
Monday, October 11, 2010

[A*dam] Translated Update of the legal supportgroup.

[A*dam] Translated Update of the legal supportgroup.
Legal supportgroup Amsterdam

Already some days ago we put a last genaral update on the net, about the last demo in Amsterdam and some consequences. Whe have now translated it in English. Becasue the dutch update is already gone from the main page and we think the update is also imported for the non-dutch speaking activists we put this translation up again:

Update about the October 1st squatting demonstration and its consequences.

After the events on Friday, October 1st and the following arrests we have already given several updates. Here we've listed them all in one place. Again, we ask people who have been arrested but have not yet contacted us to please get in touch.

Surrounding the October 1st demonstration eleven people were arrested and several were injured. We only know of two who needed to go to hospital for treatment, there may well be more.

According to the police one of the eleven had been wrongly arrested, but the others had been taken rightly. The detainees stand accused of breach of the peace, public violence, causing bodily harm, or agitation (i.e. shouting "kraken gaat door", "squatting will continue"). During the following weekend most activists have been released. The prosecution decided to present a number of activists to the magistrate (rechter commissaris) on the following Monday, trying to have them locked up until the court session. As far as we know all but one of them have been subsequently released. This prisoner has chosen on principle to retain his anonymity and was immediately placed in foreign detention. He is still being held in the Noord West cell block at Meer en Vaart in Amsterdam and has been seen by his attorney. The police are refusing to accept a package with clean clothes etc. for him because he remains anonymous.

Three of the other activists arrested have let us know that they will have to appear in court next week already, due to an extra fast legal procedure callled snelrecht. The other activists, although released, are also still considered suspects and could still be facing court summons and prosecution.

Of the ten activists arrested four have asked for our lawyer. We have had some contact with other activists but if you have been arrested, are summoned to appear in court etc., do please contact us. If you want to remain with your own lawyer we would also like to know.

It is not unusual for people to be summoned to appear in court already the week after, through the "snelrecht" extra fast legal procedure. The prosecution sometimes prefers to have court sessions as soon as possible after the activists have been led before the magistrate, hoping to increase the chance that the magistrate will keep the activists locked up until the court session takes place. It is not the first time this has happened and it certainly won't be the last. There is no need to look for any specific conspiracy theories, it is the general state repression affecting everyone.

Finally we call for images and witnesses of the physical abuse of the injured squatter. In order to file charges she and her lawyer are looking for as many witnesses and as much evidence as possible. If you have any images or if you have witnessed anything please contact lawyer Willem Jebbink via e-mail: jebbink(at) or the Legal supportgroup via 06-42413496 or info(at)

- E-Mail: info(ad) Website:

Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken

Another translation 
NN - 11.10.2010 08:13

NN - 10.10.2010 09:33

The Arrestanten Group wants to alert people involved in the struggle against the squatting ban to the following: after one or more intense events like the recent demonstrations in Amsterdam and Nijmegen it is quite common for the police or other intelligence services to hunt for information. They can find this information on the internet in places like Indymedia, kraakforum, facebook, hyves, myspace, blogs, krakenpost and, very importantly, in everyday e-mail contact. Even things that seem innocent at first glance, like cooperating with a press report, can eventually supply the authorities with more information than necessary.

There could be more telephone taps on mobiles and landlines belonging to activists, both more or less involved. So be aware of what you are saying and use telephones sensibly. A mobile phone signal can be traced, so if you travel from A to B your trip can be followed fairly accurately.

In the past people have been approached who regularly visit bars, concert spaces and other places frequently attended by squatters. Sometimes young people who are not particularly involved are targeted, sometimes diehard activists who have been around for years. It's not always clear who will be selected and why. Sometimes people are approached who almost certainly will not cooperate, but will inform their surroundings. This can create an atmosphere of paranoia and divisiveness. Sometimes intimidation is used, for example by threatening with prosecution after an arrest at an action.

If you feel the police or an intelligence service are trying to use you or someone around you to obtain information please contact the Arrestanten Group or Buro Janssen & Jansen. Buro Janssen & Jansen investigates the police, judicial system and various intelligence services and supports people who are being pursued or persecuted.

more info at

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