
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gold for ever

All over the World, Gold is considered the most precious metal and people whether rich or poor have great affinity towards it. Money can be invested on gold for its added value both in present and future.

In those times, gold coins are used for trade by mere weight and the roughly cut lump portion of the gold are melted and brought to the required formation or may be drawn in to wire. Romans had the practice of providing gold coin as a way of salary to their soldiers. The Greek Empire introduced the practice of gold coins being stamped with head of King rather than Lions, Bulls and Rams. It is well evident these days that Romans produced Gold Coins leading to stock surpassing all times even modern trend enabled to do so at later stage only. Only British Museums keeping these Roman Gold Coins.

Lot of gold were converted as Dinar Gold Coins by the Islamic Empire Rulers along the cost of North Africa. The new Gold mines in Hungary producing more gold and quick rush of making gold coin throughout Europe as emerged. Thus the proof was clear how worth the gold coins are and then England came forward to bring a gold standard. These gold coins were distributed until the World War-I ensue.

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