
Friday, December 31, 2010

A Cup o' Kindness and a Right Guid-willie Waught . . .

Dougie MacLean sings Scottish poet Robbie Burns' poignant classic about two old friends who meet after a long separation:

Enjoy. And don't neglect to take a cup o' kindness, my jo.

With hearty wishes for a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year.

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and days of old long ago?

For old long ago, my dear, for old long ago, we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for old long ago.
We two have run about the slopes,
and picked the daisies fine;
But we’ve wandered many a weary foot,
since days of old long ago.

We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dine [dinner];
But seas between us broad have roared
since days of old long ago.
And surely you’ll buy your pint cup!
and surely I’ll buy mine!
And we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
for days of old long ago.
And there’s a hand my trusty friend !
And give us a hand o’ thine!
And we’ll take a right good-will draught,
for old long ago.


Best wishes for New Year 2011

In the new year 2011 We wish you all:
Happiness, Peace, Love and Freedom
We wish you, that together we would change climate for better.
We wish you that all people and animals would be free from cruelty,
deportation, prejudices, exploitation and all other bad things.
We wish you, that You would fulfill your
Good dreams .
We wish you successful actions
We wish you life satisfaction
And most we
wish You, that you will do everything to realize those dreams.
That You will never give up in the fight for them.
That You would always seek that, they became true.
If You will do, we believe that  You would achieve a beautiful victory.
You would win yourselves.
The biggest changes are beginning from the single being.
Changing ourselves
The longest way starts with the first step.
That's what we wish You.
Changing Your universes for better.
After would be easier.

Annie Lennox was honors list for her struggle against AIDS and POVERTY

Singer Annie Lennox was accustomed by Queen Elizabeth II on Friday for her alms work, accepting an accolade for her role as an agent with Oxfam.The above affiliate of the Eurythmics, acclaimed for songs such as "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" and abandoned hits including "Walking on Broken Glass," was accustomed for her assignment angry AIDS and abjection in Africa.Lennox is one of 997 bodies on the 2011 New Year Honors List, which is appear every Dec. 31 and recognizes outstanding accomplishment and service. Other big names on the account accommodate actors David Suchet, accepted for his assuming of Agatha Christie's detective Hercule Poirot, and Sheila Hancock, a acclaimed face on British date and screen. 

Both accustomed a CBE, which stands for Commander of the Order of the British Empire, the accomplished account beneath a charlatan or dame.A CBE additionally went to Trevor Horn, the almanac ambassador abaft some of pop music's better hits from the 1970s to the present day. His all-encompassing discography ranges from "Video Killed the Radio Star" by the Buggles, "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, and Band Aid's "Do They Know it's Christmas?" to Seal's "Kiss from a Rose" and albums from Charlotte Church and John Legend. Fashion artist Katherine Hamnett, acclaimed for her 1980s byword T-shirts with phrases such as "Choose Life" and "Stay Alive in 85," additionally accustomed a CBE.The co-founders of Lush Cosmetics, Margaret and Mark Constantine, accustomed OBEs, which stands for Order of the British Empire, the next-highest honor. Their business began in a afford in their garden and has back developed to become a able-bodied accepted cast with added than 600 food in 43 countries.Far from actuality big names, 74% of the recipients are bounded heroes, accustomed for outstanding assignment in their communities. 

They accommodate a beekeeper, a active adviser for bodies with appropriate needs, an equine physiotherapist, and a woman who has accomplished girl's contest for 60 years.The bridgemaster at London's Tower Bridge, Erick Sutherns, accustomed an MBE, or Affiliate of the Order of the British Empire. An MBE additionally went to John Mackay, who has formed as a postman for 44 years in Caithness, declared as one of the best arduous commitment routes in the Highlands of Scotland.A founding affiliate of the aboriginal gay men's soccer aggregation in Britain additionally accustomed an MBE. Aslie Pitter was accustomed for authoritative an astronomic appulse in arrest homophobia through sports in his role at the club.Golfer Graeme McDowell, the 2010 U.S. Open champ and affiliate of the arrive European Ryder Cup Team, accustomed an MBE. Above World Cup-winning rugby amateur Mike Catt, now a rugby coach, accustomed an OBE. 

Among those accepting the accomplished account of a courage was Martin Broughton, administrator of British Airways, accustomed as an outstanding business baton with a able clue almanac of account to the added community.Women accomplish up 45% of the absolute recipients on this year's list. They will accept their awards from the queen at ceremonies appointed throughout the advancing year.


Op 1 januari 2011 organiseert het Zeeuws Actiecomité "Borssele 2 Nee!" een nieuwjaarsduik op het strand naast de kerncentrale in de gemeente Borsele.

Onder de titel "Ga voor een fris 2011!" vragen wij aandacht voor het feit dat kernenergie helemaal niet schoon is. Daarbij zorgt de komst van nieuwe kerncentrales voor een verdere opwarming van de Westerschelde.

Om deze actie succesvol te laten verlopen willen we iedereen vragen om zich aan te melden via, dan kunnen we nog extra details doorgeven en afspraken maken over carpoolen.

Bij minimaal 25 aanmeldingen kunnen we spreken van een geslaagde actie, dus nodig zoveel mogelijk mensen uit !

Wat: Nieuwjaarsduik Borssele 2, Nee !
Waar: Het strand van Borssele (De Kaloot) aan de Europaweg zuid naast de kerncentrale.
Wanneer: Zaterdag 1 januari 2011
Hoe laat: 12.00 uur

- E-Mail: Website:

Big Dan's Big News Dec 31, 2010



"MUSLIMS DID 9/11"!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been writing here for years that I believe most of the Muslim "suicide bomber" stories are actually the U.S./Israeli/British governments doing it and putting FAKE stories in the "news". In 2007, I saw a story "Iraqi Women With Downs Syndrome Are Now Suicide Bombers". So I wrote "Does Anyone Believe This Bullshit Anymore?". After I wrote that, the U.S. military themselves said the story was FAKE. Since then, I've found it easy to notice these FAKE stories. They involve these themes which the U.S./Israel/Britain want to keep in the headlines: "Muslim Suicide Bombers", "Muslims did 9/11", and "Muslims Attack Christians". The goal is to keep in our minds that Muslim terrorists are everywhere. You will see this daily in your papers and on the "news". Another tip off to a FAKE story is if the word "Al Qaeda" is in the story. There's no such thing as a group of Muslim terrorists named "Al Qaeda". We made it up. And how about the offshoots like "Al Qaeda in Iraq"? Who would name themselves "Al Qaeda in Iraq"? Might they forget which country they're in? So they put " Iraq" in it? Obviously, we made up this name, too.

Let's look at this story in the news (the story changed, but I'll get into that later):

3 suicide bombers used to kill tenacious Iraqi cop

First of all, it says "Al Qaeda" in the story. Secondly, do you believe THREE suicide bombers from "Al Qaeda" were sent laden with a million dollars worth of bombs, who probably looked like padded football players with all the bombs on themselves, to kill ONE guy? How about sending ONE guy with a pistol, if that? It's less conspicuous. Like I said in 2007, does ANYONE believe this BULLSHIT anymore?

Now let me point out something HUGE I just noticed as I'm writing this. In my comments the other day, the "3 SUICIDE BOMBERS" story pointed to the story linked above. I happened to go back in my comments and click on that link, but it now links to THIS story, which ironically changed from a "MUSLIM SUICIDE BOMBERS" story to a "MUSLIMS ATTACK CHRISTIANS" story, and who knows, it might change again:

3 suicide bombers used to kill tenacious Iraqi cop

Don't you think that's ODD??? How many people noticed this? I noticed it by dumb luck! But I have witnesses on this blog as well as myself, that the SAME link changed from a "MUSLIM SUICIDE BOMBERS" story to a "MUSLIMS ATTACK CHRISTIANS" story. Notice the "new" story is dated Dec. 31, it's the new manufactured story to replace the older one it used to link to. Ironically, the new "MUSLIMS ATTACK CHRISTIANS" story was in my paper today, the daily FAKE "MUSLIM SUICIDE BOMBERS" and/or "MUSLIMS ATTACK CHRISTIANS" and/or "MUSLIMS DID 9/11" FAKE story. So the propagandists are now getting very sloppy. Most people would not notice something like this. That's why I have a blog.

The proof that the link to this story has changed, but keeps the same "MUSLIMS DID SOMETHING" theme, are the comments made after the link pertain to the OLD story about "MUSLIM SUICIDE BOMBERS", not "MUSLIMS ATTACK CHRISTIANS". Basically, they're getting sloppy with their FAKE stories and it's getting like an assembly line and they can't keep track of their own FAKE stories anymore. I can point out this BULLSHIT every single day if I want to, but I would like YOU to figure it out for yourself.

Let me point out the "Woman In A Burqa Suicide Bomber" story from the other day. btw...did you notice my point that these "Muslim Terrorist" stories are daily, like I said above? Read this post about the "Woman In A Burqa" story, and think: "WOMEN WITH DOWNS SYNDROME AL QAEDA SUICIDE BOMBERS":

"Woman In A Burqa"

And finally, look at this:

Can you begin to see that we are being propagandized by the mainstream media to keep "MUSLIM TERROR" on our minds? If only you really knew who was doing this to us, the same people who did 9/11...and it wasn't "THE MUSLIMS". They REAL culprits are keeping you DUMB & STUPID, while they redirect your ANGER & FEAR towards "THE MUSLIMS". The mainstream media and the government have you by the BALLS (or the ovaries) with 24x7 TERROR TERROR TERROR bullshit. What kind of a country is this?

The "INSTANT INVESTIGATION RESULTS" - ask yourself how they always immediately "solve" the crime in real time, the instant it happens they know "Al Qaeda" did it or "The Muslims" did it. You see things in your local news all the time, like a guy got shot. It takes days/weeks/months/ sometimes YEARS to solve it...yet they always have the INSTANT INVESTIGATION RESULTS that "Al Qaeda" or "The Muslims" did it. If there's a "SUICIDE BOMB" story, ask yourself how they INSTANTLY knew it was an "AL QAEDA WOMAN WITH DOWNS SYNDROME". That turned out to be FALSE, btw...and it wasn't me who said it, it was the military. That one was so far-fetched, they had to admit it was false.

Conclusion: the "news" is now a fictitious movie, just like the "official" 9/11 story, of 24x7 fake MUSLIM terror "news" and we're being propagandized by the real culprits who did 9/11 because they OWN the "news" and they want you to think there's Muslim terrorists everywhere and they want you to hear hourly on the "news" TERROR TERROR TERROR and never examine the FACTS of who the terrorists really are. And they are in fact not the Muslims, but the U.S./Israeli/British governments, not the elected governments, but the REAL unelected governments.

But they have one huge major flaw: they're going overboard and it's fact free and not believable anymore, and they're providing us daily proof of the real culprits of 9/11 and the "war on terror". They are now officially out of control with these ridiculous stories and have overestimated how stupid people are and how much BULLSHIT they will swallow. Think: "AL QAEDA WOMEN SUICIDE BOMBERS WITH DOWNS SYNDROME", think: "3 SUICIDE BOMBERS SENT TO KILL A GUY", think: "FBI PROVIDED EVERYTHING FOR MENTALLY CHALLENGED MUSLIM TERRORIST INCLUDING THE PLAN", think: "INSTANT REAL TIME KNOWLEDGE OF WHO DID IT"...which is impossible, especially all the time. Think: AL QAEDA = U.S./ISRAELI/BRITISH GOVERNMENTS.


They got everything I said yesterday in this NEW story today:

- "MUSLIMS ATTACK CHRISTIANS" (just by mentioning "AL QAEDA", the implication is there)
- "MUSLIMS DID 9/11"

Just like I said!!! Am I good, or what??? In this one, they pulled the "hat trick" and got all three!!! The TRI-FECTA!

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt – A powerful bomb, possibly from a suicide attacker, exploded in front of a Coptic Christian church as a crowd of worshippers emerged from a New Years Mass early Saturday, killing at least 21 people and wounding nearly 80 in an attack that raised suspicions of an al-Qaida role.

The attack came in the wake of threats by al-Qaida militants in Iraq to attack Egypt's Christians.

Report Them All Immediately ...

'FBI, Mossad turn US into police state'

Fake Al Qaeda

Why did a WHITE U.S. govt scientist write "DEATH TO ISRAEL" & "ALLAH IS GREAT" on the anthrax letters?

"THE MUSLIMS DID IT", trust me - Israeli terrorist and member of U.S. shadow government Michael Chertoff

Attention: we have dishonest people in control of what is called the U.S. government and U.S. mainstream media.


...true story (America Deceived II):

20 Years Earlier, September 11, 2001
corner of Vesey Street and Washington, New York City
Inside World Trade Center Building #7, 23rd Floor

The CIA agent hung up the phone.
General Barker noticed his sly smile and asked, “Who was that?”
“What did he want?”
“He asked if that cheating bitch boarded the plane.”
General Barker laughed, “Did you tell him we escorted Barbara to Flight 77, over an hour ago?”
“That’s exactly what I said.”
“Alright, time for serious business then.”
“One and Two are set, ready to go. This building is on standby. Planes go airborne in about an hour.”
“And the evidence?”
“Dropped shithead’s passport near the towers in a place where even the NYPD can find it. Our Mossad friends parked the car at Logan this morning with their luggage.”
“What did you put inside the bags?”
“Koran, videocassettes from a Boeing 767 Flight Simulator, training manuals and a couple martyr tapes. Mossad tossed in a suicide note naming each hijacker.”
“Everything’s in place then. Grab some popcorn and wait for the show to start.”
The CIA agent sat down checking his notes. General Barker hovered over the desk, reviewing various mock exercises planned for the day. The CIA agent’s cell phone rang.
A garbled, double-coded voice on the other end spoke, “Employees of Odigo just received e-mails warning people to stay away from the World Trade Center complex.”
He shook his head, “Yesterday, the stock trades and today this. We haven’t even lifted the curtain and we’re in trouble.”
The encrypted voice said, “Over-riding their computer notification system now. That’s the last message transmitted.”
The CIA agent hung up, “Not good, not good. Too many people involved. Too many competing interests. Too many variables.”
General Barker barely responded as he concentrated on numerous training missions developed by Pentagon Brass to insert phantom airliners, disable NORAD and confuse Air Traffic Controllers. He ordered fighter jets flown away from New York City and Washington D.C.
On a busy day at the Windows on the World restaurant, one-hundred-and-seven floors above ground in the North tower, the owner’s favorite waitress set the breakfast table for her daily patron.
The crimson-jacketed, stuffy concierge grabbed the server by her hand, “Stop setting this table, Larry’s not coming today.”
She jerked her arm away, “Are you sure? He hasn’t missed breakfast since he bought this place.”
“I know. To be honest I thought it was a prank. I nearly called his wife out on it.”
She started setting the place again, “He sits here every day.”
“Not today.”
“I don’t believe you. He’s coming and you’ll thank me for saving both our jobs.”
“I’m telling you, I just spoke to his wife.”
The dressed-up, white trash waitress swept beneath the table, dusted surfaces and wiped off each chair.
“I’m setting him a spot.”
“His wife called, he’s sick. He’s not coming.”
“I still do not believe you.”
The over-paid, over-tipped waitress snapped her gum and continued to neatly arrange place-mats, forks, spoons and knives. She set a pint of Orange Juice, which she freshly squeezed, on the centerpiece of the table and folded cloth napkins into swans. Larry always remarked that she reminded him of the beauty and grace of a swan. Sometimes, it was the lone thing that brightened her day. Larry went out-of-his-way to ask about her out-of-wedlock children. He even gave them gifts for their birthdays.
“Mr. Silverstein will be in, I know it.”
The uptight concierge shook his head, “You’re wasting your time.”
“Sorry, but I know him. Only the devil himself could keep him from being here.”
“Fine, but when you’re done wait on tables with actual customers.”
The snot-nosed concierge returned to his post, checked in diners and escorted guests to tables. An undocumented alien, filling chef jobs Americans do not want, snuck around from the rear kitchen, tapped the waitress on her shoulder and whispered, “I agree with you. Mister Silverstein will be here.”
“I know.”
The waitress winked and smiled as she finished preparing the table and readied for her favorite part of the day.
A live video feed from the nose camera of Flight #11 turned on, multiple High Definition television screens inside the President’s bulletproof limousine lit up with images of the American Airlines Boeing 767 whipping through noisy winds, drawing the box-like skyline of New York City, closer and closer.
The operation, known among bacchanalian circles as ‘The Big Wedding’, kicked off with a bang...
Employees of Urban Moving Systems parked the white van in Liberty park, New Jersey, a perfect back-drop of the World Trade Center. They removed their Saudi Arabian style robes and carefully unwound dark turbans into the passenger seat.
“Grab the Nikon.”
Jason Schwartz snagged his camera by the strap, looked through the viewfinder and framed an artful shot of the steel twins.
“Tower One is on the right, focus on it first.”
“We’re going in numerical order then?”
He laughed as he zoomed in to the colossal exoskeletal structures, glimmering brightly in a cloudless blue sky.
“My turn, start filming.”
One of the other employees jumped before the camera and danced like a cracker at a hip hop club. They all laughed.
“I’m next.”
Another UMS worker mocked his partner’s dance then flicked a Bic ® lighter several times close to the camera and in the foreground of the Twin Towers.
Jason waved them away from the viewfinder, “Enough fooling around, it’s just about time.”
He checked his gold Rolex wristwatch, a gift from his Mossad handlers, and synchronized the clock, 8:46:26 a.m...
American Airlines Flight #11 roared over an innocent city at breakneck speeds and sliced on an angle through the silver North Tower between the 94th and 98th floors. New York trembled as Tower One enveloped the plane like a pesky horsefly caught and cocooned in a spider’s glistening web.


“Hit the plunger.”
General Barker pressed the red button.
Freight elevators, stationed near underground support columns, exploded. Trapped energy tore up through the basement levels, demolishing chunks of the main lobby area as prominent, thick marble tiling dislodged from walls and crashed to the floor, shattering into jagged pieces.
The earpiece transponder commanded, “Hold steady, the next plane incoming, e.t.a. 15 minutes.”
Back in New Jersey...
“Holy shit. Did you get that on film?”
“I did. It was better than I thought.”
UMS employees broke into another dance. An elderly lady, who history soon remembered as single-handedly solving 9/11, watched from her bedroom window while dialing the police.
Inside the adjacent tower, cubical office workers, security personnel, cleaning ladies, secretaries, maintenance men, janitors, assistants, and bellhops pried their faces away from the windows, lined up and started marching orderly down stairs, assisting the handicapped and lifting the feeble as they evacuated the South Tower.
The South Tower Public Address system blared several times and announced, “Do not evacuate. Fires in the North Tower are under control. Remain in the South Tower as there may be falling debris outside. Please return to your offices.”
People looked up at the anonymous voice emanating from dimpled metal boxes and kept walking. The trusting ones turned around and returned to their high rise offices.
One of the trusting ones, while walking back upstairs, thought about the evacuees, ‘Fools, hope a steel beam drops on your heads.’
The South Tower PA system blared and announced again, “Do not evacuate, return to your offices at once. This is for your own safety. Fires in the North Tower are under control. The South Tower is not in danger. Return to your offices at once.”
Just as the trusting one sat at his desk on the 80th floor, he glanced at the walnut clock his daughter gave him, 9:02:54 a.m...
United Airlines Flight 175 disappeared like a cartoon-cutout, swallowed whole by the South Tower, between the 78th and 84th floors. Enormous titanium airplane engines tore from their wings, sailed through offices, bathrooms, gyms, doors, hallways, safes, beams, walls, kitchens and crashed to the street, blocks away. Office paper birds flew out of the gaping hole and gently floated to the ground carrying names of the dead.
On the clearest day of the year, New York City clouded up.
Nestled snugly inside the Emma E. Booker Elementary schoolhouse in Sarasota Florida, the President of the United States kept reading the mesmerizing, magical book to the second grade class, “... ‘Yes,’ her dad said. ‘That goat saved my car.’...”
As per the script, Andy Card entered the room from stage left and delivered his lines.
“We are under attack.”
The President raised his eyebrows, turned the page and continued, “... ‘The car robber said, ‘something hit me when I was trying to steal that car’. The girl said, ‘My goat hit you’...”
CNN interrupted the President’s Book Club and broadcasted footage of Palestinians celebrating Saddam Hussein’s 1991 invasion of Kuwait with the headline, ‘Palestinians celebrate 9/11.’ Reuters and AP picked up the news and plastered it across the World.
Behind the hardened area of the Pentagon, a board meeting took place...
“Does everyone have their laptops? Open up the section regarding the Pentagon’s Budget. Use your installed hardware, internet’s down again.”
A century-old civilian accountant raised his hand and interrupted, “I was just over in D.O.D. and the internet’s running fine over there. Perhaps you should check it again.”
The Pentagon’s Budget Analyst tried to connect his computer.
“No dice, no signal. Without further interruptions, scroll down the page to a folder labeled Department of Defense spending, fiscal years 1999-2001. That is where we were told to search.”
“Search for what,” asked a lifelong bookkeeper who sat on a folding chair in the corner of the room.
“Missing money, a whole shit load of it.”
The medal-less Pentagon employees laughed. They asked all at once, “How much is a shit load?”
“2.3 trillion. Obviously none of you watched C-Span yesterday as I instructed.”
Civilian workers of Resource Services Washington sheepishly looked to the ground, a few laughed.
“I’ll fill you in. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld testified on Capital Hill yesterday and he talked about money missing from the Pentagon’s budget. Over two trillion dollars.”
“And he called me yesterday. First time in my career, he called personally. He instructed me to schedule this early meeting and said that it is the task of everyone in this room to find it. Find the trillions. His exact words.”
A quota-hired receptionist creaked open the door and slid into a seat in the back row. The Senior Budget Analyst snapped, “You’re late.”
“Sorry, it’s just that as I was arriving, I heard on the radio that a plane hit the World Trade Center. Possibly even two planes.”
He grabbed a remote and pressed the power button, the wall-mounted television flickered.
“Tv’s out too. No Internet, busy phones and no television. This is a real first rate outfit we’re running here.”
He clicked off the television and said, “Let’s get back to business, Secretary Rumsfeld told me these trillions of dollars missing from the Pentagon budget are our number one priority.”
Deep below multiple levels of heavy metal blast doors, bolted inside the cold, steel White House bunker, the Vice-President slithered into his tall black leather chair, gnawing on Beef Jerky. He sat hunched, more like coiled, in a corner. Saliva pooled in his mouth. Scotch was the order of the day. Nobody does this sober.

DISCLAIMER: IUniverse does not endorse, support, promote or condone any of the thoughts, ideas, or language presented in the novel “America Deceived II” by E.A. Blayre III. Read at your own risk.

About the Author

E.A. Blayre III, wrote his own death warrant on the eve of the Revolution.

America Deceived II - Homeland Security Warning: Possession of this novel may result in enhanced interrogation.

Bush fucks up and publicly admits he saw the FIRST plane hit the Twin Towers, which means he had a direct feed in his limosine:

Horrific incident in Newzland

In a alarming incident, an eight-year-old boy has died afterwards actuality above animate in a geothermal hotpool in New Zealand, bounded media letters said.The boy, who suffered astringent baking to his anatomy back he fell into the hotpool at Kuirau Park in Rotorua, a accepted day-tripper destination on North Island, while on a ancestors airing on December 26, died from burns at the Middlemore Hospital in Auckland yesterday, a hospital agent was quoted as saying. Witnesses claimed to accept apparent the boy agreeable in affliction as the bark on his easily bald off, afterwards he fell into the 100C pool. He was airlifted by helicopter to the accelerated affliction assemblage at the Middlemore Hospital.

The hospital agent said the boy's ancestors was with him back he died. He said that the victim's ancestors had a Pacific Island accomplishments and did not allege English.Rotorua District Council parks and amusement administrator Garry Page said that an analysis had begin no problems with the pool's fences and authorities were ambrosial for assemblage to authorize how the blow occurred."Our hot pools are able-bodied belted off and bodies aloof can't blunder into them. Apparently this boy had absolutely climbed up on to the fence and jumped into the pool," he was quoted as saying.

Investing in the New Year

The festivities of the holidays are over and the New Year is looming, resolutions are being made and popular ones include getting physically fit after over indulgence over Christmas. Most people forget that getting financially fit is also important in the New Year since most have over indulged financially and may be in the red come the New Year. A little planning over the holidays will prevent this and get one starting the New Year on level a footing financially. A lot of financial bonuses come up at the end of the year and it takes financial savvy to know how to lucratively invest this so that it is not wasted.

Education as an Investment

Drawing up budgets and saving should be made into a lifestyle so that any extra money that comes in can be invested profitably. This exercise will help in setting up investment goals which will assist in exploring the available investment options. Budgeting is often times divided into long term, mid term and short term or immediate categories. Investment falls in the long term and mid term categories and savings can then be geared towards the different investment objectives. These may be varied and some like children’s education or your own may fall into the immediate category.

A worthwhile investment would be in financial education before exploring other investment options. Investing in oneself is a sensible asset that will definitely save money that may be lost from unwise ventures. It helps to have the necessary information about a certain field before one delves into its intricate operations. Certain rules need to be followed as well as the legal implications associated with certain ventures. Some trust their gut instincts and invest where they are led and end up being successful, however, this should not rule out attaining financial education and advice.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Getting involved with the battle for internet freedom

The cyber battle for freedom and against internet censorship has recently intensified.

The cyber battle for freedom and against internet censorship has recently intensified. Virtually all countries have severely restricted internet use over the last decades. In just the last couple of weeks, Venezuela, Spain, Thailand and Tunesia have pushed for more intense control over the internet in an attempt to silence opposition or prevent information sharing. High tech companies have willingly supported regimes in these efforts, while financial institutions once more showed where they loyalties lie by cutting off Wikileaks' funding.

Several organizations have acted against these government and corporate attempts to monopolize and commodify digital information.

Wikileaks has hit the news with their revelations on government misconduct throughout the world. Different forums have been created for translating and reporting on the cables and other material that Wikileaks released. If you want to see or create results, look at the websites mentioned below.

Different groups operating under the label of Anonymous have organized a variety of actions. The most publicized have been the ddos attacks against Pay Pal, Mastercard and Visa. Recent days have seen so-called DDoS attacks against the Mugabe regime (for oppressing Zimbabwe and for threatening to sue Wikileaks if it would expose information on the obnoxious enrichment of Mugabe's wife) and Bank of America (for cutting off Wikileaks).

Apart from these direct digital actions, people operating under the Anonymous label have organized protests and campaigns against governments and corporations intending to suppress mutual aid, subversion and anarchy on the internet.

Wikileaks, Anonymous and the internet will be what we make of it. Get involved.


For information and donation, see:

Crowdleak, a website where people can work on and translate Wikileaks documents:

The Wikileaks Forum, for all things Wikileak:

News on Anonymous:

Twitter: Anonymous @spiralis1337, Anonymous Operations @Anony_Ops

Join IRC to learn about DDoS and other forms of cyber activism on the Anonymous servers: or

spandoek: "Regering krijg de Tering"

"Regering Krijg de Tering!" Een groot spandoek met deze lekker bekkende kreet hangt al ongeveer een maand als kerstboodschap aan onze gevel. Om iedereen een solidair en strijdbaar 2011 met veel verzet tegen de huidige rechtse regering toe te wensen zetten we nu ook maar een foto met bijbehorend statement op indymedia.

Afbraak van de zorg, xenofobie, verkloten van het klimaat, kraakverbod. Het is slechts een kleine greep uit de rechtse hobby's van kabinet. Er wordt dan ook aan alle kanten gemord. Kunstenaars en artiesten willen hun subsidie houden, studenten gaan de straat op voor het behoud van mogelijkheid om te studeren zonder een torenhoge schuld te krijgen, mensen begaan met het milieu zoeken uit het lood geslagen naar een nieuwe strategie, ouders zonder dubbele topbaan hebben geen geld meer om op de kleintjes te letten, Marokkanen raken gefrustreerd omdat zij nu officieel zijn uitgeroepen tot zondebok, postbodes durven tenminste nog te staken, krakers in onzekerheid kraken door, migranten duiken onder en de hard werkende 'gewone' man (m/v) gaat langzaam ten onder aan werkstress.

Nu is het alleen nog wachten op samenwerking tussen al die groepen. Dus geen aparte demo voor elke groep die op komt voor zijn rechten, maar grote gezamenlijke protesten, acties en stakingen. Dat is de enige manier om niet tegen elkaar uitgespeeld te worden en duidelijk te maken dat we niet gepaaid willen worden met een procentje minder eraf, een baantje erbij of een paar uitzondering voor een aantal schrijnende gevallen. De regering moet weg en haar beleid gestopt.

We willen ook benadrukken dat het probleem breder is dan de huidige regering met Rutte, Verhagen en Wilders. De vorige regering was niet veel beter. Ook toen was economische groei en bedrijfswinst het hoogste doel en ging dit ten kosten van een sociale samenleving, het milieu en vooral van grote delen van de wereld die zich dood zwoegen om Nederland van goedkope grondstoffen en goederen te voorzien. Ook toen was er al een meedogenloos beleid tegen migranten die op volkomen terecht en begrijpelijk in het kielzog van het vrije verkeer van geld en goederen proberen in de Europese Unie een beter leven te bouwen.
En als de PvdA weer in een volgend kabinet zou zitten dan is het maar zeer de vraag of zij kraken weer zullen toestaan, de racende automobilist weer durft in te dammen en durft op te komen voor solidariteit en mensen aan de onderkant van de samenleving. Zelfs voor GroenLinks en de SP zijn economische groei en het in stand houden van het huidige financiële systeem heilig.

We zullen zelf moeten knokken voor een leefbare maatschappij met toekomst. Organiseer jezelf, je buurt en je werk en bouw aan een alternatieve samenleving waar niet alleen ons welzijn centraal staat, maar ook dat van mensen op andere werelddelen en toekomstige generaties. Laat 1000 kelen loeien: "Regering krijg de tering!"

De Wolvin, Brouwersgracht te Amsterdam

BinnenPret (Amsterdam)schreeuwt al tijdje hetzelfde!


U.S. Constitution Won't Affect Congress . . .

The 112th Congress will be just like the 111th:
He hopes.

Text of the U.S. Constitution here. This document, which was written (ahem) more than 200 years ago, would make excellent reading for Democrats too, and even for WaPo wonks.

Corporation Ymere promised social home for a single parent.Video, Photo Comics and pressing letter.

On a cold Amsterdam day a small group journalists made a report of a single mother handing over a letter to a housing corporation. In the letter was the question about a social house. Here is the story...

To make sure that Radha would get promised hause You can contact a young lady inside,Susan Schreiber



Geachte Meneer/Mevrouw, 

         Ik ben Mevrouw Radha Mulder. Ik ben een Amsterdamse burger en samen met mijn dochter ben ik dakloos. Wij hebben dringend behoefte aan een huis.  Ik weet dat er veel huizen zijn die leeg staan terwijl ik dakloos ben. Ik sta nu al zes jaar op een wachtlijst. 

          Ik kan niet in deze positie  blijven. Het is illegaal en immoreel voor mij om dakloos te zijn en met deze levensstijl voort te leven. Ik vraag u mij een appartement in Amsterdam te geven, zodat ik eindelijk een plek voor mij en mijn dochter heb. Als u mij dit niet wilt geven, dan zult u mij achterlaten met geen keuze; ik zal dan een van uw lege appartementen  kraken. Dan zult U door een hele juridische procedure moeten gaan en het is niet gegarandeerd dat jullie zullen winnen, want ik heb recht om te leven met de basisbehoeften van het leven en er kan  niet worden verwacht dat wij op straat leven, want dat is illegaal en immoreel . 

         Ik vraag u nogmaals om het juiste ding te doen en mij en mijn dochter direct  een vaste plek te geven.  De media is ook op de hoogte van mijn verhaal; U kunt het goed zien op de volgende URL:    Er zal ook meer media-aandacht zijn voor mijn zaak.

Dank U,

Radha Mulder

HELP TALKS - Mr.Johnson Thomas on Suicide Survivors

This video is a talk by Mr.Johnson Thomas at HELP on 29th Dec,10. Topic "Suicide Survivors". Mr.Johnson Thomas can be contacted at 9820466726. This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP, Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library

Feedback - Suicide Survivors by Mr.Johnson Thomas

This video is a feedback by one of our readers Mr.Shreyas Rao on the HELP TALK - Suicide Survivors by Mr.Johnson Thomas conducted on 29th Dec 10. For more details log in to our website

Mr.Johnson Thomas - Why he likes to give talks at HELP

This video is a feedback by Mr.Johnson Thomas on Why he likes to give talks at HELP Library.

At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.

Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.

For more details log in to our website

Budgeting for the New Year

The New Year is a great opportunity to revise the family’s financial position and set new financial objectives for family finances. Doing this will identify possible loopholes that might cripple the family finances. A review of the family’s financial capabilities will ease the preparation of a family budget, which is crucial for achieving financial freedom. No matter the family income, money problems are not brought about by overspending but by mismanagement of what is available. A family with a small income may be more financial savvy than a millionaire family, the key is in managing well what you have and this starts by drawing up a budget. Even countries with billions of shillings draw up a budget every year so that the money may be spent as intended.

Income and Expenditure

For effective budgeting all family incomes should be consolidated so that the true picture of the financial position can be ascertained. It is also prudent to develop reasonable assumptions and learn from past financial mistakes, your own and others. History has a way of repeating itself and some pitfalls if not addressed will recur in the New Year. Every expected cost no matter how small must be incorporated into the budget as well as all expected income. This is not counting chicks before they are hatched but rather planning for the expected income so that it is distributed in a proper manner.

A budget once drawn up is only as effective as its implementation so stick to the budget no matter the amount of temptation to deviate from it; this will ensure that one lives within their financial means and overspending is minimized or eradicated completely. Effective financial management demands that bills are paid up immediately they come up and credit card debt should be minimized if not done away with entirely.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Certain categories of patients can be particularly irksome or tiresome

For instance, doctors dislike patients who:

* Expect to be treated on a priority basis.
* Are always late.
* Waste time needlessly.
* Ask the same questions endlessly.
* Think they know all the answers.
* Do not value the doctor's privacy or personal time.
* Do not follow instructions.
* Go 'doctor shopping' i.e., change doctors all the time.
* Don't pay their fees on time. It's always helpful to put yourself in the other person's shoes; i.e., to see things from your doctor's point of view! The ideal patient would be one who:
* Comes to appointments on time, or is thoughtful enough to phone to cancel them.
* Tries to explain exactly what's bothering him; i.e., he can express his anxieties and apprehensions clearly.
* Answers questions honestly.
* Volunteers any important information that the doctor may not specifically ask about, including family history.
* Lets the doctor know if cannot follow his directions and specifies the reasons why.
* Takes medications as directed, strictly adhering to the dose schedule.
* Expresses his dissatisfaction in a courteous manner

Try to do your best to become an ideal patient, and learn to take an active interest in your medical care. After all, this is the only body you have! It's a simple fact of life that patients who know how to make the most of their doctor get better medical care. Therefore, it's very important that you learn how to do so!

Recipe Poli

Recipe Poli

100 grms Cashewnuts, almonds,
500 gms Maida
2 grated coconut
½ cup ghee
½ cup oil
1/ kg. jaggery
1 tsp. cardmom powder

Soak almonds in water for 8 hours and remove the outer skin. Roast all cashew nuts and almonds in one tsp. ghee. Then grind the nuts together with the grated coconut. Add jaggery to them and add little water and cook on a low flame till dry. Add cardamom powder in the mixture. Add oil and enough water to Maida to make stiff dough. Knead well the dough and divide them into small lemon-size balls. Roll out two at a time into small circles.

Over one, spread the mixture thinly. Cover with the other and seal sides with milk. Cook one at a time on a greased tawa till golden and crisp. Make all pollis similarly. Serve with hot ghee and sugar.

Food Rationing to Combat Global Warming?

Chinese farmers try to save some vegetables from an early snowfall.

According to Louise Gray, the Environment Correspondent for the UK Telegraph:
Global warming is now such a serious threat to mankind that climate change experts are calling for Second World War-style rationing in rich countries to bring down carbon emissions.
The idea is to "halt economic growth in the rich world over the next twenty years, " according to the director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Professor Kevin Anderson.
This would mean a drastic change in lifestyles for many people in countries like Britain as everyone will have to buy less ‘carbon intensive’ goods and services such as long haul flights and fuel hungry cars.


This could mean a limit on electricity so people are forced to turn the heating down, turn off the lights and replace old electrical goods like huge fridges with more efficient models. Food that has travelled from abroad may be limited and goods that require a lot of energy to manufacture.

“The Second World War and the concept of rationing is something we need to seriously consider if we are to address the scale of the problem we face,” he said.
And governments could make it a criminal act to grow food in your own backyard and give some of it to your hungry neighbors--that's if you live in a "rich" country. If you live in a non-"rich" country, do what you like; rich countries will even help you pay for what you do, or at least pay your dictators to enjoy themselves.

From John Griffing at American Thinker:
Meet the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), a new legislative proposal [a bill passed by the House in 2009 and passed by the Senate on December 19th, while you were hanging ornaments on your Christmas tree] designed to centralize control over food stocks to protect Americans from "terror."
Next thing you know, the TSA will be frisking tomatoes and cabbages.
The motive may indeed be to protect the food supply from the actions of terrorists, but what about acts of government terror? Can centralized control by the government protect the people against the whims of human nature? This question is not being asked by those so in favor of surrendering control of food to an entity that cannot even manage a budget, much less an oil spill or other natural disaster. Now we are to believe that this same inefficient, broken entity can guarantee the safety of our food?
A Florida orange, January 16, 2010 (courtesy mothertrip).
Why not? The socialist hero Stalin did it in the Ukraine, and his "artificial famine . . . intended to break the will of Ukrainians--Communists and non-Communists alike--who clung to their national identity," caused the deaths of seven million people.
Something stinks, and it smells like government cheese. Usually when people ask for power, it is because they want power, regardless of the stated motive.

What good, for example, can be gained from removing the right of Americans to grow their own food, as several of the provisions of the Food Safety Modernization Act do? The Ninth Amendment arguably guarantees this and other unenumerated rights. The Ninth Amendment reads:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

To clarify, how can the rights to life, liberty, and property enshrined in the Constitution exist without the ability of citizens to attend to bodily needs -- i.e., sustenance?

The FSMA doesn't merely wrest control of the food supply from citizens. Dangerously, the FSMA proceeds to transfer U.S. food sovereignty to the WTO, with one provision reading, "Nothing in this Act shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the U.S. is a party." This provision is significant, since the WTO draws all its food safety standards from the controversial Codex Alimentarius, which is thought by some to be a vast postwar scheme to control the world's population by means of food. The bottom line vis-à-vis food is that Americans lose control, and foreign bureaucrats gain control.
Great. Our legislators don't care if the FSMA is inconsistent with U.S. Constitution, but it better not be  inconsistent with the World Trade Organization or that friendly, super-organized, sterling defender of human rights (or something), the U.N.

I hear the cold wind howling.

Big Dan's Big News Dec 29, 2010

Misinformer of the Year: Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin: Winner Of The 2010 Glenn Beck Misinformer Of The Year Award

Off The Rails: The Year In Fox News Misinformation

Leaked Memos Show Fox News Bias Is Different?


FOX "news" Rightwing noise machine attacks black Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick (that's "news"):

But everyone forgets, Rush Limbaugh attacked Philadelphia Eagles black quarterback Dononvan McNabb a few years ago during ESPN's short-lived experiment of having Limbaugh as a "sports analyst"...or should I say "color analyst". They immediately gave him the "Bum's Rush" and shit-canned him right after this:

And here's more: FUCKER CARLSON of FOX "news": Michael Vick should've been EXECUTED -

FOX "news" Tucker Carlson: Michael Vick should have been executed

Uncle Ruckus with Ronald Reagan in 'WHITE HEAVEN' -

Here's all you need to know about the so-called (falsely) "liberal media": NYTimes Judith Miller, who LIED us into the Iraq War as a Bush/Pentagon plant, lands a job at rightwing "news" site:

Judith Miller lands at rightwing news site NewsMax.

Jailbird serial liar Judith Miller will now be LYING for NewsMax, you rightwingers must LOVE your "news" reporters, like Judith Miller, Rush Limbaugh, Fucker Carlson, bunch of DOPES!!!!!!!!

SOURCEWATCH: Miller played a key role in promoting both U.S. wars against Iraq, while at the "liberal" (lol) NYTimes.

Get Your War On: Dominating the News Cycle

Study: Conservatives have larger ‘fear center’ in brain

Rightwing Radio: BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH -

Ruling Kleptocracy: $1 earned = $10 debt

Keiser Report: Bank of America Sucks & Blows

Traitorous, Treasonous, Un-American U.S. companies creating MILLIONS OF JOBS...OVERSEAS! NOT HERE!

U.S. Can’t Account for Billions Spent in Afghanistan

America in Decline: Why Germans Think We're Insane. A look at our empire in decline through the eyes of the European media.

Why Is It So Cold? Should the Big Freeze Alter Our Approach to Climate Change?

From Snowstorms to Heat Waves, How Global Warming Causes Extreme Weather and Climate Instability

Gallery Patrons Ejected Over Gaza Flotilla T-Shirts

US declined to investigate suspected Mossad assassination, cable shows

Counter-terror ‘expert’ tells cops: Kill militant Muslims, ‘including children’

Israel's Mossad Chief To Apologize For Use Of UK Passports In Dubai Assassination

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish tells the story of the death of his daughters during the Israeli attack on Gaza

Victim Of Israeli Military Fights Back

Finkelstein: recent rash of books with the subject "The New Anti-Semitism" aren't "new" and usually preceed Israel about to commit a War Crime and portraying themselves as "the victim" -

Get Your War On: The Surge


Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?

Former Israeli officials in the U.S. government

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11, "our purpose was to document the event"

Falwell Confirms Lewinsky Affair Linked To Israeli Lobby Intrigue

Mossad: RSA Security & Ptech Run US Govt Computers

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Jane's Addiction

Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Israeli Mossad Involvement in 9/11

The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

FOX news 4 part investigative series into Israeli spy rings in the U.S., scrubbed from their site, but available on youtube

The following scientific news on the 9/11 inside job, which is ignored by the controlled mainstream media who participated in pushing the knowingly FALSE story, is the reason why they have to keep FAKE "terror" stories constantly in the "news", like the "woman in a burqa" story, to keep the MYTH alive that "muslims did 9/11". They have to do this, or their participation will be discovered. The truth of 9/11 also goes hand in hand with the truth of the mainstream media's role in it.

DEUTSCH-Niels Harrit-Chemiker - 9/11 "official" story isn't scientifically possible; scientific evidence of controlled demolition expolosives: ALL scientists (thousands & growing) say the "official" 9/11 story shoved down our throats by TV & politicians is NOT TRUE -

Architect Richard Gage: it was controlled demolition -

WTC7 47 story skyscraper on 9/11 NOT hit by a plane, experienced controlled demolition:

Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!


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