
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ground Zero Church Celebrates Feast of St. Nicholas in a Tent Today

In a "tremendous irony," New York City permits the clergy and parishioners of a historic church "utterly obliterated" on 9/11 to hold services twice a year, in a little tent near Ground Zero, even as the building of a brand-new Ground Zero mosque is being supported by the president of the United States, the mayor of NYC, and a host of other New York officials.

Today, the Feast of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Patron Saint of the Church, is one of those days. (The other day is September 11, the day the church was crushed by the falling South Tower.)

An invitation from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America:
On this solemn day, parishioners of the St. Nicholas Church, will be joined by faithful from the many other parishes of the New York metropolitan area, not simply to observe the Feast Day of their Church, but to unite and intensify their prayers and supplications so that the church dedicated to St. Nicholas, the only house of worship destroyed on 9/11, be re-built at Ground Zero soon.

Everyone who shares the firm conviction that St. Nicholas Church, which stood at that site since 1916, must be rebuilt as a tribute to a nation that celebrates diversity and is united in prayer, is welcomed at this service. The Greek Orthodox faithful, the parishes, and the organizations and people of faith from across the region are encouraged to attend this historic and inspirational afternoon of prayer, and demonstrate their steadfast support to the efforts of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the St. Nicholas community to re-built the historic St. Nicholas church at Ground Zero.

This service will be held at the construction site near the corner of Liberty and Greenwich streets - Gate 7, an active construction site. Conditions will require thick sole shoes/boots and weather appropriate dress is advised. Members of the Media are advised to call in advance and arrive at 1:30 pm.
This Vespers Service begins at 2:00 p.m.
The following video shows the service of 2008:

As Father Arey of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese said, "I think it's very symbolic that this church be rebuilt . . . to show that the values that were attacked on 9/11 are not going to be overcome by this evil. The light does need to shine on in this darkness."


Listen to an interview with Father Arey here.

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