
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Climate Action Camp Documentary in one part

Documentary Climate Action Camp finally in whole version ready to enter the film festivals. Do You have any tips how, where and when ? We have to be quick. Many of them have 31.12 submission deadline 
It is time for real action. Tens of thousands demonstrated for a socially just and effective climate policy in Copenhagen. Thousands of activists tried to enter the conference venue during the Reclaim Power Action in order to push for another, socially just climate agenda.
In the light of the political situation, the global movement for climate justice is gaining momentum, favouring alternative and real solutions. Our ideas and proposals are
in line with the demands of CJA, an international network on Climate Justice.
Some of the big asks:
    * We need to leave fossil fuels in the ground. Instead, we must invest in community-controlled renewable energy, and drastically reduce the current society's enslavement to energy.
    * Global capitalism is unsustainable per definition. We must stop over-production for over-consumption. You can't have infinite growth in a finite planet.
    * All should have equal access to the global commons through community control and sovereignty over energy, forests, land and water.
    * We must acknowledge the historical responsibility of the global elite and rich Global North for causing this crisis. Equity between North and south is essential.
If we put humanity before profit and solidarity above competition, we can live amazing lives without destroying our planet.
Get active, come to the Climate camp!
It is with all this in mind that a broad group of activists from Belgium and abroad have come together to create this summer's Camp for Climate Action. This year's camp is taking place from 29 July to 3 August. Different options for the location and the target are being considered. Sign up for our multi-language newsletter to stay up-to-date on our preparations (low email flow guaranteed!).
While regional camps prepared the ground for climate action in previous years, a first national climate camp took place in the harbour of Antwerp in August 2009. More than 400 people participated in a week full of education, direct action, encounter and exchange. There were actions against the meat industry, the Lange Wapper, nuclear energy etcetera. During one day, we occupied the most important coal hub in the harbour.
Everybody is welcome
We want the camp to be as inclusive as possible and we are reaching out to all those who share our vision. The camp is a place for anyone who's fed up with empty government rhetoric and corporate spin; for anyone who's worried that the small steps they're taking aren't enough to match the scale of the problem; for anyone who thinks present climate policies are only increasing inequalities and injustices; for anyone who wants to find concrete alternatives here and now; and for anyone who's worried about our future and wants to do something about it. It is not only a place for experienced activists, but also for all those who are interested, who want to learn more, and are looking for ways to become active. And everyone is free to participate in direct action -- or not!
We try to organise the camp in an ecological and carbon-neutral way. Briging people together in the camp is is our way of building a climate justice movement capable of tackling the root causes of climate change.
Get involved!
Come to the camp, or, even better, join in the preparation process! We are all volunteers and all help is welcome. Whatever your background, there is a role for you.

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