
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Names to Remember: Senate Sponsors of the Dream Act

These elected officials obviously like illegal aliens better than U.S. citizens, and they prefer to give tax-supported benefits to children of illegal aliens than to children of U.S. citizens. Among the illegal aliens these senators prefer are Muslim illegal aliens, as evidenced by the strong support of this bill by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group that has been linked to Hamas.
  • (AR) Lincoln
  • (CA) Boxer
  • (CA) Feinstein
  • (CA) Honda
  • (CO) Bennet
  • (CO) Udall
  • (CT) Dodd
  • (CT) Lieberman
  • (DE) Carper
  • (DE) Kaufman
  • (FL) Nelson
  • (HI) Akaka
  • (HI) Inouye
  • (IL) Burris
  • (IL) Durbin
  • (IL) Jackson
  • (IN) Bayh
  • (IN) Lugar
  • (IA) Harkin
  • (MD) Cardin
  • (MD) Mikulski
  • (MA) Kennedy
  • (MA) Kerry
  • (MI) Levin
  • (MN) Franken
  • (MN) Klobuchar
  • (NV) Reid
  • (NJ) Lautenberg
  • (NJ) Menendez
  • (NM) Bingaman
  • (NY) Gillibrand
  • (NY) Schumer
  • (OR) Merkley
  • (PA) Specter
  • (RI) Reed
  • (RI) Whitehouse
  • (VT) Leahy
  • (VT) Sanders
  • (WA) Cantwell
  • (WA) Murray
  • (WI) Feingold
The Senate vote starts at 10:30 Eastern time this morning.

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