
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Oct 2, 2010


There's always a key sentence or paragraph in a news article tipping you off what its really about. In this article DEP pledges public water for Dimock about the Marcellus Shale drillers in Pennsylvania contaminating Dimock residents' water, which the HBO movie GASLAND was about, look at this paragraph:

"Tensions between Cabot and the families have increased in recent weeks. The company hired armed guards to escort workers to some homes after an incident with an armed resident led to disorderly conduct charges, although official details could not be confirmed on Thursday. Hanger appealed for both sides to act rationally."

I have a few questions:

1. Official details of "an incident with an armed resident led to disorderly conduct charges"..."could not be confirmed". Could not be confirmed??? The basis of Cabot sending ARMED GUARDS to residents' homes "could not be confirmed"???

2. Even if the supposed gun incident with a Dimock resident did happen, can Cabot still send ARMED GUARDS to residents' homes? Is that legal?

3. Who said Cabot is sending ARMED GUARDS to peoples homes because of a "gun incident"?

4. Was there actually a "gun incident" between a Dimock resident and Cabot last week? Then why wasn't it in the papers? I didn't hear about it! Did YOU? We have been bombarded with Marcellus Shale drilling information daily and hourly on all forms of local media: radio, newspapers, TV. I personally cannot believe there was a "gun incident" last week and I didn't hear it on any form of local media. Did this even happen?

5. Why is this "gun incident" being spread around the media without confirmation? Who said it? And its the basis for ARMED GUARDS and it's not "confirmed"?

6. Is this "gun incident" public information? Can we find out if this really happened?

7. Is Cabot putting out propaganda to the media to justify sending ARMED GUARDS to peoples' homes?

8. Where is the police report where a Dimock resident threatened Cabot with a gun and was charged? Or even the news article? I googled it and only found references to articles saying it happened last week with no specifics, like the article I just posted. Where's the original article of the "gun incident" right when it happened? Don't you think that would've been page 1 material?

9. This "gun incident" reference appeared in articles announcing that DEP is making Cabot build a $12 million dollar pipeline for Dimock residents due to contaminating their water. THAT is where this "gun incident" reference first appeared, and it's in all those articles...a week after the fact of when the "gun incident" supposedly occurred.

10. The DEP guy keeps saying, "put the guns away"...instead of questioning the validity of the "gun incident" to begin with?

Residents complain about armed guards assisting Cabot company water deliveries.

Here's a google search, you only find references to a "gun incident" that happened a week ago but not the original "gun incident", or that residents are displaying guns...but no specifics or specifics on anyone formally charged with threatening a Cabot employee(s) with a gun(s):

Google search: "dimock resident disorderly conduct gun"

Let's call it the "TENSIONS" gun story, because every single reference in any article, any news story on TV or radio, begins with the word "TENSIONS" like it was some kind of coordinated propaganda released by Cabot for the media. How can every reference to the mysterious unconfirmed "gun incident" begin with the word "TENSIONS" across all media, if it wasn't disseminated from one source?

Google "tensions gun dimock", like it was some kind of coordinated propaganda news release by Cabot, to portray Dimock residents as HICKS CLINGING TO THEIR GUNS (and religion?):

Google search: "tensions gun dimock"

Watch for "TENSIONS":


Rampant Israeli spying in the U.S. - U.S. government and mainstream media ignores it. You can find the news on the local level and it stops there, from being disseminated nationwide. You have two choices as to why the U.S. government and mainstream media is ignoring Israeli spying in the U.S. and involvement in 9/11: 1. they're in on it, or, 2. they're being blackmailed by the Israelis.

Utah residents fear ‘Israeli art students’ prying into NSA data center

Local Utah ABC affiliate: Door-to-door spies in Utah County?

Army Awards $1.2 Billion NSA Data Center Contract. The facility to be built in Utah will support the agency's Comprehensive National Security Initiative, aimed at bolstering cybersecurity across federal agencies.

The Israeli "art student" mystery

In September investigators said there were several reports of individuals going door to door in the neighbourhoods of Brooklin, Bowmanville and Peterborough posing as Israeli art students.

QUASHED FOX news 4 part series exposing Israeli "art student" spy ring around the time of 9/11, series stopped dead in its tracks from being widely broadcast in the mainstream media:

Jesse Richard explains how the U.S. mainstream media stops important news from being broadcast nationwide, ironically using the Israeli "art student" spy ring as an example:

Institute of Terrorism and Response a Mossad Israeli company was Hired by the State of Pennsylvania to Spy on Pennsylvanians.

Israeli Mossad involvmenet in 9/11

The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11, "our purpose was to document the event"

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Jane's Addiction

FOX news 4 part investigative series into Israeli spy rings in the U.S., scrubbed from their site, but available on youtube

Republicans Kill Anti-Outsourcing Bill

Iran sanctions = US hypocrisy?

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