
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wikileaks news

Ambtsbericht van Roland Galharague van de Franse ambassade in Londen
When asked about the potential sale of Mistral
class ships to Russia, Galharague inquired as to why the United States Government seems to be singling out France for criticism on this issue.
"I recently spoke to my Dutch counterpart," he reported, "and
he said you have not approached him on this subject" despite
recent Dutch (and Spanish) efforts to make similar sales.

Website: http://

Speaker Komorowski and Nowak both pointed out that, by agreeing to host the MISSILE DEFENSE site, Poland had paid a "high price" -- especially in its relations with other EU members and with Russia. Komorowski expressed concern that Poland had again become a Russian target after a dozen years of improving relations -- senior Russian officials have threatened to target Poland with nuclear missiles, are stirring up
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anti-Polish sentiment among Russians, and are acting against Poland's interests in Ukraine.

Most important for Poland is U.S. involvement in Polish security, through physical presence of American forces in Poland, NATO facilities in Poland, fulfilling the commitment to provide Patriot missiles, and greater U.S.-Polish cooperation.

Saillant detail: Frankrijk is een wapenlevering van Mirages gevechtsvliegtuigen aan Polen misgelopen omdat Frankrijk volgens Komorowski bij een eventuele bedreiging aan Polen liever wil praten dan actie ondernemen. Polen heeft daarom Amerikaanse gevechtsvliegtuigen (F-16) gekocht."we still have our doubts," adding that some European members -- particularly France -- prefer talk to action, he wryly added "that's why we bought F-16s and not French Mirages, and why we went through with the Missile Defense deal."

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