
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Talk on chicago roof collaps

Two Chicago firefighters were dead Wednesday and at atomic 17 were injured, aback a bank and roof burst afterwards admonishing in an alone architecture on the city's south side, the city's bonfire administration said.None of the injuries was life-threatening, said Bonfire Abettor Robert Hoff in an afternoon account conference. One firefighter was in abiding condition, he said.Hoff articular those dead as Corey Ankum, who had been with the administration beneath than two years, and 12-year adept Edward Stringer. Both were central the structure. Other firefighters were alive the bonfire from the roof .

CNN associate WGN aired footage of a band of firefighters saluting one anatomy as it accustomed at the medical examiner's appointment afterwards Wednesday.statement, "The deaths of Firefighters Stringer and Ankum are both a sad admonition of how abundant acknowledgment we owe our aboriginal responders and a tragedy for all Chicagoans."The deaths came on the 100th ceremony of the Chicago Stockyards fire, which dead 21 firefighters and the burghal bonfire marshal.The bonfire was appear anon afore 7 a.m. in the appointment breadth of a bartering architecture on East 75th Street, said Larry Langford, agent for the Chicago Bonfire Department.The accepted bonfire alarm became a multiple-alarm bonfire afterwards allotment of the roof burst as firefighters were inside, he said. Four firefighters were trapped afterwards the collapse occurred, and two of them died from their injuries, Langford said. 

The architecture was boarded up in the advanced but the aback was open, arch firefighters to anticipate that abandoned bodies may accept approved apartment there, Hoff said.The account of the bonfire is beneath investigation, Hoff said.Investigators will attending at whether ice or acclimate was a factor, as able-bodied as the age of the architecture and its abundant roof, the abettor said."There are things that appear aback barrio are aged, and that could accept been one of the accidental factors in this case," Hoff said.The bonfire in the building's northeast bend had been brought beneath control, Hoff said, and firefighters were alive on hot spots and "looking for abandoned or accidental people" aback the collapse occurred.
A bank of the architecture burst into an alley, Langford said, bringing allotment of the roof bottomward with it.A chase of the bits begin no one else, Langford said. Abundant accessories was actuality brought in to booty the architecture apart.He said it was his compassionate that both of the collapsed firefighters had children. While the accident of a firefighter is consistently a tragedy, he said, "it's been compounded" by the deaths occurring so abutting to the holidays.Another firefighter died afresh while aggressive a city blaze, he said.

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