
Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Plot to Blow up Big Ben and London Stock Exchange

Westminster Palace (Houses of Parliament) and Big Ben
The nine Religion of Peacers who were arrested in the UK five days before Christmas for plotting terrorism were charged yesterday.

From the UK Telegraph:
Details of the alleged plot were outlined at City of Westminster magistrates’ court.
The defendants, aged 19 to 28, were charged on Sunday with conspiracy to cause an explosion and conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism, having been arrested during early-morning raids in Cardiff, London and Stoke-on-Trent on Dec 20.
The group allegedly carried out a "reconnaissance trip" as they considered which UK landmarks to bomb. Among the sites under consideration were Westminster Abbey, Westminster Palace (home of Parliament), Big Ben, the London Stock Exchange, the London Eye, the Mayor's office, the U.S. Embassy, and the Church of Scientology near Blackfriars.

After their "reconnaissance trip," the group stopped at a McDonalds.
The London Eye
Police searches are said to have uncovered two issues of the al Qaeda extremist magazine Inspire, which is published in English in Yemen and is aimed at a Western audience. An article in issue one was entitled “How to make a pipe bomb in the kitchen of your mom”, while issue two included “What to expect in jihad” and “Tips for our brothers in the US”.

Other allegedly extremist material found was entitled 39 Ways which said it was intended to help people “serve and participate in jihad”.
The inspiration for the plot allegedly is Anwar Al-Awlaki, the dual Yemeni/U.S. citizen who preaches violent jihad against the West.
Between Oct 1 and Dec 20, the men are alleged to have downloaded information from the internet, discussed acts of terrorism and tested explosives while “unlawfully and maliciously” conspiring to “endanger life or cause serious injury” with one or more explosions.

The defendants are: Mohammed Chowdhury, 20; Shah Rahman, 28; Omar Latif, 26; Abdul Miah, 24; Gurukanth Desai, 28; Usman Khan, 19; Nazam Hussain, 25; Mohibur Rahman, 26; and Abul Shahjahan, 26. All nine men are of Bangladeshi origin.

The nine are due to appear in court again on Jan 14.

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