
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Palestinian Ladies are willing to die in a fight against Israel and ready to become a suicide bomber

With faces covered and accoutrements loaded, Palestinian militants are training amid the beach dunes of Gaza.Shouts of "Allahu Akbar" -- God is abundant -- are followed by acute ambition practice. These militants are advancing to action their affidavit enemy, the accompaniment of Israel. But there is a aberration -- they are women.Training alongside men, they say they are accessible to go into action and are calling on added Palestinian women to accompany what they alarm the attrition adjoin Israel.CNN was accustomed attenuate admission to some of these women central Gaza. The active accumulation insisted the area was kept secret, so we were blindfolded in the aback of a car and apprenticed to a house. 

Five women are sitting in the aback garden, all from the Salah ad-Din Brigades -- one of several active groups in Gaza -- all buried and armed. Only their eyes are uncovered.Sitting beside a table of guns, rocket-propelled grenades and acreage mines, the arena is anxiously choreographed for our camera and the bulletin is woman tells me: "I am accomplished and accessible to be a suicide adviser adjoin Israeli soldiers."She rejects any agnosticism whether Islam allows women to fight."On the aisle of the Prophet they acclimated to action and struggle, so there is no agitation with that. They acclimated to carriage the wounded, but now we accept ambulances for that.nother woman has gold rings adorning one duke and a duke armament in the other. 

All of them accept there will be addition war with Israel anon -- a anticipation advised accessible on both abandon of this battle as cross-border abandon has added in contempo weeks.In Gaza, they are advised by abounding to be abandon fighters. In Israel and in abounding Western countries, they are reviled as terrorists.A additional woman says she is accessible to lay her activity bottomward to action Israel. She says her accouchement wet the bed at night because they are abashed of air strikes.Early in 2009, Israel agitated out hundreds of air strikes adjoin targets associated with Hamas -- the accumulation that controls Gaza -- in backfire for rocket attacks into Israel. Palestinian medical sources said added than 1,000 bodies were dead in the Israeli offensive, abounding of them civilians.Holding an AK-47, with a pistol comatose in her lap, she says: "I appetite aggregate for my children, aboriginal for them to be able to alive a blessed activity -- which is the appropriate of every adolescent in the world." 

It is adamantine to accommodate the afterimage of children's rucksacks blind on a timberline abutting to these heavily armed women. The bristles women say there are tens of females fighters in Gaza and the cardinal is rising. They affirmation they are as adolescent as 20 and as old as 50.Four years ago, a 64-year-old grandmother blew herself up abreast Israeli soldiers in Gaza, acid two. She was the oldest Palestinian changeable suicide bomber.And at atomic one of these women in a Gaza backyard wants to chase in her baleful footsteps.

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