
Friday, October 22, 2010

A'Dam: Info evening & training: media & political campaignin

A'Dam: Info evening & training: media & political campaignin

For successful political or social action a diversity of strategies is
necessary. Direct action alone is a very powerful instrument, but without
a statement to support it, the goals of an action might be misunderstood
or not understood at all.

Also, direct action is mostly useful when
supporting a broader campaign for a political or social goal. Almost
every political, environmental or social action group uses direct action
together with a media strategy and a political campaign.

The goal of this evening is to introduce you to the political and media
playingfield you will be facing in the context of your actions as
squatters and housing activists, and to make you familiar with the
methods to get your message across as clear as possible. Although we
will focus on squatting in Amsterdam, other activists might also benefit
from the general nature of this info-evening and are welcome to join.

We will feature:

- Explanation of local political systems
- An introduction to the media and how to deal with them
- Possible strategies for campaigns
- Combining different strategies
- Interactive training for encounters with media and politicians

... and more

We hope to see you there in a week

Voertaal is Engels behalve als er alleen maar Nederlandstalige mensen
komen, dan wordt het uiteraard in het Nederlands gedaan.


Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken

dec - 22.10.2010 19:30

... ben de locatie etc vergeten

When: Friday 29th of october 19:30
Where: Budapest - Pesthuislaan Pavilioen 2

Routebeschrijving vanaf kruispunt Overtoom/1e Constantijn Huygens Straat:

Vertrek in zuidwestelijke richting op de Overtoom/s106 naar Tweede Constantijn Huygensstraat
65 m
2. Sla rechtsaf bij Tweede Constantijn Huygensstraat
73 m
3. Sla linksaf bij Eerste Helmersstraat
130 m
4. Sla rechtsaf bij Marius van Bouwdijk Bastiaansestraat
74 m
5. Sla linksaf bij Ite Boeremastraat
45 m
6. Sla rechtsaf bij Pesthuislaan

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