
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Teachers Union Marches Proudly With "One Nation" Socialists

Great public schools for every student? Or is that great socialist indoctrination for every student at private taxpayer expense?

The nation's teachers union proudly helped organize Saturday's "One Nation" rally and then sent their president, Dennis Van Roekel, to the Lincoln Memorial to address their fellow demonstrators. From NEAtoday:
Soccer practice can wait. The leaves will be there next weekend for raking. Everything can be put on hold for a day to march on Washington on behalf of the new civil rights movement — jobs and education for all.

Tens of thousands are expected to converge on the National Mall Saturday for the One Nation Working Together march.

Photo courtesy of Marooned in Marin
The event is organized by a broad coalition of more than 170 civil rights, labor and education groups, including the National Education Association. Standing side-by-side, participants will conduct a major demonstration of grassroots support for equal opportunity and justice for all — tenets that include access to a secure job, a safe home and a quality education.
Yes, helping to litter the nation's capital and one of our nation's sacred memorials to America's war dead was none other than the NEA, the union representing public school, college, and university faculty, support personal, and staffers.

To see the identities of many of the other groups that organized the rally, check out teresamerica.

Cross-posted at Potluck.

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