PVV Zombies:
Ohhh yeahhh, it's still crisis! The new government has become our cruel reality and is only able to survive with the support of a Blonde Leader spreading the Message of Hate and Fear....
That Blonde Leader has a few hardcore fans: really strange, very scary figures who will gather that day somewhere in Amsterdam...
Any questions:
October 31st 2009 we organised the 'Wild Zombie Bike Ride to Ghost Town'
October 31st 2008 we organised the 'Apokaputalism Now! Zombie Walk'
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Also for questions and remarks. Response is always welcome.

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