
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Is Stem Cell Transplant cure HIV?

On the heels of World AIDS Day comes a beauteous medical breakthrough: Doctors accept an HIV-positive man who underwent a axis corpuscle displace has been convalescent as a aftereffect of the procedure.Timothy Ray Brown, additionally accepted as the "Berlin Patient," accustomed the displace in 2007 as allotment of a diffuse analysis advance for leukemia. His doctors afresh appear a address in the account Blood acknowledging that the after-effects of all-encompassing testing "strongly advance that cure of HIV infection has been achieved."Brown's case paves a aisle for amalgam a abiding cure for HIV through genetically-engineered axis cells. 

Last week, Time called addition AIDS-related analysis to its account of the Top 10 Medical Breakthroughs of 2010. Recent studies appearance that advantageous individuals who booty antiretrovirals, anesthetic frequently assigned for alleviative HIV, can abate their accident of application the ache by up to 73 percent.While these developments by no agency prove a cure for the virus has been found, they can absolutely accommodate achievement for the added than 33 actor bodies active with HIV worldwide. 

Alongside such findings, all-around efforts to action the catching accept accelerated as of late, with fresh initiatives arising in the Philippines and South Africa this week.

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