
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Big Dan's Big News Jan 13, 2011

click on each picture to enlarge in new window, on the left a parody of Sarah Palin's REAL gun crosshairs poster (on right) which had gun crosshairs over Gabrielle Giffords' district who was shot in the head at a town hall meeting in Arizona

Sarah Palin at it again: uses "exploitative metaphor" to "defend" herself. Rightwing media will be scrambling all day to defend her as she keeps putting her foot in her mouth (continually, constantly) -

Palin’s 'Blood Libel' Video Fans Flames

Clyburn: Palin 'Intellectually' Incapable Of Understanding Arizona Shootings

ORWELL 1984: the RIGHT says that if the LEFT denounces the RIGHT'S violent rhetoric...THAT will cause VIOLENCE!!!

Sarah Palin's show that I never saw gets axed.

Sarah Palin wants Americans to believe there's also a victim in Alaska:

Sarah Palin: Going Rogue -

Witness: One guy interviewed on Ed Schultz who says he ran across the street from the Walgreens to help pin the shooter down said" despite being pinned down and in pain, the shoooter's facial expression never changed." Sounds like he was programmed, no?

Start at 3:30. Also note that this guy had a gun - and could have been mistakenly perceived as the "second shooter" - and in fact - almost was. Listen as he describes taking his gun off safety and charging the guy holding the gun (who turned out to be the wrong guy - the ACTUAL hero). The speaker in the video had a loaded gun with the safety off - and assumed that the individual holding the gun was in fact the killer. He was ready to kill him - and had the safety off.

"I almost shot the man holding the gun" THE WRONG MAN.

Eerie craigslist:

"No, he was taken to a special operations camp where he was drugged and brainwashed for months. Then he was put back into the community and told to await further instructions. Then he was told to "buy a gun" to help everyone out with. He was taken to a military range to be trained and drugged the final time. They phoned him in the night to tell him he had "a job to do" in the morning. He was supposed to be killed at the scene but it backfired. Now they have a real problem, but he'll take care of it himself, and soon. "

Craigslist: Loughner programmed by Army to kill (Wasn't rejected as reported)

If Loughner "commits suicide", we'll know for sure if this is for REAL!!!

After shooting in Arizona, gun sales IN ARIZONA rise 60%:

Former Bush I & Reagan official and now president of FOX "news" Roger Ailes basically admits FOX's role in inciting violence.


FOX "news" - News for Retards (or RETAAAAAHDs, as they would say in Boston) and the "Republican Noise Machine"

Glenn Beck/FOX "news" doesn't incite violence (ahem):

SHOCKER: there was a black REPUBLICAN -

Black Arizona Republican resigns because of Tea Party rhetoric.

FLASHBACK Monday, May 5, 2008: Republicans To Retire Watt's Jersey at Convention

This is one of the greatest REAL videos of all time: CPAC, the conservative political action conference held each year and features speakers such as Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh, tried appear more inclusive of blacks so they held a RAP contest at CPAC, here's the results (this is for REAL, I post this video from time to time because it cracks me up so bad) -

And don't forget about these two strange stories:

We're supposed to believe according to mainstream media reports that a former Vietnam vet who started the Vietnam memorial and worked for a biochemical weapons company, at the exact time of the mass dying of birds, was robbed and then let go and then turned up dead in a dumpster while last seen at a chemical company headquarters and btw left his cell phone in his neighbor's house he was "smoke bombing" to drive them out of town knowing full well the GPS in it is a tracking device and "smoke bombs" will drive neighbors out of town and walked around without his cell phone for 4 days leading up to his death and there were footprints in his house and the three separate events of him being robbed, killed, and his house broken into are 3 unrelated events. Oh, and the police/AP released a video purported to be "raw footage" of Wheeler on a security camera was actually someone obviously filming the security camera because it was shaking around and anticipating his moves and the time stamp once in a while comes into view as the "security camera" is shaking (this post looks like a hodgepodge, it's because I cut/paste everything about Wheeler's death in one post):

The suspicious death of John Wheeler.

Even though there's a media & govt cover up in process, there's still a reporter out there digging in the John Wheeler case:

Radell Smith still following the John Wheeler story, even though the mainstream media dropped it.

James Fallows' ridiculous article claiming a theory that makes more sense is "far-fetched", actually does a better job of telling really what most likely happened and makes the most sense. So, ironically, I'm going to use HIS words to tell you what probably happened:

Fallows: "To sum up this ... view: it is "no accident" that Wheeler died around the time of the also-mysterious mass death of birds in the Midwest. The birds were the victim of a military poison-gas test (or leak, or whatever); Wheeler, a one-time Pentagon staffer and a recent Mitre corporation employee, obviously "knew too much" about the evil plans; and so he was eliminated near the headquarters of .... the DuPont corporation, which manufactures exotic chemicals."

Fallows' hit piece article trying to label the theory that makes the most sense "nuts".

Now, I'll repeat: HERE IS THE STORY THEY WANT YOU TO BELIEVE FROM OFFICIAL REPORTS SO FAR, which I think is waaaaaaaaaaay more "far-fetched" (to use Fallows' words):

We're supposed to believe according to mainstream media reports that a former Vietnam vet who started the Vietnam memorial and worked for a biochemical weapons company, at the exact time of the mass dying of birds, was robbed and then let go and then turned up dead in a dumpster while last seen at a chemical company headquarters and btw left his cell phone in his neighbor's house he was "smoke bombing" to drive them out of town knowing full well the GPS in it is a tracking device and "smoke bombs" will drive neighbors out of town and walked around without his cell phone for 4 days leading up to his death and there were footprints in his house and the three separate events of him being robbed, killed, and his house broken into are 3 unrelated events. Oh, and the police/AP released a video purported to be "raw footage" of Wheeler on a security camera was actually someone obviously filming the security camera because it was shaking around and anticipating his moves and the time stamp once in a while comes into view as the "security camera" is shaking.

Thousands of fish washed up in Chicago and hundreds of birds perish in California as animal deaths continue to bemuse scientists

Timeline of recent mysterious bird, fish deaths


White House connected woman's burned body found in flaming car in her garage: media/government INVENT term for her death - "LOW SPEED CRASH" in her garage resulted in her car exploding:

Google "LOW SPEED CRASH", Turton's mysterious death comes up as 4th hit.

"LOW SPEED CRASH" = "PIPE BOMB" ????????????

Former chief of staff to Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)

Body of Wife of Senior White House Official Found in Burning Car

"Turton was found dead in her car Monday morning, which was discovered ablaze in a row house garage, presumably the Turton home, in the 800 block of A Street Southeast near Eastern Market."

So let's get this straight: she crashed her car and it went ablaze....IN HER GARAGE??????????????

Turton Car Fire Caused by Low-Speed Crash, Police Say

ATF Joins Investigation of Fatal Car Fire (Turton Death Unsolved) ^ | 1/11/2011 | Darci Marchese

Posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 3:02:33 PM by Gabrial

click here to read article
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Let's see. Her car was engulfed in flames while she was BACKING OUT of her garage on her way to work. She is a lobbyist for a company that is creating the largest utility company on the planet through a merger that is pending approval. Her husband is in Obama's inner circle. She used to work as Chief of Staff for the person that let Rahm Emmanual use a rent free residence in D.C.


The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and EXPLOSIVES is called into to investigate.

All lamestream media outlets have dropped this story like a hot potato.

Is it just me that thinks this strong 37 year old mother of three driving one of the safest cars in the world (2008 BMW X5) was snuffed out?

What did she know?

9/11 WTC 7 Demolition - Why The Building Really Fell

The total collapse of WTC 7 at 5:20 PM on 9/11/01 shows all of the features of an implosion engineered through controlled demolition.

Controlled demolition is the use of pre-positioned explosive charges to destroy structures. Depending on the nature of the structure and constraints imposed by its surroundings, a controlled demolition may require a great deal of precision in its planning and execution. That is especially true of tall steel buildings in urban settings, given the natural tendency of such structures to topple. Controlled demolitions of buildings in cities are designed to implode the structures, making them sink into their footprints and fold in on themselves into a small consolidated rubble piles

Observing the collapse of 47-story WTC 7 shows it to have all of the features of an implosion engineered by controlled demolition.

The collapse of the main structure commences suddenly (several seconds after the penthouse falls).
The building sinks in a precisely vertical manner into its footprint.
Puffs of dust emerge from the building's facade early in the event.
The collapse is total, producing a rubble pile only about three stories high.
The main structure collapses totally in under 7 seconds, only about a second slower than it would take a brick dropped from the building's roof to reach the ground in a vacuum.

WTC7: NOT hit by a plane -

Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!

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