
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fwd: Day of the dead - Halloween party!

Let's party with ghosts! Our dead comrades and relatives are coming to dance and drink with us tonight....sounds and feel thrilling? dress up, grab your cocktail and dance with skeletons. Ghostsdisco happens only ones a year!

Party from 23:00 until 04:00
Ticket: 5 euros

Line up: 
Deka (IT) - Radioresistence - Electro/Breakbeat 
Giallekka (IT)- Radioresistance -Rockbeat 
KRDR (IT) - Tactical Synopsis Astrofonik -  Tekno/Breakbeat 
Zyzo (NL) - Zbomb - Electro Acid Tekno

COCKTAILBAR DRESS UP party .....benefit for Oaxaca

We support with this party a mexican organization called Organizaciones Indias por los Derechos Humanos en Oaxaca (Indian Human Rights Organization in Oaxaca) OIDHO which promote the creation of autonomous collectives that operate in their own communities. These collectives are then networked together through the general assembly of the OIDHO. It is in this general assembly where agreements between collectives are made. Human Rights for OIDHO is not only a legal term, they are a concept of social justice and judicial struggle. OIDHO consider that resistance must be done by their people and they must stand by their side. Therefore they do not seek or accept any place in power. 

For more information: 
Nodo Solidale

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