
Monday, October 25, 2010

Political cafe: Resistance in Mexico & solidarity campaign

Political cafe: Resistance in Mexico & solidarity campaign

Tommorrow (25.10) Grassrootsprojects and Nodo Solidale will talk about current situation in Oaxaca and Chiapas in Mexico. We will present a new campaign "A thousand rages, one heart: the Zapatista communities live!"

Brad Will
Brad Will

killers of Brad
killers of Brad

This evening we want to commemorate the memory of our comrade Brad Will. After the information we will show the movie about him. Brad was working as an journalist from Indymedia NY. He came to Oaxaca during revolt in 2006 to make documentary movie about the struggle of Oaxacans. On 27th Octobe 2006 Brad Will was killed by para-militaries.

Monday 25th October,
Voorstraat 71,

Start: 20:00
Info evening
Movie: "Brad: Una Noche Mas En Las Barricadas"
"Brad: One night more on the barricades"
Price: Gratis

Info in Dutch:
Nodo Solidale:
Friends of Brad Will:

Lees meer over: Agenda globalisering vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten

Solidariteit met het EZLN vanuit AutonomeZone 
Grassrootsprojects - 24.10.2010 18:37

more info:

Zapatistas: Military base occupation:

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