
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Big Dan's Big News Oct 7, 2009

Trouble for the Republican-led anti-health-care-reform effort: Health Care Industry shill Betsy McCaughey is imploding!!!!!!!!!

Will they need a new TV shill now that she's becoming useless to them? Stay tuned!!!

Corporate Communism: Health Care Industry shill Betsy McCaughey gets smacked down on a REAL TV show (not FOX "news") where the moderator isn't just giving her a forum to spout lies unchallenged; she gets unnerved when the REAL moderator (not a FOX "moderator") keeps telling her she's not answering the questions posed to her. This is what happens when a corporate shill goes on a REAL TV program and is held accountable for what they're saying. As usual, when a corporate shill really gets questioned, they accuse the moderator of being unfair. Maybe she'll go on FOX "news" and cry about how she was treated:

Flashback: Betsy McCaughey's Ideas Called "Hyperbolic... Dangerous" By Jon Stewart (VIDEO)

Conflict of interest.......................

Flashback: CANTEL MEDICAL CORP. (NYSE: CMN) announced that on August 20, 2009 it received a letter of resignation from Ms. Elizabeth McCaughey as a director of the Company.

Making War in America: Who Decides?, Jeremy Scahill on ACORN, and The YES Men!

Peter Frampton rejoins late 60's early 70's band Humble Pie for a tribute to their late founder Steve Marriot at Astoria Memorial Concert 20th April 2001 with "4-Day Creep" - Frampton's lead cuts really CRANK on this one, turn it up!!! It just doesn't get much HEAVIER than this!!!

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