
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Big Dan's Big News Jan 5, 2011

Releasing a doctored video to the public of John Wheeler and saying it's "raw footage from the security camera" is evidence of something...a cover up?

Don't forget about the unsolved murder of John Wheeler, last seen in this bizarre video released by AP of someone filming a security camera with a hand-held device. In the video, Wheeler is last seen at DuPont Chemical headquarters in Delaware:

John Wheeler: Last Seen Disoriented At DuPont Chemical Headquarters on AP video of someone filming a security camera, Body Dumped In Landfill

Plunger explains why this security camera video released by AP is NOT "raw footage" from the security camera -


The dead giveaway on that video, aside from the camera-shake, a classic "tell," is that the person hand holding the video camera - shooting the image projected on a monitor, is ANTICIPATING the subjects movements. You see the camera begin to tilt up BEFORE Wheeler walks up in the frame. The person video taping the monitor is not showing the entire monitor - for a reason. They are zoomed in a bit.

So what is the reason for shooting a video of the video? To obscure the time code and other data on the actual raw footage perhaps? AP claims to have received the video "courtesy" of the local police department. Call them and ask them if it was them who re-shot the original footage with a second hand held camera, or if they know who did. Then ask them why the original un-doctored version was not made public - and why their public affaris department has not let the public know that the video is NOT THE ORIGINAL.

See how when the camera operator tilts down to follow Wheeler to the bottom of the frame, he picks up a piece of the time code at the lower left corner, then notices, and tilts back up?

Is the murder of a former high level government official in the Reagan and Bush(s) administrations and former Vietnam vet who started the Vietnam War Memorial Wall connected to him working for the company Mitre and their testing of bioweapons? Is Mitre connected to the mass dying of birds and fish/crabs around the world? How does the BP oil spill fit into this? It's definitely NOT "New Years Eve revelers" giving these animals "heart attacks", that was the FIRST BULLSHIT story the media and "experts" pushed (see the video at the bottom):

The body of a military expert who served in three Republican administrations was found dumped in a landfill over the holiday weekend, and investigators said Monday they do not know who might have killed him.

John Wheeler III, 66, was last seen Dec. 28 on an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington. His body was found three days later, on New Year's Eve, as a garbage truck emptied its contents at the Cherry Island landfill. His death has been ruled a homicide.

Wheeler, who served in Vietnam, helped lead efforts to build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington.

The former Army officer lived in New Castle and worked as a consultant for The Mitre Corporation, a nonprofit based in Bedford, Mass., and McLean, Va., that operates federally funded research and development centers.

Police have determined that all the stops made Friday by the garbage truck before it arrived at the landfill involved large commercial disposal bins in Newark, several miles from Wheeler's home.

Ex-Bush, Reagan official’s body found dumped in landfill

The other day's post, I pointed out how AP changed their entire story link for a suicide bomber story here:

Smells like BULLSHIT.

Well, they did it again. The first link above is the original AP story copied by Raw Story. Here's the original AP link I had the other day, and they don't mention the company Mitre in it now (they changed it like they did the suicide bomber story). I know this, because the cut/paste in quotes above is NOT from the Raw Story link, but from a cut/paste in my comments from the other day from the UNCHANGED ORIGINAL AP story about Wheeler. Here is what the AP link now has, and it has scrubbed any mention of Wheeler working for the company Mitre:

Cameras plentiful where Del. man's body dumped

You can compare the link above to the Raw Story link that RS copied from AP.

Now some help from plunger, I will tweak this later, make the links so you don't have to cut/paste them, but I just wanted to get it out there:

in one spot:

This guy had to be outing 9/11 insiders or something like that:

The body of a military expert who served in three Republican administrations was found dumped in a landfill over the holiday weekend, and investigators said Monday they do not know who might have killed him.

John Wheeler III, 66, was last seen Dec. 28 on an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington. His body was found three days later, on New Year's Eve, as a garbage truck emptied its contents at the Cherry Island landfill. His death has been ruled a homicide.

Wheeler, who served in Vietnam, helped lead efforts to build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington.

The former Army officer lived in New Castle and worked as a consultant for The Mitre Corporation, a nonprofit based in Bedford, Mass., and McLean, Va., that operates federally funded research and development centers.

Police have determined that all the stops made Friday by the garbage truck before it arrived at the landfill involved large commercial disposal bins in Newark, several miles from Wheeler's home.

formerly an AP link:

UPDATE: here's the FAKE story right on schedule -

You knew it was coming, you saw it on 9/11 - the FAKE story they rush out about why Wheeler was murdered: he was "involved in a plot to burn down his neighbor's house". First of all, the speed at which this murder was "solved" is impossible:

Here's the real story:

AP diagnoses Wheeler was "apparently disoriented":

Here's the description before they change it like they changed their story of Wheeler working for Mitre: "AssociatedPress | January 05, 2011 | 11 likes, 2 dislikes

Surveillance video shows an apparently disoriented John Wheeler inside a Wilmington, Delaware office building. The former presidential aide was later found dead in a landfill. (Jan. 5)"

Did you ever hear of such a thing? A news organization diagnosing based on a video that someone is "apparently disoriented"??? HOLY SHIT!!! Seriously! That's not being INEPT, that's on purpose!!! You mother fuckers!!!

Update: AP claims this is "raw footage", but you can see the edges of the film shaking and moving, so it's not "raw footage" from the security camera: it's someone "filming the film" in their hands, that's why the edges shake. It's not directly from the secutiry camera or the edges of the film wouldn't be moving:

Here's some comments about the above video by plunger:

plunger [Moderator] 36 minutes ago in reply to Big Dan

Looks to be like a guy who got the shit kicked out of him in a struggle - suffered swelling in his foot or ankle sufficient to prevent him from putting his shoe back on when he came to. Notice he is limping and carrying his shoe. Why? Did he fight for his life prior to having a syringe stuck in his neck?

This video is evidence alright - but not of what they are telling you.
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plunger [Moderator] 31 minutes ago in reply to plunger
On further review, this is a video OF a video. The original appears locked down and time coded, but it looks like someone used a hand held flip video camera to shoot a monitor displaying this - then posted it to youtube. Why? Who would do that? Did AP do that? Really? They has access to view the original but needed to reshoot it with yet another camera? Why? Allegedly received this from the police? Why would they shoot a second video from an original - and send that out instead of the original?
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plunger [Moderator] 50 minutes ago

The Video of Wheeler is shot by the CIA or other spook organization that drugged him.

Watch it again, and pay particular attention to the edges of the framing of the images. The camera is hand held, and/or controlled, and is panning/ tilting and demonstrates camera shake as might be found if hand-held. Either way, this is not the RAW FOOTAGE from a mounted security camera archive. If it were, the framing would be tack solid, no motion. If someone drugged him, and wanted to paint him as a loon, this is EXACTLY what the video footage of the aftermath would look like. The effort to paint the victim as something less than sane and stable is a glaring case of defaming the victim, just like the alleged Anthrax Scientist - total shadow government hit job. The evidence is clear.

The 14-story Nemours Building, at 10th and Orange streets, where Wheeler was seen, is part of the headquarters complex of chemical giant DuPont.

Formerly part of the DuPont headquarters, and still connected to the adjacent DuPont Building by a tunnel.


A tunnel seems to be the perfect place to assault someone, but for the surveillance cameras.

So what "CHEMICALS" will be found in dead birds and fish?

Was he parked in the Nemous lot to visit Dupont world headquarters to discuss his concerns about use of Dupont's chemicals in bioweapons tests being conducted by Mitre in Arkansas?

Care to be against it?

The DuPont Building (center left) and the Nemours Building (right) in 2006,_11thStWall.JPG

James Fallows: You're "nuts" if you don't believe the "real media"!!! I don't know why...but you're just "nuts".

Fallows says the "Wheeler/Mitre/DuPont/dead birds" theory is "nuts" because....because he said so (with no proof that this theory that makes sense is wrong, possibly meaning it's true due to the fact that over the years when someone writes a hit piece like this then the opposite is true).

James Fallows throws every name in the book out to discredit the "Wheeler/Mitre/DuPont/dead birds" theory: he uses these words in a very short fact-free article - "nuts/far fetched/fringe/beck/limbaugh/conspiracy/naturally (in a sarcastic way)/normal news outlets/real media/deliberately not linking to/evil plans (in a sarcastic way)/I shouldn't have to say this (as if he's spanking the conspirators)/China/Russian "reports"/truthiness/bandwagon" - I think there's more name-calling words to discredit than actual article, did he miss any?

James Fallow's TOTALLY OBVIOUS HIT PIECE to discredit the "Wheeler/Mitre/DuPont/dead birds" theory where he goes quite overboard, giving him no credibility. This article is so ridiculous, it's funny:

Fallows: Chinese Media Join the Wheeler-Conspiracy Bandwagon (and I offer no proof myself...except to call them "nuts").

Here's the "real media":

Weapons of Mass Deception: how the media was in bed with the military to falsely lead us into the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars

Americans' #1 enemy: the mainstream media

Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent and the Myth of the Liberal Media

Google Ptech, Mitre & Bollyn

Prior to becoming a director at Cyota, Yoran, a 34-year old Israeli, had already been the national "Cyber Czar," having served as director of the Department of Homeland Security's National Cyber Security Division.

Yoran had been appointed "Cyber Czar" at age 32 by President George W. Bush in September 2003.

Before joining DHS, Yoran had been vice president for worldwide managed security services at Symantec. Prior to that, he had been the founder, president and CEO of Riptech, Inc., an information security management and monitoring firm, which Symantec acquired in 2002 for $145 million.

Yoran and his brother Naftali Elad Yoran are graduates of the U.S. Military Academy at Westpoint. Elad graduated in 1991 and Amit in 1993. Along with their brother Dov, the Yoran brothers are key players in the security software market. Amit has also held critical positions in the U.S. government overseeing computer security for the very systems that apparently failed on 9/11.

Before founding Riptech in 1998, Yoran directed the vulnerability- assessment program within the computer emergency response team at the US Department of Defense.

Yoran previously served as an officer in the United States Air Force as the Director of Vulnerability Programs for the Department of Defense's Computer Emergency Response Team and in support of the Assistant Secretary of Defense's Office.

In June 2005, Yoran joined the board of directors of Guardium, Inc., another Mossad-spawned "provider of database security solutions" based in Waltham, Massachusetts.

Guardium is linked with Ptech, an apparent Mossad "cut out" computer security company linked with the 9/11 attacks.

Ptech, a computer software company in Quincy, Mass., was supposedly a small start-up company founded by a Lebanese Muslim and funded by a Saudi millionaire.

Yet Ptech's clients included all the key federal governmental agencies, including the U.S. Army, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Naval Air Command, Congress, the Department of Energy, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, NATO, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service and even the White House.

The marketing manager at Ptech, Inc. when the company started in the mid-1990s, however, was not a Muslim or an Arab, but an American Jewish lawyer named Michael S. Goff who had suddenly quit his law firm for no apparent reason and joined the Arab-run start-up company.

Goff was the company's information systems manager and had single-handedly managed the company's marketing and "all procurement" of software, systems and peripherals. He also trained the employees. Goff was obviously the key person at Ptech.

In the wake of 9/11, during the Citizens' Commission hearings in New York, Indira Singh, a consultant who had worked on a Defense Advanced Research Project, pointed to Ptech and MITRE Corp. being involved in computer "interoperability issues" between the FAA and NORAD.

At this time Ptech's ties to Arabs was the focus, and Goff was out of the picture.

"Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11," Singh said. "Their specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA – that there was a window of opportunity or to insert software or to change anything – it would have been Ptech along with MITRE."

The Mossad-run Guardium company is linked with Ptech through Goff Communications, the Holliston, Mass.-based public relations firm previously run by Michael S. Goff and his wife Marcia, which represents Guardium. Since being exposed in AFP in 2005, however, Michael's name no longer appears on the company website.

Although he and his brother reportedly grew up in Pound Ridge, New York during the 1970s and 1980s, the heads of the Jewish community told AFP that they had never heard of him. One said that she had conducted a survey of the Jews living in the small village of Pound Ridge in the 1970s and she would have remembered if a wealthy Israeli family named Yoran had been found.

Why did the locals in Pound Ridge NOT remember the Yorans?

Probably because they were NOT in Pound Ridge - but in Israel. The Pound Ridge address was used to give the appearance that the Yorans were Americans. I spoke with Elad and he has a distinctive Israeli accent - not what you would expect for a guy who grew up in a posh Yankee village.

So who are the Yorans? Who are their parents and why did they come to the United States? To raise a couple high-level moles to infiltrate the most sensitive U.S. computer networks? How could they have lived for 20 years in Pound Ridge and NOT be remembered.

Dumpster man:

Wheeler retired from the military in 1971, and went on to serve in the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, including at the Securities and Exchange Commission. He also was a special assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force under President George W. Bush. He recently worked as a consultant for The Mitre Corporation, a nonprofit based in Bedford, Mass., and McLean, Va., that operates federally funded research and development centers.

Clearly Mitre = CIA

While at Mitre, it is very likely he would have learned, even if only through casual conversation, of their work with PTECH in the basement of the FAA - a two-year joint effort in advance of 9/11. He may have put two and two together and been found to be a "truther" - just the kind of guy who would move mountains when on a mission - in this case, for the truth. He was likely observed by Mossad - researching Mitre and its role in 9/11.


PROMIS Connections to Cheney Control of 9/11 Attacks Confirmed

by Jamey Hecht

With research assistance by Michael Kane

and editorial comment by Michael C. Ruppert

FTW: You said at the 9/11 Citizens’ Commission hearings, you mentioned – it’s on page 139 of transcript – that Ptech was with Mitre Corporation in the basement of the FAA for 2 years prior to 9/11 and their specific job was to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force, in case of an emergency.

Indira Singh: Yes, I have a good diagram for that.

FTW: And that relationship had been going on mediated by Ptech for 2 years prior to 9/11. You elsewhere say that the Secret Service is among the government entities that had a contract with Ptech. Mike Ruppert’s thesis in Crossing the Rubicon, as you know, is that the software that was running information between FAA & NORAD was superseded by a parallel, subsuming, version of itself that was being run by the Secret Service on state of the art parallel equipment in the PEOC with a nucleus of Secret Service personnel around Cheney. In your view, might it have been the case that Cheney was using Ptech to surveil the function of the people in FAA & NORAD who wanted to do their jobs on 9/11, and then intervene to turn off the legitimate response?

Indira Singh: Is it possible from a software point of view? Absolutely it’s possible. Did he (Cheney) have such a capability? I don’t know. But that’s the ideal risk scenario – to have an overarching view of what’s going on in data. That’s exactly what I wanted for JP Morgan. You know what’s ironic about this – I wanted to take my operational risk blueprint which is for an operational event going wrong and I wanted to make it generic for extreme event risk to surveil across intelligence networks. What you’re describing is something that I said, ‘boy if we had this in place maybe 9/11 wouldn’t have happened.’ When I was going down to DARPA and getting these guys excited about creating an extreme event risk blueprint to do this, I’m thinking of doing exactly what you’re saying Cheney might have already had!

NOTE: Cherry Valley, Arkansas is about 60 miles from Beebe, Arkansas where birds fell from the sky.

NOTE: Dumpster Guy worked for Mitre Corp.

Summer Intern - Mitre Corporation
Cherry Valley, Arkansas USA
Jul 05, 2010

Security Clearance Level Secret Key Functions Individual will support on-going project work under the guidance of MITRE personnel and associates. Individual..

Please mention when applying for this job.


Arkansas bird-kill likely due to noise


500 Birds just found dead in Louisiana:

Looks like they're going to kill some more government officials at this rate.

If Mitre is proven to be linked to the dead birds, the genie is fully out of the bottle, and Mitre will be revealed as being an enemy of the American People - testing bioweapons, and directly behind enabling the attacks of 9/11 - along with Ptech.


100,000 dead drum fish blanket banks of Arkansas River

Read more:


Google Mitre + Bioweapons - and keep digging.

Warren Buffet+Henry Kissinger + AIG { Mitre Corporation} = 911

Continue reading at Warren Buffet+Henry Kissinger + AIG { Mitre Corporation} = 911 | NowPublic Photo Archives

The February 1, 2002 San Francisco Business Times reported: "On the morning of Sept. 11, Tatlock herself had just arrived with a small group of business leaders at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha for a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett. She then heard the news of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center's north tower."

Did you know ole Warren owns Mitre Corporation

The National Reconaissance Office, Mitre Corporation, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and Booz, Allen, & Hamilton

The National Reconaissance Office, Mitre Corporation, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and Booz, Allen, & Hamilton

[CTRL] Hey...Mitre Corp...what the ____?

Its the very corporation that appears to be the place where they actually pulled off this attack that has been going on for sometime now.

Because the attacks involved systems used by the FAA, NORAD, and the U.S. Air Force, the conspirators would have needed “super user” access to the command and control centers of these three separate organizations.

Super user means the most privileged user on a computerized data system. The super user has complete access to all files on the system. For the previously mentioned agencies, and virtually all other U.S. defense and intelligence organizations, there is one such possible super user: a little-known private not-for-profit organization, based in Bedford, Mass., known as MITRE Corp. MITRE also has a headquarters in McLean, Va., on a campus it shares with Northrop Grumman.

The MITRE Corp. is a major defense contracting organization headed by the former Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), Dr. James Rodney Schlesinger. Schlesinger, who was reportedly made DCI at the request of Henry Kissinger in 1973, later served as Secretary of Defense. Ironically, Carl Max Hammond, Jr. was a fact researcher and analyst for Mitre Corp. Mitre is owned by Warren Buffett. Hammond was on flight 175..that struck WTC 2. (?) Hammond could have found out and warned Warren Buffett. Why didn't anyone warn Carl? Well, call me old fashioned, but I don't believe it's wise to let "Carl" live if he had advance warning and was NOT in Govt.

Carl Max Hammond's obituary claims he worked at MIT not MITRE. A convenient TYPO.

In addition, Mitre Corp has a "contract" of actually finding locations to dump all the toxic waste that the US Army Corps of Engineers dredge for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey for nearly 10 years. As Fitzgerald's SDNY offices were negotiating with Ali..his attorney's were working with and have legal jurisdiction and constant daily oversight of the Port Authority CONTRACTS WITH MITRE!

Buffett's company Aramark, ran a concession on the top floor of the WTC. So how could Buffett have found out? Several ways. He could have been tipped because his Berkshire Hathaway

The recent news about AIG, Maurice Greenberg, his two sons and
Warren Buffett indicates that the inside attacks of 9-11-1 are a huge
accounting fraud - a mega-Enron - of the U.S. insurance industry.
Initially, the insurance industry had to pay several billion $$ in
damages. However, 9-11-1 has changed the landscape of insurance risk in
such a way that premiums went into a steep hike, and today the U.S.
insurance industry is the major beneficiary of 9-11-1 to the tune of
over $13 billion increase (in 2004) for AIG alone (AIG alone thus
achieved record revenues in 2004 of $100 billion according to
preliminary figures).

Continue reading at Warren Buffet+Henry Kissinger + AIG { Mitre Corporation} = 911 | NowPublic Photo Archives

Now check this out:

Warren Buffett is an investor in UAV-maker Mitre. If they are working to deploy UAV's across the entire country, they could be using Mitre's Bioweapons to act as the reason for deploying these things against "The Terrorists" who are everywhere.

Deliberately, Fiduciary Trust's leaders have been hesitant to speak publicly about the events of Sept. 11. But the result is a new bonding under the Franklin umbrella, and industry publication Global Money Management will honor Fiduciary in London this month for the strongest post-Sept. 11 recovery effort. "It brought people much closer together," Franklin Chairman and CEO Charles B. Johnson said about the response.

Only five months before the attacks, mutual fund firm Franklin bought Fiduciary -- a 70-year-old asset manager catering to high-net worth clients and institutional investors -- for $825 million.

On the morning of Sept. 11, Tatlock herself had just arrived with a small group of business leaders at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha for a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett. She then heard the news of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center's north tower. Fiduciary's offices, spread among the 92nd through 97th floors of the south tower, typically at that time would be filling with the firm's 650 employees. But workers had started making their way to ground level after the first plane struck the neighboring structure.

Moments later, back in Omaha, a television picture flashed on a large screen, and Tatlock witnessed the second plane plowing into the south tower. "There on the screen, I saw the second plane crash into my office," Tatlock recalled.

Anne Tatlock found out about the collision of a plane with the North Tower while en route to the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters in Omaha. The 62-year-old chief executive of Fiduciary Trust Co. International was one of a small group of business leaders at a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett. Military officers boarded the bus she was on, and escorted her to an officer's lounge and a television, just in time to see the second plane hit the South Tower between the 87th and 93rd floors--right where 650 of her employees worked. "I know everybody gets in first thing, and I looked at my watch," recalls Tatlock, whose own office was on the 94th floor. "'There are too many people there,' I thought. All of their faces suddenly came to me."

Among them was Marilyn White, senior vice president of institutional business development, who was in her office on the 95th floor when the first plane hit. "The heat was so intense that my face was hot," she says. White bolted from her office and ran down 32 flights of stairs to the 63rd floor. There she and co-workers ducked into Morgan Stanley's offices to call their loved ones. As she talked to her husband, bodies spiraled past the window. Then the tower she was in rocked as the second plane hit, and a backdraft of fire barreled down the hallway toward her. She and a companion dove into a copier room and slammed the door as the fireball neared them. Finding a room with a water cooler, White doused her sweater and placed it in the crack under the door to keep out smoke. When the smoke had thinned, the two ventured back onto the stairs and out of the building.

White survived--and so did all electronic records of client accounts, trades and money transfers, thanks largely to a comprehensive disaster recovery plan that had been in place for 14 years. Its origins, says former chief executive Lawrence Huntington, had nothing to do with terrorism; he was worried about a power outage. Every employee had a flashlight and fresh batteries, as well as a clear escape route. Two dozen key people knew how to lead scores of workers to a site in nearby New Jersey, and to get servers and PCs up and running. Tatlock, William Yun, president, and Steven Tall, chief technology officer, were each empowered to declare a disaster independently. The emergency plan had worked back in 1993 during the first attack on the Trade Center; Fiduciary, which today manages $44 billion of securities for pension plans, endowments and wealthy individuals, was up one business day after the bombing.

No backup system could do anything to mitigate the terrible human toll. Four people from the firm are confirmed dead; 83 are missing, including personnel chief Alayne Gentul, who ushered a group of employees down from the 90th floor, then went back up for more. She was last seen holding the door open for co-workers in a smoky stairwell on the 97th floor.

Thomas Kean named to 9/11 panel

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush named former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean, a moderate Republican with a record of bipartisan cooperation, to replace Henry Kissinger as head of the panel investigating the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks. "Tom Kean is a leader respected for integrity, fairness and good judgment," Bush said Monday in a prepared statement. "I am confident he will work to make the commission's investigation thorough. It is important that we uncover every detail and learn every lesson of Sept. 11."

Kean serves on several corporate boards, including those of the international petroleum company Amerada Hess Corp., the Pepsi Bottling Group and Aramark Corp., which manages food and support services at office buildings, sports arenas and other facilities.

Aramark ran the food court on top of 2 World Trade Center as well as concessions and tours of the observation deck. Several of its employees died in the tower. Also, Kean has long served as director of Fiduciary Trust Co., a financial company that lost 87 employees in the World Trade Center.

Mitre Corp. Creates insect-size bioweapons - birds and or fish consume them?

Today, many people fear U.S. government surveillance of email and cell phone communications. With this program, the Pentagon aims to exponentially increase the paranoia. Imagine a world in which any insect fluttering past your window may be a remote-controlled spy, packed with surveillance equipment. Even more frightening is the prospect that such creatures could be weaponized, and the possibility, according to one scientist intimately familiar with the project, that these cyborg insects might be armed with "bio weapons." (Weaponizing the Pentagon's Cyborg Insects, TomDispatch, March 30, 2008)

So Wheeler discovered that Mitre had planned a test whereby these man-made insect/bioweapons were going to be introduced INTO THE FOOD CHAIN via fish and birds in Arkansas - and said he was going to reveal it publicly - so they killed him, and went forward with their TERRORISM.

What's Warren doing today?

If the guy they just took out was the impetus behind the creation of the Vietnam Memorial, as it appears, and those Vets get wind that he was taken out to coverup a bioweapons test run amok by Mitre in Arkansas, all bets are off. If what I laid out here has transpired, hell hath no fury like US Veterans bamboozled. This is one that could uncork the entire Truth Genie.

Gordon Duff needs to look into this story re: Wheeler

The Veterans angle is key.

In a related story, 100,000 fish were found dead in Northwest Arkansas. “They were found along a 20-mile stretch between the Ozark Dam and Highway 109 Bridge in Franklin County,” reports Today’s THV 11.

Now look at this BULLSHIT they were first trying to tell us: New Years Eve "revelers" gave birds (not the fish though) heart attacks with fireworks:

I guess the "New Years Eve Revelers" struck again a week later, they also have dyslexia and got the date wrong:

Birds fall from sky again, this time in Louisiana

10,000s of Birds found dead in Manitoba

Mass bird and fish deaths becoming worldwide phenomenon

Next up: "MUSLIM NEW YEARS EVE REVELERS"!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read the comments in this thread: Why Did Former Bush Official Wind Up Dead in a Landfill?

John P Wheeler III: Former Special Asst to Air Force Sec, Member of Council on Foreign Relations, Consultant to Mitre Corporation Found Dumped in Landfill

What was John P Wheeler III doing at the Mitre Corporation? And why was he found dead New Year’s Eve at the Cherry Island Landfill?

Editor’s note: This may be the suspicious death of all time. I will be looking for clues over the next few days. Those of you, you know who you are, get me what I need to make this right. g

I copied info from another post below, so I have all my information on the suspicious death of John Wheeler in one post:

Releasing a doctored video to the public of John Wheeler and saying it's "raw footage from the security camera" is evidence of something...a cover up?

Don't forget about the unsolved murder of John Wheeler, last seen in this bizarre video released by AP of someone filming a security camera with a hand-held device. In the video, Wheeler is last seen at DuPont Chemical headquarters in Delaware:

John Wheeler: Last Seen Disoriented At DuPont Chemical Headquarters on AP video of someone filming a security camera, Body Dumped In Landfill

Plunger explains why this security camera video released by AP is NOT "raw footage" from the security camera -


The dead giveaway on that video, aside from the camera-shake, a classic "tell," is that the person hand holding the video camera - shooting the image projected on a monitor, is ANTICIPATING the subjects movements. You see the camera begin to tilt up BEFORE Wheeler walks up in the frame. The person video taping the monitor is not showing the entire monitor - for a reason. They are zoomed in a bit.

So what is the reason for shooting a video of the video? To obscure the time code and other data on the actual raw footage perhaps? AP claims to have received the video "courtesy" of the local police department. Call them and ask them if it was them who re-shot the original footage with a second hand held camera, or if they know who did. Then ask them why the original un-doctored version was not made public - and why their public affaris department has not let the public know that the video is NOT THE ORIGINAL.

See how when the camera operator tilts down to follow Wheeler to the bottom of the frame, he picks up a piece of the time code at the lower left corner, then notices, and tilts back up?

BDBB's John Wheeler post (click here).

The 14-story Nemours Building, at 10th and Orange streets, where Wheeler was seen, is part of the headquarters complex of chemical giant DuPont.

Formerly part of the DuPont headquarters, and still connected to the adjacent DuPont Building by a tunnel.


A tunnel seems to be the perfect place to assault someone, but for the surveillance cameras.

The DuPont Building (center left) and the Nemours Building (right) in 2006,_11thStWall.JPG

The 14-story Nemours Building, at 10th and Orange streets, where Wheeler was seen, is part of the headquarters complex of chemical giant DuPont.

Formerly part of the DuPont headquarters, and still connected to the adjacent DuPont Building by a tunnel.


A tunnel seems to be the perfect place to assault someone, but for the surveillance cameras.

So what "CHEMICALS" will be found in dead birds and fish?

Was he parked in the Nemous lot to visit Dupont world headquarters to discuss his concerns about use of Dupont's chemicals in bioweapons tests being conducted by Mitre in Arkansas?

Care to be against it?

The DuPont Building (center left) and the Nemours Building (right) in 2006,_11thStWall.JPG

June 17, 2010: DuPont won't release company report on fatal phosgene leak

Notice in this local news report, a witness says that Wheeler told a parking attendant that he was robbed. If that's true, then that means he was robbed, then the robbers let him go, then he was seen talking to people such as the attendant in the video below, and then he was again for at least a 2nd time assaulted and then murdered? Why would the people who robbed him let him go for a while and then kill him? Robbers don't usually come back later and kill the person they robbed, they're high tailing it out of there. Or is it two separate incidents? What doesn't make any sense is that he was robbed, then the robbers let him go, and then they came back and killed him. And btw, where's ALL the video? Is there a video of him actually being assaulted that they're not showing us?

Oh, It Was The John P. Wheeler III Who Was Involved In The Barksdale-Minot Incident Who Was Found In A Landfill!

Radell Smith still following the John Wheeler story, even though the mainstream media dropped it.


Here's a timeline I put together from various articles:

Dec. 13 - John Wheeler and his wife Kathleen are denied a temporary restraining order by a Chancery Court judge to halt building of the home across from the Wheeler's (the Marinis).

Dec. 24 - John Wheeler was driven to the train station in Wilmington by friends who were neighbors of he and Kathleen: Phoebe Dill and her husband Robert.

Dec. 27 - last time John spoke to his attorney, Bayard Marin, who was handling the litigation against the Marinis.

Dec. 28 - John was scheduled, according to Delaware police, to take an Amtrak train from his Washington office to Wilmington.

Wheeler emailed long-time friend James Fallows of the Atlantic Magazine with a short note, of which the brevity was a surprise to Fallows.

The same night, police say smoke devices similar to those used to uproot small unwanted animals were placed in--and set off--at the home work site of Frank and Reginia Marini, John's soon-to-be neighbors.

Dec. 29 (6 pm)- turns up at a pharmacy in New Castle, unknown how he got there from the Amtrak station in Wilmington--also unknown if he took the train at all.

Dec. 29 - Less than an hour later--and at a distance of seven miles--John's next known sighting occurs at a parking garage at the New County Castle Courthouse. Wheeler's claim of being robbed of his wallet and briefcase are first made at this location to a parking attendant, so whatever happened in that regard would appear to have went down between the pharmacy location and the seven miles covered to get to the courthouse in Wilmington.

Dec. 29 (7:30 pm) - John encounters two exiting courthouse employees, which they say was around 7:30 p.m. on the 29th of Dec. John Wheeler appeared to be unable to find his car. They say he wondered aloud to himself if he was in the right garage, and he declined their offer of police assistance or money, telling them he had $120 in cash on him. This--if nothing else--could be the oddest thing, since he had claimed to have been robbed of his wallet an hour or so earlier.

Dec. 30 (3:30pm) - John was seen near the Hotel du Pont, close to 10th and Orange Streets, still in Wilmington, Delaware. Police spoke with a cab driver who has now admitted seeing John Wheeler previously at this location, and who's phone number was in John Wheeler's cell phone. This is the same hotel Wheeler claimed to be staying at when he spoke to an earlier witness.

Dec. 30 (8:30 pm) - John is spotted at the Nemours Building in Wilmington.

Dec. 31 (4:20 am) - John goes off the radar completely, and then turns up in a tracsh bin in Newark @ 4:20 am. John P. Wheeler III's body could have been dumped in the trash bin before 4:20 a.m.,but it could have also been placed after 4:20 a.m. in one of the ten dumpsters on that trucks route, too.

When you see that time line above, keep in mind some things like they "found" his cell phone at his neighbors home with smoke bombs on Dec 28. If you think that's far-fetched, then we're also expected to believe he didn't notice his cell phone was missing Dec 28, Dec 29, Dec 30, & Dec 31 (he was found dead Dec 31). We're expected to believe he dropped his cell phone at his neighbor's home where he was "planting smoke bombs" and for FOUR DAYS it didn't occur to him that he dropped it there and it could incriminate him in the "smoke bomb plan". Oh, and he just walked around for FOUR DAYS afterwards without his cell phone. Yeah, right. And let's talk about the "smoke bombs" for a second: I never heard of someone EVER planting "smoke bombs" under someone's house and what would that accomplish anyway? The "news" is saying that like we all have "planted smoke bombs" under neighbors know what they mean. I never heard of that in my life! And they're saying it "in passing". Did the smoke bombs go off? I guess if smoke bombs went off under a home being built, that's enough for the builders not to build that house! wtf? Also, keep in mind the video the police/AP released to the public is obviously NOT from the security camera, but is someone FILMING the security camera. Wait, there's more: if you look at the time line above, Wheeler was robbed, let go, then killed, and now they're saying police found workboot footprints in his home. So we're also expected to believe (I'm just writing what they're telling us) that some robbers robbed him, let him go, the same or different robbers killed him, then the same or different robbers broke into his home and were walking around. Now this makes sense if the robbers were the same guys in all 3 instances. If they were different, it's too hard to believe 1 group robbed him, and unconnected 2nd group killed him, and a 3rd yet again unconnected group broke into his home. Is there anything else "nuts" we're expected to believe? All you have to do is wait for the "real media" reports to come out.

Dead Birds, Bees & Fish Explained By EPA Document?

Warren Buffet predicts nuclear attack (I'm sure one of his companies will do it and "blame the Muslims".

Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!


WikiLeaks Uncovers Government Bee Killing Conspiracy

“There’s Pods of Dead Dolphins Everywhere”

Hitler Flips About Nano-Thermite in the WTC Dust & The Ever Growing 9/11 Truth Movement

Jesse Ventura Speaks About 9/11 at Ron Paul Rally

Here's a friend of mine I met on FaceBook: John Niems, wrote & played this song -

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