
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Big Dan's Big News July 31, 2010

Here's what you'll get, if you elect Republican Tom Corbett governor of Pennsylvania: ex-Republican Pa. governor and former Homeland Security Advisor Tom Ridge is now spokesman for the Reckless Drillers!

Ex-Pennsylvania Republican governor becomes spokesman for the Reckless Drillers for $75,000 per month (that's $840,000/year)

"After leaving his position at Homeland Security, Tom Ridge acknowledged that the post 9/11 terror alerts were often based on "flimsy evidence" and that he had been pressured by the CIA to raise the threat level"

Tom Ridge and the FAKE terror alerts.

Billionaire brothers/Republican donors charged with fraud by SEC:

The SEC has charged billionaire Texas investors Charles and Sam Wyly with securities fraud that netted them $550 million in illicit profits through insider trading. The two brothers are among the most important donors to Republican conservative causes, and first came to public attention with their funding of the Swift Boat ads that upended John Kerry's campaign for the presidency before it even began.

SEC charges billionaire Texas brothers who donate to GOP with fraud

Karl Rove’s American Crossroads GPS Must Come Clean About Wyly Brothers

Rep. Weiner Talks About the GOP Blocking the 9/11 First Responder Health Care Bill

Racist Tea Party Leader Calls NAACP Racist

First person: An undocumented migrant student in the US

Dozens of Immigrant Rights Activists Arrested in Arizona

Anti-racist ADL ‘joins bigots’ in opposing Ground Zero mosque

Church Will Burn Koran On 9/11

Gulf media blackout: BP turns off live video feed for three days: Wellhead is leaking

If BP emerges from this debacle fatter and happier than anyone imagined a few months ago, whatever happened to the idea of corporate accountability? Does this mean any giant corporation can wreak havoc and then get back to business as usual?

Michigan Oil Spill Damages Wildlife, Forces Residents To Evacuate

Schwarzenegger, Murdoch Give Keynote Speeches At The Bohemian Grove. Media mogul lectures on “the future of news”

Noam Chomsky: How the "news" (the corporate owned mainstream media we're supposed to think is "liberal") manufactures consent for the wealthy, corporations, and the military industrial complex. The job of the "news" is to prepare us for what they want and what they are going to do:

Market Rigging - Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser-Max Keiser speaking to Jim Willie-07-30-2010

BD: I thought the CIA wasn't supposed to operate in the United States!!! Does anyone care about this shit anymore??? Tea Partiers? Anyone?

Google Teams Up with CIA to Fund "Recorded Future" Startup Monitoring Websites, Blogs & Twitter Accounts

Wikileaks: the Pakistan connection; CIA AND ISI NURTURED MUJAHIDEEN AND TALIBAN

The late Terry Kath & Chicago, anti-Vietnam War song "It Better End Soon"

(in the 2nd video, watch for the Terry Kath ad lib rant @ 2:40 which was different all the time)

Can't stand it no more,The people dying, Crying for help for so many years, But nobody hears,Better end soon my friend, It better end soon my friend, Can't take it no more, The people hating, Hurting their brothers, They don't understand, They can't understand, Better end soon my friend, It better end soon

Hey, everybody, Won't you just look around, Can't anybody see? Just what's going down, Can't you take the time? Just to feel, Just to feel what is real, If you do, Then you'll see that we got a raw deal, They're killing everybody, I wish it weren't true, They say we got to make war, Or the economy will fall, But if we don't stop, We won't be around no more, They're ruining this world, For you and me

The big heads of state, Won't let us be free, They made the rules once, But it didn't work out, Now we must try again, Before they kill us off, No more dying! No more killing, No more dying, No more fighting, We don't want to die, No, we don't want to die, Please let's change it all, Please let's make it all

Good for the present, And better for the future, Let's just love one another, Let's show peace for each other, We can make it happen, Let's just make it happen, We can change this world

Please let's change this world, Please let's make it happen for our children
For our women, Change the world, Please make it happen, Come on, Come on, Please, Come on, It's up to me, It's up to you, So let's do it now, Yeah, Do it now

Can't stand it no more, The people cheating, Burning each other, They know it ain't right, How can it be right, Better end soon my friend, It better end soon my friend

Uptown-Chicago-Terry Kath's last Tour-Rockpalast

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ultrasound imaging of nuchal thickness ( nuchal translucency thickness): 11 to 13 weeks fetal scan

Ultrasound imaging of the fetus in the period from 11 weeks to 13 weeks 6 days gestational age is important to study fetal nuchal translucency or nuchal thickness. Nuchal translucency is the hypoechoic area in the subcutaneous region in the posterior aspect of the fetal neck. This hypoechoic area represents fluid collection in the nuchal region. The normal amount of fetal nuchal thickness can be upto 2 mm. (at 11 weeks). The normal nuchal translucency thickness can increase to about 2.8 mm. by 13 weeks 6 days. The above ultrasound image shows a sagittal section of the fetal neck with nuchal tranlucency or nuchal thickness of     1.8 mm. in a 11 week old fetus.  This was a normal study. Note the separate band posterior to the neck- the amnion, a membrane present around the fetus. The amnion must be separately identified from the nuchal skin to prevent wrong measurement of the nuchal thickness.

A zoomed view of the nuchal thickness in the same fetus. Note the close proximity of the amniotic membrane.

The normal nasal bone is also visualized in this ultrasound study (see image above). All above images are courtesy of Dr. Prasenjeet Singh, India.
This site gives more information on this topic:

Big Dan's Big News July 21, 2010

Republicans block health care aid bill for 9/11 responders who are getting sick because they were told the air quality at Ground Zero was OK on 9/11; Rep Weiner goes ballistic:

House Republicans late Thursday were able to corral enough votes to defeat a bill that would have provided up to $7.4 billion in aid to those sickened by toxins resulting from the 9/11 attacks.

2003: Bush administration EPA Misled Public on 9/11 Pollution. White House ordered false assurances on air quality, report says

The Republicans voted AGAINST the unemployment extension, then voted FOR adding $59 BILLION to the debt with the war funding bill, then voted AGAINST health care aid for 9/11 responders!!! And they are FOR extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. They don't give a SHIT about anything except rich people!!!

Dem Alan Grayson: One day, a Republican operative offers $100 to anyone who'll punch me in the nose. The next day, I get a death threat.

The American people are hurting. As a result of the greed, recklessness and illegal behavior on Wall Street, millions of Americans have lost their jobs, homes, life savings and their ability to get a higher education. Today, some 22 percent of our children live in poverty, and millions more have become dependent on food stamps for their food.

G.O.P. - A very FRIGHTNING party.

The Republican "Trickle Down" theory:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Ownership Society

Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

BP's Next Disaster: The oil giant plans to start drilling in the Arctic this fall — and the Obama administration is doing nothing to stop it

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Oil Is Missing

Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

“The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money and more power.

They claim to be superpatriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjugation”

VP Henry Wallace

Reuel Marc Gerecht’s screed justifying an Israeli bombing attack on Iran coincides with the opening the new Israel lobby campaign marked by the introduction of House resolution 1553 expressing full support for such an Israeli attack.

Photos of Iran before we bomb them for Israel, the Israeli-occupied U.S. government, Israeli-occupied U.S. mainstream media, the military industrial complex, corporations, and the wealthy war profiteers:

Friday Flashback: U.S. Constitution and Alexander Hamilton vs. Eric Holder and Susan Bolton

Friday Flashback: Because it's so easy to forget.

The named defendants in the Arizona immigration law case being heard by Judge Susan R. Bolton are "State of Arizona; and Janice K. Brewer, Governor of the State of Arizona, in her Official Capacity." But Publius Huldah over at Canada Free Press remembers this little nugget from the U.S. Constitution, namely, Article III, Sec. 2, clause 2 [emphasis added]:
In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction…

“Original” jurisdiction means the power to conduct the “trial” of the case (as opposed to hearing an appeal from the judgment of a lower court). You all know quite well what a “trial” is - you see them all the time on TV shows: Perry Mason, Boston Legal, The Good Wife, etc. Witnesses testify and are cross-examined, etc.
In other words, according to Publius Huldah:
Judge Susan R. Bolton has no more authority to preside over this case than do you (unless you are a US Supreme Court justice).
Publius backs up her statement with Alexander Hamilton's comment in Federalist No. 81 (13th para) "on this exact provision of Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 2":
...Let us now examine in what manner the judicial authority is to be distributed between the supreme and the inferior courts of the Union. The Supreme Court is to be invested with original jurisdiction, only “in cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, and those in which A STATE shall be a party.” Public ministers of every class are the immediate representatives of their sovereigns. All questions in which they are concerned are so directly connected with the public peace, that, as well for the preservation of this, as out of respect to the sovereignties they represent, it is both expedient and proper that such questions should be submitted in the first instance to the highest judicatory of the nation. Though consuls have not in strictness a diplomatic character, yet as they are the public agents of the nations to which they belong, the same observation is in a great measure applicable to them. In cases in which a State might happen to be a party, it would ill suit its dignity to be turned over to an inferior tribunal….[boldface added, caps in original]

Yet Attorney General Eric Holder filed the case in a court which is specifically stripped of jurisdiction to hear it!
Read the rest.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Release WordPress 3.0.1

Sejak pertama kali WordPress 3.0.0 di rilis, sampai hari ini wordpress versi 3.0.0 sudah di dongdot lebih dari 11 Juta kali. Angka yang sangat super hebat, kalo saja team wordpress memilih untuk memasang tarif dongdot, bisa tambah kaya raya tuh.. wkwkwk.. misalnya saja, 1 kali dongdot bayar Rp. 1000 , wew.. 1 Miliyar mas bro.. hahaha.. ya sutralah, just kidding kok..

Hmm.. belom lama wordpress versi 3.0.0 di rilis, kini wordpress 3.0.1 telah bisa kita dapatkan di website resmi wordpress, Team wordpress memang kerja sangat cepat, dimana ada laporan bugs2, maka mereka segera memperbaikinya, mantap dah.. but wordpress editanku lebih mantap lo.. ckckck..

Yang jelas di versi terbaru ini, pasti berbeda dari versi sebelumnya. Silahkan baca di untuk lebih lengkapnya. Dan silahkan upgrade versi wordpress anda demi kenyamanan. tapi kalo saya, memilih untuk pake 3.0.0 aja, karena sudah mengalami perubahan system yang saya bikin sendiri, kalo ada wordpress 4.0.0 baru deh saya upgrade.. ckckck…

Bagi yang mau upgrade, bisa langsung di halaman dashboard admin, atau kalo mau dongdot dulu, silahkan di Nikmatin vitur baru yang ditawarkan pada versi terbaru ini.

The glomus body and its tumors:

The glomus body is a unique receptor or rather a thermal sensor found mainly in the dermis of the skin. This is a strange kind of tissue, microscopic in size but with a very important function, somewhat akin to the sensors found inside the room air conditioner. It acts as a sensor detecting changes in temperature of the environment and passes this information up the nervous system resulting in shunting of blood away from the skin by vasoconstriction (shrinking the diameter of the capillaries in the skin) when the surroundings turn cool. This simple mechanism prevents loss of heat during the winter and cool weather. The opposite happens during warm weather. Perhaps we don't realize the importance of these tiny nodes in the skin until it malfunctions. Perhaps the most common pathology of this node is in the distal part of the fingers- the subungual region (the part between the finger nail and the underlying phalanx or bone). This condition is the glomus tumor, a very vascular growth, some call it a hamartoma of the glomus body.
See- , where I discuss this pathology in detail with color Doppler and ultrasound imaging of this rather poorly understood and still relatively unexplored pathology. 

 The grey scale B-mode ultrasound image above shows a typical glomus tumor, seen as a hypoechoic, soft tissue mass beneath the fingernail.
The color Doppler image above shows the vascular nature of the subungual glomus tumor in the 2nd finger.Note the erosion of the underlying bone. Both above images are courtesy of Shlomo Gobi, Israel.

Big Dan's Big News July 29, 2010 - Well Done, Lord Vader

Well done, Lord Vader

"After June 30, 2011, nearly 46,000 Pennsylvanians will no longer have health insurance under adultBasic...(well done, Lord Vader)...As of December 2009, Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania's surplus was $251 million, a reduction of more than $200 million since 2007, Matrisciano said. The overall surplus for Blues plans in Pennsylvania totaled $5.7 billion at the end of 2009, he said."

Cuts at insurer draw protests in Wilkes-Barre

"People who can't afford health insurance should die." - Darth Vader

3rd world country middle class extermination: 22 Statistics That Prove The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America

Forbes: Tea partiers confused, taxes ‘lower by every measure’ under Obama

As I said before, polls show the Tea Party "patriots" are: well off, white, are OK with entitlements of social security/medicare/medicaid, and almost all of their taxes were cut. This is why I think there's a racist element in the Tea Party. Why is a group that had their taxes cut...protesting taxes??? They're also protesting Mexicans and Muslims and are upset because there's a black president...THAT'S WHY!!!

Constitution: Freedom of religion...except Islam. FUCK THE CONSTITUTION!!!

Tea partiers to ‘harass’ Muslims with dogs at anti-mosque protest

'Anti-Islamic' bus ads appear in major cities - A group called 'Stop Islamization of America' is promoting ads on major city public transportation that urge people to leave the Muslim faith. The anti-Islamic campaign is sparking thought about the religion's place in American society.

This video was produced by the U.S. Government to explain their decision to forcibly intern thousands of American citizens of Japanese descent. It's an amazing/horrific display of U.S. Government propaganda.

Star Trek's George Takei remembers the WWII concentration camps in the U.S. for Japanese Americans:

We've come a long way baby...GET THEM MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!!!!

What a Year of Race-Baiting It's Been for Beck

New Oil Spill: Video of Michigan disaster as Kalamazoo River runs black

Corbett Report:

'largest intel leak in history': wikileaks drops 'afghan war diaries'


Leaky Vessels: Wikileaks "Revelations" Will Comfort Warmongers, Confirm Conventional Wisdom

Wikileaks Plays the Sucker With Afghanistan War Logs: Pakistan, Iran, and Free Speech in the Crosshairs



Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Latest News Ajith in Billa 2

Ajith association with Vishnuvardhan is well known especially their hit combo Billa. Vishnuvardhan is ready with a new script and with that Ajith will be seen in Billa2.This is should be one of the happiest news for Ajith fans since the role of a don is most suited for Ajith. Billa stood as new dimension in the Tamil industry especially with the stylish looks and trendy clothes.

Billa sequel was always on the cards especially after the tremndous response that we got for Billa. The shooting of Bill2 should starts by 2011 January. Right now Ajith is busy for his 50th film with Venkat Prabhu and the name of the movie is Mangatha. This movie will see Ajith and Naga Arjun in important roles. Ajith will come back with a bang and make a big impact with his forth coming movies. These are off course my predictions but we will wait and see what will be the real scenario.

Download Mp3 SuLe – Suami Sieun Istri (Susis)

Ada yang suka lagunya abang Sule? yang SUSIS itu lo, wah mantap tu lagu, ada sedikit bumbu musik reggae disono.. ckckc.. aransemennya mantap gila… apalagi lirik laguna, bagian reffrennya, ajib, muantap euy,, bahasa ingrissnya lucu banget, hahaha..

sule - susis

Dari pertama kali muncul tu lagu, ane cari2 di internet, googling, kagak nemu2 dah, asem bener, gak tau kenapa, kurang teliti aja mungkin yak.. terus pas itu ane ke warnet, eh kok OP nya muter ni mp3, nah, minta aja deh langsung, hahaha.. gak niat nyari malah dapet.. ckckck..

ya udah.. bagi yang belom punya, atau lagi sibuk nyari ni lagu, ane udah upload kok, tinggal dongdot aja, bagi yang mau aja lo, kalo gak mau ya udah, pergi ke laut aja deh lu.. ckckck..

Silahkan di dongdot di SINI

Sipdah, dongdot trus puter deh mp3nya.. mantap dah pokoknya.. Ya udah deh, thanks dah berkunjung yak.. sering2 mampir dimari yak..

Big Dan's Big News July 28, 2010

BRADASS87, a 22 year old military analyst, records classified Afghan war documents onto a Lady Gaga CD.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Best Leak Ever
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

WikiLeak's Julian Assange: Information Activist - he wouldn't be needed, if the controlled mainstream media we're supposed to think is "liberal" was doing their job. The Wikileaks Afghanistan War leak describes the war differently than the mainstream media has been telling us (of course). Documents are being leaked to Wikileaks, because the controlled/bought out/OWNED mainstream media can't be trusted. The MSM airs the views of the wealthy, corporations, and the military...and not US or civilians, which are most of the people in the world. It's job was supposed to be reporting on abuses of those 3 entities, and now it is on their side and speaks for them - it's been bought out and corrupted from its original intention. It is now a propaganda arm for them. The MSM allows their corruption to go on without our knowledge. It's the top of the pyramid, the umbrella under which all corruption by those 3 entities can occur. Purposely inaccurate or non-reporting on such things as 9/11, electronic voting machines, and the wars. The Big Three ordered the MSM to misinform or flat out not report on those things. It's not "liberal", as Rush Limbaugh keeps telling you. In fact? An easy way to out anyone who is a liason to the wealthy, corporations, and the military - speaking on behalf and for them - is if they call the mainstream media "liberal". Further proof, is that NO LIBERALS think the MSM is liberal.

WikiLeaks founder sees himself as 'information activist' - Australian-born Julian Assange started out as a computer hacker

Why were the Afghanistan documents leaked to Wikileaks instead of to the mainstream media? Because the mainstream media cannot be trusted:

And why can't the mainstream media be trusted? Watch this:

Here's your "liberal media" for you:

...if black is white...up is down...left is right...good is bad...war is peace...

Blast from the Past: remember these stories??? They show mostly how one of the "big three", the Pentagon, control the mainstream media (the Pentagon, the wealthy, and corporations control the non-independent media) -

Daniel Ellsberg fears a US hit on Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

The relationship between the media and the military:

Pentagon Pundits

Pentagon Pundits in the "news" without your knowledge.

Body of Lies: The CIA's involvement with US film-making

Weapons of Mass Deception: how the mainstream media was in bed (EMBED) with the Pentagon as cheerleaders for war...and this is relevant right now, too, with Iran and Pakistan next:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tips to retain good health

Everyday life in the city requires that extra energy to put up with day to day health problems. Due to long journey and heavy work, we are affected with stress and pain in the body. The individuals who strain their body to attend their work or some interesting activities also develop these problems. If you happen to be an athletic performer the chances are more to develop physical problems.

The problems are mainly starting with pain, swelling, discomfort difficulty to move that particular part of the body etc. Then there are the chances of developing tendonitis, arthritis etc. due to over use of that part. All these conditions require careful study of the individuals and his life style activities and symptoms you report. The treatment should be comprehensive with immediate relief to complete cure restoring the normal function. All these require a special care from an expert in treating such patients and you can confidently get an appointment with spine and sports great New York City chiropractors who are available all the 12 hours from 7 am to 7 pm. Instant appointment is also given for urgent patients. In the year 1993, Spine and Sports Medicine was started in New York to give treatment to the persons suffering from severe, persistent acute pain. Their teams of doctors are specially trained in the field and they provide necessary help to the patients with advanced technologies. To treat the acute and chronic pain, the Doctors use the latest medical technologies such as trigger point injections, massage therapy, chiropractic, pharmacological etc.

Big Dan's Big News July 27, 2010

PROOF that Pennsylvania should tax the Reckless Drillers @ 55% like the CASINOS and their threats of leaving if they're taxed are just a bluff to get out of paying ANY taxes: read the article below - casinos in Pennsylvania are flourishing at a 55% tax rate and Pennsylvania is also making money. The Reckless Drillers are NOT going to leave...even if we tax them @ 55% like the casinos. And the Reckless Drillers are like a casino, anyway - you never know which well is going to blow up, how many workers will die each time, how many people will die because of polluted water, or which lake or stream they're going to pollute. Kind of like playing Russian roulette.

"Pennsylvania topped the nation with about $1.1 billion in tax revenue from casinos in the 2009 fiscal year. The take outpaced even Nevada, where the glitz and sparkling lights of gambler-paradise Las Vegas help translate to about $832 million in tax revenue.......With nine casinos operating, Pennsylvania cannot equal the sheer power of Las Vegas' 260 casinos. But the state gains an edge in revenue streams because of a 55 percent tax rate on slots......."

Pa. tops U.S. in CASINO gambling tax revenue

Julian Assange/Wikileaks

A reading list to help understand Wikileaks’ ‘War Logs’

Afghanistan war logs: How US marines sanitised record of bloodbath - War logs show how marines gave cleaned up accounts of incident in which they killed 19 civilians

Julian Assange (Wikileaks) - I Enjoy Exposing People Who Abuse The Power & The Innocent! Julian Assange WikiLeaks

Exclusive: Eager for new ‘Curveball,’ CIA may have been duped by Iranian double agent

Judge Rules CIA Can Withhold Info about Illegal Methods

Why I Fight by Cindy Sheehan

Instead of me posting individual reports from Democracy NOW!, just watch the ENTIRE DN! for today - it's all about Julian Assange & Wikileaks:

9/11: All In One Chunk

The Tea Party is a non-partisan, grassroots's just that it's all: Republicans, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Mike Savage, Andrew Breitbart, Dick Armey, Karl Rove, FOX "news", Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck.........and it's about regular people paying too much taxes...except that according to polls, all their taxes were cut because almost all of them are well off but make under $250,000.00! And there's no liberals or blacks in it. And the ONLY people telling us it's a non-partisan, grassroots uprising ARE THOSE VERY SAME PEOPLE I MENTIONED ABOVE! Sure! It's not about Republicans who are pissed that they aren't in power anymore! It's just that they're all white Republicans. And pigs with lipstick fly...

Matt Taibbi: "It’s just not necessary to say whether or not these people are racists. All that needs to be pointed out is that when they get a chance to gape at a video purporting to show a black Obama official confessing to having mistreated a white farmer (it turned out to be the opposite of that, of course), or a tape of Black Panther King Shamir talking about “killing cracker babies,” the word that best describes the emotions they display at these times is glee."

Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi: The Tea Party is Perverted and Irrelevant

Florida GOP U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio: End Tax Benefits For The Middle Class While Extending Them For The Rich

Rinse, repeat: Right-wing media just can't stop pushing fake stories

Andrew Breitbart's Next Target? - Oliver Stone

Fox News' long history of race-baiting

Pink Floyd comments on gloryholes: "All in all, it's just another prick in the wall".

Monday, July 26, 2010

Big Dan's Big News July 26, 2010

Julian Assange & Wikileaks

Once again, the controlled mainstream media we're supposed to think is "liberal" ends up reporting on the people doing the REAL reporting that THEY should be doing...just like when that Rolling Stone reporter broke the McChrystal story! I provide proof almost daily that the corporate owned mainstream media is not liberal and serves the interests of the wealthy, corporations, and the military industrial complex.

Julian Assange from Wikileaks does it again. The CIA must be looking for him. Wikileaks gets 91,000 classified documents on the "wars".

Rampant corruption by the military industrial complex war profiteers who are stealing $2.5 BILLION of our tax dollars a week on the "wars" being exposed by Wikileaks/Julian Assange. Don't expect the corporate owned mainstream media we're supposed to believe is "liberal" to expose it. They are IN ON IT. The same corporations that OWN the "news", also OWN the war profiteer companies., the online organization that posted tens of thousands of classified military field reports about the Afghan war on Sunday, says its goal in disclosing secret documents is to reveal “unethical behavior” by governments and corporations.

Afghanistan war logs: Massive leak of secret files exposes truth of occupation

• Hundreds of civilians killed by coalition troops
• Covert unit hunts leaders for 'kill or capture'
• Steep rise in Taliban bomb attacks on Nato

The war logs reveal civilian killings by coalition forces, secret efforts to eliminate Taliban and al-Qaida leaders, and discuss the involvement of Iran and Pakistan in supporting insurgents.

The full investigation: The Afghanistan War Logs


WikiLeaks says evidence of war crimes in documents

Nearly 92,000 Classified Documents Leaked, Expose Truth of Afghan War

Wiki 'Leaks' New Pentagon Papers, Reveals CIA Plans to Destroy Wikileaks

Der Spiegel: Explosive Leaks Provide Image of War from Those Fighting It

Glenn Greenwald - The WikiLeaks Afghanistan leak

The New Yorker - Among the ninety-one thousand or so documents from the Afghan war released by WikiLeaks Sunday is an incident report dated November 22, 2009, submitted by a unit called Task Force Pegasus

The Afghanistan War Logs Released by Wikileaks, the World's First Stateless News Organization

Pakistan Spy Service Aids Insurgents, Reports Assert

Democracy NOW! - It’s one of the biggest leaks in US military history. More than 90,000 internal records of US military actions in Afghanistan over the past six years have been published by the whistleblower website WikiLeaks. The documents provide a devastating portrait of the war in Afghanistan, revealing how coalition forces have killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents, how a secret black ops special forces unit hunts down targets for assassination or detention without trial, how Taliban attacks have soared, and how Pakistan is fueling the insurgency. We host a roundtable discussion with independent British journalist Stephen Grey; Pentagon Papers whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg; former State Department official in Afghanistan, Matthew Hoh; independent journalist Rick Rowley; and investigative historian Gareth Porter.

The New Pentagon Papers: WikiLeaks Releases 90,000+ Secret Military Documents Painting Devastating Picture of Afghanistan War

Afghan Bombshell: WikiLeaks 'War Diary' exposes US cover-up; American public gets to see what's REALLY going on in the Afghanistan "war"; the REAL news is by Wikileaks, NOT by the controlled ANBCBSNNX we're supposed to think is "liberal", but is really controlled in part by the military industrial complex. If you doubt me...THEN WHY ISN'T THIS ON ANBCBSNNX??? WHY DID JULIAN ASSANGE HAVE TO TELL US???

Julian Assange: Why the world needs Wikileaks (bd: because the mainstream media is OWNED and corrupted by the wealthy, corporations, and the military industrial complex):

Julian Assange/Wikileaks remind everyone of Mike Gravel of the Pentagon Papers:

Chris Floyd: The Lies That Bind: American Myth Obscures Murderous Enterprise

Study: Fallujah’s health fallout ‘worse’ than Hiroshima, Nagasaki

The consequences of a US war crime: Cancer rate in Fallujah worse than Hiroshima

How did it happen that our rights and liberties were so easy taken from us from our OWN government because of "the terrorists"??? (that they made up...)

FAKE Osama Bin Laden tapes (from the Pentagon???)

Connect all the dots back to the “New Pearl Harbor”

...and here's how they're keeping 9/11 truth quiet: 9/11 TRUTHERS LOCKED UP FOR LIFE UNDER NEW US LAW

WTC-7 was a 47 story building a block from the Twin Towers, and was NOT hit by a plane but fell like this on 9/11 (it was obviously controlled demolition):

Here's what ALL EXPERTS say about the "official" 9/11 story pushed ONLY by the media and politicians: that you see that the REAL news is by activists like Julian Assange and NOT by the "mainstream media" that fascists like Rush Limbaugh want you to think is "liberal", can you see why everyone's after Julian Assange? Because he's telling the truth!!! The CIA is after him, because they don't want the REAL news out, they want you to watch ANBCBSNNX!

The SAME Republicans who are against Americans' unemployment & health care rush out a resolution for their REAL constituents: ISRAEL!!!

Resolution Green-Lighting Israeli Strikes on Iran Introduced by House Republicans

The U.S. House of Representatives of Israel Puppet Dance

Zionist Pipes: To Get Obama To Act, Netanyahu Should Threaten To Nuke Iran

I agree with the sentiments here: we need to prosecute U.S. senators & congressmen (& presidents) who blindly support Israel Zionists against U.S. interests, watch the whole thing below. You idiots that are always saying to "take back our country"...I AGREE with you: let's take our country back from ISRAEL!!!

Democrats, too, are beholden to Israel and not to U.S. citizens:

K-K-Karl Rove leads another FAKE "grassroots" activist group really financed by 4 billionaires.

Another GOP-fronted "grassroots" activist group like the GOP-led Tea Party Express - the astroturf "activist group" American Crossroads. Virtually all of the $4.7 million raised by Karl Rove's new conservative outfit was contributed by just four billionaires, three of whom are based in Dallas, Texas, and two of whom made their fortune in the oil and gas industry.

Sherrod Hoax Exposed, but Breitbart's ACORN Fraud Lives On

George Galloway on BP: the effects of the oil on wildlife they're trying to keep from us -

Researchers Confirm Subsea Gulf Oil Plumes Are From BP Well

BP NUCLEAR OPTION Spells Mega-Disaster For Gulf Of Mexico


Whistleblowers vs. Regulators, Advertising Fail


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